His Promise: The Mafia’s Babies

Chapter 339

Chapter 339

Chapter 339


If someone told me I would be sitting on Victoria’s big, luxurious and cozy sofa with the most unexpected group, I would’ve laughed in their faces.

Somehow, dad, Alex, Victoria, Lucas, Victor, and I were all part of this secret complot and waiting for Victoria to play Anya’s file which would take down Panther once and for all.

I knew how dad and Alex felt about sitting in a room with a Castillo-but at that moment, it was the least of his concerns. All he wanted to know was what exactly had happened to his friend-Stevie Maddens.

“If this is the evidence I’ve been looking for. F’ll tell Marvin everything and come back home,” 1 announced. “Victor said he’d protect me-he also said it’s for the best.”

“Yes.” Victor nodded uncomfortably, probably not wanting to be in the same room with a bunch of authorities who were not corrupt. “Apparently, we’ve got each other’s backs.”

Dad and Alex shared a look. “Then what are we waiting for?” Dad spoke.

The Tape

Four Years Ago

At the table sat Tiago Castillo with Panther, who had just made a shocking request. “I know your family hasn’t treated you right, but I will fix their mistakes for you.”

It was no shocker that Panther, who had been a great observer, had quickly noticed Tiago’s disliking towards his brother.

“Panther, you’re asking me to betray my brother.”

“Yes-yes, I am,” Panther confirmed, no shame whatsoever. “I see the way you look at him. I see how it breaks you whenever your parents have no shame admitting you’ll never be like him.” He said. “I can see you hate him—“

“I do.” Tiago cut him off. “I hate him with every bone in my body, but he’s still my brother.”

“Your brother sees you as a burden. He doesn’t want you around.”

“How do you know?”

Panther showed him a smug smile, shrugging his shoulders. “Because that’s what he’s been telling everyone-and if you don’t believe me, you can go around and ask.” He spoke. “What do you think will happen when he takes over Mario? Do you think you’ll be safe?”

Tiago went silent, knowing it was not out of place for his brother to make such comments as Marvin had often shared his feelings.

“He told me he would send you out of the country,” Panther said. “That you’re soft, nothing—even Victor is better than you.

Tiago’s hands were shaking. He felt betrayed, angry and confused. He didn’t want to leave and was

determined to prevent it at all costs.”What do you want me to do?”

“The deal with the Hernandez next week-I need you to be there.”

“Dad and Marvin won’t let me.”

“Don’t worry about Marvin. I got that dog right where I want him to be.” Panther clicked his tongue, shaking his head. “Who do you think has been pulling the strings?”

Tiago sighed. “What’s your big plan?”,

“The deal will fail, and there will be a raid.”

“How do you know?”

+5 Bonus

“I got this corrupt agent working for me. His name is Stevie Maddens.” Panther shared. “Stevie has been trying to threaten to expose me, and I’ve been meaning to teach him a lesson.”

“W-what do I have to do with that?”

“I need you to harm him for me.” Panther requested as if it was an everyday thing. “Just a little-nothing too bad.”


“Because I need Marvin to take the blame for you,” Panther told him. “He cares just enough to play the hero-so he wouldn’t let you take the blame.”

“I don’t think this is a good idea.” Tiago swallowed his breath. “And I’ve never held a gun before..Marvin told dad he wouldn’t allow it.”

“Marvin feels threatened and has been trying to hold you back, but I won’t.” Tiago felt uncomfortable hearing those words. “Listen, all you have to do is make the shot, just harm Stevie a little-I’ll teach you how and where. I’ll personally escort Marvin behind bars.”

“For how long?”

“Long enough for your father to see that you should be his rightful heir-but don’t worry, it’ll just be for a while.”

“Even if I do so-how could it help you?”

Panther laughed, throwing back his head. “When Cisco turns twenty-one, you will hand over everything to him.”

“Cisco?” Tiago frowned. “Why would you be interested in Cisco?” Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

“You’re not the brightest.” Panther glared. “Are you really asking me why I would be interested in my son?”

Tiago’s expression paled. “Y-your son?” He stared at the man in front of him, hoping for at least an explanation as to why Panther would call Karina’s kid his son.

Just when he had found the courage to ask further, he got interrupted by the sound on his phone. “It’s Anya.” He got up, not wanting to miss her call. “I-1 h-have to take this.”

He walked out.

At that moment, one of Panther’s hidden men stepped in and joined him at the table. “Do you really think this will work, boss?” He asked.

“He’ll eat his shit if I’d ask him to,” Panther cackled. “That’s just the way Tiago is.”

“What will you do when someone finds out?”

“Kill them? Perhaps blame another family?” Panther tapped his chin, planning multiple escape routes.

“Who knows.”

Unaware, Panther grabbed a cloth and threw it over the hidden camera, causing the screen to blackout and muting every single sound.


The room fell silent. Our breathing was the only sound present.

“I recognize him.” I felt my throat dry as I moved the video backward and pointed to the man who had joined Panther. “That’s Anya’s killer.

She must’ve watched that footage a million times and used her last breath to tell me she knew her killer.

That man was no longer alive.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, Victor answered for me.

“So Panther gives Tiago a task, manipulates a kid who has never held a gun before to kill a corrupt agent, knowing Marvin would protect his brother.” Dad summarized the situation. “By chance, Marvin gets out, and Panther, who must’ve already suspected Anya knew something-purposely caused a brawl with the Hernandez, which gives him the perfect opportunity to kill her.”

Victor sighed, surprisingly appearing affected by the situation. “Why didn’t Anya tell us?” He balled his fisp

“Because she was protecting Tiago,” Victoria told him. “Somewhere along the way, she must’ve figured this could only end badly and was prepared to tell Marvin the truth.“

“Panther must’ve gotten a feeling and wanted to eliminate her before she could do so.” Lucas finished. “He sent his right hand to do it and send him on a suicide mussion, knowing he wouldn’t survive unless he killed everyone in the room.”

“What are you saying?” Alex asked.

“I’m saying Marvin, Tiago and Anya were supposed to die that evening.” Lucas explained further. “Panther planned everything very carefully, used the Hernandez to distract Marvin

Tori raised her brow, “Why can’t Tiago just speak up and confess?”

“He’s out of it, on drugs, unstable-no one would believe him.” Victor spoke. “Even if he would come back sober-no one would believe him”

Even I doubted him, so that was understandable.

I was too lost in my thoughts. I hadn’t even noticed all heads were turned to me. With sweaty hands, I bit my lips. “What?”

“You’re going to give him that stick, right?” Dad’s question sounded like a demand. “You promised you’d give it to him and come back home right away.”

“I did.” A gulp left my mouth.

As badly as I wanted to end all of this, I had secretly hoped for Victoria to move slowly. Just slow enough. so I could take care of Marvin.

“Elena?” Dad laughed nervously.

“I will keep that promise-but I just need some time.”

“We don’t have time.” Alex backed him up. “I know you think after you tell him who you are, Marvin will probably never want to see you again, and you’re right–he wouldn’t. He said. “But he will believe you just enough to see what’s on that stick.”

“There’s more.” Victoria scrolled through the files, beckoning all of us to lean forward. “Names of rats, information about the money he has stolen from the Castillos, plans, hideouts.”

“Sweet, innocent Anya has been investigating him all this time,” Victor whispered, and I could’ve sworn I heard his voice crack.

“Why didn’t Panther tell Marvin about…this?” Victoria stared, referring to me as the ‘this’ situated.

“Because he knew he’d flip once he found out.” Victor seemed to have an answer for everything.

“It’s just another way for him to keep Marvin in check in case he needs a distraction.” He spoke.

‘Do what I tell you, or I’ll tell your dad the love of your life is an agent’s daughter.”

Dad buried his head between his hands. “Elena-”

“I know, dad.” I clarified, accepting there was no way out. I would never want Panther to hold that kind of power over him. Better yet-I would rather have Marvin hate me. “I promise—it’ll be the first thing I do when I get back. You have my word.”

It wasn’t easy, but it would be the best choice. The sooner Marvin could stop his friend, the better.

“As for you, sir.” Lucas addressed dad. “Marvin will deal with Panther, Victor, and I will make sure of it— so you should also take a step back.”

Dad scoffed as a little child, turning the other way. Until now, he hadn’t said a word about confirming Maddens being corrupt. Still, I could see the hurt and angry expression behind his eyes, probably blaming himself for not stopping his friend.

“I’ll step back when I have my daughter back.” He made it clear.

“Well then!” Victor slammed both hands on his knees and got up from the sofa.

“If Vicki-hands me the stick, I can bring back our saving grace so she can hand Marvin his present and pack her bags.”

“Actually, i-it’s Tori!” Victoria held up her finger to correct him.

“That’s what I said.” Victor patted my head. “Are you ready?”

Once again, I seemed to be the center of attention as all eyes were on me. I knew this day would come, but for some reason, I didn’t feel prepared. I felt guilty, ashamed, afraid, and pathetic.

Not that that could change anything.

“I’m ready.”

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