Holding on to you

Chapter 22: His enemies are out

Free! Free at last!

Well, I wasn’t really free, but I was free of Killian’s imposing personality for two whole weeks! Let me say that again… TWO. WHOLE. WEEKS!!

What to do? Where to do it? How to do it? The possibilities were endless and I had every intention of exploring them all. I mean, come on, give a girl a break! I’ve been prisoner to the moodiest male god ever created, I deserved to live a lot in his absence.

There was just so many things that I wanted, like going clubbing and getting drunk, and maybe causing some trouble somewhere and getting drunk, skipping school whenever I wanted and getting drunk. Talking to whoever I wanted, and did I mention getting drunk?

“Don’t even think about it.”

I turned innocent eyes on Kinsley, as I asked, giving her my best clueless look, which she was not buying.

“Whatever do you mean?”

She rolled her eyes and continued walking. We were on our way to our lockers to change books before the first period. The hall was empty said for us and few of the drama geeks.

“I know that look, the… how much trouble can I get into look.”

I stuck my nose up in the air playfully with my back straight and walked up a bit, but not before saying,

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

I heard Kinsley laughing from behind me and that caused me to break character and joined in with her. I didn’t even found what I did funny it was the way she was laughing that was making me laugh. When we both sobered up she continued talking.

“But seriously Lil, you’ve got a look of joy plastered all over your face, and if I can see if that means Killian can see it. And for sure he would do something stupid like cancel his trip or take you with him.”

Yep, that did the trick, immediately my happy look was replaced with a forlorn one. We walked the rest of the way to our lockers, mine was first, and as it came into view we both stopped abruptly. I stood there shocked, I was fuming so bad at what I saw and also completely mortified!

Right there, plastered on my locker were pictures of me and Killian in some very compromising positions. Kinsley ran over and quickly tore them off but when I finally snapped out of my shock and look around to see if anyone else saw them, I gasp. There were like a hundred more of them stuck to every locker and even on the walls.

Kinsley turned to see what I was looking at; her eyes widen with her jaw almost dropping the floor.


Not exactly my thoughts but I’ll work with it.

“Who would do something like this?”

By this time the hall was starting to fill with students, and it wasn’t long before I heard loud gasps and snickering. Kinsley and I moved quick trying to pull all the pictures off of the wall. I was so embarrassed by it all that I started crying and all the hurtful comments weren’t making things any better.

“Wow, Lilly didn’t know you had such a great rack, maybe after you’re done screwing that freak you can hop on my d**k.”

Leo Alcott was smirking me with a few of his friends behind him boosting him on. He might be the captain of the baseball team but I seriously wanted to deck him.

Becky came to stand beside him; in her hands, she was holding one of the pictures, an evil and hateful smile were stitched onto her face.

“God Lilly, I didn’t know you were such a whore, I now see why K is with you.”

Although I was embarrassed I still turned around to slap the bitch off of her face, but I was held back by Kinsley.

“She’s not worth it.”

I knew she was right but I was still itching to slap her, instead, I returned to pulling the pictures down.

“Such a little slut.”

Someone called, but I just let it slide, but when I turned to walk away I realised that I was trapped. Leo and Becky’s group formed a circled around me and Kinsley who was sending them death glares.

One of Leo’s buddies Harvey stepped forward and twisted one of Kinsley’s curl around his finger.

“Well, aren’t you pretty, why haven’t I notice you before?”

Kinsley yanked her hair away from him and step closer to me, the look on her face was downright scary, and at that moment, she was completely her brother.

“Touch me one more time and I will crush your d**k, turning them into mash potatoes.”

I saw Harvey step back with a horrified look on his face, I almost laugh but I didn’t think it would have helped our situation any.

“Crazy bitch!”

“Just my kinda woman.”

Leo had this shit-eating grin on his face and the way he was running his snake eyes over Kinsley’s body made me feel like throwing up. Feeling brave and having enough of being bullied, I grabbed Kinsley’s hand and started pushing my way through them.

Someone grabbed me by my hair and yanked me back hard. I cried out and my eyes water from the pain. In the process, I was also pushed onto the floor.

“Stay down bitch, I’m not done with you yet. A little birdy told me that your freak isn’t going to be here for two weeks, so that means you’ll be left unprotected. So, me and you are going to have to come up with a few different ways that you can pay for my protection.”

The group started laughing at my horrified look. I couldn’t believe that he expected me to sleep with him for his so-called protection. He was more stupid than I gave him credit for. I’d take his bullying any day over having to deal with a crazy jealous Killian, and as much as I hated him, I didn’t want to be the reason Killian killed him.

Kinsley snared at them, she looked ready to fulfil her d**k crushing promise to both Harvey and Leo.

However, she didn’t have to because someone stepped in front of her. well, two someones to be exact.

“Leave her alone, Leo, she doesn’t need your protection because she’s got mine.”

Why the hell would they think I needed protecting?

I couldn’t wrap my mind around any of it, why did they think I needed protecting? And most importantly, who from? However, I didn’t have to wait long for my questions to be answered as Leo stepped closer to Jason.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“You sure you wanna do that man, there’s a lot of people in this school that the freak has pissed off, and with him gone for two weeks all of them will be looking to get a little revenge.”

On me?! but I didn’t do anything, that’s just so unfair!

Jason stepped closer to him, they were so close that if they moved any closer they’d be kissing.

“Well, they will have to get through me first.”

Kinsley and Jessy helped me to stand and I thanked them. I looked at Jessy but she avoided looking at me, her eyes focused on one of the pictures on the ground. I looked down to see which one it was and I wanted to die.

I knew exactly where the picture was taken, it was right on school grounds. I remember Killian coming to get me out of my second-period class and dragging me off to an empty classroom. Someone must have upset him and he needed to vent the only way he knew how, through sex.

I grabbed Jessy’s hand hoping to get her attention, but she pulled it away and kept on ignoring me. I guess she still wasn’t talking to me. I wanted to drop to my knees and begged for her forgiveness but with the tension that was building, I knew that it wasn’t a good time.

“Yeah, well let’s see how that works out for you.”

Everything happened so fast, Leo’s three friends grabbed Jason and Becky’s friends and a few of Leo’s grabbed, Jessy and Kinsley. They tried fighting but they were overpowered, it was just too many of them.

“Run, Lilly!”

Kinsley shouted, but that earned her a slap from Harvey.

“hey, stop it!”

I yelled at him but he ignored me, instead he yanked her hair back and got up in her face.

“That mouth of yours should be put to good use, hell, I’m gonna enjoying bending you over the desk and listening to you cry for daddy.”

I was expecting some smart mouth witty reply from Kinsley, but the fear that entered her eyes terrified me. She looked lost and hurt and it wasn’t long before she started shaking and mumbling,

“Please don’t hurt me.”

At that moment, I forgot all about myself and lunged at Harvey, but Leo and Becky held me back.

“Let me go you assholes!”

Becky’s hand came out so fast, slapping me across the face. My ears rang and I swear I started seeing dead butterflies. The next thing I knew, I was being pushed up against a wall, it didn’t hurt as much as it should have because I was used to it. However, I was just as pissed as all the time it happened.

I looked around to see if anyone was going to help, but no one seemed to care about anything. A few of them even had satisfied gleams in their eyes, I even saw a few teachers who clearly saw what was happening but turned and walked the other instead.

I realised that we were not going to get help, and maybe I shouldn’t have been so happy about Killian leaving for two weeks. He wasn’t even fully gone and already his enemies were coming out of the woodwork. I almost felt sad that he decided to take the day off to stay home and sort out the details for his trip.

“No, let’s have some fun.”

Leo trapped me against the wall, but I started fighting. There was no way I was letting him touch me like that. A few more guys came out from nowhere and helped to hold me against the wall.

The look on Leo’s face made me shivered and not in a good way. So much perverted lust filled his eyes as he stared at my body. His hands shot out and grabbed my shirt. In one swift movement, he ripped it opened, exposing my purple bra.

I gasped, fighting harder.

This could not be happening!

His hands touched my stomach and fear so strong overtook me that I started screaming at him.

“Don’t touch me! don’t f**king touch me! I gonna kill you! I Killian is gonna kill you!”

They all just laugh like I was talking out of my ass. I could hear my friends screaming at them to stop but that just made them laugh harder.

Becky lifted the neckless with the ring that was around my neck and glared at it like it was an alien. I’d only recently got Killian to let me wear the ring around my neck instead of on my finger.

“What the hell is this?!” she screeched.

However, before she could get a reply another voice tore through the halls of the school, making everyone scatter.

“What the f**k is going on?!”

From my space between Becky, Leo and their friends I saw Killian holding one of the pictures in his hands and he didn’t look too happy about what he was seeing. But the look of outright rage that overtook him when he saw Kinsley who was still shaking and muttering to herself made even me feel like running.

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