I Rejected You, Alpha

Chapter 56


Stefan is staring at me with wide horrid filled eyes as Rosie holds my hand while I sob uncontrollably. My body is shaking with rage and heartache.

“So that was the payment ?” Rosie asks with a deep frown .

“Is he heartless ?” she unexpectedly bellows as she stands up.

She heads straight for the door and before I could intervene , Stefan grabs her arm and pulls her to him, “Don’t, you’re pregnant. I will go and talk to him .” He pets her head, holding her as if she might break .

“Eleia needs you, go sit with her.” he whispers into her ear before kissing her cheek.

I love what they have.

I love the honesty , the care for one another..

Stefan puts his hand on her bump before leaving the house and she just stands there, staring at me.

“Come here.” I sniff , patting the couch next to me and she sighs before joining me on the couch .

” I want to murder the alpha .” she grits out, but I know she won’t do that.

“Me too, I know he’s my mate..but Felix has a life, but I don’t think he cares because he’s Regan’s son and not his own…”

I honestly thought we moved past this, it’s been more than three years and Felix calls him dad. I thought he had accepted Felix as his own, but I see now, he hasn’t, because a father would not do that to his own kid, no parent would…

Rosie and I talked for hours about if I wanted to move in with them, I could or how she would help me run after all of this was over since we could not leave the territory at this moment, but I wouldn’t be able to because I might be pregnant again..

” I just need to go for a walk, would you mind looking after Felix ?” I ask, hating that I have to lie to her, but I did not want anyone to know yet, not even Aiden .

“Sure, his bedtime is right around now?” she asks as she glances at her phone.

“Yeah.” I force a smile before standing up from the couch.

After the doctor took the b***d sample , I just sat in her office, forcing a smile everytime she looked at me.

” Where’s alpha ? I’m sure he’s excited.” she smiles, knowing that Felix was not his. She , Rosie and Stefan are the only ones that know he’s not Aiden’s son, the rest that know are dead and the pack thinks he’s Aiden’s kid too.

Felix doesn’t look like Aiden at all , but he at least has my dark hair and my nose and the rest…well we can lie about that.

“It’s a surprise.” I lie, my entire expression probably telling her I don’t want this kid.

I wish I didn’t have Felix, because then Aiden wouldn’t have thought about taking that deal and my child’s future would not be ruined , by him or anyone else.

I have failed him, just because I chose to stay.

Felix would have been better off with Regan and I now regret that he’s dead.

Regan was not a total monster, he cared for his family and I do believe that he would have taken good care of our son, unlike Aiden and what he has done..

How do I sit someday and explain to my son that he no longer has the right to love his mate?

I don’t know what will happen if we don’t bring our part of the deal..maybe we could pay her money to get her off our backs or something else.

The doctor’s phone rings and she smiles as she reads whatever it is.

My leg doesn’t stop bouncing as I fiddle with my shorts.

” Your test results are back, are you ready ?” she asks.This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.


“Yeah.” I inhale a deep breath, hoping that it’s negative and I’m just sick, but the chances of that is very low.

“It’s positive.” she smiles and I force the biggest smile onto my face while my heart is bleeding.

I have no where to go, unless I leave the baby with Aiden…

“Thank you, I will go and plan how to tell Aiden.” I stand, hoping she didn’t see my smile fade.

“Congratulations Luna.” she bows and I nod before turning.

I’m barely down the hallway when tears begin to form, resting on the rims of my eyes.

As I step into the sun, the warmth on my skin, I can’t stop the tears from overflowing and leaving tracks on my cheeks as I walk back to Rosie’s home.

I freeze when I see Aiden shoving Stefan out of our home and my b***d runs cold as I stare absentmindedly at the fight.

“Get out !” he yells at Stefan , “Are you crazy ? What is wrong with you ?” Stefan yells back and I could see he wasn’t afraid of Aiden like the rest.

Stefan is his best friend, and will put him in his place, hopefully.

I try to walk past, not looking at them before I hear my name falling from Aiden’s lips.

“Eleia, come here.” he demands , but I keep my head low , tuck my hands into my pockets and ignore him.

“Eleia .” he bellows angrily and my heart kind of stops at the harsh tone he’s using.

I turn to him, c*****g my head at him, ” Can you leave me alone ?” I ask in a mere whisper, but I know he heard me when his face falls.

“Can we just talk ?” , “Are you going to stop the deal you made ?” my jaw tenses .

“No, I can’t.” he shakes his head, “So you’re just going to throw my son’s future away of true love ?” I seethe, stepping closer .

“He’s my son too.” he grits out , making me roll my eyes .

“No, he’s not. If he were, you wouldn’t have done that to him.” I try to stay calm as I think of the growing pup inside of me.

High b***d pressure isn’t good.

“Can you just trust me when I say that everything will work out ?” He steps closer and I snarl at him, making him freeze on the spot.

“No, I can’t because how will it work out? Can you tell me ?” I push and he sighs, his shoulders falling and I nod, ” I hear you loud and clear Aiden , but I will be back to pack the rest of my things tomorrow. You can live alone .” I deadpan before turning on my heel and I stride towards Rosie’s front door and barge in .

“Rosie .” I call out to her breathlessly .

She comes strutting down the long hallway with a smile , “You’re back earlier than expected.” She smiles, hugging herself.

“I lied.” I sniff and a confused frown takes over her face before she inches closer to me, “About?”

“I went to the doctor because I thought I was pregnant and now I am and I don’t know what to do.” I shake my head in disbelief , my knees buckling and I fall to the ground, leaning forward , using my hands to keep me up as I try to focus on my breathing.

“You have to get up, I can’t get down there.” I smile as I look up at her and she holds her hand out to me.

Her blonde hair makes her face look so angelic and I take her hand, standing up with shaky legs.

“Look on the bright side.” we walk to the couch.

I wipe my tears with the back of my hand , smiling as I sniff , “Oh yeah, what’s that ?” , “We’re pregnant at the same time !” she beams , making me roll my eyes at her.

“You are due any day now.” I scoff, “That’s why we only have a few days to hang out, cry and eat a lot.” she wraps her arm around my shoulder and I lay my head on hers.

” I love you .” I breathe out between sniffs and she rests her head against mine .

“Who wouldn’t ? I am amazing.” she beams sarcastically, making me giggle as I sit up .

“No, I mean it Rosie, thank you for everything. I haven’t been the bestest of friend, but you were, you still are.” I smile and her eyes become teary , “Look what you are doing to me .” She looks up at the ceiling, blinking her unshed tears away .

“Me? You got yourself pregnant.” I scoff and we both burst out in a fit of laughter.

I never had a sibling , but I didn’t need one because I have her and that is more than enough.

She is my rock.

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