Jack Of All Trades (Erotica)


An antiseptic scent burned in Jack’s nose as he awoke in a strange brightly lit room. He relaxed the moment he spotted Eve sitting in a chair next to his bed with Joseph in her arms. She smiled at him then her expression turned into a scowl.

“You must stop antagonizing First!”

“I just said what needed to be said,” he frowned.

“It hurt you badly this time.” she said in concern.

“What?” he mumbled.

“You were screaming in your sleep. About being on fire.” She had a haunted look in her eyes.

“I’m sorry if I frightened you. It was bad this time but I wouldn’t change what I did,” he said stubbornly.

They were silent for a while. Eve watched Joseph sleep and Jack watched her.

She looked up at Jack and held his eyes. “They went mad.”

His eyebrows went up. “Who did?”

“The monitoring personnel. The ones who were linked to you. When we had sex.”

“What?” Jack looked at her, shaken.

“When I was in First’s office they were trying to determine what happened to them. They think it’s your collar. It was designed by the Prime. They don’t have any other collars that can match it. They said it has far more… no, much wider bandwidth than anything they have. It saturates the feed and overloads those connected to it. They feel too much. Two of the monitoring staff were still connected when Drew punched you. One went into shock and the other flew into a rage and triggered the kill setting on Drew’s collar. The other two, who disconnected before the attack, became excessively violent when they tried to stop it… but it turned on them. They killed each other. Only the catatonic one is still alive. That’s why they didn’t respond when we called for help.”

Jack had a bad feeling forming in the back of his mind. “Why am I here in this… hospital room? Is this a hospital?”

Eve looked worried. “I’ve never been in this building before. No one aside from the Allsa Komanae are allowed in this building. It’s where they go when they start wearing out.”

Jack raised his eye brows at Eve.

“I’ve been around them for longer than anyone. I’ve seen them before and after a visit to this building. They always return refreshed and sharper of mind. I- I’ve seen their organics… before and after. No one pays attention to me.”

“Their organics?” Jack asked quietly.

“The Allsa Komanae are largely cybernetic. They are geniuses with this tech. But their organics are… ancient and horrid. They all come back here for refreshing.”

Jack leaned back and thought about that. He was currently inside a building where outsiders were forbidden. Where the Allsa Komanae migrated to replace their worn out organic body parts. There had to be a way to use that to his advantage.

“Did they mention why we were brought here?” he asked.

“No. First was… extremely agitated when it discovered what happened in the monitoring center. It was screaming at the others that you weren’t to be used for sex games. I’ve never seen First lose control of its emotions like that. It ordered that you be brought here and sent me with them after we picked up Joseph from the infirmary. The baby is healthy and they gave me food for him. You mentioned the child should have been breast fed so I told them he needed liquid nourishment.” She gestured to a bag on the floor. “I have several meals prepared for him.”

Jack smelled something particularly foul. He looked at the baby and wrinkled his nose. “I think Joseph made a deposit in his…” he frowned. “Does he have something to wear?”

“The medics made him some small tunics. They’re in the bag. He does smell very bad,” Eve held her nose away from the infant.

Jack needed to do a little exploring to see if he could find a way to strike back at their captors. Maybe he could use this. He looked around. “Does this room have a washroom? Someplace we could clean Joseph up?”

“This building was never designed to have anyone but an Allsa Komanae in it and they don’t need washrooms.” Eve admitted.

“Perfect,” Jack smiled.

He slipped from the bed and approached the comm panel by the door. He pressed the call button. Moments later someone responded.

“What do you want?”

“The baby has evacuated its bowel and I need to clean it up. I need access to water, clean cloths and waste disposal.” Jack said with a calm voice.

“Send the female out to do this. You must stay in the room.”

Jack smiled. “The female has never done this before with a human child. I must show her how it is done so that she may do it in the future. If it is not done right the child will develop sores on its body which will become infected and the child will die. The Prime wouldn’t like that.” Joseph chose that moment to begin crying. “Already the female waited too long to notify me of his condition and the infant’s skin has become irritated. I hope it isn’t too late.”

There was a period of silence. Jack hoped they were panicking, or better, calling First to get permission. If it was in as bad a mood as Eve suggested-

“Stand back from the door! We will take you,” burst from the comm.

Jack moved back to the center of the room and Eve stood beside him with the squalling baby. He took the child into his arms. He noticed Eve had tears in her eyes. “What’s wrong?”

“I waited too long to tell you and the child is in danger,” she whimpered.

Jack leaned in close. “No, I just said that to make them panic. The baby might have a little diaper rash but this is easily treated.” He gave Eve a quick kiss and she squeaked. When he pulled back she was giving him a confused but heated look.Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

The doors opened and the three guards on the other side saw them gazing into each other’s eyes.

“NO SEX! NO SEX!” the center yelled at them. The other two twitched.

Jack stood up straight and looked in surprise at the guards. Obviously First had left very strict instructions. He nodded and the three leaned back as Joseph’s cries escalated in volume.

“We need to be quick!” Jack said.

The center moved down the hall to the left and the other two pointed so Jack moved and Eve followed.

They passed several rooms with Allsa Komanae working on others and Jack almost got to see one unhooded but the guards behind them pushed them forward.

Joseph’s cries began to get truly plaintive. “Are we close? He can’t take much more.”

The leading guard stopped and spun around. It set off down a maintenance access way and opened up the first door they came to. Jack followed it in and saw the room was filled with tall silver canisters. Three closed canisters were sitting on some kind of conveyor setup against one wall. Mechanical arms mounted on the ceiling lifted three empty canisters from the conveyor and placed them in three empty slots on a pallet of empties. The three closed ones slowly moved through an opening in the wall and were gone.

Against the opposite wall was a sink and a flat work surface next to it. Jack laid Joseph on the surface and undid his blanket. The odor that came out was horrific and Jack had to lean back to avoid the worst of it.

“Oh my god that’s foul! I’ll need a towel to clean him and a new tunic from the bag.” Jack gasped and looked back at Eve. She stared wide eyed at him.

“I didn’t bring the bag,” she squeaked.

Jack was delighted but he put a shocked expression on his face then turned to the center guard. “I need the bag.” The lead guard sent a burst of static at one of its underlings who promptly rushed away. One down.

“There are no towels in the bag.” Eve said as Joseph began to wail in earnest.

The lead guard hissed again and guard number two rushed away. Two down.

Jack quickly opened the towel all the way and there it was. Black and reeking like nothing he’d ever smelled before. He had no idea why newborn shit was black but it was nasty. Jack gagged and the last guard hit the door jamb in its haste to flee.

Jack quickly looked at Eve. “What’s in these containers? Can you read this?” he said pointing to the strange scribbles on the sides of the canisters.

“It says ‘Prime Source Growth Nutrients’ but I don’t know what that means.” Eve read.

Jack lifted Joseph’s feet and carefully wiped up as much of the black goo as he could onto the towel. “Stand here.” Jack said to Eve to watch over Joseph.

As he turned the center guard stepped back into the room.

“Oh god it’s dripping!” Jack shrieked.

The Allsa Komanae hit the side of the door once more as it fled.

Jack quickly moved to the full canisters and opened the seal on the nearest one. He scraped the gooey, dripping contents of the towel into the opening. He got the lid closed and rushed over to the sink just as the guard with the bag rushed into the room. The guard with the towels stepped in moments later followed by the leader as Jack washed the original towel in the sink. He got the remnants of the goo washed from the cloth and figured out how to make the water the right temperature for wiping the baby’s bottom clean. He demonstrated this to Eve and he wiped the tiny bottom carefully until it was clean. There was just a little redness.

“It looks like we’ve managed to avoid the sores. His skin only looks slightly irritated,” he said watching the lead guard as it walked around the canister loading mechanism. Jack began to sweat, worried it would spot something about the one he’d opened.

“Do you have some talc powder?” he asked the lead guard who jolted to a stop.

“NO! WE HAVE NO TALC POWDER!” it shouted at him. Obviously it was still a little upset.

The loader’s arms lifted the tampered canister with its two neighbors and placed them onto the conveyor. Jack never looked at it directly but he looked into the cowl of the lead guard whose back was now to the conveyor.



“Fine.” Jack said with a pout as he saw the conveyor move the canisters into the wall. He had no idea if his little act of rebellion would do anything or have any effect but it felt damn good to make the attempt at least.

Joseph had calmed as he was naked and clean.

Jack turned back to the guards. “How about some diapers?”


Joseph began to cry again.

“Tell it we don’t have diapers,” the lead guard growled.

Jack changed the baby as best he could and they were rushed back to the room.

Once they were alone Eve took Joseph and prepared to feed him from one of the bags of ‘milk’ she’d gotten from the medics. It had a spout which she was about to put into the baby’s mouth.

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