Holding on to you

Chapter 45: Nothing but ginger ale

Killian’s P. O. V

I’m in the mood to kill.

I tucked my gun into the waistband of my jeans, I wasn’t really a fan of using guns, I’d much prefer to use my knives because it allows me to prolong the kill and enjoy the screams of my victims.

However, since the place that we were going into called for the use of guns I made sure to walk with Jade, she’s never failed me yet.

“Boss, let me do all the talking, you know how Ginger can get and she’s bound to take a dig at your love life. And we all know you can’t control yourself were Lilly’s concern.”Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

F**k Ginger!

I adjusted my jacket so that it was covering my gun, if I walked into Ginger’s playpen with my gun on display it would be seen as disrespect to the owner, and since I wanted to do business with her, I had to get on her good side.

“As long as she keeps Lilly out of it I’ve got no problem with her.”

Mik looked a bit worried, and with good reasons. Lately, it’s just been a series of business deals turning bad every time someone got brave enough to threaten Lilly’s life. The motherf**kers think they can get me to fall in line by threatening my girl, but what they didn’t know is that whenever a threat is raised against her all I see is red.

We walked into the building, from the outside, you’d never know that it’s a brothel. Ginger is the den mother of her playpen and all of her girls willingly worked for her, she doesn’t believe in forcing her girls to play with her clients as she called it.

Most of her girls came to her seeking work but others she rescued from places far worse than hers. When she gets them she offers them a job working for her, she guarantees them the love of a family, welcoming home, the comfort of a warm bed and never wanting for anything in their lives. As much as I despised what she did for a living, I couldn’t fault her for the way she took care of her girls. She doesn’t encourage violence of any kind, whether it be intentional, non-intentional, playful or non-playful. If any of her clients abuse any of her girls, she throws them out and bans them from ever entering any of her other establishments.

As we entered a few girls came to greet us, we were told that Ginger was in another meeting and would be with us shortly. They offered to play with us until Ginger was ready for us but Mik and I declined, but the three other guys and even the one girl we had with us accepted.

They worked for me, but what they did is their own business, so I didn’t object. I looked around at all the half-naked girls and felt disgusted, I couldn’t under what was appealing about them. How the hell can a man f**k them and enjoy it, even knowing that hundreds of other men have been there?

I looked over at Mik who was standing, we were offered a seat, but I guessed like me, he didn’t truth sitting in a place where STDs came to grow. Just as I was about to tell them to let Ginger get her ass out of whatever she was doing, my phone rang.


“I’m bored, Killian.”

I chuckled, I told her where I was going it would be dangerous to answer my phone and only to call me if it was life-threatening, but like always, she never listens.

“Red, I’m on a job, can’t you go do something girly with Jessy and Kins?”

She grunted in the phone.

“Kins, off somewhere doing god knows what and Jessy on punishment from Mik, so now I’m bored.”

I cast a look at Mik who was scrawling at his phone, his fingers moving swiftly over the screen.

“Give me a minute, baby, let me talk to Mik.”


With growl Mik pocketed his phone, looking even more pissed off.

“Mik, what’s the deal with you and Jessy? Red, bored and she needs her best friend, who for some reason is on punishment, so what gives?”

He glared at me, but I didn’t let it bother me. I know I had no right intruding into his private life, but my girl was bored, and I’d do anything in my power to make her happy.

“Killian, I might work for you, but what’s between Jessica and I is no one else’s business but my own.”

If anyone else had talked to me like that they’d be at the other end of my gun, but Mik is the closest thing to a brother to me, so I let it slide.

“I don’t give a shit about your relationship, but Lilly wants to spend some time with her best friend and if I have to go into this meeting knowing that there’s a frown on her beautiful face, it might not turn out the way we want it to.”

I know I sound a bit extreme but, I don’t like to see my girl upset and if I can do something to make her happy best believe I’m gonna do it.

“You can’t be f**king serious.”

I faced him dead on, letting him see the truth in my eyes. He grunted again then took his phone out of his pocket and called who I assumed was Jessy.

“Jessica, don’t make me regret this. Stay will Lilly, and don’t do anything stupid or that will piss me off even more than I already am.”

I watched him with an amused look on my face, but I wasn’t the only one that was watching. Ginger was standing with her men behind her with a curious look on her face.

Mik said something else to Jessy and hang up the phone, he gave me an ‘are you happy now’ look and I smirked. I put the phone back to my ears, it was time to give Lilly my own warning.

“Baby, be a good girl and don’t try to lose your guards like you did last week.”

She started squealing in the phone with Jessy, who was right beside her, celebrating their freedom.

“I promise, all we’re going to do is some shopping, and maybe get something to eat after then come right back home.”

Somehow I didn’t quite believe her, but I didn’t have time to make sure she followed the rules.

“I mean it, Red, don’t f**k this up or I swear I’ll punish you and it wouldn’t be anything as easy as what Mik will do to Jessy. Stay safe, ok baby?”

“I will, I promised. I love you and please come back in one piece.”

I ended the call and turned to Ginger who was watching me strangely.

“Can we get this show on the road?”

A brilliant smile lit up her face, she sashayed her way over to me then stop right in front of me. Her hand gliding down my face.

“Killer, darling, how nice of you to come and see me. I’ve been told that you have some lucrative business deal to put forward my way, and I just couldn’t believe that you’d finally want to do business with me. I mean, with your obvious dislike for what I do.”

I gently moved her hand away from my face and took a small step back. I didn’t come to play games with her and from the looks of it, games are what she wanted to play.

“Well, you know what they say, Ginger, you have to at least do business with the devil once in your lifetime. Consider this my once in a lifetime.”

Mik rolled his eyes next to me, I knew that he was thinking I’m gonna get us all killed, but I wasn’t there to indulge the whore.

“Pity, I’d love to play lots of different games with you, might even let you win some.”

She smiled seductively at me, but I kept my expression passive. After a while she frowned then shrugged her shoulders, a bored sigh escaping her.

“Oh well, it’s all business with you then, come along.”

She turned and walk away, her two bodyguards following behind her, Mik and I fell into step behind them. We arrived in a large gold room with black chairs for everyone to sit, the chairs formed a semicircle and at the head of it was a red and gold chair that Ginger went and sit on.

Mik and I cast a look at each other, but he kept our mouths shut and took a seat, in the much too soft chairs.

“Well boys, let’s get down to business, shall we? What is it that you want Ginger to do for you?”

“We’re looking for JD, he seemed to be in the wind. There’s no way he’s good enough to hide from us the way he has been doing these last few weeks, but we can’t figure out who he’s getting help from.”

I sat back and let Mik do all the talking since he’s more of a people person than I am. Ginger’s face got deadly at the mention of JD, he killed two of her girls a few months’ back and the word on the streets was that she was looking for revenge.

“That vile creature is still alive?”

“Yep, and getting even more powerful as we speak. Whoever is helping him has got connections that even we can’t reach, so that’s where you come in.”

Her face took on that bored look again.

“And what’s in it for me?”

Mik smile, he knew that he had her interest.

“We’d be in your debt. A favour that is collectable whenever you’re ready.”

Her eyes lit up with excitement and I knew that she couldn’t wait to brag to her people and all who would listen how the Black family owes her a favour.

“That doesn’t sound too bad, but I must ask darlings, whatever could it be that JD did to incur the wrath of Killian Black?”

I clenched my fist, she was treading on dangerous water. I glared at her but Mik answered her.

“He and my ex tried to kill me, so it’s only fair that I return the favour.”

She frowned, clearly not liking what she was hearing.

“So, this is for you, not Killer?”

If she thought that I was going to tell her anything, she clearly didn’t know me at all.

“It’s for me, but the favour is from him.”

That seemed to satisfy her, she leaned back in her chair and smiled.

“Very well, I’ll call in a few favours and have my girls keep a lookout, my boys out on the streets will keep their ears to the ground and I’ll call you when I find something interesting.”

I started to stand because I knew that the meeting was over, no need to sit around and exchange force pleasantries, we both knew that I hated being there.

“Wait before you boys go I’d like to offer you a free play session with two of my most sort after girls.”

I frowned at her.

“We’re not interested.”

She stood herself. “Oh, but you haven’t even seen them as yet, trust me, I’m sure that once you see them you’ll have a change of heart.”

She whispered to one of her guards and he quickly left the room and returned with two girls. My frown turned deadly and Mik stood, ready to kill anyone if need be.

“What’s the meaning of this, Ginger? What the f**k are you playing at?”

The two girls might not look anything like Lilly and Jessy, but just by looking at them, I knew that it was Ginger’s way of telling us that she knew what our weakness is.

“Oh darling, I’m simply offering you two of my best girls, I don’t know what it is about them, but my clients just can’t get enough of them, must be the hair and the eyes. There just something about girls with red hair and blues and blonde hair brown eyes, the men just seemed to love them.”

I was getting pissed off, but I kept myself calm, she wanted me to lose my composure, but I wasn’t going to let her break me. I looked at the two girls, my eyes taking them in. They were both beautiful, but everything about them was just wrong. The girl with the red hair was just a little too curvy, her eyes weren’t blue enough and her hair was too red. I couldn’t be the judge of the other girl, but from the disgusted look on Mik’s face, I knew that he was thinking the same thing.

“Frankly, I don’t see the appeal.”

Ginger frown and the girls pouted.

“What about you Mik, any of them tickle your taste bud.”

“Not in the slightest.”

Ginger dismissed the two girls, and Mik and I hurried the hell up out of there. I was so wound up that the slightest thing would have made me pull my gun and shoot somebody.

When we got back to the car the others that we came with were waiting for us, the men and woman looked quite happy and pleased with themselves. Mik and I got in the car and the others got it the one parked behind.

I wasted no time fishing my phone out as did Mik, just like me he wanted to reassure himself that his girl was ok. After the fifth ring, Lilly answered the phone.

“Don’t be mad.”

Those were her first words and they pissed me off.

“Why the f**k would I be mad!” I yelled.

“I just couldn’t let him go to jail, he wasn’t in his right mind, and I know that he regrets what he did, it was a mistake.”

With every word that came out of her mouth, I felt my blood boil, I give her one rule and she goes and breaks it.

“Lilly, go home now!!”

I heard another phone ringing and Lilly whispering to Jessy to answer it before she made it any worse.

“Killian, I’m leaving the station now, just please hear me out when you come home and please tell Mik that it’s not Jessy’s fault I dragged her along with me.”

I hang up and bang my hands against the steering wheel.

“One f**king rule and she broke it!”

From beside me, Mik swore. I knew he felt just as frustrated as I did, I heard it in his voice as he yelled at Jessy.

“What the hell, JESSICA!”

I put the key in the ignition and started driving, I had an unruly wife to deal with when I get home. Mik was still talking beside me.

“Your best friend? I don’t give a f**k if he was your brother, I told you to stay the f**k away from him!”

He ended the call and we sat silently on the hour-long drive back to the house, I didn’t even park the car, I jumped out leaving the key in and made my way to the house.

My father and his wife were sitting getting drunk, I didn’t even stop to talk to them even when my father demanded to know why the f**k was his house filled with people he didn’t know.

I took the stairs two at a time with Mik on my heel, at the top of the stairs we both went down separate ends of the corridor, him in search or Jessy and me in search of Lilly.

When I got to my room I threw the door open, my full intention was to punish her for her disobedience, but I stopped short when I saw what she was wearing. And from the looks of it, she was trying her best to get herself out of it, and I’m guessing that she didn’t want me to see it.

“What the f**k are you wearing?”

She gasped, jumping back a step. I took her in from head to toe and the scrawl on my face deepened.

“I’m gonna kill you if you tell me that that’s the outfit you left the house with!”

She bit her lips and looked away. I growled I was finding it hard to control my anger, just the thought of other men eyeing her body in the too tight, too short and too every f**king outfit made me want to rip it off of her and burn it.

“Take it the f**k off, NOW!”

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