In the Alpha’s Arms Novel

Chapter 101

Bonus Chapter- Disappointment Awaits

The viewing room turned out to be a rectangular structure in one corner of the basement. The box–shaped room jutted from the wall behind the makeshift ring and Lita could see it provided an unobstructed view of the action. From the outside, it appeared to be decent–sized, and Lita wondered if it doubled as an office for her father. Did Asher often have negotiations inside while he watched the fights? Was she now meant to be an unexpected ally, or a rejected heir?

The hair over Lita’s neck rose. She hadn’t even considered whether Asher had other kids. Did he have heirs that would view her as a threat? Was he childless and therefore hoping to secure her the future of his pack?

Again, Cole placed that warm hand on her body, wopping thick fingers around her shaking limb. His thumb stroked down the veins that ran over the top of her hand, dragging his warmth from wrist to knuckle with each pass. Whatever tension she felt over Brian faded to the background as her mate sent reassurance and acceptance down the bond. It wasn’t weakness to need support, Lita reminded herself Elise had explained the difference between dependency and support enough times that Lita was beginning to be able to tell the difference. What she’d had with Brian was toxic. A dependency that leeched into her self–esteem. She needed his approval to feel good about herself, to feel like she was a person.

What Cole provided was different in every way. She didn’t depend on his praise for her own worth, but his praise made her feel loved and accepted. Especially because he didn’t withhold it as a punishment. Elise said that was a good thing, and that Lita was blessed to have such a supportive mate.

Her lips twitched into an anxious smile, giving Cole what precious little assurance she had. He squeezed her hand tighter, grounding her in his strength. He’d keep her safe, no matter what. In truth, Lita was terrified of what would happen on the other side of the viewing room door. It was gilded metal, bristed into a vine pattern like the other walls in the basement. And as they stepped closer to the entrance, Lita couldn’t help but look hack at the rest of her pack.

They were already watching, Alex and Ace leaning into each other as they had a tense discussion. The others: Andres, Mark, Brody, and Stace, stared after them with tense expressions. Lita forced herself to give them a reassuring smile and a small wave.

That’s what a Luna would do. She would promise her pack that she was fine and completely in control of the situation. Lita glanced up to see Cole’s hard expression, tension bracketing his mouth before he gave Ace and Alex a clipped nod

Plotting behind my back again, mate? She linked to him as they turned back to their escort. Her heels and starched cream pants made Lita’s palms itch. How could anyone dress like that and not get dirty?

It’s only plotting if it leads to action. Hopefully, it doesn’t. His voice grew rough and deep toward the end as she felt him lean deeper into the bond. It felt like the next words were stroked down her insides, touching all her intimate places. Because it would ruin off the apologies I plan to kiss into your skin.

Lita cleared her throat, shaking

her head. I prefer my apologies aloud, so I know you mean it.

Cole chuckled, deep breaths rasping between them, That’s only because you don’t know where I plan to kiss.

Lita blushed, swatting his arm with the back of her hand. Stop flirting. I need to focus,

No, you need to relax, love, Cole countered. He’s not going to do anything to you. Take a deep breath, and remember I’m with you. More love pour the bond, releasing tension from Lita’s shoulders like a rush of endorphins,

Luna Asher gave them both a pointed smile over her shoulder as she went to the heavy metal door and tugged it open

poured down

Stepping over the threshold, Lita was surprised by how cozy the room felt. Her shoes sank into plush, animal fur tugs that were bordered by large leather armchairs. The seating faced the wall of windows where Lita could see the outlined ring on the other side. On the far wall she saw a dark wood desk, and the tailored form of her father, sitting on the other side.

She held her breath as Cole gently urged her forward with his hand on her back.

“Alpha Asher,” Cole greeted, his voice strong and direct. “I didn’t realize we had anything left to settle. Beta Dillard assured me your help to move against Maxim came at no additional cost other than the files we recovered”

Lita stiffened. He hadn’t offered Cole and Rafi help because of her, but rather, because Maxim likely had dirt on many of the wolves in power and Asher wanted that intel. Lita considered the men she’d seen at his dinner table. How many of them had power and influence? What was information on those men and the others like them worth?

“Alpha Tollison, a rare pleasure. You hardly ever accept our showcase offers,” Lita’s father replied, ignoring much of what Cole said. His warm smile widened as he moved his focus from Cole to Lita. “And Lunn Tollison, it’s a pleasure to officially meet you. I believe congratulations are in onles mated couple?” He stood, Instinctively reaching his hand across the desk for Cole.

Bonus Chapter–Disappointment Awaits

Cole stepped forward to take it, giving Asher a firm shake. “I appreciate that. As you know, many wolves from Maxim’s pack assimilated into ours and they’ve all taken to my Luna like a moth to a flame.”

Alpha Asher’s brows pitched, “Really? That’s quite a shock, considering your father’s teachings. Quite a shock indeed.” He nodded to himself, as if the new information had changed his perception. “So your pack has grown considerably, then?”

“More or less,” Cole answered vaguely, smirking at the man whose first name Lita still didn’t know.

lease, sit—” Alpha Asher motioned to the leather chairs, more than enough to accommodate them all, though Lita and Cole made no move to take them. “I didn’t have you brought here to discuss any debt for my help, anyway. Whatever would give you that idea?” Cole’s head barely moved, incrementally shifting in Luna Asher’s direction. She leaned gently against the wall, her arms and legs crossed. When Alpha Asher inclined his head in her direction, however, she straightened.

His lips thinning in displeasure, Asher said, “Lyria, wait outside.

Lyria, Lita repeated to herself and the Luna bowed, then turned on her heels and disappeared back through the door.

“Apologies for my Luna,” he said, rounding his large desk to personally offer Lita and Cole their seats. Then he secured a handful of glasses filled with amber liquid and handed one to each of them. Satisfied, he lowered himself into a high–backed leather chair that looked like a throne in front of the windows. Lita shifted in her chair until she was comfortable, suddenly aware than her father had hardly spared her a word. He spoke to Cole as if she weren’t there and outside of that first introduction, Lita was sure he forgot she was in the room.

“She hasn’t been as understanding about this situation as I’d hoped,” Asher insisted, bringing Lita back into focus. “I’ve tried to explain to her that the mate bond is quite compelling. You two must understand that better than most. It’s different from a simple pairing. Different from a standard Luna claiming.”

Cole leaned back, his long legs brushing against Lita’s. He shook his head and looked out at the ring. Lita could see that a crowd had gathered on the other side as two men stepped into the ceremonial right

“I don’t know what you mean, Asher.”

“Please-” Asher scoffed, throwing a dismissive hand through the air, “Call me Calvin. We’re practically family now, And what a son–in–law to have. Successfully created something from nothing” Asher praised, teeth flashing with a quick smile, “I couldn’t have chosen better for Lita. And with you two able to assimilate Maxim’s pack into your own… his eyes glazed over as if he’d been given a gift. “Anyway, I simply mean that the mate bond pull is an impossible thing to ignore. I’ve explained this to Lyria time and again, but she never found her true mate, you see. She doesn’t understand, Look at you two, for instance, that mate bond drove an Alpha to keep a wolf–less human around instead of rejecting her. If that’s not miraculous, I don’t know what is

Her father said the words as if they didn’t send a lance of pain through Lita. He didn’t know the first thing about her, and yet he was willing to claim her as long as it brought success? Cole’s large pack, their wealthy backgrounds, the possibility of continuing the bloodline. All those things were glowing in Asher’s dark eyes. Not Lita. Or how she’d survived so long without anyone in her corner. He hadn’t even asked if she was okay. He didn’t care that Maxim might have hurt her.

Lita wasn’t surprised by t

When he saw

they sti

this dismissal. And that itself was enough to cut her to the quick.

hey still weren’t understanding, Calvin sighed and crossed a leg over his knee as if preparing to tell a lengthy story.

“Lyria and I were married without a natural bond. We had a standard Luna cemony, not unlike Dinne and Rafi, and it’s worked well for us. An advantageous match to be sure and a large part of my ability to lead the life I have now. And yet, I hadn’t expected my natural mate to be my Beta’s Luna. It should have been simple. Reject her and pretend I never discovered the truth. But he paused, a wolfish grin spreading across his mouth as though he tried to fight it, his cupid’s bow pulling down-“my wolf had other ideas. And twenty years later, here we are. Obviously, I couldn’t have accounted for a child between us and while we never made such a mistake again, I’m firmly against termination. So you see, there wasn’t much choice.” After a moment he continued, smoothing over his cavalier words, “A happy mistake, to be sure. Look at what has come of it

A mistake. The words wrote themselves across Lita’s heart, reminding her of what Elisa said. That she should never romanticize an absentee parent or risk disappointment later. What bad she really expected from someone who probably knew exactly what kind of torture her life became with Brian and didn’t care?

Calvin’s gaze once again fitted to Lita and her stomach revolted. It took every ounce of control for her to keep the contents where they belonged. Lita immediately filled in the blanks of his story. He’d had a brief affair with her mother because the band left him unable to control himself What a load of shit. Cole had been around her daily for months before they ever had se

Of all the people to say those words to, he thought they would understand? Lita could feel Cole’s irritation growing over the bond, watching his tap his fingers over the arm of his chair. She smoothed her hand over his. This man was exactly what she had been told, and

Ponus Chapter- Disappointment

cement Awaits

to hurt the life she’d finally made for herself. Or at least she hadn’t intended to give him that power until his next words slapped her in the face.

“So, you see, Lita, I’m sure it comes as no surprise that I’ve asked you here to discuss your


Hey gang, a couple of quick notes- © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

This book ended on the chapter “some grudges never die“, but I decided to give some more bonus chapters because you guys wanted to see more and I wanted to give you more lol I only have maybe 4 more left to write before I’m off to write book 2 but since I caught covid and it threw off the timeline, I wanted to give you guys some of the chapters I have as a treat for being patient with me. We’re headed toward some Cole/Lita spice and a nice transition into where book 2 will begin, so stick with me!

I haven’t finalized whether book 2 will be separate or continued here so plz let me know which one you prefer in the comments. Right now, the comments are in favor of continuing here..

As for the paperback on amazon: I’m working as fast as I can to edit and get it ready, but I also want to include the bonus chapters so that’s part of the holdup. I want you guys to have as much content as possible in the book. I’ll be sure to post on the very last bonus chapter exactly when to expect the paperback to be live, but middle of Feb is a good guide.

Stay safe, love yall,

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