Hot Night With CEO

New Life

Days passed and months went by unnoticed, and now Fahira’s pregnancy has entered the final trimester, which means the Darian family is now filled with a mix of worries and happiness about the upcoming arrival of the twins into the world.

Since the first trimester of Fahira’s pregnancy, Darian has been on high alert as a husband and has become more possessive and protective. He frequently goes back and forth to the office just because Fahira wants to be close to him. Fahira’s sweet and clingy behavior has also increased multiple times since entering the eighth month of pregnancy. She experiences various discomforts, and Doctor Intan, who is in charge of Fahira’s pregnancy, has already warned Darian and the family about the risks and vulnerabilities of a twin pregnancy.

One of Fahira’s severe complaints is the pain in her back and legs. She can’t sleep if it’s not Darian caressing her back or massaging her legs. Even light activities like standing and walking become difficult for Fahira due to her enlarged belly. So, if Darian is not at home, Yasmin, Ariel, or one of the maids will accompany Fahira.

“Aren’t you going to the office, Honey?” Fahira asked, sitting on the bed, leaning on several pillows. Her face grimaced a few times as the babies in her womb moved. Her hand spontaneously caressed her belly to soothe the active fetus.

“I can’t bear to leave you alone at home,” Darian replied, still standing in front of the bathroom with both hands moving up and down, drying his wet hair with a small towel.

Fahira struggled to swallow her saliva when she saw droplets of water falling from Darian’s hair and passing through his chiseled chest. For almost a month, Darian had been refusing her advances for intimacy. Fahira understood his reasons, but her pregnancy hormones seemed uncompromising. She always felt aroused whenever she saw Darian’s bare chest. The thin hairs on his chest seemed to challenge her fingers to play around. Although Fahira was sure that she desired more than just playing around with him.

Fahira struggled to swallow her saliva when she saw droplets of water falling from Darian’s hair and passing through his chiseled chest. For almost a month, Darian had been refusing her advances for intimacy. Fahira understood his reasons, but her pregnancy hormones seemed uncompromising. She always felt aroused whenever she saw Darian’s bare chest. The thin hairs on his chest seemed to challenge her fingers to play around. Although Fahira was sure that she desired more than just playing around with him.

“Honey, come here!” Fahira called with a meaningful smile that Darian had memorized.

Darian sighed deeply and sat on the edge of the bed, embracing Fahira to give her time to inhale his scent as she always did whenever they were together.

“Honey, let me feed you, okay? Then you have to rest,” Darian said, caressing Fahira’s hair and occasionally giving a kiss on the top of her head.

“But I’m not sleepy, I want to walk in the park!” Fahira replied, loosening the embrace although she hadn’t fully satisfied inhaling Darian’s calming scent.

“Alright. But after that, you have to rest. You haven’t slept all night!” Darian smiled and caressed Fahira’s chubby cheeks.

“Put on your clothes first!” Darian gave a quick peck on Fahira’s lips and then got up from the bed to put on his clothes.

While dressing, Darian pondered something. Suddenly, he felt uneasy seeing Fahira’s condition. According to the ultrasound results from a week ago, the estimated due date for the twins is in two weeks, but hearing Fahira’s complaints and seeing her current condition, Darian couldn’t bear it. Moreover, Dr. Intan had suggested a cesarean section for Fahira, but her stubbornness to give birth naturally led Dr. Intan to back down. However, Dr. Intan was slightly worried since the weight of Fahira’s unborn babies was larger than the average size of twins.

After putting on his clothes, Darian immediately fed Fahira. She eagerly finished the chicken porridge and then whined, asking to leave the room. As usual, Darian had to convince Fahira first to use the wheelchair he had prepared. Gently, Darian helped Fahira sit in the wheelchair and adjusted her swollen legs.

“It must be painful, right, Honey?” Darian whispered as he stood up from his kneeling position.

“It doesn’t hurt, Honey. It’s just that my feet feel numb,” Fahira giggled, blushing as she realized the changes her body had undergone. Not only her clothes, but even her sandals and shoes had changed size. Sandals and shoes that used to be size 38 were now size 40.

Darian gazed into Fahira’s clear eyes and smiled. “I’m grateful for all the sacrifices you’ve made. I promise to try my best to be a good husband and father to all of you!” Darian said, kissing Fahira’s forehead.

With Darian pushing the wheelchair, they descended the stairs using the special ramp that Darian had prepared for Fahira since her pregnancy entered the seventh month.

“Where are you going, sister?” Ariel asked when he saw Darian accompanying Fahira down from the room. Seeing Darian in casual clothes, Yasmin immediately asked, “Aren’t you going to the office, Darian?” Darian pushed the wheelchair towards the dining table.

“Today, I want to stay home and accompany Fahira. She said she wants to get some fresh air in the park!” Darian explained, and Fahira nodded in agreement.

“Oh, Darian, for the next few days, it’s better for you to stay at home with Fahira. Mommy is just worried if Fahira suddenly goes into labor,” Yasmin continued, looking at Fahira with concern.

“Don’t worry, Mommy. Darian deliberately took some time off from work to stay at home. Besides, I can still do my work from home,” Darian smiled, bidding farewell as he headed to the backyard.

Ariel, who was about to leave for school, finished his milk and said his goodbyes to Yasmin. After kissing her on the back of her hand, the teenager quickly caught up with Darian and Fahira to say goodbye.

The aroma of petrichor filled Fahira’s senses as her wheelchair came to a stop. Her clear eyes scanned the entire garden, admiring the beauty of the blooming flowers. The colorful blossoms captivated her heart, which had been troubled since the night before. Fahira smiled as she watched butterflies and bees fluttering around the flower buds, like soldiers ready for battle.

“Are they more fascinating than your husband?” protested Darian, who had been observing Fahira’s cheerful expression. For him, Fahira was the beauty he had admired all this time.

“Oh, I think my husband is just jealous of them. How can fellow butterflies be jealous!” Fahira chuckled, playfully squeezing the hand of her brown-eyed man.

“I am a jealous man,” said Darian, kissing Fahira’s fingers.All text © NôvelD(r)a'ma.Org.

Fahira winced in pain as the babies in her womb started moving, just like last night. Almost every night, Fahira couldn’t sleep soundly due to the increased activity of her twin babies.

“What’s my little hero up to? Alright, calm down now, Mama needs some rest,” Darian said, gently caressing Fahira’s visibly moving belly. Suddenly, the movements stopped, as if responding to Darian’s words.

“Smart!” Darian praised with a chuckle.

However, Fahira soon winced again, this time in more pain, and unconsciously gripped Darian’s hand tightly. “Can we go to the hospital, Brother? Please,” Fahira pleaded, her breath starting to become rapid. Sweat suddenly dampened her forehead. In fact, she had been feeling uncomfortable since last night, but she chose to endure it so that Darian wouldn’t panic.

“Hospital!” Darian repeated, still in shock, but a moment later, he snapped back to reality. “Of course, my dear!” he replied and quickly got up to push Fahira’s wheelchair towards the backyard.

Darian immediately called Santi to bring the bag containing the childbirth supplies prepared by Yasmin, as well as the driver to take them to the hospital.

“Stay calm, my love!” Darian said anxiously on the way to the hospital.

Fahira, who was experiencing pain, could only nod as she tried to regulate her breathing, which seemed to be gasping. Her hands kept stroking her belly, which occasionally felt stiff. Panicked, Darian called Dr. Intan to inform her that Fahira would soon be in labor, and then called Yasmin to come to the hospital.

Upon arriving at the hospital, several nurses were already waiting for them in front of the ER with a stretcher. Darian quickly lifted Fahira from the car. However, he was shocked when he felt her warm and wet hands, so he immediately laid her down on the stretcher. At that moment, Dr. Intan hurriedly approached them.

“Quick, take her inside, I’ll check the patient’s condition first!” Dr. Intan ordered, and two nurses immediately obeyed.

After examining Fahira’s condition, Dr. Intan approached Darian, who was waiting behind the curtain, and asked him to step aside for a moment.

“I’m sorry, Sir, but Mrs. Fahira will soon give birth…” Dr. Intan paused when she saw the panic on Darian’s face, “Mrs. Fahira is already two centimeters dilated, but the baby’s position has not entered the pelvis, so we need to perform the surgery as soon as possible.”

Darian’s world stopped for a moment. His heart raced, and his body trembled. “Please do your best for my wife and children, Doctor!” Darian quickly responded.

“Alright. Please accompany your wife inside, I hope you can stay calm,” Dr. Intan continued before hurrying away and instructing a nurse to prepare the operating room.

“Honey!” Fahira called out with teary eyes, reaching out her hand as she saw Darian pulling the curtain aside.

“Calm down, my dear. I’m here,” Darian replied, accepting Fahira’s outstretched hand, and taking a deep breath before explaining the procedure the doctor was going to perform to save Fahira’s life and their twin sons.

Darian held Fahira’s hand tightly and kissed her forehead for a long time.

“You need to have surgery,” Darian whispered, causing Fahira’s cries to intensify.

“Listen, listen to me, my love. Everything will be alright. I promise that during the surgery, I will be right by your side.” Darian tried to calm Fahira by cradling her face in his hands. He looked deeply into her teary eyes and wiped them gently with his fingertips.

“For the sake of our children,” Darian whispered again, causing Fahira’s body to freeze. Slowly, she nodded. She had to be strong for the sake of their two beloved children.

“For the sake of our children!” Fahira repeated, calming her fears.

Yasmin arrived after Fahira entered the operating room. “How is Fahira, Darian? Are they alright?” Yasmin anxiously questioned, her face pale. Santi, who was standing next to Yasmin, was equally panicked.

“In the name of God, Mom, Darian will have to go in soon. Please pray that the surgery goes smoothly,” Darian explained with a trembling voice, hugging Yasmin tightly. Just then, a nurse called Darian’s name, forcing him to let go of the embrace.

Cold air embraced Darian as the smell of medications filled his senses. The sound of medical equipment monitoring Fahira’s condition filled the all-white room with its rhythmic beeping. Darian’s vision blurred as he saw his beloved wife lying helplessly on the operating table, her hands outstretched to the sides. Her left hand was tied to the edge of the operating table, while her other hand was connected to a device that displayed her vital signs. Darian quickly wiped the tears that had welled up in his eyes, then tried to smile as he approached Fahira’s head.

“I’m here, my love!” Darian whispered, successfully bringing a faint smile to Fahira’s lips.

Shortly after, Dr. Intan entered the room to perform the surgery. Darian’s only task now was to hold Fahira’s free hand and whisper soothing words into her ear to keep her calm. Surrendering himself and praying to the giver of life for the new life that would soon join their small family as a blessing.

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