Holding on to you

Chapter 43: Only the doctor can fix it

I froze for a second before I caught sense and pushed at the person who was violating my lips. I felt a hand slip down the front of my jeans and I gasped causing the person to put their tongue into my mouth. I fought with everything in me, but the person was too strong. His finger was seconds away from going into my underwear which made me panic and bit down on his tongue.

He cursed, pulling away from me and I used the distraction to try and escape him, but he was faster than me. He grabbed me and pushed me back up against the door, my eyes finally found his face and I gasped.


A malicious smile lit up his face.

“In the flesh.”

My confusion at his actions only made him laugh, but when he saw that I was about the scream, he clamped his hand over my mouth trapping it there.

“Tsk, tsk, now we can’t have you screaming and alerting my cousin, well at least not until it is the right time.”

I fought him, twisting my body away from him every time he tried to touch me, ignoring the stab of pain from the harsh movements. I didn’t understand why he was doing what he was doing. He looked at me and saw the question in my eyes.

“Don’t look so sad, Red, I’m only doing to my cousin exactly what he did to me. I’m gonna make sure that every time he f**ks you, he knows that I’ve had you too, that he’s not the only man that has tasted your sweetness.”

He started to drag me away from the door and back into the bedroom, I bit down on the hand he had over my mouth causing him to let me go. I dashed the door, but he grabbed my shirt, tearing it from my body. Everything happened so quick, I felt myself being thrown on the bed with him between my thighs.

His hand was over my mouth again and the other was holding my hands captive over my head.

I gave up fighting when I felt myself going weak, the pain in my chest from where I was stabbed started to throb, but I ignored it. Kaden looked at my body with strong lust on his face, I could see it in his eyes that he wanted to touch me, so I waited.

There wasn’t any way he could touch me without either freeing my hands or my mouth and when he did I was waiting to use it to my advantage. I didn’t have to wait long, deciding that it was safer to move his hand from my mouth, he glided it down my body and just as he was about to pull my bra down, I screamed, burning my lungs with the strength of it.

He realised his mistake and clamped his hand over my mouth again, but it was already too late. Not five second after the door was kicked open and Killian was standing there looking a very pissed-off avenging angel.

Kaden jumped from the bed and I wasted no time getting as far away from him as possible. I ran right into Killian’s awaiting arms, buried my face in his shirt and cried.

“Come on cuz, it’s not what it looks like.”

Killian was shaking with anger.

“Well, it looks like you were trying to rape my wife!”

I try to block it all out, but I couldn’t, how the hell did my life got so complicated? I missed the times when everything was just normal and boring.

“You don’t really believe that, do you cuz. I mean, she came into my room and starting throwing herself at me. She’s a good looking girl, what was I supposed to do?”

I gasped, the idiot was trying to make it sound like I purposely sought him out in the hopes of sleeping with him. Gross!

Killian stiffened, and for a second I wondered if he believed him, but that was short-lived as he gently put me to the side and he rushed forward. A gun suddenly appeared in his hand and it was pressed up against Kaden’s head.

“Speak one more lie about Lilly and I’ll redecorate this room with your brains.”

The threat was spoken so softly; I almost didn’t hear it. The two just stood there staring at each other. Not before long, the room was filled with everyone else, Jessy and Kinsley took in my topless state and understand right away what happened, but Natasha flew into a rage.

She stormed into the room and pushed Killian away from Kaden, standing between them.

“What the hell are you doing, and why is she in here without any clothes on?”This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

I wrapped my hands around myself, feeling naked and self-conscious. Her eyes shifted to the unmade bed and my torn top that was lying a few feet away from it and she came to her own conclusion.

“You bitch!”

She yelled, moving in my direction, but was pushed back by Killian. She turned and glared at him.

“Your slut tried to seduce my boyfriend and you’re pointing a gun at him?”

I knew I should defend myself, but I just couldn’t get my mouth to cooperate with my brain. Killian blocked her path to me, but his gun was still aimed at his cousin. He looked on the verge of pulling the trigger, but Mik walked over to him and rest a hand on his shoulders. He leaned close to his ears and whispered something, I didn’t hear what it was, but it made Killian lower his gun, but instead of stepping away, he moved closer to Kaden.

“Rest assure, I will kill you for touching her, just not today.”

He turned and walked from the room, grabbing my hands as he passed the door. Without saying a word, I followed him, keeping my head down as we passed room after room.

When we finally got to our room, he took me straight to the bathroom and start to gently remove my clothes and I let him. Turning the shower on, he guided us both in. He took the soap and start to wash my body like he was washing away some invisible dirt that only he could see, and throughout it all, I never said a word.

After what seemed like hours, he turned the shower off and took me back into the room. I just watched as he got the terry towel and dried my skin, then his. Suddenly I found myself lying in bed wrapped in the safety of his arms.

“Shh, it’s ok baby, I’m here you don’t have to cry anymore.”

It was at that moment I realised that throughout it all I was crying and that only made me sob harder. Killian kissed the top of my head and pulled me closer.

“We don’t have to go see doctor Brooks today if you don’t feel up to it.”

I shook my head.

“No, I think I need to talk to someone, now more than ever.”

He nodded and I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

The car pulled up in front of this big building, it didn’t look anything like a shrink’s office, but I guess since I’ve never seen a shrink’s office I was the last person to judge.

“Go ahead, baby, I’ll park the car and catch up with you.”

I nodded my head, swallowing the lump in my throat, I wasn’t sure I was ready to spill all of my emotions to a complete stranger. Killian saw the reservations in my eyes and he pulled my lips down to his, kissing me gently. Pulling back, he rested his head against mine, his hands tangled in my hair.

“Just say the word baby and we’ll leave.”

I shook my head, I knew I had to do it, what happened with Kaden broke the last bit of sanity that I was holding onto. I needed to fix myself, I needed to put myself back together if I was ever going to survive in that house with those that were determined to see me fall.

“I’m ok, I can do this.”

He kissed me once more then released me, I grabbed the handle of the door, threw it open and stepped out quickly. I hesitated a bit as a queasy feeling pass over me, steadying myself and squaring my shoulders, I stepped away from the car and entered the building.

A security desk was right at the entrance, and sitting behind it were four people. Without really taking the time to observe my surroundings, I walked over to the desk and asked for Dr Brooks.

The nice bolding guy told me that it was on the third floor, I thanked him and made my way to the lift. When I got to the third floor I went to the reception desk and asked for Dr Brooks, the receptionist kindly smiled at me and told me that she was expecting me and to go the third office down the hall on the right.

I returned her smile and left, with every step I took my heart beat a little faster, I didn’t understand what I was afraid of, it was just a stupid appointment. However, I knew that once I entered that office it official meant that I had to deal with my problems. I couldn’t hide from them or pretend like they don’t exist; I’d have to admit that they are there and I’d have to admit that Killian is the cause of them.

What scared me the most, is that I might start to realise that he is actually bad for me and resent him for it. I knew that I would always love him, there’s nothing and no one that could change that, but I fear that my world might come crumbling down around me, and I’d have to live knowing that it’s all because of him. And I wasn’t going to fool myself into thinking that he’d ever let me go.

My hand shook when I turned the knob, I steel myself against my anxiety and entered into the office. A slender blonde woman in her mid-forties rose from behind the oval table. Her smile was bright as she approached me, I returned her smile nervously.

“You must be Ruby Black, I’m Dr Brooks.”

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