Holding on to you

Chapter 2: Prologue two

Without hesitation, I got into the car and he locked the door behind me. My eyes followed him as he walked around the car and got into the driver side. He inserted in keys and just started driving.

The silence in the car was deafening, but it didn’t seem to bother him. I use that opportunity to examine him, it’s not like I haven’t looked at him before in school because I have. But everyone knows that it’s not good for your health to be caught ogling Killer, so I always made sure to not do it.

However, I didn’t think he’d kill me if I looked now. He is attractive, like a walking wet dream. I heard the few girls he’s been within the school talked about how just one look from him could make a girl experience her wildest orgasm.

His slightly long black hair was swept away from his face and spiked a bit at the top. His body was toned with muscles in all the right place, but the thing I found most fascinating about him was his eyes. The pale green was mesmerising, like a leaf that has been kissed by the sun for far too long.

I thought my staring was being done discretely, but from the glance, he cast my way I knew right away that it was anything but. Feeling the heat rise in my cheeks I looked away when I looked out the window I saw that we were pulling into the parking lot of a Pharmacy. Killian parked the car then get out and opened my door. I give him a confused look but got out anyway.

He ignored my look and grabbed my hand dragging me into the store. The bell dinged, announcing our arrival. There were a few customers shopping and waiting for the Pharmacist to serve them. They looked up when we walked in, but Killian walked pass them all, leading us to a door on the other side of the room.

He opened in and walk us in, a few people in white lab coats looked up from what they were doing but looked back down just as quickly when they saw him.

What the hell!

I didn’t know what was going on but I felt too scared to ask. The way he just walked in like he owned the place and no one said anything said a lot in itself.

He walked until we came up to another door and he opened that one and walked in too. Two people who I assumed were doctors were sitting going through some papers that were in front of them, but stopped when they say us. However, they didn’t look too surprised.

“Killian, what brings you here?”

The women who looked like she was in her late twenties asked. The man stayed behind and he did share in the woman’s smile and clear happiness to see Killian. In fact, he looked like he was fuming.

“Red here need to be tested and put on the pill, now.”

My jaw dropped and my eyes felt like they were seconds away from popping right out of their sockets.

What the captain crunch!

To say I was embarrassed would have been an understatement, but that was nothing compared to the anger I felt rising inside of me. I forcefully yanked my hand away from and took a step back.

“You can’t… who do you… I’m not… are you… WHAT?!”

Just as fast as the words left my mouth I was pushed up against the wall. I hissed from the pain of the contact and bit my lips to stop from crying out. I looked into his eyes and saw barely contain rage there.

“Are we breaking the rules already? People have died for less, Red.”

I squirmed under his intense gaze and my body helped betray me by shaking.

“Now, shall we try this again?”

I nodded like the scared idiot that I am and he pulled away, giving me room to breathe. Turning back to the man and woman who did not look fazed by his action, he grabbed me and pushed me none too gently towards them.

“Tested, pills. NOW!”

I did not dare look up at them for the fear of dying of embarrassment. The woman came up and wrapped her hand around my shoulder making me feel less uncomfortable.

“Don’t worry dear, it just a little blood and Urine test, and a few harmless questions. Can you do that for me?”

I nodded my head and was lead to sit in a chair. The man was still standing in the corner but I didn’t look at him to see if he was still fuming, I had my own problems to concern myself with.

“Ok, sweetie, we’ll start with the questions for, if that’s ok with you?”

I nodded again. She turned and looked at the man and said,

“Rob, can you get her three months’ worth of the pill?”

Rob turned and start going through drawers, after a little while he gave the woman a brown paper bag which contained the pills.

She picked it up that placed it in my shaking hands.

“With these pills, you just have to remember to take them the same time every day and if you happen to miss a day continue taking them as normal. However, make sure to have your partner wear a condom for at least seven days, ok honey?”

I nodded again like the stupid idiot that I am. I turned my head slightly and saw that Killian was looking at me with an intense gaze. I quickly brought my head back forward and eyes down to my hands that were clutching the brown bag in my lap.

“Now, let’s get those question started then we can get the blood and Urine test done. Alright?”

You might have guessed, I nodded again.

God, I’m so stupid!

“Ok then. First question, have you ever been tested before?”

“No,” I answered.

“How many times have you had sexual intercourse?

With just that one question, the entire room became hot. I attempted to open my mouth to answer the question but my embarrassing state would not allow the words to come out. I tried a few more time but again nothing happened.


I swear to god my heart and my soul jumped right out of my body and ran for cover. I didn’t dare look at him because I was afraid of the anger I heard in his voice.

I felt the woman hand on mine rubbing softly.

“It’s ok sweetie, take your time, but if you’re unsure of the answer that’s alright too.”

I was thankful for her soothing words because they helped calm me. But I was still dreading answering her question.


I said so quietly, but I know that Killian heard me.Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

“None? So you’ve never had a boyfriend before?” The woman asked.

“Yes I have, but we’ve never had sex… ever.”

She nodded her head seeming to understand.

“How about oral sex?”

I shook my head.

“So no form of sexual intercourse then?”

Again I shook my head, feeling my embarrassment rise to a new level. However, before I could die from it, strong arms pulled me from the chair and started walking out of the store. I couldn’t have been more relieved when I felt the cool air of the night hit my face. But even that was taken away from me as I was shoved into the car.

The car started moving and before long we were pulling up to a big gated mansion. Killian stopped the car and entered a code on his touchscreen dashboard and the gates opening up. He drove in then parked the car and got out, making sure to open the door for me.

I stepped out with my jaw dropped. The house was amazing, the white looked whiter than snow, it was almost glowing. I didn’t get a chance to admire it like I want to as I found myself being pulled to the entrance.

Killian threw opened the door and continued to drag me through the house which was designed in black and white. The house looked even more, massive on the inside. My eyes barely got a chance to take it all in as we entered another room, this one was the kitchen, which was a mixture of black, silver and red.

“Are you hungry?”

“No,” I answered.

“Good,” He replied.

Letting go of my hands he went over to the fridge and retrieved two bottles of water. He closed the door then handed one to me. I accepted it and again I was being dragged from the room, this time, I was being led up the stairs. Before long we came upon a door, which he opened and walked us into.

“Strip, we’re having a shower.”

The command was made but I made no move to comply, instead, I crossed my hands over my body in an attempt to cover myself up. He couldn’t possibly be serious about us having a shower together, could he?

But then all my fears were confirmed when he started stripping off his clothes. It was like it was happening in slow motion, first, his black leather jacket was shrugged off, then his black t-shirt followed. However, because he was facing away from me he didn’t see me drooling over him.

I watched his muscles flex as the t-shirt went over his head. He has the body of a god if I’ve ever seen one. Sitting on the edge on the bed he removed his boots then got up and pulled the belt from his pants out.

My breath hitched and I gasped which then caused him to look my way. He gave me an irritated look when he saw that I was still dressed.

“Are we breaking the rules again?”

His voice had an edge to it and his eyes darkened. So, not wanting him to get angry I started to undo the buttons on my dress with trembling hands. I stood there for ten minutes to no avail trying and not succeeding to get more than three buttons undone.

It all happened so quick, in one swift movement the dress I was wearing was ripped from my body like it was paper. I wasn’t even given time to be shocked because again I found myself being dragged away, only this time, it was to the shower.

Everything was so quick it got blurred. The shower was turned on and my bra and panty followed my dress. I felt something wet hit my cheeks and it was then I realised that it was my tears that were making everything blurred.

I closed my eyes as the hot spray of the shower made contact with my skin and I felt my back being pressed up against the glass. The only thought that was running through my mind as Killian forcefully took my lips were, it ok Lilly, this is just a small price to pay for the safety of your family.

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