I Rejected You, Alpha

Chapter 24

ELEIA’S POVContent provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

While sitting on the counter , watching him making me breakfast , I can’t help but smile .

I freeze , my body tingling , the tips of my fingers going numb as it feels like my brain is pulsing , my heart beat racing in a good way but something feels wrong .

Aiden turns to look at me as the entire vibe shifts from good to bad and my shoulders dart back as I arch my back .

“What is happening ?” I ask as I try to crawl into a ball and the feeling fades before I hear voices in my head , chanting .

‘Luna ! Luna ! Luna !’

What f*****g Luna ?

Rosie comes stumbling into the kitchen with horrid filled eyes , “Did you feel that ?” She asks out of breath .

“Did you hear that ?” My eyes widen as I hop off the counter and she nods before rushing over , grabbing onto my shoulders .

“This is the worst thing , how could he have found another?” I could tell my best friend was pissed as hell , but there was nothing I could do about it .

I found a second chance , so why couldn’t Regan ?

“What are you two talking about ?” Aiden stops what he’s doing .

“Regan found a Luna .” I mutter uncomfortably and his eyes narrow on me , “Are you okay ?” He asks and I roll my eyes , “Of course I am , the feeling was just.. weird .” I shake my head and he paces , “Probably someone outside of the pack , they had to join . That’s why .” His fingers drag over his forehead and I nod .

“But when did he find her ?” Rosie pushes and I roll my eyes as my back is turned to her .

I honestly don’t even want to know .

He rejected me like I was nothing , he’s heartless and a monster , I feel sorry for the girl who’s his mate right now .

She doesn’t know what she’s in for .

“It doesn’t matter , Stefan !” Aiden calls his beta and he comes running down the stairs , looking at Rosie with worried eyes , “Here you are , I was looking for you .” He drags his hand through his hair before looking at Aiden .

“What’s up ?” He asks so chilled and Aiden’ eye twitches , “Get ready , we’re going , right now .” He looks at me , “You two stay here , eat .” He demands before striding forward , grabbing my shoulders , “And I promise I will come home to you .” He breathes out , squeezing my shoulders and my heart feels like it’s going to break .

“Wait , right now ?” Stefan asks agape and Aiden nods , “If it just happened , there’s a crowd of wolves who we can circle and attack .” Aiden grins and it’s like ice water being poured onto me .

I stop breathing for a second as my body tenses .

“Get everyone , we’re going .” Aiden k****s my temple before walking past me .

“We need an alliance Aiden .” Stefan argues and I turn to look at them , hoping that Stefan can stop this .

“And we have one , who I am on the way to call . I said get ready .” He growls and my insides twist .

I am suppose to become Luna tomorrow , but what if there’s no one left ?

“Yes alpha .” Stefan mutter before kissing Rosie , muttering to her that everything will be okay before he k****s her and leaves .

Rosie grabs my hand and we watch our mates leave .

Aiden comes running out of his office and straight out of the door without looking back at me .

“I hate this .” I mutter as I squeeze her hand and she hums in response , left speechless .

I push off the counter we’re leaning on and tug her with me towards the door , “What are you doing ?” She asks , following me because I won’t let her hand go .

“We need to stop them .” I grit out , a bad feeling is crushing my chest and I don’t know if it’s because something bad is going to happen or if it’s because I’m just worried .

Barging through the front door , I don’t stop until I see them charging off , to far to hear us screaming at them to stop and I try the mind link , but I’m blocked .

My knees buckle and I let Rosie’s hand go in defeat as my knees hit the ground .

“No .” I breathe out , my hands shaking in fear as I watch them disappear into the woods , behind the trees until the last tail of the last wolf running disappears and I begin to sob as I clutch my chest .

Rosie sits down next to me , “We’ll just sit here and wait .” She nods and with the little snow around us , I shake my head , standing up .

“No , if someone gets hurt . We are going to need to be healthy and okay to help them .” I help Rosie up from the little layer of snow , “We need to wait inside .” I gulp before heading inside and I lock the door behind us .

If something happens , we’re royally screwed because we’re just women . We are just women and children and we need to stay safe and hidden .

I wish I already was the Luna so that I could talk to the rest of the pack..

I don’t know what they’re doing , but I am positive that they are trained in this situation .

“We should eat .” I mutter as we head to the kitchen , even though I’m not hungry at all , it’s in fact the opposite – I feel sick to my stomach .

“I’m not hungry .” Rosie sits down at the counter , resting her head on her arms .

“Me neither .” I join her and I don’t know how long we lay on our arms before moving to the couch , sitting side by side .

“I see he finally marked you .” She stares at Aiden’s mark in the crook of my neck and I can’t help but smile and nod .

“It was amazing , it began to snow .” I blush and she grins at me , “Romantic , isn’t it ?” She mutters and I nod , inhaling a deep breath .

“I need him to come home .” I sigh , my gaze dropping to my fidgeting hands .

“Me too , I want them all to come back .” Rosie reaches for my hands , stopping me as I pick at my nails as she grabs my hand .

“Relax .” She mutters and I nod , sucking my lips into my mouth , biting down on them for some relief of my stress building .

They will come home , the Night pack does not have anything on this one .

I have seen these men train , I have seen them fight one another with caution .

They are strong , they will come home .

Hours to by and Rosie has fallen asleep , so did I , but I jerked awake in fear .

I stand up from the couch , the pitch black clouds throwing an unlumminated shade over the house , leaving it gloomy inside .

I open the door , just to see if they are back yet , but they aren’t and I shut it once more .

‘Aiden .’ I call out to him through our private mind link , but there’s no response .

I start to make dinner , not caring if I’m not allowed to .

I am going to be Luna to this pack , this is my home now and I will do as I please when he’s here or not .

Cooking steak that I found in the freezer , Rosie sneaks into the kitchen , appearing next to me without making a sound and I jump to the side as my one hand reaches for my chest , my heart beating out of my chest as I stare at her with wide eyes .

“Good goddess Rosie , don’t sneak up on me like that .” I breathe out as my racing heart slows down .

“Sorry…” she murmurs , a guilty smile appearing on her face and I nod , “It’s fine .” I mutter , focusing on the steak , careful not to over cook it in the pan .

“Are you allowed to make this ?” Rosie asks teasingly and I shrug , “It’s our home too .” I mutter , not wanting to worry anymore .

I want to be in control of something .

‘Eleia .’ Aiden’s voice rings through my ears and I look up as if he were here .

“Aiden ?” I mutter , frowning as I realise that it was in my head .

‘Where are you ?’ I ask while my heart is beating in my ears .

“What ?” Rosie mutters , but I try to ignore her .

‘Almost home , running into the borders .’ I could hear his exhaustion through the mindlink and I don’t hesitate to push the pan off the heat and put the piece of steak onto a plate before turning the stove off , “They’re almost here .” I tug Rosie on the arm as I dart out of the kitchen and she follows , the smell of her anxiety infiltrates my nose as we run out and see some wolves return and others in human form , helping carry others and I don’t stop running .

My b***d boils when Aiden shifts and there’s a big gash over his stomach , which is slowly healing .

“What did you do ?” I yell as I still run to him and I could see his chest cave before I reach him and he drops to his knees tiredly .

“We shouldn’t have gone .” He shakes his head , looking down into the snow and I fall onto my knees in front of him , cupping his cheeks before I lift his head , “How many ?” I ask , my eyes trailing over his hurt body and he just keeps on shaking his head I’m disappointment .

“It’s okay .” I stand on my knees , holding his head to my shoulder as I rub his arm .

He’s hot in this cold weather and he lifts his head , glancing to the side as he stares at the hurt people moving towards the big medical building and he shakes his head before dropping it again on my shoulder .

“Let’s get you cleaned up .” I try to lift him but my bodies go limp as Rosie’ terrified screaming of Stefan’ name bursts through my ears .

My head snaps into her direction and I watch with a horrid look as they carry him towards the medical building .

My heart bleeds for my best friend and tears form in my eyes as I silently pray that he’ll be okay .

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