His Promise: The Mafia’s Babies by C. Tamika

Chapter 47

Chapter 47

Christian “It was Isobel Sala and your brother Enzo,” Carlo spoke. “They told me to spread the rumor and threatened me that I should never speak of the truth if I want mysafe— they threatened my wife, followed my son to school.” He cried. “Your brother told me to destroy you in every way possible, a-a-and Isobel told me this should end with bullet through Serena’s head.” Christian was confused by the names he had spoken, and looked at the man to find a small hint of a lie, banything. Johnny and Luca were just as flustered as he was by those two names. From all people it had tocousin and the one, they trusted the most. “Fabio must already know by now, I’m so sorry.” Carlo cried. “See, that was not that hard.” Christian got up from the floor and was frozen by the news he had gotten.them hurt me, please,” Carlo asked and grabbed his leg, but Christian’s mind was numb with total shockHe slowly turned back around and grabbed the gun from the floor— while he tried to eliminate the souncries. He did not know how the two found out, but his own brother and his best friend betrayed him— awas willing to protect Enzo. He did not even want to think about what Lucio would do if he found out that his own son betrayed the Luca who stood behind the man saw what Christian was planning and nodded his head, while Johnny shhis cousin— and wanted him to keep his promise. “I’m sorry,” Christian whispered and cocked the gun as he pointed it towards Carlo’s head. “No, you proeverything, please!” The man cried out. “Christian do it!” Luca yelled at him. “Christian don’t, you made him a promise!” He heard Johnny tell himear, but all that got through was the man begging for his life. “Christian, when people find out you’ve decided to show a rat mercy or that your own brother betrayed will grow weak. Get rid of this man!” Luca tried to convince him, while Johnny disagreed. “Christian, you promise— and now you have to keep it, even if you kill him now Lucio will still want you to give him a na“Christian, this man can be easily replaced, Enzo is your brother— get rid of this man and protect both Ename. The last thing we need right now is a feud with the Sala’s on top

of everything.” Luca wouldn’t takanswer. “All of you, shut up!” Christian yelled out and smacked the gun against the man’s temple. “Get up!” He yelled at the man, who obeyed his wishes and didn’t dare to look up. He understood Johnnwould have to give Lucio a name one way or another and he had made this man a promise, but he also uLuca’s point— letting a rat live and risking him not keeping his mouth shut about his brother who he wawould make them a laughing stock. “Isobel did this on her own, Enzo had nothing to do with this,” Christian spoke with the gun still pointed “B-b-but…” Carlo started but stopped when he saw the look on Christian’s face. “Enzo had nothing to doIsobel on her own— and you will take this to the grave,” Christian repeated himself. “Do I make myself clThe man repeatedly nodded his head while Johnny and Luca were confused by Christian’s decision, but fwas not something he had to think about. He knew from the start that he would protect his brother, one“I will make sure Lucio spares your life— just as you told me Isobel left you no choice, you are not a rat bher little game, do you hear me?” He continued. Carlo nodded his head. “I-I understand.” “Repeat,” Christian ordered him. With stuttering words, Carlo repeated the sentence over and over againwas satisfied. “You go home, and you will stay home until one of Lucio’s men contacts you— and you will give them thinformation. Isobel will try to threaten you into speaking my brother’s name, but don’t even think aboutwarned him one last time. The ride back to the hotel was a quiet one. Christian felt betrayed by the two he loved the most and did he would ever move past it. It was not that hard for him to figure that this was all Isobel and Enzo on theAldo Sala’s help who had been loyal to the Lamberti’s for years. Isobel had not only put them but also her father in an awkward position, but Christian knew that Lucio wspare Isobel. Lucio had called her his daughter and the Sala’s were one of his closest friends, so throwingbus was not something he worried about— the only thing bothering him was the betrayal. “I just got off the phone with Marc, Serena and the baby are safe and he has tightened the security arouJohnny told him, and for the first time in minutes, he could finally breathe.

“Are you sure it’s smart not to inform Serena? Her going outside right now would only bring her in moreJohnny wondered, but Christian disagreed. “I don’t ever want her to worry about this kind of stuff and absolutely not while carrying a baby… Serena she…she doesn’t have to know.” Christian thought about Serena who would always ask him how Enzo wa“Are you ok?” Luca asked. It had been a long time since he had seen a hurt expression on Christian’s faceasily admit that he was not too happy about him taking over Lucio and that he had no desire to interferor Serena— but lately, a lot had changed. “No, I’m not. I’m trying to think of the reasons for them to betray me but…” He knew that for Isobel it probably had to be jealousy, but he could not find a reason behind Enzo— thebesides Johnny and Marc who had rooted for him and stood by his side when no one else was. The one whow to ride a bike, how to hold a gun, how to hit on girls— comforted him through his first heartbreak, never leave his side. Out of everyone it had to be him. “On a good note, people always said it would either be me, Johnny or even Gio be the one to stab you inturns out they’re wrong.” Luca awkwardly laughed while Johnny gave his younger brother a smack againthe time Luca.” “Christian, I know you’re confused right now, as are we— Enzo and Isobel mean just as much to us, but yyour head together and give us your instructions. ”Right, I’m sorry.” Christian apologized. “I will personally inform my dad when we get back.” “Isobel is right here, and you’re letting her go?” Luca asked in disbelief as Johnny tried to shut him up. “Ihand her over to my dad— but not before I know for sure that Serena’s safe.” “So what will you do now?” Johnny wondered. “I will get the answers I’m looking for.” Christian sighed. When they had arrived back at the hotel, Christian wasted no time and had immediately rushed over to IIsobel and Aldo would leave for Miami, but before that Christian wanted to give her the chance to explaiHe repeatedly knocked on the door and when he heard Isobel’s voice, asking him to wait— he could almthe door to attack her. “Back already? I was just about to leave, but I’m happy to see you.” Isobel spoke and let him in, while Chavoid her gaze. He did not want to look her in the eye and could still not believe that the

person he trusthe shared everything with— was the person who would put his child in danger. “What were you doing ag“Dealing with a rat, and I got the answers I was looking for,” Christian spoke. He tried to see if Isobel couanything, but she was just as cheerful as she had always been. She must’ve trusted Carlo to not open hisany circumstances. “Why?” Christian asked, nearing the end of his patience. Isobel turned around and tried to read his expre“Don’t play this game with me. Why did you betray me…why?” Christian paced back and forth. Isobel whrealized what was happening needed some time to process that he had managed to crack Carlo, the manthought to have under her grip. “Does your jealousy for Serena goes that far that you had to put my baby’s life in danger?” Christian askfor an answer— but Isobel kept her mouth shut. He kicked her suitcase to the side, letting it fall while Iso“I’m asking you a question, why!” He yelled out and walked closer until Isobel was glued to the wall and cornered. “Did I hurt you in any way, were you forced to do this? Just tell me why.” Christian asked her. Isobel chuckled with an evil grin on her face and shrugged her shoulders. “So now you can talk? After yemisleading me, now you want to talk?” “And just to be clear, it wasn’t just me— it was me and Enzo, but I think you’ve already heard that. If I’mwill bring Enzo down with me.” Isobel spat in his face. “You won’t, you will keep Enzo’s name out of your mouth and you will leave Carlo Saccone and his familbecause believe it or not, despite everything I don’t ever want to see you hurt, I’ve always considered yoI will ask my dad to show you mercy,” Christian told her. He knew that Lucio would not touch her, no matshe made. “Oh I know, because if you wanted to, you would’ve done it a long time ago.” She smiled. “All of this becjealous of Serena? Have you realize what you have done?” Christian asked. “You told me you would give us a second thought, you told me you were willing to try with me— and evchanged when she had moved in.” “All of this because your heart got broken? You are actually risking my baby’s life, no— you are risking evincluding your own family’s to let Fabio Garcia start a war because I broke your heart? Do you hear yoursspoke in disbelief. Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

Rather than it being thought through, he knew Isobel’s decision was spontaneous as there had been no the Sala’s fighting alongside the Lamberti’s and the Alfonzo’s in case a war would break out. “You’re going so far for a stripper’s baby, but she isn’t even loyal! Because while you’re fighting for her sVincenzo!” Isobel spoke. “She has already jumped into the enemy arms since a long time ago— and you let her, so trust me or nobad guy here!” “Stop the lies,” Christian spoke. He trusted Serena and expected her to tell him if that was the case. Othedays he had instructed Vernon to stop following her around because he trusted her. “It’s not a lie, you can call him and ask him, or better yet— you can call her!” Isobel laughed. Christian thtimes he had asked her about her plans for the day and she had shrugged it off. Even if it was the truth he knew he had no right to get angry with her because she did not know the natuGarcia’s, but he felt like he did have to right to be angry because he told her not to hang out with him. “Don’t you worry about that, the only thing you have to worry about is my dad showing your family mermade clear. He had no time f

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