Hybrid Aria 1-4

chapter 156

Lana POV

I had just walked up the stairs and was walking into check on Ashley when Elias’ voice flitted through the mind link.

“Is Tate awake still?” He asks.

“No why?”

“Nothing I can’t handle,” he replies but I could hear his concern in his voice.

“Do you need me to come?” I ask him.

“No Tate doesn’t want to worry you,”

“Well saying that makes me worry where are you?”

“Eastern border but it’s fine I can deal with it” he cuts off the mind link and I refocus on my surroundings. Going in the room. I get dressed, chucking on some jeans and a shirt before chucking my joggers on. Walking downstairs Tate was still asleep and would be dead on his feet if he went so stepping in the kitchen I found Drake.

” Do you think you would be right with the kids for awhile, Tate is asleep and I need to go see Elias”

“Yes of course but can you show me how much formula to put in”

I quickly show him before darting out the door intending to go find out what Tate has been hiding.

I run through the Forest before picking up Elias scent and the lingering scent of blood. Coming to a small clearing I find around 12 humans dead and some rogues, wait humans?

Seeing Elias I call out to him, his head whipping in my direction before he does a double take rushing toward me.

“Luna you can’t be here, Tate will lose his shit” he says but I shove past him going to see what everyone is standing around.

Four pack members were standing around something and I could hear a weird beeping noise. As I approach two of our pack warriors turn toward me and I feel Elias grab my arm jerking me back.

“Luna you need to leave now”

“No what the fuck is going on why are there dead humans and rogues lying all over this field, and what are you staring at” I demand pushing past them only to stop dead in my tracks.

It was a bomb, the black box had a digital display ticking down the minutes. Spinning around I glare at Elias.

“You better start speaking and tell me what’s been going on” I demand looking at the black box watching the seconds tick by. It still had 20minutes on it.

“Red River pack and our pack have been getting threats, this is only one of around thirty that we have stopped, usually Tate disarms them. Rogues have been helping the humans they have been targeting us for weeks”

“Rogues and humans working together?”

“Yes Tate didn’t want you to worry with your”- he didn’t finish but I knew he was talking about my mental health issues although I have been fine.

“How do you turn it off?” I ask, looking at the black box.

“Chase is on his way, he should be here soon,” Elias says, looking toward the other side of the clearing.

“Chase knows about this?” Elias nods and I suddenly see Chase walk out of the trees he looked exhausted like Tate. He glares at Elias as he approaches and spots me. My father also stepped out of the treeline behind him.

“What the fuck is she doing here Elias” chase bellows before my father rips me away.

“Go home Lana this is no place for you” My father yells at me.

“No place? it is on my packs territory”

“You don’t need to get involved, go home now we will handle this”

Chase walks over kneeling beside the box, everyone stepping back and my father shoves me away.

“Go home Lana” he growls.

“No tell me what’s going on, why are they attacking us?”

“Because of Ryker now go home. Tate is going to pitch a fit when he finds this out”

“Is this why you left home, is this going on back home too?”

“Lana we haven’t got time for this just go” My father yells at me pointing back the way I came. I turned my back on him walking home pissed off that this was hidden from me. Does Arial know? And what does Ryker have to do with this? I had so many questions and no one was willing to answer them and I doubt Tate will tell me anything unless I demand him too and even then he can fight it.

When I get home Drake looks up alarmed and Tate rushes down the stairs in panic before stopping when he sees me walking toward him. He lets out a breath of relief.

Then suddenly glares at me. “Elias told you he would deal with it, why the fuck did you go?” Tate asks.

Tate POV

I was woken by Elias’ voice yelling in my head telling me Lana was with him. I sit bolt upright in bed before scrambling off the bed in my bleary eyed state. Grabbing some pants I rush out the door only to find Lana walking back into the house. I breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing her yet I could feel her rage through the bond and feel Drake’s worry. Lana’s anger made mine worse.

“Elias told you he would deal with it, why the fuck did you go?” I snapped at her.

“Don’t yell at me Tate, I am not the one hiding shit, what you think I wouldn’t find out. Is this the reason you’re out at night? How could you keep this from me?”

“We have it under control love, you don’t don’t need to worry about”

“Under control? They are trying to kill everyone” she snaps back, her fangs protruding with her anger.

“Fuck!” She screamed she hated this part of her anger, and found it embarrassing.

Since Drake left, her mental health declined massively but she has been good since having the twins so when the attacks started happening we didn’t want to burden her with it. Same as Chase having been shot with so much wolfsbane over the last few months it has made him infertile, I keep telling him to tell Arial, what’s been going on and why they can’t conceive and keep it. But he refuses, deluded in thinking his wolf was magically going to heal him.

Though if he admitted to what’s going on maybe drinking Ariel’s blood might heal him but after causing her so much heartache before we figured it, he couldn’t bring himself to tell her it was his fuck up.

“This is exactly why I didn’t want to tell you. You get so worked up over everything love” I tell her wrapping my arms around her and pulling her against me.

“But humans are helping. I don’t understand, how could you keep this from me, does Arial know?”

I shake my head. ” No and you can’t tell her, Chase needs to do that”

“I am not lying to my sister” Lana argues back.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“I’m not asking you too, just don’t bring it up and she probably won’t ask”

” If she does I will tell her” I nod knowing she would be true to her word. Drake looks at us, the kids in his arms before mouthing to me.

“What’s going on?

I shake my head and he sighs walking off with them toward the living room. I was glad to see him, I was used to him coming and going from my life but Lana wasn’t, him being here worried me though. If he leaves again she may just snap, she may deny she wants him but I can feel she does and I know he can feel it too because his feelings are the same.

“Tell me what’s going on?” Lana says stepping away from me now under control of her emotions and anger. I rub my eyes yawning. Fuck I need some sleep.

“Ryker killed his mate” I tell her.

“I know that already” she deadpans and tries to figure it out.

“She was a hunter he didn’t just kill her, he killed her family they were pretty high up with the hunters”

“So this is revenge?”

“Yes it had been going on back on your mother and father’s territory for months, Ryker tried to hide it from them. After everything with Avery it was all out in the open. Your mother was pissed off because your father knew all along and that is why your father and Ryker have been clashing. They thought moving here would stop it, but turns out they seem to think your parents had something to do with it, hunters attacked and Ryker tore one up one of their men and dropped him in their directors driveway and admitted it was him before killing the man’s son. He was going to kill all of them when he was shot and had to flee”

“So my brother started this?” I nod.

“I just don’t get why he killed his mate. It makes no sense even if she was a hunter” she says and I agree when Drake speaks.

“She was going to poison the water supply with wolfsbane” I turned to look at him.


“That’s why he killed her; she used him to get to his pack,” Drake says, making me wonder if his father knew this information. He told me his son just didn’t want a mate, saw them as weakness and killed her. Aria was livid and so was he when he found out.

“Wait how do you know that?” Lana asks him.

“He told me yesterday,” Drake tells us.

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