Beauty was unconscious for days before she finally recovered, it seemed to be a miracle how she managed to obtain just minor injuries after that hit from a moving vehicle.

The doctors and nurses too were also part of her survival.

That day her twin sister Shells was there with seated beside her silently comparing their similarities, she finally was able to come to a conclusion that Beauty was the chubby version of her with nothing else to differentiate between both of them.

She could be thinking of her sister’s condition but the past two days her heart rate gradually normalized so she was breathing without the life support machine this time. It was indeed a great moment for them, her parents finally were relieved and free from their heavy heart, since Shell had swore never to leave her side.

Their parents visit from home, while Shell stayed with Beauty in the hospital together with Jessi.

“How I wish I was there to prevent this from happening sis”.

Shell mumbled staring at Beauty.

The door opened it was Jessi.

“You are back”Shell said in relief.

“Yeah.. I.. bought some fruits for her, and energy drinks too”Jessi said nervously, it was her first time, being with just Shell.

She felt so guilt just by looking at her , it was just like Beauty but slimmer and tougher, making it even harder for her.


Shell said and collected the bag of gift from her, she put it on the table beside Beauty’s bed.

Jessi slowly sat down on the visitors couch, fighting with her mind, her fingers vibrating in nervousness.

“Emm Shell..”

Shell looked at her curiously.


“About Beauty, I am so sorry it is all my fault. I.. messed up , I don’t if she will ever forgive me but I.. won’t forgive myself ever for betraying my best friend (cries), I was so stupid and I got brainwashed by that evil man to do thsi to Beauty, I.. just ..(cries). I just can’t stand it anymore, if only I can turn back the hands of time”.

Shell only stared as she break down crying without any remorse, she was more cold hearted compared to Beauty.

“I don’t really know how close you two were, baby girl but you messed up big time, you could have sensed it earlier enough, since the Boss hated her and won’t let her marry his son. You shouldn’t have trusted him with whatever plan he was trying to get into with you, not to talk of asking to drug your friend, even if it was a truth serum”Shell stated boldly.

“I know , I am the worst, I was so stupid not to see clearly that he was only messing with my mind, but I know what to do to make it up to her”Jessi said consoling herself since Shell doesn’t seem ready to do that.

“What are you going to do about it?”Shell asked glancing at her curious.

“I have to do everything possible to bring Beauty and Bruno back together”Jessi replied.

“Beauty and Bruno back together? You mean the bastard that broke up with her , making try to kill herself? Hell no, not my twin!”

“It wasn’t Bruno’s fault, Shell!”Jessi snapped trying to defend Bruno so that Shell won’t hate him too much.

“So it was Beauty’s fault Jessi?”

“No… that’s not what I meant, Bruno loves Beauty as much as she loves him, and believe me , I think he even love her more than she does. Bruno wasn’t himself ever since that day, he has been a complete shadow of himself. I saw him yesterday, he seem to have completely lost himself, eachtime he sees me, his eyes were dark and furious then sad, I knew I reminded him of Beauty because we are alwyqs together and also as the betrayer, he hated me with passion”.

“And so what? If he truly loves her that much why didn’t he believe her but no… he choose to believe that stupid video, he is no dummy, looking at video he should be able to tell , she was on drugs but no , all he wanted was a chance to get rid of my sis just like other selfish guys in her life before him!”

“Shell … he is not like the others..”

Jessi defended again.

“Really well they all have one thing in common, they ended up dumping Beauty one after the other”.

“Believe me Bruno is different”.

“Oh please..”.

Before they could continue with the argument, Beauty coughed and break down in tears as she regained her consciousness.Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

Jessi rushed to get the doctor while Shell rushed to Beauty

Staring at Shell’s blurred image, Beauty had had her mind in chaos

“Who are you? Is that a mirror? Where am I?”she mumbled , sobbing while gazing from one corner of the room to another, her eyes weak and her lips dry.

Jesai returned with a nurse.

“You are safe Ms Beauty, you are in the hospital with your family and a friend”the cheerful looking nurse said and she tried to calm her down while checking her medical status.

Beauty gazed from Shell to Jessi then back to Shell.

“I know you have lots of questions, don’t worry I will answer it all”Shell said and took her hand squeezing them softly with a smile.

Beauty took a deep breathe, even though she was still confused since she was just gaining her consciousness, she was a bit calmer than before.

“Where is my mom, daddy.. where is Bruno?”Beauty mumbled feebly.

“Really you are still going to talk about him after everything he did to you?”Shell snapped annoyed with her.

“Shell let her rest first , you can explain to her later”Jessi said and walked over to Beauty’s side.

“Bea?”she said calmly to Beauty.

However Beauty turned to the wall crying silently unwilling to look at her.

Jessi bit her lower lip in grief, disgusted at herself.

“I know you don’t want to see me ever again, I am half you are alive Bea.. I will take my leave”.

“Wait…what are you doing, are you leaving?”Shell asked seeing her , all set to leave.

“I must be so stupid to show my face in the hospital after everything I did to my friend, I can’t stand it, I am so stupid , I can’t stay.. please take good care of her”.

She turned to Beauty.

“I never knew things will turn out this way, please forgive me Beauty, I understand if you hates me and won’t love to see me anymore”.

She sobbed and left the room.

Shell sighed deeply, she looked over towards Beauty.

“She was here with you for days now, she also confessed to me about what happened, she maybe stupid by taking that bait set for you by Mr Hath.. fool man, I forgot his name, but… believe me she do care about you”.

Beauty was still looking at the wall, swimming in tears.

“I have to confess I am jealous you are really good looking”Shell said trying to cheer her up.

Beauty slowly turned her face to Shell, who smiled softly at her.

“You are like me…”Beauty said suprised her eyes checking all Shell’s facial features out.

Shell walked to her and took her hand.

“Well that’s because we are twins, silly, it’s a long story but I am here now”.

Beauty smiled back weakly.

“Thanks for everything”.

“But I did nothing”Shell said with a soft giggle smiling with her eyes. Then she brought out her phone from her pocket and dailed their parents number.

“Hello … is she awake?”their mother asked curiously over the phone.

“Yes mom, she is”.

Shell placed the phone on Beauty’s ears.

“Mom..”Beauty said feebly.

“Oh my sweet baby, you scared us!”.

“I am so sorry!”

Beauty broke down crying.

Shell removed the phone away from her ear and placed on hers.

“She is crying , I will take care of her, bring some veggies too, doctor said she needs alot”Shell told her and hung up.

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