King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

Chapter 54

Chapter 54

54 Pastries & Flirting


We had left Antonino’s place and were heading back, my mind was still reeling with everything that had happened i had straight away told Matteo what happened, he had said he would deal with it and to leave it to him. I knew they had been friends as he had protected Antonino’s identity.

We were now a few hours drive from Verona and the weather was scorching hot although it wasn’t even midday yet and I could tell even in the air-conditioned car that Kiara was going to f*****g feel it when we stepped out.

She had asked if we could stop an hour ago before she had fallen asleep, the driver had said he knew of a good place where we could stop on our way back

I glanced over at her, what with the fact we had been out and about since yesterday, I could see she was f*****g exhausted. Her eyes were shut, her b*****s rose and fell with every deep breath she took as she caught up on some sleep

F**k did she look good in that s**y outfit of hers, although I knew she’d look far f*****g better naked. Or even better, wrapping those t**s around my d**k so I could f**k them until i came over that gorgeous face of hers “Where would you like me to stop, sir?”

I pushed the thoughts away, trying not to get hard right here

“You can stop here” I told the driver in Italian

We had just gotten into the middle of a town, not far from Antonino’s place Looking out, I spotted a bakery, remembering the promise I made to her yesterday

Despite the weather, the place was packed. Even though I had my aura reined in, people could still sense it

“Ah, of course sir, will you be ok from here?” The driver asked in Italian.

“Yeah, we will. We won’t be long,” I replied, unsure if I had said that correctly

Kiara smirked and I knew it was because my Italian wasn’t the f*****g best, what was she expecting? Raf was the only one from us who spoke fluently, and I think Rayhan could. Fuckers

‘You sound s**y speaking in Italian ‘Yeah, we both know I f*****g don’t.’ ‘You do when you call me Amore Mio.’ She responded teasingly. ‘You’re mocking me,’I gave her a cold glare, I’ll be punishing you later.’

‘Can’t wait.’ Came her seductive reply.

Kiata thanked him for the ride, telling him to take a break and go for a stretch, before I opened the door and stepped out into the open. Holding the door for her, she got out gracefully, adjusting her top over her b*****s, making my attention fall to then

F**k was she hotter than fire, the urge to take her down a deserted street and bury my d**k between her b*****s sounded like a good f*****g idea.

We were in a cobbled town centre, with a variety of shops and s**t all around. There was a fountain in the centre and as much as I wanted to just go to the bakery and leave, seeing Kiara’s eyes widen as she looked around with curiosity made me f*****g hesitate.

We have been in Italy twice since we’ve been together, but this wasn’t a place we had come to, and by the looks of it her eyes had fallen on that small bakery.

“Want to stop over to grab something to eat?” I asked.

“Can we?” She asked, her eyes sparkling.

“Guess so.”

“Great! Raven texted and she said I needed to try this certain pastry, which apparently, I loved on our last visit…” She trailed off and looked up at me with a wave of sadness filling her eyes,

“Maritozzi or some s**t like that, its sweetened bread with cream inside of it.” I replied, remember how things had gotten a little messy with those, in a f*****g good way. “Yeah, those are the ones Raven mentioned.” She smiled, grabbing my hand as she hurried towards the bakery.

Seems like Liam had got them two talking again, I was glad, not wanting her to feel any further doubt, especially with the fact that the Djinn still had some level of hold over her.

I pushed the door to the bakery open. The smell of dozens of freshly baked treats was actually f*****g appealing

But the place was too f*****g packed, although Kiara didn’t seem to f*****g mind. We walked over to the counter, waiting until the few people ahead of us were served. A built, tattooed man wearing an apron was behind the counter, a big f*****g grin on his face Not sure what he was finding f*****g joy in. 1

Kiara scanned the display of treats, and I felt my heart squeeze remembering how she loved to bake

“You loved to bake.” I remarked, placing my hand on her a*s.

“I did?»

“Yeah.” I cupped her neck with my free hand, pulling her close and kissing her passionately as I squeezed her a*s.

“What did you like the most? From what I baked I mean?” She asked me when we broke apart, her cheeks coated a pretty shade of pink as she tried to ignore the stares we were getting.

“Your brownies.” I said, when we finally got to the counter where the f****r who now was reminding me of someone else flashed Kiara a smile.

“Hey Bellissima, what pleasure can I offer you today?” The f****r said, with a suggestive wink that made Kiara blush. Why the f**k was he speaking Italian when he was obviously f*****g American. + D******d.

” How about you stop f*****g flirting, and -”

“Could we get some Maritozzi? And what else would you recommend?” Kiara cut in quickly, placing a hand on my arm.

“With your face and that accent, I can get you anything you want… Although maybe something a little less sweet, you look sweet enough, gorgeous.”

Ok this f****r was getting on my last d**n nerve. Why the f**k did I even come into this f*****g place?

“Thanks… but I’m not that sweet, so l’ll take some Maritozzi… You have beautiful eyes.” Did she actually just f*****g compliment this f****r?

What the f**k was amazing about his eyes, blue, I hated that shade of blue.

“Thank you, beautiful.” Stop smiling. “Yes they’re real, no they’re not contacts, and absolutely I can step around this counter so you can get a closer look.” The f****r remarked with a wink

Does he want me to gouge his precious blue eyes out?

“Wouldn’t mind getting a better view of your ink anyway…” He added, making Kiara blush lightly.

“No, it’s ok! They’re startling, I can see them from here… What would you like?” Kiara replied quickly, before turning to me and giving me a warm smile, she sure f*****g knew I was ready to lose my s**t.

I grabbed her elbow, pulling her against my chest, I did not need this f****r eyeing her t**s.

“Do you have croissants?” I growled, glaring coldly at the f****r behind the counter, he was pissing me off with his irritating flirty attitude.

His smile vanished and he nervously scratched the back of his neck.

“I umm… The last batch I was in charge of wasn’t great, kind of got distracted, the boss man won’t let me near them again, but I’ll see if he’s got any fresh ones out back for you, my man.”

He smiled as if he couldn’t sense my f*****g displeasure.


“Yeah, distracted f*****g flirting with every woman that passes through. Maybe if you focused on your d**n job this s**t wouldn’t happen. And do not call me your man.” I growled.

“Alejandro… be nice. We’ll just take the Maritozzi and some Cannoli, please. He doesn’t need croissants.” Kiara added quickly.

It was obvious she was trying to be quick, well good, because I was getting sick of looking at fuckers who smile for no d**n reason.

‘You’re so grumpy, my love.’ She giggled through the bond.

‘Yeah, well I don’t like people hitting on my woman.’

‘He was only being nice.’

Nice, my f*****g foot. I knew a player when I saw one,

The f****r in question packed the d**n pastries, holding them out to Kiara.

“Here you go, call it six euros? A smile like yours adding so much beauty to this place definitely deserves a discount.” He winks so much it’s like he has a tick.

“Thank you so much. It was nice meeting you…” Kiara smiled.

“Kage. And the pleasure was all mine…” 1


“Ok, if you’re both f*****g done let’s get out of here.” I growled, placing a twenty note on the counter, I did not need his d**n discount.

I pulled Kiara closer, as she turned and mouthed a thank you, I kept my hand firmly around her waist and led her out of there.


Stepping out into the open, Kiara pulled away.

“Were you jealous? He was so sweet.” She smiled slightly.

“He wasn’t f*****g sweet; he was irritating as f**k.” I growled.

“You are still the most handsome, sweetest man in the world.” She smiled and I knew she f*****g meant it too.

“I ain’t f*****g sweet.”

I noticed a couple step out of a sports car across the street, but they were acting f*****g suspicious, the man was big and probably my height. Nah, maybe a tad f*****g shorter, but he had an aura of power around him. His eyes were sharp as he scanned the area. Although I could smell they were humans, that one was dangerous.

The mixed race woman behind him was slim, but her volumes of curl, made her hard to miss. 1

The man was now looking in my direction, I was about to ignore them when I tensed, hearing what the young woman was saying.

“…werewolf books, and that guy right there is her fantasy come to life. I just want to send her a picture of what an alpha really looks like… Oh, I really considered sending her a photo of you too. You’re just not quite pretty enough.” 2

Werewolf books?

‘Is she on about you?’ Kiara asked through the link, curiously glancing towards the man, although all we could see was her curly hair from behind him.

No f*****g idea.’ I replied, about to walk towards our car that was awaiting us.

They were almost in front of us, I was about to step to the side when the man did the same, stepping in the opposite direction and the wild-haired woman stumbled, crashing straight into me. I caught her by her shoulders, frowning coldly.

“Watch where you’re f*****g going.”

She looked up at me and I glared at her. Noticing the photograph that she had snuck of me. I cocked a brow. shoving her back.

“Well, if you didn’t take up half the f*****g street then it would be easier to miss you, wouldn’t it? Tone down on the roids, mate, they’ll shrink your d**k.”

I smirked coldly, did she actually just say that to me? Doesn’t she realise her hair took up just as much space? 2

I could see Kiara trying to hide her smile at her comment.

“I assure you, unlike the f****r next to you, I don’t take steroids, kid. And delete that picture you took.” I replied c*****y, casting the silent f****r next to her an arrogant glare.

Could he not look after his f*****g woman?

“It’s just one picture, let her have it.” Kiara added softly, placing her hand on my arm, sending a rivet of pleasure through me.

The man pulled the mouthy girl possessively against him, he looked a lot f*****g older than her. Our eyes met and I could sense the power he was trying to exude. Maybe there was Alpha blood somewhere in his past, or as his woman stated, he might just be high on drugs. He was not at my f*****g level.

To my irritation, his attention flicked to Kiara, not even hiding the way he ran his eyes over her, his gaze lingering on her b*****s, making my anger rise.

“Watch where you’re f*****g looking.” I growled venomously in Italian, pulling Kiara into my arms.

“If you did not allow your wife to dress as a w***e, I would not treat her as one.” The man replied in Italian. 2 My anger flew through the f*****g roof and I was ready to kill him. How dare he have the f*****g b***s to say that s**t to me!

“Alejandro!” Kiara exclaimed, keeping a tight grip on me. “It’s ok, my love.” She murmured soothingly, placing a hand on my jaw. It was obvious she knew he had insulted her but I doubted she knew exactly what the b*****d had said.

‘We can’t cause a scene here, this place is packed. What did he say?’ ‘He f*****g insulted how you’re dressed.’ I hissed through the link, my eyes fixed on the c***y f****r who smirked arrogantly. “Keep up that s**t and you’ll die quicker than you can open that f*****g mouth.” I growled in Italian at the man, doing my best not to rip him apart. He reached into his back pocket and something told me he probably

had a gun on him. “You would do well to remember that you and your w***e are in my home now, you are not amongst friends here.”

The urge to rip the f****r – whose English was as f*****g annoying as my Italian – was only heightening, but there were far too many people watching us, there was no way I could do anything without anyone noticing. Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“Your toy weapons wont f*****g hurt-” “Alejandro, stop. Let’s go.” Kiara cut in firmly, poking her eyes out at me. I looked at the woman next to him and for a moment she reminded me of Kiara long ago, with

a sudden rush of icy realisation I vaguely remembered insulting Kiara in a similar way back then.

“Don’t let this f****r break you.” I said coldly, knowing if Kiara wasn’t holding me, I would have done something. Her touch sent waves of calmness through me. “And since we’re judging by appearances and his face looks like he’s an A-class man-w***e, could you kindly escort the f****r away before I break his f*****g bones?”

She sucked in an unnecessarily large breath as she gawked at me.

“Please break his bones, daddy.” I heard her mumble under her breath. I’m not your daddy, kid. 1

She shook her head, as if trying to push the thought away that she didn’t mean to say out loud, before she glanced at the f****r then back at me. “Don’t listen to him babe, he’s just pissy because he was woken up with bullets instead of butterfly kisses this morning. Plus, he’s totally jealous, you’ve got all that ink and I’m sure this f****r is afraid of needles.”

I couldn’t resist the smirk that crossed my face, and Kiara pressed her plush lips together as if trying not to smile. The f****r looked like he wanted to kill the sassy woman, but it was obvious no matter how f*****g pissed he was he wouldn’t. The real-life princess Poppy, or whatever her name is from that Trolls movie, shrugged carelessly at his anger.

Yeah that name suited her perfectly, I’m sure I got the name right, the twins watched that movie countless times and all the little dolls had like big hair.

“Now, can we stop with the d**k measuring contest? We get it, you’re both giants who need therapy, move the f**k on.” She’s a cheeky f****r.

“Good plan.” Kiara added, about to lead me away when she paused, seeing the woman hobble slightly. “Are you ok? Do you want me to take a look at it, I’m a… doctor.” She offered, making my gaze snap to her.

“Yeah, I’m good, five by five.” Poppy replied, but it’s obvious Kiara didn’t believe her. Now that she mentioned it, she did seem to be limping a bit ever since she knocked into me.

Kiara reached over with her free hand, touching the younger woman’s arm, and I sensed her healing aura around her.

Don’t Kia.’

‘Just a little… she’s still in pain.’ She said to me as she smiled softly at Poppy.

‘Let’s go.’

Kiara nodded, but she paused, looking at the man.

“One more thing… It’s a free world and if I choose to wear a crop top or walk around in nothing but lingerie, that’s my choice. You should learn to keep your eyes to yourself. At least to show respect to the woman you are with.” She said, her voice held confidence, a small smile graced her plump lips and her eyes held a confident spark of defiance as she stared up at the huge man fearlessly.

That’s my queen, dauntless, strong and f*****g perfect.

I was done with this.

“Come on, Amore Mio, let’s go.”

Casting a murderous glare at the arrogant f****r, my eyes flashed red before I looked away quickly. My hand slipped around her waist, pulling her close and away from the couple.

“F****r.” I muttered as we reached our awaiting car and I opened the door for Kiara.

“What was all that about?” I heard the man say.

But it was the woman’s reply that made me pause.


“That was so strange.” Kiara whispered as I got in after her. “Yeah, tell me about it.” I glanced at the driver. “Let’s head back to Milan.”

With that, I sat back as he nodded.

“Yes sir.”

“You know that man looked like an Alpha.” Kiara mused quietly, settling back against me.

“Na, like his woman said, he’s on steroids.”

“She didn’t say that… you said that.” Kiara reminded me, now smirking. “Are you jealous he was so big but was human?”

“He was shorter than me.”

“No, he wasn’t, I mean a little bit only.” She burst out laughing, clearly enjoying teasing me.” But you’re right, he was a teensy tiny bit shorter… but he was a real Italian.” 1 “What the f**k does that mean?”

“Weren’t you born and raised in England? So that makes you British, doesn’t it?” “I’m Italian and yeah, British.” I growled, knowing she was pushing my buttons and f*****g succeeding

She smirked.

“Well, either way, I like my British Italian more.” She whispered, leaning up and planting a soft kiss on my jaw.

“Yeah, you f*****g should.” I replied as she sat back and opened her bag of pastries. “They were a f*****g weird couple, he looked old enough to be her f*****g dad.”

“Alejandro! Isn’t that kind of hypocritical considering you are sixteen years older than me?”

“I don’t f*****g look it.” 1

“True.” She pouted and I smirked.

One f*****g win for me.

“He was a f*****g d**k.”

“I do agree, but I guess he just needs someone to tame him.” She smiled her attention falling to her bag of treats. “But the man in the bakery was so sweet, oh look he even put in a few extras!” She held up the bag, her eyes sparkling, and I couldn’t resist the small smile that crossed my lips.

It was good to see her so f*****g happy. I just hoped with all the s**t that went down earlier,

that things didn’t get any worse. “So, we head home now?” She asked me, biting into one of the cream- filled pastries. “Yeah. We got the answers we needed, so we head back.”

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