His Promise: The Mafia’s Babies by C. Tamika

Chapter 150

Chapter 150

Chapter 150

“Come in!” Christian called out after hearing several knocks on the door. Beau entered the office with the same envelope as yesterday in his hands and threw it on the table.

“I know you said you’d handle it, but I tried it again today, and she still isn’t answering the door,” Beau spoke, referring to Gina. “Weird,” Christian commented. “Maybe she’s on vacation? I have no idea.”

“Maybe.” Beau agreed. “Do you know what Serena’s doing?” Christian asked, embarrassed. He felt stupid.

calls an- for asking Beau about her whereabouts, but he had no other choice. “She won’t answer my

“Oh, no.” Beau smiled. “Don’t worry. It’s nothing personal. She didn’t answer mine either, so I called Carmen, and she told me that they’re packing her stuff.”

Those words gave Christian a chance to breathe and gave him the reassurance he needed. Everything was still okay, and she would be moving back soon.

He wasn’t a complete idiot and felt how the mood had switched after their minor disagreement. Serena’s consistent eye-rolls and her early departure were clearly a message, and it was one he understood.

After thinking it through, he felt terrible for the words he said, and all he wanted was to take them back. He couldn’t believe he told Serena that Dario should get over the past, despite knowing everything Serena had been through.

Of course, he felt terrible, but he didn’t want Serena to feel sorry for Dario because he had already expected it to be part of his twisted plan. He wanted people to feel sorry for him.

“Can I ask you something?” Christian asked Beau. “And this time, I want to ask you something as Serena’s brother.”

“Yes, sure.” Beau nodded. “I also don’t understand her at times, but I can try.”

Christian felt as if it was unfair to ask the question, but it was something his mom had warned him about. “Do you think Serena fits this lifestyle?”

Beau gave Christian a sympathetic look and already knew the answer to that question. It was the reason why he planned on taking Serena, right after finding out the truth about her. She was too kind for this world. “You’ve already answered that.” Christian chuckled.

“She’s just so soft and always wants to see the good in everyone, but she never thinks about the consequences.” Christian smiled. “After she left, I got rid of all the security, locks, and whatever I felt was necessary to protect her.” He admitted. “I only had those things for her because I know how unpredictable she can get.”

“So, what are you saying?” Beau asked, confused. “Are you saying that you don’t want to be with my sister?”

“No!” Christian spoke. “I love her, and I want to be with her. I would drop everything to be with her- it’s just that I don’t understand why she always wants to see the good in everyone.”

Christian thought back to the time when he dragged her to Enzo’s house and forced her to listen to his brother’s painful words. Enzo told her that he didn’t felt sorry and that he didn’t care whether she or the baby died-but still, Serena was able to see the good in him. Even Isobel was dating her twin brother, and she was fine with it.

“It’s not a bad thing, and it actually worked out for you,” Beau spoke. “I mean, she gave you more chances than you deserve-no offense.”

“But I didn’t hear you complain about that because everything is okay, as long as she isn’t working against you. Right?” Beau called him out.

It was no different from Serena’s words, but they could not get through to him. He didn’t want to control her life. All he wanted was to protect her. “I understand that she’s not going to agree with me all the time. -but sometimes I can’t help but think that this might be because she doesn’t know what she got herself into,” Christian spoke. “I know you and your family don’t want her to know what kind of monsters we all are, and I agree-but sometimes I feel as if it’s my fault.”

“How come?” Beau wondered. He had no issue with Serena living a quiet life in the background, but Christian was slowly changing his kind. He had never shown Serena where he kept all of the weapons, so she could at least protect herself. He had never shown her the Lamberti warehouse or the real truth about what really went on behind the scenes. “I told her, no more lies-but we’re the ones living in a lie,” Christian spoke. “If I had shown her everything from the start, she wouldn’t protect Dario, but I missed. out on that opportunity, and it’s too late for that.”

“It’s not you. It’s her.” Beau reassured him. “You know Serena is not the one to back down from questions, so if she really wanted to know, she would’ve asked you!

“I know.” Christian sighed. “And that’s what I liked about her. I didn’t have to answer any questions, which Ldidn’t have the answers to. I liked the thought of keeping her stupid-”

“So you want to tell her about what we’re actually up to whenever we walk through that door and about how many people everyone has popped?” Beau frowned. “I think Serena knows you’re not the heir to some candy shop. My sister has brains, and she’s not that stupid, but if you want to do

that-you can go ahead and do that!” Beau snapped. “But you should know that it won’t change anything-no matter what you do, it won’t change anything.”

“Serena sees the good in people because she’s a good person. It’s not because you don’t tell her anything!”

“I’m sorry.” Christian apologized. Beau was right, Serena wasn’t that stupid. If Serena really wanted to know something, she would’ve asked because that was the kind of person she was. “I just don’t understand. why she can’t see that Dario’s past is no excuse for his behavior.”

“What past?” Beau questioned. “Right, you haven’t heard about it yet.” Christian spoke. He gave Beau a quick update about Serena’s discoveries and waited for his reaction.

“I agree with Serena,” Beau spoke. “I know how he feels, and it took me an extremely long time to forgive my own family. It doesn’t matter how long ago. If it hurts, it hurts.” © 2024 Nôv/el/Dram/a.Org.

Christian expected nothing less from Beau and had already prepared himself for that answer. “Yes, very sad-but that doesn’t mean that we should let it slide and patiently wait until my uncle returns,” Christian spoke.

“Dario is out to destroy us, all of us-and the Alfonzo’s are not an exception.”

“I understand.” Beau nodded. Even though Beau was perfectly able to understand his feelings, also he believed that it was still not an excuse for his behavior. “I’m not saying we should let it rest, but maybe violence is not the way. Serena wouldn’t let you hurt him anyway—”

“I know.” Christian scoffed. “I’m not interested in her speech and she made it very clear that I’m not god, but I just want all of us to be safe, and in the end, she’ll be grateful for it.”

“If you say so.” Beau sighed. “Anyway, the reason why Serena is not listening to you is because of something else. It’s because Serena is Serena, and she has a hard time following orders”

“Yes, that’s the only difference between the two of your Christian spoke. Unlike Beau, who listened to anything he said. Serena was way more opinionated, and that was something new for Christian. Other than has mom, he had never dealt with a woman like that before.

“Isobel listens to you, right?” Christian asked. Beau laughed at Christian’s statement. “If Isobel orders me to throw myself down the stairs, I will throw myself down the stairs. That’s how controlling she is.”

“But still…” Christian spoke. “You love her, and you don’t have an issue with it because I’ve never heard you complain.”

“That’s true,” Beau admitted. “But it might be because we grew up different. You’re used to ordering people around and I’m used to following orders.”

Christian thought about Beau’s words and realized that maybe he was in the wrong. Perhaps he should try and listen to Serena for a change instead of not even wanting to hear her opinion. “You do not seem that determined to save your relationship, and you should be grateful that my sister even took you back.” Beau chuckled. “The least you can do is be a bit more understanding.”

“Right.” Christian agreed. “In that case, I want you to find me a good relationship counselor.”

“Sure.” Beau smiled. “It might do you good. You’re so difficult at times. I’m glad it’s my twin sister you’re dating, and not me.”

“Whatever makes you happy.” Christian rolled his eyes. “By the way, were you able to reach Enzo? No one knows where he is, and I’m the only one who gives a shit.”

“No, I’ve pulled every string possible, but it’s like he disappeared from the earth. I guess he’s out of the country, maybe?”

“No,” Christian stated. “He hates flying. He wouldn’t do that. He’s probably avoiding us, but I have to find him. The photoshoot is next week, and my dad really wants him there, I promised-”

“Okay, then I’ll look into it some more,” Beau promised. “It seems like Gina and Enzo are the type of people to run away from their problems.”

“It appears to be,” Christian spoke, but his mind said otherwise. Why would someone like Enzo deny at perfect opportunity to reunite with the family and most of all, his dad, who he loved the most?

“What’s going on? I don’t like that look on your face.” Beau worried, but Christian shrugged him off. “It’s nothing, just a crazy thought.”

He felt so threatened by Dario that he felt the need to turn every little thing back to him. It can’t be true, Christian told himself as he took a breath. Dario had no involvement in Enzo’s disappearance. “You can go now. Thanks for everything.”

“No problem.” Beau smiled. “Just call me if you need anything else!”

Christian didn’t even pay attention as Beau left the office, and thought about how Dario’s presence ruined everything. It ruined things with his family, and even though he was to blame for his actions, it ruined things with Serena.

He just couldn’t understand how his uncle Berto could be involved in all of this. Berto was the same uncle who held him in his arms to comfort him whenever his dad called him worthless and weak. The uncle

Berto he knew would never abandon his sons and especially not…Luca?

How could I ever be that stupid, Christian thought as he put two and two together? When did Luca ever wanted to be his friend?

Christian had already concluded that his younger cousin hated him many years ago and found it strange how he was suddenly so interested in his life. All of that fake interest ended right after Dario came into


Ever since that moment, Luca turned had changed back into the hateful cousin and didn’t even speak to him. The look of hatred when he helped Serena with her suitcases was one Christian could never forget.

He thought back to Luca’s comment many months ago, when they all had a sleepover and watched a movie. There was no solid reason to mention Berto Lamberti, but Luca did, and he made a statement. He told Christian that the position as heir wasn’t his Lucio’s, to begin with. Luca had never taken the time to visit Lucio, and it was clearly for a reason.

“Why am I so stupid?” Christian sighed as he went through all the scenarios in his head. The brother who stood up for Dario when he was bullied was not Johnny, it was Luca. Christian memories slowly returned as he traveled back to the day of his uncle’s last birthday party. Everyone threw their food over some boy and Vince and little Luca protected him with their bodies.

He remembered.

His dad and his uncle were pissed at everyone and Berto even pulled Johnny to the side to give him a loud, scolding. I expected you to be a bit more like Luca.”

Those were his exact words.

Would Lucio know about Dario? Was that the reason why his dad interfered and stopped it before it could go any further?

It all became clear to him. Luca must’ve kept an eye on him from the very start because Berto had already revealed himself to him and ordered him to do so. After all, it was way easier to manipulate Luca than it would’ve been with Johnny. Johnny was not only his cousin but also his best friend, and Berto knew that. Just how Berto knew that Johnny would never betray Christian, not even for him.

Christian clenched his fist and threw everything from his desk as he realized what he had done. He let Luca get close to him and told him valuable information which he was able to relay to his dad. His cousin betrayed him.

Christian paced back and forth before he made a turn and unlocked a safe as his hands to reach for the


“Who can I trust if I can’t even trust my own cousin?” Christian whispered to himself. He was sure of it. Luca was somehow involved.

It was time to pay his cousin a visit, and just as the last time-he would be taking Serena with him.

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