Hybrid Aria 1-4

chapter 186

Reika POV

We watched them play video games, they seemed to be very good at it. After about an hour though they became bored. Tyson getting up off the ground and stretching his back and Ace turns the TV off.

“Want to go for a run?” Ace asks me.

“I don’t think I am allowed to leave the house, and he locked the doors” I tell them.

“You are with us, you will be fine. And I have a key” Ace says, holding it up. I feel my wolf stir to life.

“This is our chance, we go outside and we can easily outrun them” She tells me.

“Maybe we should ask Ryker first,” I tell them. My wolf growls at me and can tell I didn’t want to leave the house. I didn’t if it meant leaving. I wanted to stay with my mate, stay here. I didn’t want to go back to that place.

“Just remember your promise, you can’t go back on your word Rieka. We promised her” My wolf tells me. She was right, I had to keep my promise, she was my only friend and I promised I would get her back if I could.

“Lets go I tell them” They smile excitedly and Ace grabs my hand pulling me down the stairs. He takes me to the kitchen before putting the key in the door and twisting it. The double glass door opened and I felt the cool breeze move over my skin. I sniff the cool crisp morning air. Ace and Tyson start stripping their clothes off before staring at me waiting expectantly. I start pulling my clothes off and dump them on the outside table. Turning around I find them both staring wide eyed at me.Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

“What?’ I ask, and I watch their eyes trail down my body, Tyson smirks and I suddenly feel weirded out by them staring at me. I never feel self conscious but them looking at me made me feel dirty, like it was wrong the way their eyes lingered on my breasts. I shift feeling uncomfortable. I didn’t feel like that in front of Ryker or his family yet two young boys creeped me out.

Both of them shift, and I I see both their wolves are a dark grey colour. They were pretty big for teenage wolves. “They have Alpha genes that’s why” my wolf says, answering my thoughts.

Both of them take off across the back lawn which looked more like a paddock, only well manicured and maintained and had gardens edging around the perimeter and on the far side was the forest. I chase after them following them. Ace pouncing and pulling on my tail as I overtake them. We zipped in between the trees as their wolves tackled each other. My wolf laughed at their playfulness as they tried to catch up to us. We were a lot faster, and more agile than them. Jumping logs effortlessly.

I run ahead before I feel my wolf start running harder making a break for it, leaving them lagging behind further with each step. The soft earth mushing under our paws. My wolf suddenly starts to slow sniffing the earth when she picks up a scent she recognises. She stops, sniffing it when Tim the rogue I was living with in the cave steps out from behind a tree.

“I have been looking for you” He says and I turn my head looking him up and down.

“They want you home, they aren’t too happy with you running off” He tells me and I shift back.

“Are they here?’ I ask him and he shakes his head.

“No but I have been sent to retrieve you, bring you home”

I hear Ace and Tyson catching up behind me making me look back but they were still out of view.

“I will distract the pups, keep heading north, I will catch up with you” He says before shifting and running the way I just came from.

“Come on, let’s go” my wolf says, feeling my hesitation. We start heading north, running through trees following his lingering scent when I hear growls from behind me.

I pause, forcing her to stop. “We need to go back?” I tell my wolf, My wolf urges me on before her head snaps back looking in the direction Tyson and Ace were. I hear a high pitched whimper. The feral sounds of fighting and wolves tearing shreds of each other, but even I knew Tyson and Ace were no match for Tim, their wolves were strong but young, weaker.

“He’s going to kill them” I squeal and she takes off racing toward them. The snarling and growls grow louder as we race toward them. Ace’s wolf lay on the ground and fur covering the ground while Tyson fought Tim, trying to protect his brother who was badly injured.

My wolf became enraged, he was supposed to put them off our scent not attack them. We lunge at his brown malted coloured wolf tearing into his flank and jerking him back.

Tim pivots biting into the back of my neck and tearing flesh off. I see Tyson collapse being forced to shift back, lacerations covering most of his body.

Tim rips into my back leg at my distraction and we spin biting down on his tail. He yelps, jerking back before lunging at me. Biting into my limbs while we defend and try and attack. His wolf was savage from the steroids the humans pump into him, attacking blindly in his rage.

In the distance I hear paws on the ground racing toward us and Tim looks in the direction and I sink my teeth and claws into his front leg before shaking my head. He makes an agonised howl before taking off. I chase after him when I hear Tyson whimper, making me stop and go back to check on him.

I nudged his swollen face which had a laceration going from his eyes to his chin. I lick it trying to stem the bleeding as his wounds slowly heal. Both boys are completely unconscious while I try to rouse them awake. We couldn’t stay here in case Tim returned with back up.

Moving to Ace, he has huge claws marks down his chest. I lick them sealing the wound to stop it from bleeding. Hearing a low growl I spin in the direction of it and dropping my head and snarling at the Intruder, protecting the two pups.

A huge black wolf steps from between the trees, his teeth bared as he stalks toward me.

“It’s only mate” my wolf says and I feel my wolf relax and I turn to look back at Ace underneath me when I am hit from the side. Claws ripping into our flesh making us whimper. We jump to our feet only to be attacked again, teeth slicing through my side painfully as I try to escape from the attacker. Only able to see black fur when I realise it is our mate attacking us.

We try to shift back to let him know it’s us when I feel his teeth sink into the back of my neck and we are flying into a tree. The last image I see is his silver eyes glaring at me, my blood dripping from his muzzle as he stalks toward us with his teeth bared. My vision is going hazy as I try to stand. Wobbling on my feet before I collapse in a heap feeling his teeth slice through my arm painfully.

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