Hybrid Aria 1-4

chapter 194

Reika POV

Ace was awake, I couldn’t believe it worked and honestly my wolf was a little stunned too. She was happy she could help him, help Tyson. We both like the pups, they were good but it still didn’t change anything. This wasn’t our home and sooner or later we would have to leave. Go home and face the consequences and pray she is still alive.

“We will wait a day or two then leave” I tell my wolf and she nods.

“What about the Lycan Queen?” I ask.

“You’re right, I couldn;t hurt them like that, she seems nice. We will just have to go back and beg them.” She tells me.

“I don’t want to be in the dark any more,” I confess. Now having a taste of what is like outside of that place, I didn’t want to go back though I knew it was inevitable. I loved that I could see everything, speak with people. Being here showed me what I thought was normal wasn’t and it made me crave for freedom more than I did before.

“We have to go, what’s a few more years, Reika. We will figure out a way to get her back then escape”

“Will we be able to come back here?” I ask but I already knew the answer, this would be the first place they would look. Tim probably already told them my whereabouts. I am jolted back into my surroundings by sparks rushing across my skin. A feral growl leaves my lips and my eyes fly open to see Ryker’s hand on me. He jerks his hand back and I see everyone in the infirmary looking at me.

I drop my gaze before walking out of the room leaving them to be a family, something I long for but know I will never have but I am glad Tyson and Ace have that. I go back to Tyson and Ace’s room before climbing on Tyson’s bed.

“You think Tyson will mind if we sleep in here?” My wolf asks and I shrug. I could hear someone walking around in the hall before hearing the footsteps at the door. The person stops and I feel my wolf rise pressing under my skin when I get a whiff of his scent from under the door. Fear knotting my stomach terribly and I feel my skin become clammy. The door handle moves when it suddenly stops and I hear the footsteps leave. I let out the breath I didn;t realise I was holding.

“He’s gone, maybe we can sleep under the bed” My wolf asks and I look under it.

“Be a bit difficult to get out if we are attacked,” I tell her looking underneath.

The light eventually turned dark outside, I really needed to pee my bladder screaming for me to go. “Just hold till he goes to sleep” My wolf tells me not wanting me to leave the room. We remained in the room, not having anywhere else to go. We heard Ryker constantly pacing the halls and stopping outside the door. He never entered and after about the 10th time realising he wasn’t going to come in we laid down on the bed, trying to ignore our full bladder.

Tyson walked in with three bowls in his hand, his brother coming in not long after him. Ace looks at me in Tyson’s bed before patting his one and I move, going to sit with him. Tyson hands me a bowl of mush but it smelt good and I was starving having not eaten anything in days other than Ryker and Tyson’s blood.

“What is it?” I ask poking it with my finger.

“Macaroni, here use this” he says handing me a spoon. I take it before trying some. It was delicious, far better than the food back home. I ate my bowl in a few seconds when Ace scoops half of his into my bowl.

“I can make you more since you like it so much?” Tyson says but I shake my head eating what’s in my bowl.

Ace turns his TV on before grabbing a remote. “Mario cart?” He asks, seeing as it was the easiest game out of all their games. I shrug and he places the controller in my hands showing me the buttons again. We played a few games before I gave up handing the controller to Ace.

Hearing footsteps outside the door again I glance at it and Tyson growls low.

“What’s with you and Ryker?” Ace asks Tyson.

“Nothing, don’t worry about it” Tyson answers while still glaring at the door.

“Did something happen while I was out?” Ace asks and Tyson nods his eyes not leaving the door and I know Ryker was still standing on the other side when he suddenly leaves again.

“He’s been doing that most of the day” I tell Tyson.

“Yeah he feels like shit and so he should” Tyson says and Ace clears his throat.

“What are you talking about?”

“When I woke up Ryker had Reika tied up in the cells torturing her because he thought she attacked us” Tyson says. Ace looks at me, his face paling.

“He tortured you and you’re still here, why didn’t you run?” he asks.

“Tyson got me out, and I don’t really have anywhere else to go” I tell him.

“Sick bastard!” Ace mutters and Tyson nods.

“He wasn’t always so cruel, he just has trust issues since Danika” Ace defends him and Tyson growls at his brother in disapproval.

“I’m not defending him geez” Ace says to Tyson.

“Sounded like you are, and she isn’t Danika so any issues he had with her shouldn’t affect Reika” Tyson tells him.

“So you knew this Danika?” I ask and Tyson nods.

“Yeah we met her once and Ryker made us promise not to tell anyone. Ryker thought he could convert her but she was a bitch”

“Convert her?” I ask, suddenly curious about this girl.

“She was a hunter, she tried to kill everyone, so Ryker killed her” Tyson shrugs seemingly unaffected by her death. I wondered if they would feel the same way about me dying.

“You lived with hunters too, did you know her?” Ace asks me. I shake my head.

“No, I only remember the others like me and Alpha. He was always good to us before he left. The humans turned nasty after he didn’t return home”

“So where were you before you got stuck in that place?” Ace asks.

“I was born there, Alpha impregnated all the she-wolves so he could have us, he loved us. I miss Alpha” I tell them.

“So the Alpha is your father?” Ace asks.

“I guess so?”

“What about your mum?” Asks Ace.

“I don’t know I don’t remember but obviously I had one” I tell them and they nod.

“So you were born in captivity basically?”

“Yeah Alpha said we needed to build an army, prepare for the war. But when it came he left and said we couldn’t come, he didn’t want us hurt because we were to young and he loved us too much”


“Yep, against the hybrid Queen,” I confess.

“Our mother?” I nod watching their reaction.

“You’re not going to try, right. You don’t want to hurt our mother?”

“No I like your mother”

“Wait, how old are you?” He asks.

“My wolf said 22-23 we should be around that age when we stopped aging”

“So you’re older than that in human years?”

“I’m not sure neither is my wolf,” I tell them before feeling for her.

“How old are we in human years?” I ask her. She thinks. “I’m not sure, I only really started counting years when Amanda died, I am pretty sure we are 22-23 give or take a year or two” she admits.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

“Nothing, do you know your Alpha’s name”

“His name is Alpha” they both shake their heads.

“No his name, his real name, like you being Reika instead of 40 whatever they called you”

“46!” I correct them and they nod.

“No, but I did once hear some woman call him Kade once, he got really mad at her said she had no right calling him that, that he is Alpha”

“Kade?” Tyson gasps.

“Yeah but his name is Alpha,”

“And Alpha is your father?”

“Alpha is Alpha” I tell them. They were making me confused and my head was starting to hurt.

“But he got your mum pregnant?”

“He got all the she-wolves pregnant, he didn’t mate with them though, the humans impregnated them using his sperm, I met Alpha when he came back to save us, humans used to tell us stories of Alpha, said if we didn’t obey he would punish us but when I met him he was always nice but then he left again and he didn’t return ”

“Does Ryker know your Alpha’s daughter?” I shrug unsure what he means.

“No, he didn’t mate with them only mates can be fathers that why they took amanda’s mate”

“That doesn’t mean he isnt your father and who is Amanda?”

“My friend, she was born there too”

“Her brother was her mate?” Ace chuckles. I shake my head.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

“No he used to help the humans, he used to sneak us out of the cage, when they found out they killed all the boys off, said mates needed to die because they might take us away from them and hurt us”

“So your friend was made from Alpha’s sperm?” I nod.

“So she is the same as you, making her your sister?”

“All of us are? Is that bad?” I ask worried, did I do something wrong?

“Not really but kind of, but it makes me realise how small this world is,” Tyson says.

“So how did you get out?” Ace asks, flicking the Tv off.

“They let me out, said if I killed the Hybrid Queen they would give her back to me”

“Give who back?” Tyson asks just as the door opens. Their mother steps in and I see both boys stare at me before Ace suddenly grabs my hand, Tyson too comes over and sits next to me grabbing my other one. My brows furrowed in confusion.

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