Hybrid Aria 1-4

chapter 149

Tate’s POV

I knew something was going on by the way the phone cut out, I didn’t catch the last part Ryker said, the reception wherever they were wasn’t particularly good, but when Drake sent a text and told me he was on his way to Avalon City. My heart sank, he hasn’t returned none of my calls, has ignored me and had his warriors turn me away when I have been on his land. Now he was going to destroy the bond too.

Eleven years I waited for him to come around, eleven years of heartache watching as he went about his life while mine was on hold waiting for him. Then when I think things are finally looking up, when Lana finally comes into our life she made me wait two years only to leave me in the end. Was I really destined to have two mates that hate me, am I that unlovable that they both shunned me?

So once again I wait in this house rotting away waiting once again, praying that Ryker could make her see sense. I know he is getting aggravated with my constant calling, but she won’t answer the damn phone. Like how hard is it, to pick up the damn phone. I know she is hurting but so am I. Eleven years of pain spent waiting only to be tossed away again.

I sit in front of the TV. Once again trying to get through to Drake, hoping Avery won’t sever his bond. I get the voicemail, his voice sending shock waves through me like it does every time. Sighing I pace wanting nothing more than to drown my sorrows, yet Lana would be pissed if she comes back. I don’t know how long I paced for when I finally flopped down in my bed. The bed feeling empty and cold like the feeling settling inside me.

Alarm hitting me when I feel his pain through the bond making me sit up. Asher growling in my head angrily. “Find Mate” He growls angrily pushing beneath my skin. The pain radiating yet he didn’t seem angry like you would expect when someone was beating you senseless, no he felt off, something was off but I could feel burning hatred seething within Lana, when I feel it. Feel a teether and I realise he marked her. My heart skipping a beat before I feel Drakes pain again. Was she beating him? It made me wonder because she was ravenous, I could feel her anger and her bloodlust hitting me like a tonne of bricks, so red hot before I feel the last piece, the elastic band that holds us together suddenly being forced in place. Asher yapping in my head wagging his tail with excitement and adrenaline forcing me to my feet.

“Wait, why was Lana at Avalon City?” I wonder, when Asher suddenly stops also wondering the same thing when I put the pieces together everything making sense. She must have went to stop Drake, but then why did he mark her? I feel Asher shove forward urging me to go to them. I try reign him in when I walk down the hall only for him to shove forward violently, enraged about something knocking me down the stairs as he forces the shift. Shit! I shouldn’t have let my guard down when I feel him shove me out. “Asher give me control” I yell at him, but he blocks me out shoving me further back into the pits of our mind.

Lana POV

We had been driving for an hour in complete silence, I felt on edge and also angry though I felt it wasn’t my anger but Tate’s.

“How much longer?” I ask him sick of being in the car.

“40 minutes, we aren’t far now from Tate’s Pack”

“So you are dropping me to Tate?” I ask.

“Yes, Lana why do you think I came, I won’t let you leave him” He says making my head snap to his in shock.

“So that’s why you did it, you don’t want me? You did it for Tate?” I ask. I see his hands clench the steering wheel, his jaw clenching.

“Can we not argue, my car is destroyed enough” He says his eyes flickering.

“Pull over” I tell him, and his eyes snap to mine but I am shocked to see Titus in control and him speak to me instead of Drake.

“Sit there and be quiet” He snaps.

“Excuse me?” I snap back.

“Drake get control of your mutt, or I will leash him” I warn him and Titus growls menacingly the car veering. I see his eyes flicker Drake trying to reign him.

“Don’t speak to me like that Lana, you started this when you deliberately tried to hurt Tate” Titus growls.

“No, you fucking started it when you allowed Drake to reject me, now pull over Titus” I snap reaching for the wheel when he grabs my hand. The car slams to a stop as I see Drake trying to fight against him. What the fuck was going on? Why was his wolf stronger then him? I watch Drake hop out before cursing.

“You need to calm down Lana, your anger is affecting our wolves” Drake says making me look at him as he climbs in the car.


“You forget us marking you makes us stronger, your emotions are affecting our wolves because you are angry, I can feel it now, so stop” He says gripping his hair in frustration.

“How the fuck is that my fault, I have a right to be angry, you fucking marked me without permission”

“Lana just stop, can’t you feel Tate, feel his anger it affects him too”

“You just told me you still don’t want me, am I supposed to be happy about that?” I ask, folding my arms across my chest.

“I never said I didn’t want you, I just said I did it for Tate”

“Yes and not because you actually want me”

“You’re putting words in my mouth lana, you’re pregnant” He says.

“I fucking know, don’t tell me you only marked me out obligation Drake”

“Why else would I, you never wanted us from the start, I only came to talk sense into you for Tate. I was not expecting to find out you are pregnant” He yells starting the car.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

I feel tears brim and look out the window away from him, he reaches over grabbing my hand but I rip it away from him. “Don’t touch me” I snap at him.

“The mate bond will sort it out” he says.

“You’re waiting for the mate bond to work, to make you love me” I scoff, shaking my head.

“You selfish prick, I should have let Ryker kill you” I spit at him.

“And what become a single mother, raise mine and Tate’s kid on your own?” He asks.

“I don’t need you, I have family” I tell him.

“Yeah because they are so great, your sister is a lunatic murderer, your brother has a god complex great role models to raise a kid around” he says turning onto the back road.

“And what sort of father would you be?” I ask. When he suddenly slams on the brakes the car screeches to a stop and my eyes dart out to see a wolf in the middle of the road. Tate’s wolf as he bares his teeth. Stalking toward the car.

“Asher?” Drake says getting out, Asher looks at him stepping closer and I hop out when Asher growls at me. I guess Tate is pissed I went to Avalon City. What I wasn’t expecting was for his wolf to lunge at me. I hear Drake scream at him as he knocks me to the ground, his nose pressed to my neck as he bares his teeth.

“You hurt him, you both hurt him, I am sick of you hurting him” I hear Tate’s voice in my head only it is rougher, gravellier, the voice of his wolf.

“Asher get off her, she is pregnant” Drake snaps at him. He growls before he suddenly sniffs my belly, nudging my shirt up with his nose, pressing his cold wet nose into my lower abdomen. His head snapping up when he whines loudly looking at Drake.

“Calm down” Drake tells him before running his hand through his fur, Asher relaxing, and I sit up on my elbows and his head snaps toward me and he growls again.

“She hurt us, you hurt us. I won’t allow for you to hurt him anymore” Asher says through the mind link.

“I know but she wasn’t thinking, she thought she was helping Tate, you need to give Tate back control before we all get run over on this road” Drake tells him. Asher shakes his furry head.

“Bring her home, you need to come back too” He says before turning and darting off back the way he came.

Drake holds his hand out, but I slap it away getting up myself. Great two mates that hate me and two babies I wish weren’t theirs. I wish I never met them; wish I never knew they were my mates.

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