His Promise: The Mafia’s Babies by C. Tamika

Chapter 126

Chapter 126

Chapter 126


“Mom, I need you and grandpa to cancel the lawyer.” Christian barged in. Francesca frowned at the unexpected sentence. “W-what?”

“I’m fine with seeing Siena once a week. Cancel the lawyer.” Christian repeated himself. He couldn’t even believe that he was willing to go that far. After the agreement which was made with Serena, his eyes were finally opened.

His family was just as toxic as the Alfonzo’s, and he didn’t need their opinion. He didn’t want any of them. to know about the deal between him and Serena because he did not want to ruin everything.

“Christian, you can’t do that-I don’t think that’s a good idea!” Cesca spoke, but Christian did not want to listen. “I’m not asking. I’m telling you!” Christian made clear.

He was so determined to tell Cesca the whole truth, but after seeing the embarrassed look on her face, he had a change of mind and could sense where Serena was coming from. It was easier said than done, but also Christian was afraid of his family’s judgment.

“It’s because dad is sick. I don’t want him to find out about any of this-you know that.” Christian lied. The relieved look on Cesca’s face made him feel guilty, but she left him no choice. Serena was right, the Lamberti’s had turned on her so quickly, and there was no excuse for that. If they had done it once, it meant they could do it again. “That’s good-I almost thought you made up with her.”

“You can’t do that, not after she lost control like a maniac and put us all to embarrassment with that video!” Cesca rolled her eyes while Christian pretended to listen.

Although he was afraid of his family’s judgment, he knew what he wanted-and planned on taking it the day Lucio would no longer be here, so he could rebel against his own family. He didn’t need anything out of the ordinary. All he wanted was Serena and Siena.

He knew the road to gaining Serena’s trust was a big one, but he was willing to walk that road which was why he had something planned.

“Anyway, I have to go-let’s cancel the lawyer, and let’s not stress out, think about dad, okay?” Christian requested. “Also, please work along with that photoshoot thing, anyone who ruins dad’s day is going to have to deal with me!” He yelled out as he left the kitchen.

Was he stupid for what he had planned? Yes, maybe-but if it could take away some of Serena’s worries, there was nothing to reconsider. He was going to do it.

Christian made his way to Marc, who was waiting outside. The first person Christian called to talk about his friendly night with Serena was Marc. The person who understood him more than his own family.

“So what’s the thing we’re doing again?” Marc asked as he followed Christian with a heavy briefcase in his hands. “We’re going to Juno Sala, so he can fix Isobel’s status so Serena and Beau can live happily ever – after and Serena will praise me for it,” Christian spoke.

Juno Sala was the former head of the Sala family and made the ultimate decision to disown Isobel and her

dad. Christian always went along with it because he believed the punishment was right, and he did not want to disrespect anyone’s decision of Serena’s feelings, but it had all backfired. That very same decision turned out to hurt Serena, and he could not live with that.

He didn’t like the sound of Serena being sad and was determined to take away some of that pain, even if

he had to pay millions to do so.

“I’m glad you and Serena stopped acting like toddlers and made up and all, but maybe you shouldn’t involve yourself in family issues. Don’t you think?” Marc chuckled. “I have to do it. Serena needs to see how much I care about her happiness” Christian spoke, Please check at N/ôvel(D)rama.Org.

“You’re in a good mood today.” Marc laughed at Christian’s enthusiasm. “I am. Serena is willing to talk to me, and I’m seeing Siena tomorrow-nothing can ruin my day.”

“You told me she didn’t want to get back together.” Marc chuckled. “That’s right.” Christian sighed. “But she still loves me. You should’ve seen the way she looked at me-it’s so different when it’s just the two of


Christian still had hope and would not give up on his dream of having the perfect family with Serena. He had it all planned out and did not want anyone else. It could only be Serena.

“I should just take Serena, Siena, and get the hell out of here.” Christian joked. “Maybe you should.” Marc agreed. It was a serious thought, but he knew that he could never go through with it. His family needed him, and Serena made it clear that she did not want to get back together any time soon, and even if did-Christian did not want to take away her away from her family.

He despised the Alfonzo’s for involving themselves in their mess, but he wouldn’t have it in him to separate Serena from her family. He felt terrible to hear that her relationship with her family was ro he did not want to see her stressed.

He understood Marc’s point. Fighting for Aldo and Isobel’s position, just so she could be with Beau, was a risk, but Christian was willing to take that risk. He was willing to do anything to see a smile on Serena’s

“Juno told me to lead you to his office. A woman approached them once they arrived. Christian smiled and shrugged his shoulders at Marc, “So far, so great.”

“A warm welcome too? It really is your lucky day.” Marc chuckled as the two followed the woman to Juno’s office. “Christian, it’s been a while since I’ve last seen you-how are things going…with your business?” Juno smiled. Christian wasn’t stupid and knew what he meant by that question. He must have seen the video, Christian thought.

“I’m excellent, thanks for asking,” Christian spoke. “I see…and Lucio?” Juno asked as he led the two to the couch. “Please, sit.”

“He’s okay.” Christian lied. It was a stupid question which he did not want to answer, but he had to play it nice. It was all for Serena.

“That’s nice to hear, but I can’t help but wonder-what brings you here?” Juno asked. He hadn’t expected to ever see Christian’s face again after everything that happened, but yet here he was. “I’m here because I want to talk to you about Aldo and Isobel.”

Christian frowned at Juno’s changed expression and wondered what words were going to leave his mouth. It was no secret how he felt about his son and granddaughter. Everyone was aware of how embarrassed he was by the two. “Did she do something again? I thought you forgave her?” Juno spoke, worried.

“No.” Christian shook his head. “I’m here because that’s the thing. I forgave her. Whatever happened is in the past, so I need you to turn your decision back around.” Christian spoke.

It was silent for a few seconds before Juno laughed at Christian. “Is this some joke?” He laughed while Christian had a serious expression on his face. “Wait, you are serious?” Juno asked, surprised.

“Christian, it’s really nice to hear that you are able to forgive my son for raising a snake daughter, but I can’t.”

“Yes, you can.” Christian told him. “All you have to do is turn it back around, let Aldo be in charge again, and things can go back to the way they were.”

“I can’t.” Juno sighed. “I feel terrible about dropping my son and disowning my granddaughter, but they left me no choice.” He explained. “And the decision wasn’t the only mine to make, it was everyone’s decision, and I’m not even in charge anymore.”

“Yes, you are.” Christian chuckled as Marc threw the briefcase onto the table. “I know many don’t want to be involved with the Sala’s anymore, and I know you need the money.” Christian sighed before he opened the briefcase full of cash. Juno’s eyes went big as he stared at the stacks of money. “Keep talking.”

“Remove your other son, put Aldo back in charge-and all of this will be yours,” Christian spoke. “If you want more. I’ll give you more-I just want you to do as I say.”

“I can’t believe you have the nerve to come here and order me around. I don’t care whether your father put you in charge or not-but what you’re doing is degrading and disrespectful!” Juno spoke as he turned

his head.

“I’ll give you more money, I’ll fix whatever mess Isobel brought you in, and I’ll go on my knees if I have to

“Christian, stop being ridiculous!” Marc scolded him. He knew Christian would kill to get Serena back, but all of this was going a bit too far for him. “You’re the head of the Lamberti’s, don’t embarrass yourself like


“Your friend is right-and besides that, taking back Aldo and his family wouldn’t look good for me.” Juno chuckled. “What’s your plan behind all of this? I know it isn’t for Isobel. Otherwise, you would’ve done this a long time ago-”

“It’s so the Alfonzo’s can accept Isobel in the family!” Christian confessed. “Yes, I have my reasons- but I know you still want the best for your granddaughter, so I’m asking you to work along

“That’s funny. I thought the alliance between the Alfonzo’s and the Lamberti’s was over-so why would you care? Wouldn’t it come to your disadvantage?”

“Well, you thought wrong.” Christian glared. “I don’t know who told you that, but you shouldn’t trust


“That’s funny.” Juno chuckled. “You know what, I should go and visit your dad who we can’t even talk to unless it’s about the weather and ask him-”

“No!” Christian called out. “Listen, I’m doing this for Serena, and at the end, we’ll both end up on top, and everything will go back to normal. I’m even offering you cash.”

“Back to normal?” Juno scoffed. “I’m happy you’re trying to work things out with your fiancee, but everyone will see the Sala’s as a joke, and they already see us as a joke.” He sighed. “I’m sorry, Christian, but I can’t help you.”

“I’m not asking you to help me, I’m asking you to help Serena, and I’m willing to give you anything for it. Just name a price.” Christian tried one last time, but Juno shook his head.

“I know you don’t turn away from good money. Did Dario came to visit you?”


Christian had no idea what he was up to, but it was not that diff cult to put two and two together Going after the Sala’s was a typical thing to do All the others abandoned the family, and no one wanted anything to do with them. The look on June’s face said it all

“Dario Orlando is an interesting guy He already told me that you would come and visit me to try and fix things or something like that.” Juno spoke Christian took a deep breath and clenched his fists. Dario was really starting to get on his nerves.

“For what reason?” Christian scoffed as he followed Juno around his office. He was going to get an answer out of him, one way or another.

“He told me that you would do anything to clear Isobel’s name to help Serena and advised me to keep my distance. Juno explained Christian was confused and angry. Everyone knew how much Serena cared for Beau, and for someone who claimed to care about Serena, Dario was doing a great job at working against her.

Christian thought he was a creep and couldn’t believe how he got a pass with this crazy obsession. Dario. was always several steps ahead, and Christian didn’t know why. “Whatever he offered you, I can offer you the double of that. Do you want more briefcases? Tell me, and it’s settled”

“Ten.” Juno spoke. “He gave me one. I was hoping you could give me ten, 500k each, and I heard you’re working on a hotel for your daughter. I want in.”

Christian was surprised by Juno’s bold request. This was not how he expected things to go. “Sir, the money is not an issue-but the hotel is for my daughter. Once she turns of age, it’s in her possession.” Christian spoke, “I’ll give you something else, but not the hotel.”

“Fine. I’ll take the hotel until she’s of age. You can’t just expect money to fix everything. I need to clear my name. Aldo’s name, and Isobel’s name, and the Sala’s helping you out with the hotel will do that.” Juno shrugged. He wouldn’t take no for an answer.

“Christian, please think this through,” Marc whispered in his car. Christian took a deep breath and thought about how far he was willing to go for Serena’s trust. He felt like he was betraying his daughter, but he had no other choice. “How do I know you won’t screw me over?”

“That’s easy” Juno smiled. “It’s because I’ve known you since you were in diapers, even though our families don’t see eye to eye at the moment, you’re like a grandson to me, and I like the soft Christian better, so I need you to get your happy ending.”

The soft Christian.

Those words sounded horrible at first, but he was at the point where he didn’t care anymore. Yes, he was soft for Serena and Siena-and there was no need to lie about that.

“And after giving it a second thought, Isobel and Beau are not that bad of an idea after all.” Juno chuckled. “If you agree to my requests, we have a deal.”

“Meaning?” Christian asked.

“Meaning I’ll remove my other son and put Aldo back in business.”

Christian took a relieved breath and finally felt as if he was getting somewhere. Dario was trying to get in his way, but things were still working out. “Then we have a deal.”

“Oh, and one more thing” Juno suddenly remembered. “What is it?” Christian asked.

“This Dario guy, he asked me a bunch of questions about Sandro Lamberti” Juno spilled. “I thought you should know.”

“My deceased uncle?” Christian asked, confused. It had been ages since anyone other than the family. mentioned Johnny and Luca’s father. The same man who his grandpa had removed to put Lucio in charge, and the same man who gave his life for Laucio.

“Yes, I thought you would want to know.” Juno shrugged. “Anyway, I’m glad we have a deal.”

“Yes, me too.” Christian smiled, but behind that smile, there was only one thing going through his head.

Why was Dario Orlando so invested in his family?

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