I Swear, Let Me Love You Again

Lydia’s Gifts


“Mrs King, we doubt Nathaniel’s position as the CEO.”

“Have you seen how much we have lost in the span of 24 hours?”

“How did the media find out about this?”

“Did you not know your personal affairs affect the stock prices?”

The whole board room was filled with every shareholder’s loud angry chattering and arguments. I sat at the center of the room, the CEO’s position, listening to every single question and insult thrown my way. I picked my cup of black coffee and took a sip as my head was banging due to the amount of alcohol I had consumed the previous night. Mr Gonre, one of the shareholders watched with an unpleasant look on his face. He was an old man with full white hair and beards, and always gave off the vibe of a man who was strict and abusive to his children to instill discipline.

“How do you plan to make this right Nathaniel?” Mr Gonre questioned and the once loud became pin drop silent. Everyone turned their attention to me.


“We are going to set up a press conference and clear my son’s image. We are going to prove to the whole world that it was simply my son’s ex-wife lying against my son who treated her like a gem. We will prove she took my son’s love for granted and now that they are separated, she’s bitter after she wasn’t able to gain alimony. After which, we will host a charity ball to raise money for homeless, abused women and children. I will also have his ex wife confess that she indeed lied and it was her quest to receive money for the money. With all that my son’s image and the company’s reputation will be restored.” My mum cut me off and the shareholders remained silent digesting her words. I scrunched up my face not agreeing with some things she had stated but grateful nonetheless for coming to my rescue.

“Alright Mrs King.” Mr Gonre said and my mum smiled.

“Is it just me or is Nathaniel King, our CEO, hungover?” Everyone turned their attention towards me, my mum’s face fell and I sipped my coffee with an unbothered look.

But his next words threw us all off,

“After we are done with all these, we shall sit and decide if Nathaniel King is fit to be the CEO of this company or we have to appoint and vote for someone more competent.”

Everyone began to murmur and discuss among each other. My mum removed her glasses and made eye contact with me. I was taken aback but I kept a straight face while sipping the last gulp of my coffee. I glanced at Mr Gonre who leaned back in his seat and stared at me with a smirk.

After a few more discussions, the meeting was adjourned. I walked out of the boardroom livid and my mum was furious and walked alongside with me. Our assistant followed behind us and as we walked forward, Mr Gonre was smiling and discussing with a few shareholders.

“The Kings, oh but where is the last one?” He asked, referring to Rachel. I took in his appearance, the two of us were in blue suits.

His were not tailored to his body and it was simply loose like he had gotten it from his great grandfather. His full white hair was slicked backwards and his deep-brown eyes held deceit and scorn.

“Gonre.. what was the move you just pulled?” My mum asked stepping closer to him. I pursed my lips in order to refrain myself from saying a word.

“I promise Rhonda, it’s nothing personal. Nathaniel is obviously going through a lot and you know what they say in every rumor there is a truth attached to it. So maybe he needs to take time for himself, go to therapy. Let a real man run this company.” I chuckled darkly at his words, running my hands across my beards.

“Refer to me as Mrs King, Gonre. And mind the words that come out of your mouth when it comes to my son and my family.” She snapped about to walk away. He glanced at me still smirking, probably hoping to get some words from me. But I think everyone must have forgotten how reserved and calculated I am.

“Have a nice day buddy and get some hangover soup.” He patted my shoulder as I walked past and I resisted the urge to bend his hand behind his back.

“The audacity of that man.” My mum spat angrily, taking off her coat while speaking under her breath. Her assistant stood there uncertain of where she should go.

“Get out, are you slow?” My mum snapped, turning her attention to the poor girl. I unbuttoned my blue custom made suit and took a seat in my comfy chair. Her assistant scurried out of the office almost stumbling.

“You, Nathaniel, drinking? Your father would be so disappointed in you right now. Just like I am. The first thing you do after seeing such news is drinking? Knowing damn well the shareholders don’t play about their money. Now there’s about to be a power overthrow, rendering us useless and incompetent.” She scolded, shaking her head in disappointment. I rubbed my temples tired as ever and the constant shouting was not helping.

“I will sought everything out.” I told her tiredly and she scoffed.

“Nope, I will. You obviously can’t do anything right. All you need to do is get that Whore’s contact and if you can’t still do that let me know now.” She stated taking a seat across from me. I clenched my jaw and my whole face screamed annoyance.

“Mother, I am the CEO, this is my mess so I will take care of this. You know this shit has nothing to do with alimony or Lydia spreading such information. My team and I will fix this, I will clean up the reputation of the company and the family.” I told her sternly and the office was silent as if she was digesting my words.

“Nope.. You have some weak soft for the gold digger whore that you can’t see that she is the one who told the media such news. She used this marriage for her benefit as well but you want to be blind to that.” I shut my eyes closed, sighing deeply as she typed on her face inviting her assistant back in.

“What benefit? What!”

“Fame and money!” I shook my head realizing not a word I say will get through to her.

“Mother, if you don’t allow me to take care of this alone then it shows how little you trust me, just like the shareholders there won’t be a single difference..” She laughed humorlessly at my words.

“Oh there is my son, the members are not open about their lack of trust for you at least Gonre is. Let’s hope the others still trust you.” I scoffed, nodding my head slowly taking in her words.

“Alright then.” I stood up abruptly and she scrunched up watching as I fixed up my suit. Walking out of the office ignoring her calling my name.

I walked into the elevator elated, I was the only one in it. I brought out my phone and dialed the number of the only person I knew could help me though it was the middle of the day.

“Nathan? What a surprise? How can I help you?” His voice boomed through my ears.

“Man, stop acting like some receptionist. Are you busy?” He laughed. I gathered his location and we exchanged goodbyes, the elevator dinged indicating the arrival at the ground floor.

“Good day Mr Nathaniel.” Three female workers chorused and I gave no response as I strolled towards the entrance.

“I knew he was simply a bastard but a fine one.” Clenching my jaw, I mentally took a picture of her face for future purposes. The valet handed me the keys to my black Ferrari as I requested.

I ignored the buzzing from my phone as I hopped into my car and zoomed off.



I tapped my fingers repeatedly on the wooden table waiting patiently for the arrival of my father and brother. The two assistants had sent me a message to expect their arrival and they needed to speak with me.

I was seated at the dining table with my heart racing and my anxiety over the room. Last night when they got back, I had expected them to bring up the news but nothing of sort came up so I was calm.

“Relax Princess, I’m sure it’s nothing.” Miss tried to calm me down and I took a deep breath.Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

While scrolling through my phone, I stumbled upon another article which depicted Nathaniel as nothing but a wealthy monster who could even kill a man. For a split second, I thought of going out to the press and going out to defend him but flashbacks of the maltreatment and evil I had gotten from the King Family instantly washed it away. He could handle this without me and they will be okay.

“They are here!” Patricia announced delightfully and I nodded rising to my feet adjusting my blue sundress as the temperature in this beautiful mansion was warm and relaxing.

“Good evening Dad.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and I was engulfed in a warm embrace. So did the hug from my brother too, taking in his strong smell of cologne.

“Are you okay Princess? We saw the news and couldn’t help but feel hurt at the fact that you had seen it and dealt with it all alone.” We all walked into the dining area together and my dad sat in his usual position and I took a seat next to him.

I almost chuckled at my dad’s words.

“Daddy, I’m okay, trust me. This is the King’s problem, not ours. As long as all three of us and the company are alright, there will be no problem.” My dad smiled in satisfaction.

“Good. Now, we have two surprises for you.” Andrew said, excitement radiating in his tone. I smiled small, waiting in anticipation for these surprises.


“The first one is…just read through this.” Andrew handed me a piece of document. I pursed my lips to contain my excitement as I slowly read the long document which all summed up to,

Congratulations, you have been appointed as the new Chief Financial Officer of the……

“No way.” I covered my mouth and they nodded.

“You are, little girl. I’m so proud of you.” I smiled and was pulled into a bear hug by Andrew.

“The last surprise is outside.” My dad handed me a car key. I was astonished and I immediately ran outside and was hit by the cold air.

I saw a Red Mercedes Benz Gle-Class Coupe with a black ribbon on top. I grinned from ear to ear at the choice of car, color and even just the thought of how I would need one as I began my job as the CFO of the company I had dreamt of working for all my life.

“Thank you so much daddy.” I attacked my father with kisses all over his face. He laughed saying,” You’re welcome Princess. Any single thing you want, you get at the snap of a finger.”

Gratitude filled my heart and I got teary at the amount of love I kept getting these past few months of being back.

I had no single regret of leaving that day.

“You like it? Lorena swore you would prefer this color.” Andrew stated walking towards the car.

“She was right. Thank you too, big bro.” He nodded and shooed me away.

“Go take in your new car smell.”

I smiled and made a mental note to call Lorena and Share with her the good news.

I know for sure she will ask to go to the mall. Which I won’t mind.

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