Holding on to you

Chapter 12: Granger danger

I watched my mom and dad, they looked terrified, they wanted to know what the hell was going on. After Killian announced to my dad that he’s my ‘husband’ it went downhill from there. First, there were disbelieve stares then outrage shouting, and then my dad sent Liam to get his handgun and mom told Max to bring her shotgun.

My brothers didn’t hesitate to obey, I, on the other hand, looked around at the people in my life like they’ve all drank the Kool-Aid. Kinsley stood off in the corner with an amused look on her face, she didn’t look in the least bit worried.

My brothers returned with the guns and both my parents aimed it right at Killian. I gasped and stepped in front of him.

This shit needs to stop.

“Mom, Dad, what do you think you’re doing?”

Both my parents ignored me but their eyes never left Killian. I made to move closer, to tell them to put the gun down, but Killian grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back to him.

I saw my father’s jaw flexed and my mother’s eyes got dangerous. It terrified me because I’ve never before seen my parents that pissed off. I looked over at my brother for help to stop all the insaneness that was happening, but they were also giving Killian death glares.

“Step away from my daughter, son.”Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

The hand Killian had on my waist got as strong as steel, I started moving a bit because it felt like I was caged in. I heard Killian chuckled from behind me, I could tell that he was trying to act like it didn’t bother him when my father told him to let me go, but from the way he was holding I knew better.

“That’s never going to happen, she’s mine.”

What the banana pie?

I twisted my body around and looked at him like he was crazy. Was he trying me making my dad shoot him? It took my dad two years to get used to Jason being my boyfriend and that was almost the entire length of our relationship. My dad loved Jason but he couldn’t stop smiling when he found out Jason and I broke up, but then he wanted to rip Jason’s balls off when he found out that he was the one who broke up with me, breaking my heart in the process.

I gave Killian a look to tell him to shut up, I know I said I wanted him to die, but I didn’t want my dad to go to jail for killing him. Killian just shrugged off my look like it was nothing. However, what he did next was what took me by surprise, he leaned down and kissed the top of my head. My jaw dropped and we just stared at each other, then he said.

“Only mine.”

His face got serious and he turned back to face my parents and I did too. I saw all of my brothers looking at me like I’ve grown a second head. Liam’s face was the most disappointed one, I felt guilty and ashamed but everything that I did was to protect them. They were always the one protecting me, always there to make my world a better place, so it was due time I protected them back.

“My daughter is no one property to be had, you don’t own her, she belongs to no one but herself, and if you know what’s good for you, you’ll turn around and leave right this minute because if you stay any longer you won’t be leaving here alive.”

“If I leave she’s coming with me.”

My mother stepped a little closer, raising her gun. The look in her eyes said not to mess with her because you might end up with a bullet in your head.

“I don’t think you’ve heard my husband clearly, he said to leave!”

This shit is getting out of hand.

“Would everyone just stop it and chill the f**k out! I’m sure we can all talk about this over like mature adults.”

I couldn’t believe that I had to resort to being the parent. When it looked like my parents weren’t gonna listen, I soften my voice and spoke to my father.

“Please, daddy bear.”

I saw that I got to my father because he started lowering her gun, but he had a conflicted look in his eyes because my mother looked determined to shoot someone.

“Mom, please.”

It took a while, but eventually, they both lowered their guns. I sighed and relax my shoulders, but Killian still didn’t loosen his hold on me. I knew it was no use trying to convince him to let me go, so I stayed where I was and talked to my parents.

“Mom, Dad, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, but it all just happened so fast. We didn’t intend to get married, it just happened.”

I paused and looked at them. my dad looked like his anger and rage were building again, and my brothers were giving me suspicious looks, as for my mother, the look on her face was an unreadable one.

“You see, Killian and I were ju―”

“Killian, as in Killian Black?”

I nodded my head. “Yeah, why?”

Both my parents looked at each other and raised their guns again, this time, I knew that if Killian made one wrong move he’d be dead.

I was about to ask my parents what they were doing when Killian swiftly pushed me behind him like he was protecting me from my own parents.

“Marco and Lilith Granger as I live and breathe, I thought I recognised you, but my dad told me that you were dead.”

My mother turned to my brothers and said, “Boys get your sister and go upstairs and pack as many things as you can, we’re leaving.”

My brothers looked just as confused as me, Liam tried to say something but shut up when my mother gave him a stern look. Liam and Max moved to get me, but Killian growled and with speed I’ve never seen before, he pulled out a gun and pointed it at my brothers.

“Killian, NO!”

I shouted from behind him. I put my hand the hand with the gun and pleaded with him to lower it, but he ignored me.

“Take one more step in her direction and I will not hesitate to put a bullet right between your eyes.”

I was started to feel like I stepped into a very cheesy romance novel, the one where everybody starts acting crazy for no reason at all. I felt very confused, my parents were acting like gangsters, holding guns and talking about packing up and moving. And there’s the fact that they look extremely scared when Killian called them Marco and Lilith Granger.

Who the pigeon foot is Marco and Lilith Granger, and why does hearing those names make my parents want to run?

I had so many questions but no one to answer it because there was a western standoff going on in my living room.

“Liam, Max, please don’t come any closer.”

I turned to my parents. “Mom, Dad, what the hell is going on?”

My brothers backed off, but they too turned to my parents for answers.

“Lilly this is no time for questions, go with your brothers and we’ll explain everything later when we’re thousands of miles away from this place.”

The gun Killian had trained on my brothers took aim at my parents.

“You shouldn’t have said that Killian doesn’t take took kindly to people taking his things away.”

All eyes turned to Kinsley who we all but forget was standing in the corner. My family give her a confused look, and I realised that they didn’t know she was related to Killian. She saw their confused look too and just giggled.

“Oh, silly me, I’m Kinsley Black.”

Mike gave her a hurtful look and took a step forward.

“You bitch!”

Again she just giggled and shrugged her shoulders, then like her brother she pulled out a gun, but hers were small and pink.

Wait, does everyone have a gun but me?

I looked at her horrified and at that moment, I knew that she was just like her brother. She might be move talkative and more outgoing, but just as sadistic and heartless, they were both cut from the same cloth.

“I’m sorry boo, but he’s my brother, you understand right? Family comes first.”

The wall that contained my sanity was caving in, and I was on the verge of screaming.

“Would somebody please tell me what the hell is going on?!”

Everyone turned back to look at me, making me feel satisfied, I wanted answers and I wasn’t going anywhere until I got some, whether it be with my parents or Killian.

“Baby, I think your parents fail to tell you that they are part of the Granger organisation. They come in a close second to the Black’s, and they’re my father’s greatest nemeses.”

I looked at him like he was an idiot, he didn’t know what the hell he was talking about. I was started to wonder if he was dropped on his head as a baby.

“What are you talking about? My parents are simple boring people, trust me.”

“Red, your parents are Marco and Lilith Granger. Have you ever heard about the Hillside suicide camp?”

I nodded my head, what was he getting at?

“Well, your parents were the ones who orchestrated it all, they went in and took out every last one of the hillside dealers. The killings were executed so well that they made it look like a group suicide. Your parents were known as the dynamic duo.”

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