Holding on to you

Chapter 35: Angel of death

Jessy’s P. O. V

“Jessy? Is that you?”

Relief flooded me, and I closed my eyes smiling. For a minute, I thought that my life was over, but it was only Bobby, one of my brother’s friend. I turned around, my smile still in place.

“Bobby? Are you on your way to see Drew?”

He nodded his head, then looked at the two guys that were with him. The one on his left just smiled at me, but it was more of a perverted smile than a friendly one. However, the guy on Bobby’s right was the one that freaked me out, he wasn’t smiling or attempting in any way to disguise his lust. His eyes combed my body, making me squirm. He started from the tip of my shoe and moved his way up, I started to shift from foot to foot and it didn’t help that I was wearing a short skirt.

When his eyes finally met mine, I saw his intention as clear as day. I wanted to run, but something told me that if I did that I’d only make thing worse, so I decided to play it cool and stay as calm as possible.

“Ok, he should be home, I’m just here waiting on my boyfriend… he, um, he’s in his house getting my books, then we’re going over to mine.”

My words were steady and I was proud of myself, but from the look on Bobby and his friends’ face, I knew that they didn’t buy it. The guy on the right took a few steps closer to me, a knowing smirk on his face.

“No need to lie to us, pretty girl, we’re all friends here.”

Just as the last word left his mouth, he flipped open what looked like a pocket knife. I gasped, jumping back I looked at Bobby, but he too was smirking. I started to back up as they started moving towards me. looking around I saw that I was alone with no one to help me, so instead, I started to plead with Bobby.

“B-Bobby, what’s going on? My boyfriend will be here any m-minute, stop this, it isn’t funny.”

The three of them laughed and started to circle me. The one with pocket knife reached me first and as I tried to move I was held in place from behind. I was so scared that my heart felt like it was beating out of my chest, but I refused to cry or show any weakness in front of them. My tears were on the verge of falling, but I held that at bay too.

“Little Jessy Shay, I’ve always wondered what it would be like to f**k you… guess I’m about to find out.”

My eyes widen and that’s when I started to fight them off, Bobby and the guy without the knife held me while the other one used his knife to cut the front of my shirt. I lost all of my bravadoes and started crying, I knew what they intended to do to me and I knew that they weren’t going keep me alive to talk about it to anyone.

Just when he hooked the knife under the front of my bra, an angry voice stopped him.

“I don’t take too kindly to people touching what’s mine!”

Bobby and his friend let me go, but the one with the knife wasn’t giving up that easily. He grabbed me from behind and put the knife to my throat. I saw my stalker’s eyes widen with fear, but then it was gone, replaced with a look of absolute death.

His hard eyes bored into my captor, and his voice laced with steel as he spoke, causing even me to shiver.

“I don’t think I made myself quite clear…” With speed I’ve never seen before he pulled out two guns from under his jacket, “… you touch her, you die!”

Everything happened so fast, Bobby and his friend saw the guns and tried to run, but my stalker was faster than them. He fired two shots hitting them both in the head, never seeming to break a sweat.

The guy holding me started freaking out, his hand shaking causing the knife to leave little cuts on my skin.

“Ah shit, shit!! You killed them, man! You f**king killed them!!”

The knife sliced my neck again and this time, I cried out, my stalker’s faced got even more deadly. He pointed the gun at the one holding me and pulled the trigger, I heard the shot ring out and saw as my captor drop to the ground screaming, holding on to his arm.

I stood there, shock, just staring at him, watching the blood as it pooled around him. Someone was calling my name but it sounded far away, I couldn’t hear it through the horrified scream of someone else. It wasn’t until my stalker took me into his arms and shook me that I realised I was the one screaming.

“Jessica, run, run all the way home. I’ll come and find you after, I promise.”

His words didn’t make sense to me, I just couldn’t seem to understand them. My eyes refused to stop looking at the blood that was starting to stain the street, he kept talking to me but I kept staring at the blood.

I heard him curse then felt his lips crashing down onto mine, momentarily I was brought back to my senses and what he said started to register.

“Jessica, I need you to leave here before the cops show up, run and don’t look back, do you hear me?”

I nodded my head, looking him in his eyes. He kept my head secured between his palms and every time I tried to look at the blood, the bodies or the whimpering guy on the ground, he forced my head back to him.

“Go, now!”

His command shook me out of my daze and I nodded my head, more focus and ready to move. Taking off his jacket he put it over my shoulders and pushed my hands into it. With a slight nudge, he pushed me.

“Run, Jessica!”

I didn’t have to be told twice, I took off running at full speed, but instead of running straight home like I was told, I turned and walked back to see what he was going to do with the last guy.

In his hands he had the pocket knife that my captor was holding, roughly he dragged him up towards him, causing him to scream. Looking around I saw lights in the windows of a few houses, but no one came out to offer any help. My stalker held my captor by the neck from behind, the knife position in the same way it was at my neck.

“You understand the reason you’re dying, but I also want you to know the name of the person who killed you.”Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

He pushed the knife into his neck and slowly sliced through.

“I’m Miquel, motherf**ker, but you can call me death!”

Using all of his strength he pushed the knife all the way in, slicing through my captor’s neck. I stood there shaking, watching the most horrifying, brutal act in my life. A soft squeak escaped me causing Miquel to look my way, he dropped my captor’s lifeless body on the ground and stood.

“F**k, Jessica, I told you to run!”

Oh, I was running alright, far away from him. I turned and run, I run until it felt like my body was going to give out. However, I only stop when I reached my house.

The lights were off when I got there, and with shaking hands I pulled my keys out of my jacket pocket, trying to unlock the door. My hands were so unsteady that no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t get the key in the door.

Feeling hopeless, I broke down and started crying. I was tempted to bang my hands hard against the door to get my brother’s attention, but then I would have to explain to him why I was covered in blood and crying.

As I was about to give up, I felt someone standing behind me. I should have freaked out, I should have screamed but I was too exhausted and way too tired to do either. I knew that it was Miguel, his spicy, woodsy cologne assaulted my nose. For some reason, I felt safe knowing he was there, and I did something that was very much out of character for me, I leaned into him.

He wrapped his hands around me, causing me to sigh and closed my eyes. Taking the keys out of my hand he processed to do what I couldn’t and opened the door.

Everything after that was like a blur, I vaguely remember entering the house and being carried to my room. I must have imagined it, but I swore I saw Jason’s jacket that he was wearing earlier that day thrown over the back of the sofa.

In my room, I let Miguel helped me to get undress, something that I’d never let another guy do. However, I was far beyond the point of carrying, I just wanted to get clean and get in bed.

Miguel helped me into the shower, he had to support me because I was unable to stand on my own. With half sleepy eyes I looked up into his ocean blue ones, it was my first real look at him, I must say, he was quite beautiful.

“You’re so pretty.”

I slurred my words, causing him to chuckle, the sound was so smooth and rich that I found myself leaning into him. The rush of water that hit my heated skin brought me out of my daze, somewhat. The reality of my situation started to sink in, and from the look on his face, I knew that he realised it as well.

I started to pull away from him, using my hands to cover my naked body, however, his hold on me tightened, but his sexy smile was replaced with an equally sexy smirk.

“No need to be modest now, Jessica, I’ve already seen everything. And it’s only a matter of time before I claim every part of you.”

I heard the seriousness in his voice as well as seen it on his face, I knew he meant what he said. However, strangely enough, I didn’t feel scared or threatened by him.

I’ve never been an adventurous person, but the look in his eyes was challenging, it was telling me to take a chance and just live life. A fire lit inside of me, freeing a wild side that I didn’t even know I had.

I decided to throw caution to the wind and do something that I’d never do otherwise, I decided to forget about tomorrow’s consequences and give in to the moment.

“Why wait, what’s stopping you from claiming me now?”

His eyes lit with a fiery passion and his thin lips quirked up, I knew I was making a mistake and that I’ll beat myself up about it after, but at the moment, all of my worries seemed trivial. I knew I should be worrying about the fact that I saw him kill three guys, granted they were three bad guys, but he still killed them. And the look he had in his eyes showed how much he enjoyed doing it.

“Jessica Shay, you’re mine now.”

I didn’t protest or deny it as his lips came down on mine, claiming me as his own.

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