I Rejected You, Alpha

Chapter 105


“Arlen, stop that!” Cleo grits out as Arlen keeps elbowing her while teasing her about her messy hair. “Arlen.” I clear my throat as we all sit around the table, Arlen is fourteen this year, Cleo is seventeen and Felix is turning eighteen. “Oh come on mom, I’m just playing. Look at her hair, it’s like she wrestled a bear or something.” Arlen snorts as he combs his fingers through his pitch black hair.

He has Aiden’s soft hair with his raven color, but at least he has my green eyes. They were lighter, more blue when he was younger, but since he got older, it turned green and they say that the eyes are the window to the soul.

I want my children to love like I do, I want them to be strong and they are. Arlen is playing boys hockey this year because he said he wanted to try it out, but he’s tall like Aiden too, he’s already taller than Cleo, but Felix is the tallest since he is the oldest.

“It doesn’t mean you can tease her, she hasn’t gotten ready for the day yet.” I sigh.

Arlen looks at me, but I’m staring right back with my head c****d and he turns to Cleo, “I’m sorry.” he sighs, playfully rolling his eyes as he turns back to me, “Happy?” he asks and I throw him with a strawberry, making him burst out in laughter.

Cleo laughs too but she falls silent when Felix takes his seat at the table, “Good morning.” he yawns, stretching his arms above his head before glancing at each one of us, “You’re late, again.” I chime, “Let him sleep in, he’s almost eighteen.” Aiden has his back and even though Aiden is not his real dad, he sure does act the part.

We have yet to tell Felix that Aiden is not his father, but I can’t bring myself to do it. We keep putting it off and because he’s not Aiden’s child, he has no right to the throne.Please check at N/ôvel(D)rama.Org.

I thought that he would have since he is my first born, but when we discussed it with the elders, they said it wasn’t right. Their exact words were; “The throne belongs to both of your DNA, not just yours anymore Eleia.”

I still dream about it, think about it and replay it in my head because how are we suppose to tell him that he has no claim to be the next king?

It’s heartbreaking and I’m scared he will hate us…

My heart keeps on shattering every time he asks Aiden to teach him more, to train with him more and so forth, and what’s worse is that Aiden is starting to train with Arlen more too.

Aiden and I made a pack to tell Felix after his birthday, since we didn’t want to spoil his eighteenth birthday since he can find his mate then. He’s been hanging out with friends over the weekends and I think he has a secret girlfriend, he’s been very secretive and holding back on chatting and that could only be love.

“I wasn’t asleep dad.” Felix scoffs as he lifts a waffle onto his plate, “I was training and then I took a shower.” he shrugs, “You never blowdry your hair.” I point out, “Well I have plans.” he murmurs, glancing around before taking the ice cream and chocolate sauce.

“Mom, can you take me shopping today?” Cleo asks and everytime she calls me mom, since she first began at eight years old, my heart flutters. She’s older now, but I still can’t believe she started calling me that.

“Of-“, “Your mom and I have a meeting in town, but we can take you afterward.” Aiden chips in and I forgot that we’re buying Felix his car today.

“Thanks.” Cleo smiles, but something about her seems off, “Can I use one of the cars?” Felix asks, “When can I drive?” Arlen interrupts and even though all these questions are overwhelming all at once, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

“Of course, son.” Aiden nods, “I will teach you.” I tell Arlen, “I can teach him.” Cleo offers and Aiden snorts, drawing my attention to him, “What?” I glare at him, “She’s not ready to teach since she is still learning.” Aiden shoves a piece of waffle into his mouth.

“She has gotten a lot better since I started taking her.” I can’t help but grin at him with a knowing look, “I am the better teacher.”, “No you aren’t.” Felix scoffs.

My gaze flicks to my eldest child in shock, “I drive like a pro and it’s because dad taught me.” he grins, glancing at Aiden.

Aiden sticks his tongue out to me and I playfully roll my eyes, “Well I’ll still teach you Arlen, the basics. Then dad can take you to drive like a maniac.” I beam sarcastically and Arlen fists his hand excitedly, “Yes!” he beams, making me laugh.

“Well Cleo, go get ready after eating because we are leaving in an hour.”, she looks at me before c*****g her head to the side, “You know I don’t take long to finish up.” she smiles, but I find it strange that she doesn’t look at anyone else rather than me.

We continue to eat, Arlen cracking up jokes while Felix is quiet and so is Cleo, but she at least laughs now and then.

Cleo excuses herself before heading to her room to get dressed and Arlen helps me with the dishes, “Can I go with you as well mom?” he asks as he dries the dishes. “No.” I wish he could, but he doesn’t know how to keep a secret.

Arlen is a sweet kid, he’s smart, athletic, funny, but he does not know when to stop saying anything. “But Cleo is going with.” he stares at me, “Because I promised her I’d take her to buy underwear.” I shrug, “Eww, I didn’t need to know that.” he snorts, and I mentally laugh because I knew he’d back off. “Can you buy me something too?”, “What do you want?”, “A new hoodie.”, “I will take you shopping next weekend, and we can get food.” I whisper and his smile is worth everything I own, “Deal.” he whispers back like we’re in some secret meeting.

“Cleo!” I stand at the bottom of the stairs as I call for her and she comes running down, looking flushed and her eyes wide, she continues to glance over her shoulder like something’s chasing her and I grab her by the arms as she almost trips down the last two stairs.

She shrieks, her eyes wide as she locks them on mine, “Mom.” she breathes out and I let go of her. She brushes her blonde hair out of her face, forcing a smile, “I’m done.” she mutters breathlessly, “What’s wrong?” I ask her, not moving or looking away from her. “I,” she blinks rapidly, “I thought I saw a mouse.” she blows out a breath and I frown, glancing up the stairs, “Well, we’ll have it checked out, come on. Dad is waiting in the car.” I hurry her along, glancing up the stairs one last time before following her.

She surely wouldn’t lie to me…she probably saw a mouse or a rat…could be anything since we are in the middle of the woods, but I’ll have someone check it out when we’re back home.

Driving into town, Cleo has been texting on her phone the entire drive, I even heard a grunt escape her lips, but when I asked what it’s about, she just said that one of her friends just asked her to come over and she wasn’t home.

Even though I told her that she could go to her friend’s after we’re home, she was very closed off and said “Yeah.”

“Did you want to get something for your brother’s birthday too?” I ask as we stop at the car dealership and she gawks at the cars, “Are you getting a car?” she beams and Aiden snorts, “It’s for Felix.” he mutters and the excitement drains from her beautiful sky colored eyes, “You’ll get yours on your eighteenth birthday too.” I smile and she just nods.

As Aiden and I browse, Cleo’s phone rang about ten times and she irritably declined each and every call with a frown on her face, but I don’t dare ask who could be looking for her because it might be Duncan or her best friend, Gizelle.

We call them the two blues because both of them have blue eyes and it annoys them, which makes it funny for me and Rosie to tease them.

Gizelle is a friend from another pack, she too is an alpha’s daughter, but Cleo knows she’s not a b***d alpha and she cries about it everytime because she feels less. It breaks me to see her cry, but there’s nothing I could do about this problem.

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