Horny Drips Sex Cravings

Chapter 95

I felt Angel’s hand snaking slowly around my waist and my breath broke out.

“Maybe after the party.” I said hastily hoping to stop him.

” Maybe….” He whispered back and tugged me to his chest. I bit my lip hard stopping myself from moaning.

“Angel… please the maids are watching.” I reminded him seeing the steward dish out instructions to the maids that came with him to greet us.

I felt Angel’s hand withdraw from my waist and I sighed in relieve.

“After the party then.” He said behind me and took my hand leading me into the mansion.

We were lead towards the grand hall in the mansion were events were held my parents. Just before the head security could give the order for the door to be opened, a familiar voice stopped us in time from entering.

I turned towards the direction from where the masculine voice came.

“Carl….” I muttered seeing my mum’s body guard. His eyes were showing several emotions, from shocked to happy to admiration.

“Thea… Goodness! Where have you been?” He asked scanning my body totally ignoring Angel’e existence behind me. “What happened? Your mum said you just left town with only a text to let her know. You scared your mum Thea….” Carl said and I could tell how scared she must have been seeing the look in his eyes.

I looked behind me to catch Angel’s expression but he wore a blank one.

I caught Carl looking at Angel behind me when I returned my gaze to him. He had suspicion clouding his face.

“Are you back for real or are you going to ghost again?” He asked peering deeply into my eyes as if the answers were there.

“I… I … we’ll talk after the party.” I stuttered. My voice was a bit cracky. I suddenly felt the longing for home become stronger. No matter what I felt for Angel I still wanted my freedom.

I suddenly felt suffocated and wished I could tell my mum my real situation but that would mean betraying Angel’s trust again and I didn’t want to see him getting angry at my betrayal the second time.

I made to move into the Hall when Carl suddenly held my hand stopping from going in but Angel quickly pulled his hand away from me glaring threatenly at Carl.

“No it’s okay Angel….” I quickly held Angel’s hand before he did something else. I could see that Carl touching me had made him angry. Carl looked pissed as well but his eyes softened when it fell on me.

“Are you okay Thea?” He asked but I understood the message beneath the question. “If you need me….”

“I’m fine Carl.” I quickly cut him off remembering all that Angel swore to do if anyone tried taking me away from him. “Angel and I came together.” I said hoping he’d back off.

” Don’t hesitate to let me know if you need anything.” He said his eyes glaring at Angel behind me. I simply nodded and moved into the Hall with Angel behind me.

The moment we stepped into the hall, my eyes never stopped scanning the place in search for my mum. The hall was filled with many dignitaries, both my parents had the connection and it made me wonder how Angel became a mafia man if his father was wealthy enough to secure a good future for him in the business world.

“Thea? Oh my goodness! You look amazing.” Mrs Percy, youngest wife to a retired general. I greeted her and many more who obstructed my search for my mother. I was famous but amongst a few who kept introducing me to other dignitaries that weren’t familiar with me.

Angel had left me to sit at a corner, grabbing a drink for himself but I saw him watching me the entire time while I greeted everyone. Once my space was a little clear I hurried off to look for my mum and Angel followed behind me. I searched around a little while then my eyes fell on Scott who was in a little circle discussing with the men, then my eyes caught her in the crowd, my mum. She looked restless and her eyes darted about and I knew she was searching for me as well.

“Mum….” I muttered and my eyes watered. I sighed in relieve the moment her eyes caught mine in the crowd. We both stared at each other for some seconds. I could tell she was stopping herself from tearing up as well. “Mum….” I called A little more audibly and set a foot out to meet her but I felt a hand grab me stopping me from moving.

It was Angel and there was threat in his eyes.

“Don’t make me regret letting you out.” He warned and I smiled back at him.

” I’m not going to run from you Angel.” I assured him.”Now let me go before she thinks something is wrong.” He left my hand and offered me the other hand to walk with him.

He led me through the crowd till we got in front of my mother.

“Thea…. honey.” my mum called still in disbelieve. She quickly wiped off a tear that fell off her eyes and I looked away blinking back my own tears.

“I missed you mum.” I finally said unable to hold back my tears. She pulled me quickly into her embrace and hugged me tightly rubbing my back as if to make sure I was really the one. She pulled me back and looked at me again before hugging me once more.

“I almost had a mental breakdown looking for you my love. I thought something bad had happened to you.” She said patting my hair. After a while we broke our hug and for the first time she paid attention to Angel behind me. “Thank you for bringing her.” My mum said to him and he smiled at her.

“Don’t mention Mrs. Loiusa. Thea and I are step-siblings after all.” He said and placed his hand on my shoulder but I felt he was trying to tell me to behave.

“Let’s go meet your father, I’m certain he would be happy to see you both together.” My mum said and led us to Scott who gave me a warm welcome into his embrace and I discovered something shocking. My heart didn’t beat like it used to whenever I found myself in his arms neither did my body react to his hot and masculine features.

I felt nothing.

Angel and his father had their father and son moment and the party went on.

We shared a table together with my parents along with their closest business partners.

I missed this. The real world and family but Angel barely knew what it meant to live in my world.

There was an incredible longing to come back to my life. I thought I had missed this but it only dawned on me how much I did now that I was here.

The party had ran its course and the guest soon started leaving one after the other while we stayed back with my mum and Scott to thank them for coming.

“I still insist you two stay over for the night. Really, what’s the rush Thea?” My mum said to us after the guest had all left. She had brought it up at the party dinner but Angel quickly declined and I obliged too coming up with an excuse but I could see the suspicion my mum held on her face throughout. She definetely knew somethings weren’t adding up.

I was certain she knew something was wrong because Carl had whispered something to her at the party and glanced at Angel after it.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Okay, I understand that Angel is quite busy but Thea I missed you. How long do you intend to toture me? I couldn’t sleep well worrying about you all this while. Please stay for the night.” She begged and it almost broke my walls. I never refused my mum’s request to stay over and she knew it. Insisting on not staying was definetely going to confirm her suspicion.

Angel rubbed my back reminding me not to do otherwise. I looked into my mum’s eyes and she was telling me something too. I looked behind her and noticed some strange movements amongst the bodyguards. Carl gave me a nod as if to tell me he had everything under control. I felt Angel become a little suspicious.

I looked at my mum again and Scott chipped in to encourage me to stay. They were very persistent.

I suddenly felt my resolve weaken. My mum had connections as well in the police. This was their house. I dared to doubt again that Angel would do anything to harm me in here.

The tension kept increasing and I struggled hard to make a decision.

“Thea….” Angel called softly. If I went back, I wasn’t sure if he’d ever let me out seeing my hesitation here and if I revealed the truth and things went wrong Angel would never forgive me but their was a high chance that I could be free from him today.

The police would be involved. It wouldn’t be like the last time I tried to escape.

“Alright, it’s time to go Thea.” Angel said running out of patience. He grabbed my hand but I suprised myself pulling away from him. He looked shocked but I moved towards my mum.


“Thea…. Come, now.” Angel drew out his words but I had made my decision.

“Mum… I didn’t leave town. Angel bought me to be his whore.”

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