His Promise: The Mafia’s Babies

Chapter 294

Chapter 294

Chapter 294


“I don’t know. You’re the one who invited me.” Marvin leaned back. “So you can lead the conversation. What do you want to talk about?”

What did I want to talk about?

I knew a few subjects, but it wasn’t like I could just jump into the questions. I was known to make mistakes, and the alcohol in my system added to my tricky mouth.

“In that case, I want to know why you were in prison.” I decided. “No lies, no excuses—just the truth.”

The playful look on Marvin’s face had quickly changed to a serious expression. Unfortunately for him, we were long past the phase of asking each other about our favorite colors. “It seems like it has been on your mind for a while, hasn’t it?” Marvin spoke.

I turned my head, knowing I would only pity him if I would look into his eyes. “It has. I need to know who I’m hanging out with.”

Those words had a double meaning. I knew what the Castillo’s stood for, and I knew what Marvin was accused of, but it just wasn’t making any sense. Marvin and Panther behaved like any other normal citizen, so there must’ve been a misunderstanding.

“I was in for murder.”

The feeling of warmth disappeared from my body after hearing Marvin’s honest confession. Wasn’t he going to deny it this time? Wasn’t someone else in prison for that crime? Yes, I knew he had most likely

killed others and call me crazy-but I did not care. The only thing I had to know was that he did not kill Stevie Maddens Anyone but him.

“I was wrongfully accused, though.”

A satisfied laugh had escaped from between my lips. Even if it was true, it wasn’t as if he would share it with me–but that did not matter because I could feel his sincerity. “It was for murdering a DEA agent.” Marvin continued. I didn’t utter a word and waited for his explanation.He was opening up to me, and all I had to do was listen.

“So there you have it. I went to prison for a crime I didn’t commit.” Marvin shrugged. “You deserve to know, and I don’t want to lie to you.”

I stared into Marvin’s eyes, trying to find a spot of weakness, but I couldn’t find it. Unless he was a certified liar, it indeed seemed like he was innocent.If I could only tell my dad and Alex about it.

“And the guy at the wedding?” I asked, hoping I wasn’t pushing it. Marvin hadn’t touched a single drop of alcohol, so whatever left his mouth was all on him. Was he going to tell me about the Hernandez?

“You’re not afraid to ask questions.” Marvin leaned forward Shit, this was not going as expected. What was ! even thinking? We weren’t even that close yet.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have brought up the wedding.” I apologized. I was digging into his life. I felt too comfortable and failed to remember that the man beside me was a Castillo,

The worst thing was that he probably knew that I was aware. I mean, I saw him with a freaking gun in his hands, and he was not stupid.

“It’s not your fault.” Marvin smiled through his anger. Something seemed to be bothering him, but I was done with my interrogation. Not any amount of alcohol in my system could have me playing with my


Instead of asking him those difficult questions, I should’ve asked him about Tiago instead, but it was already too late for that. His brother was a subject he had been avoiding for weeks, and the only thing I got from Panther was that Tiago was not doing okay.

“I crossed the line. I’m sorry.” I apologized once again. “What makes you think you crossed the line?” Marvin frowned. “Do I scare you?”

Way to go, Elena.

“No, you don’t scare me.”


“So, how’s your life?” Marvin changed the subject. “Is your dad still getting on your nerves?”

Yes, and it is all because of you.

“No, things have been good lately.”

“That’s good.”

“How about you?” I took a sip from my glass. “How’s your life? Are you seeing anyone?”

What was I even saying?

Marvin chuckled. “What’s it to you?”

“N-nothing!” I shook my head. “I just want to know if you’re seeing anyone. It’s a normal question. People ask questions-”

“No, I’m not seeing anyone.” Marvin cut me off. My mind traveled to the beautiful woman at the wedding who was glued to Marvin. I had also seen her a few times at the hospital and suspected she might’ve been the reason why he wasn’t into me. Any other person would’ve hated their supposed rival, but the woman. was too beautiful to hate.

“A relationship is the last thing on my mind right now Marvin told me.Well, that was embarrassing. The message was for me, and it was well-received.

So a man could send you flowers and a diamond ring, and it still didn’t mean anything.

“I don’t know, after all those hospital visits-I think you should at least give her a chance?

Marvin turned around, only to come face to face with the person who I had never invited in the first place.His brother, Victor.I was not that fond of him, and as if things couldn’t get worse-he just had to make that uncomfortable comment.

Over the past weeks, I got to know Victor as a nosy person who could not be trusted. I could read demons. and this man was something different from Marvin and Panther.

Marvin tightened his lips in anger. “What are you doing here?”

Good question, that’s what I would like to know.

“What’s he doing here?” Panther made his way over to us. Great, we were all wondering the same thing. Rona, who stood beside Panther, looked confused.

“Careful, careful, Victor smirked. “I came here in peace.”

He sat.down on the opposite side of us and grabbed a bottle from the table. “It’s been a long time since I’ve had something other than J. Estaban.”

Marvin huffed. “What are you doing here?”

“Do you know who that is, Elena?” Victor ignored him. The way he said my name made me want to throw up. “J. Estaban was our great great grandfather who started the family business-

“What are you doing here?” Marvin raised his voice this time. Panther seemed nervous, which was a new expression to me. Good, so I wasn’t the only one feeling uncomfortable.

“I followed you.” Victor’s eyes turned dark. “After you’ve punched me for telling you the harsh truth, I followed you.”

The harsh truth?

I looked down at Marvin’s balled fists and placed my hand on top of his, to calm him down. This was the side of him that I didn’t want to see. This was the same Marvin from the wedding. “The harsh truth?” Rona wondered.

“Oh, excuse me.” Victor winked. “We haven’t officially met yet, but I’m Victor-his big brother.”

Victor focused on Marvin, who seemed seconds away from beating him up. “If you feel wronged, we can discuss this outside,” Marvin spoke through gritted teeth. Whatever was going on between these two seemed to be serious.

“Wronged?” Victor sighed. “It’s only a natural reaction for you to punch me, after suggesting Tiago needs to go to a mental facility.”

Shocked, I looked at Marvin. “M-mental facility?”

Just how bad was Tiago doing?

“Oh, he didn’t tell you?” Victor laughed out loud.

“I thought he came here to drink away his sorrows….but that doesn’t seem to be the case.”

“Victor,” Marvin warned him.

“Yes?” Victor furrowed his brow. “How about you tell Elena the truth about Tiago’s state?”

Tiago’s state? Rona and I shared a quick look before my eyes turned to Marvin. Was this the reason why he seemed so stressed all the time? Did he not trusted me enough to discuss it with me?

“You know what, I will,” Victor stated. I was glad he did because Marvin would not talk any time soon.

Tiago has lost his damn mind, and it is all because Marvin decided to protect you over Anya.

So that was the truth. It was all my fault, and I was not only to blame for Marvin’s injuries but also for Anya’s death. It was all on me. I did this.

“That’s not true, and that’s not how it went!” Marvin squeezed my hands. The desperate look in his eyes was painful. It was almost as if he was trying to convince himself that I was not to blame for this. Maybe that was why he was trying to get along with me. Maybe it was out of pity.

Victor cleared his throat. “Don’t worry, Elena. He doesn’t seem to blame you—”


Marvin’s voice echoed over Victor’s rant. There was a moment of silence before I took matters into my own hands. “No, please-tell me more about Tiago!” I requested.

Marvin wouldn’t stop me. After having enough time to read him, I could tell that he did not have the heart to yell at me.

Victor stared into my eyes. “He locked himself up in a smelly room, hasn’t properly showered in weeks. can’t eat by himself, can barely communicate, rocks himself back and forth like a baby-and Marvin thinks we shouldn’t get him any help.”

“Why?” Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yes, Marvin. Why?”

“Victor, you’re taking it too far. Panther spoke. I could sense the cold aura next to me and felt more, terrified over the fact that Marvin’s lips were still sealed.

“Maybe you can talk to Tiago, Elena,” Victor suggested.


Why would I talk to Tiago? So he could blame me as well?

“Yes, you. Think about it.” Victor spoke. “You’re the last person who spoke to Anya, so it’ll give him some closure, and who knows, maybe he’ll turn back to normal.”

I took in Victor’s words, and after giving it a second thought, it didn’t seem like a bad idea. Maybe I could provide Tiago with the closure he needed. Better yet, forget about Tiago. Perhaps I could give myself some closure.

“Leave,” Marvin demanded. “I want you to leave. You need to leave-”

I covered Marvin’s mouth with my hand. “I’ll do it!” I spoke.

I wouldn’t let him ruin this for me.

Victor nodded. “Good, you made the right decision, Elena.”

“Elena, you’re not doing anything,” Marvin said. It didn’t sound like he was giving me a choice, it sounded like an order, and if there was one thing I was not good at, it was taking orders. “I’m sorry, but since when did I give you the permission to make decisions for me.”

Marvin, who, by the looks of it, had not expected me to stand up for myself, did not know what to say. He was most likely used to ordering others around, but I was not like others. “I didn’t mean to,” Marvin spoke, startled

Victor looked back and forth between the two of us. “It seems like there’s problem in paradise.” He seemed to be enjoying all of this, and it was not that difficult to figure that he was just using me to get on Marvin’s


“I will talk to Tiago. You have to let me do it. I owe it to all of you.” I made a promise to myself. Marvin had a puzzled expression on his face, and even though he didn’t agree to it-I knew that he would not decline my offer.

“Fine.” He eventually gave in. “If that’s what you want to do, I can’t stop you.”

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