His Nanny Mate By Eve Above Story

Chapter 74

Chapter 74

Chapter 74: Just Another Mood


Hearing how Edrick refused to admit that the baby was his to his own mother hurt me deeply. I found myself hardly able to speak or eat all day after overhearing him, and although I wanted to tell myself that he was only put on the spot when Verona asked about the pregnancy, I knew deep down that it was really because he was embarrassed to have a baby with someone from a lower social status. If he had simply denied my pregnancy, it would have been one thing, but to claim it was another man’s baby altogether hurt me to my core.

After Verona left, I found that tears were coming to my eyes. I decided to leave my soup unfinished and ran off to my room to cry without anyone seeing me.

Once I was inside my room, I felt my emotions take over. I took a deep breath, steadying myself, and walked over to my mirror to will myself not to cry. As I looked at myself, however, and took in the appearance of my growing belly and my red eyes, I couldn’t hold it in anymore. A few tears began to roll down my cheeks.

I took in a deep, shaky breath and dug my fingers into the wood of my dresser.

Just then, there was a soft knock on the door. Before I could even gather myself enough to answer, the door cracked open. It was Selina.

“You didn’t finish your soup,” she said, eyeing me as I quickly wiped the tears from my cheeks with the back of my hand.

I shook my head. “I just lost my appetite. I’m sorry. It really was good soup, anyway.”

Selina stared at me for a moment, then, without permission, opened my door and stepped in. I caught a glimpse of the other maids behind her, who both quickly gasped and darted out of sight when they realized I saw them. I couldn’t help but let out a sigh. “You might as well all come in, since you’re eavesdropping,” I said.

After a moment, Lily and Amy entered, too. Amy closed the door behind them and shot me a concerned look as I walked over to my armchair and sat down.

“Go on,” I said, feeling a little irritated. “Tell me how I’m being overly emotional.”

There was a bit of a silence. Selina cleared her throat and opened her mouth to say something, but before she could, Amy spoke instead. “He’ll come around, Moana,” she said gently. She came over to me and sat down on the ottoman next to my chair, then reached out and patted my hand. “I think he just needs a little time, that’s all.”

I couldn’t help but think that I’d already given Edrick plenty of time, but the maid’s kind words still lifted my spirits a little.

“Right, Selina?” Amy said, turning to face the older housekeeper. “Mr. Morgan is just slow to open up sometimes, but he’s not all bad.”

Selina cleared her throat once again. She seemed uncomfortable, and patted her apron absentmindedly as her eyes darted back and forth as though she was searching for the right words.

“Edrick really isn’t all bad,” she finally said. “Deep down, he’s a good man who means well. But, Moana —” She paused, pursing her lips. “Don’t forget that he’s a wealthy CEO from the esteemed Morgan family. Expecting him to be forthcoming with his feelings about someone from a lower class is like asking a fish to climb a tree.”

The older housekeeper’s words made my heart sink, but I supposed that she was right. I stared down at the floor for several moments as I absentmindedly rested my hand on my belly. What sort of a future was I setting my baby up for? If Edrick couldn’t even admit to his own mother that he was the father of my baby, and if he was willing to make me look bad by implying that I was impregnated by a stranger or someone unworthy of being in the baby’s life, then was that fair to the baby? It almost made me wonder if the baby would be better off not knowing his or her father at all.

“I’m sorry, Moana,” Selina said finally. I could tell that she didn’t mean to hurt me.

I looked up at her and managed a weak smile, then stood. “It’s alright. Thank you for being honest.”

For the remainder of that day, Edrick stayed in his study. He only finally emerged for dinner, and by that point I was still fuming over his words from earlier that day. When he tried to talk to me at the dinner table and showed concern for my health, I finally couldn’t handle it and abruptly stood up.

“I’m actually not feeling well,” I said brusquely, pushing my chair back. “I’m going to lie down. Ella, come get me when you’re finished, alright?” Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

As I walked away, I threw one last angry glance at Edrick.

I knew I’d been too harsh and sarcastic just then — but at the moment, I just wanted to get away and be alone. Thankfully, Edrick didn’t follow me, and I was able to put Ella to bed that night without further incident.

I was walking back to my room, however, when I ran into Edrick. He seemed to be specifically looking for me and I felt a lump rise in my throat.

“Can you just talk to me?” He said, folding his arms.

“What’s to talk about?” I asked. Then, sidestepping around him: “I’m just going to bed. Goodnight.”

But it seemed that Edrick wasn’t satisfied. He followed me into my room, then closed the door behind himself and gave me an annoyed look. “I’m running out of patience with your sarcastic attitude,” he said coldly before I had a chance to kick him out of my room. “I don’t appreciate you acting that way in front of Ella like you did at dinner.”

I raised an eyebrow. “I’m sorry,” I said, “but—”

“I think you should take a day off,” he said. As he spoke, his demeanor softened a little and his arms fell back to his sides. “I know you’re having pregnancy mood swings, so we don’t need to dwell on it. Just take the day tomorrow to rest and relax.”

I felt my mouth hanging open at his words. Before I could tell him that he was wrong and that my mood today had nothing at all to do with my pregnancy hormones, he suddenly turned on his heel and opened the door again.

“Goodnight,” he said. Then, without another word, he walked out and shut the door behind him.

Once I was alone, I scowled and curled my hands up into fists. Did he really not realize the real reason behind my mood, or was he simply choosing to disregard it? Here, I was, thinking that Edrick was changing and starting to see me as an equal, and yet — in the same day, he not only refused to tell his own mother that the little werewolf in my belly was his baby, but he also completely belittled my true emotions and simplified them down to nothing but a “mood”.

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