His Mate His Sex Slave

Chapter 54 The little girl and the wolf

Alpha Connor broke apart from Daciana after leading her on. He chuckled on seeing the flustered and angry look on her face yet, she will never vent it on him. He wish she’d do that even if it once, he want to see how it will feel like to see her yelling in anger.

She glanced at him and shook her head while stomping her foot on the ground.

“I just wanted to tease you, don’t be mad. Okay?” He said and hugged her again, making her relax her tensed muscles.

“I just want to spend sometime with you, we can eat lunch together before you leave. How about getting to know each other until lunch?” He suggested and Daciana nodded even though she doesn’t have any interesting story about her life to tell him.

“As you already know, I had younger brother but he is no more. Dolphus is the only one that I see as my relative and younger brother even though we are almost the same age. We’ve had each other for a very long time now, he’s my brother and best friend” Alpha Connor said.

The enthusiasm in his voice while talking about his relationship with Dolphus made her feel excited. Daciana could understand why they are very close, if only she had someone like that while growing up. If only she had met Kaira sooner than just three months ago, she could have been proudly talking about her with so much enthusiasm too.

Although, Daciana will always say good things about Kaira. She is nice, caring and understanding. She has made an impact in Daciana’s life since the past few months they became friends.

“When I was being tortured by those omegas, I had no idea that he was watching me go through that phase of my life. He followed me the moment I was able to escape from them, he has been by my side, took care of me and protected me. He used to be my only family until I met you, my mate” he said and paused, his unfazed gaze never left hers.

She looked up at him and she saw the smile that spread across his face, she couldn’t help but smile too.

“You helped me heal from my past without you doing anything, just your presence is enough for me Daciana. I failed to see that when I brought you in and I will forever live with the guilt of hurting my mate, the one I am supposed to love” he added as his smile changed bitterly.

Daciana shook her head, she boldly took his hands and gave them a gentle stroke.

“You’ve apologized to me several times and sincerely, I have nothing against you. I can’t deny the fact that I hated you as much as you did hate me back then but as time went by, I found the hatred depreciating until it totally vanished” she explained.

‘because I started loving you amidst everything’ she said in her mind, afraid to add that to it. She doesn’t want anything that will embarrass her right now, hiding her feelings from him for now is the best way to protect herself.

“So, stop blaming yourself, I do not want you to live with any regret my king” she poured her heart to him. If she isn’t mistaking, this is the longest statement she has ever said to him conjointly.

Alpha Connor chuckled, just what kind of female did the moon goddess give to him as his mate? Why is she so forgiving and understanding? Is she not supposed to be mad at him after everything? Women like Daciana are rare and he has planned on keeping her with him forever. He is never letting go.


Mr Karl came out of his car and sighed tiredly, it’s been a hectic day for him. Making money is not as easy as it sounds. Even after having this money, everyone will still struggle to either keep it floating or increasing.

In this world of theirs, people, including him are thirsty for money. No one has ever been satisfied, even the richest men and women wouldn’t stop working because they want more and he is no different from them. All he wants is to give his children everything and anything they ever desire to have.

Being able to provide for your family is another type of joy on its own but despite everything, he still can’t find joy within him.

“Welcome Dad” Eva greeted, she collected his suit case from him.

“How’s my baby doing? And how was school?” He asked touching her hair.

“It was fine Dad, I had fun learning geometrics today” she replied rabidly.

“I am glad you are enjoying your classes unlike your sister. Talk about them, where’s your mother and sister?” He asked.

“Right here honey” Mrs Karl replied from the kitchen.

“Welcome Dad, you are fifteen minutes late from work” Bella said coming out of the kitchen, covered in floor.

“Why? Can’t he come back from work anytime he wants?” Eva asked her sister who glared at her.

“Shut up, I wasn’t asking you” Bella sassed while Mr Karl chuckled. The two are like cat and rat, he wonder when they will ever get along.

“There was a little traffic on the road, that was why I wasn’t home at exactly six” he explained.

“As if she wants to do something with it, why did you have to explain to her when she doesn’t want to learn anything aside baking” Eva said and ran upstairs to their parent’s room before Bella could get to her, not before sticking out her tongue at her.

“I am so going to kill you Eva” Bella huffed.

“When will you two grow up and stop bickering? Go get your Dad a cup of coffee” Mrs Karl said coming out of the kitchen.

“Welcome honey, how was work?” She asked taking a seat beside him on the couch.

“There was a lot of work to do, my schedule was hectic” he replied slightly rubbing his forehead. At that time, Bella brew the coffee for him, she dropped it on the side table and ran off to the kitchen to check her cake. That is what she spends most of her time doing, she bakes anything that comes to her mind. If she is to choose between schooling and baking, she will choose baking over and over again.

“So what’s your plan?” Mrs Karl asked her husband who picked up the coffee and took a sip from it.

“About what?” He asked turning to her.

“About what? I mean your daughter of course, I thought you said you would go see her and her mother? Wasn’t that your plan?” She asked narrowing her eyes at him while Mr Karl shuddered.

“I don’t know anymore Mariah, how do I face them after abandoning them for seventeen years? My daughter was just three, I bet she won’t even recognize me when she sees me. I feel ashamed of myself” he said soberly. The only regret he has was leaving them.

“Still, it is best you see them. Especially your daughter, you can’t be away from her forever. You can bring her home if possible” Mrs Karl suggested and her husband looked at her.

His wife is a blessing in disguise, despite everything, she understands him and never judged him. Instead, she encourages him to take most of the bold steps he has taken to achieve great things. He is glad he has a wife like her.

“Do you think so? What if she hates me?” He asked.

“I would hate you too if I am the one but it is only given if you make attempt to see her first. I can come with you if you want” she said offered but Mr Karl quickly shook his head in disapproval for personal reasons.

“You don’t have to, I will give it another thought after now. I need to shower before dinner is ready” he said and stood up from the couch then headed upstairs to their room.

There is a lot he needs to consider and think about.

***The next day***

Bella sneaked into her parents room to take back one of her credit cards her Dad seized from her last week. She had went to a friend’s party and got caught by her Dad.

He lectured her on how she is just seventeen and too young to be attending parties the way she pleases. He went ahead and seized her precious credit card.

One won’t be enough for her, she already emptied her second account and she won’t have any money in it until Monday again. She wouldn’t want to wait till her father credit her card, if she does, she wouldn’t be able to get the new dress she wants. It was just two left in that shop yesterday, someone else might pick them if she is not fast enough.

She looked around to make sure it is safe before opening his drawers to search for it. Knowing very well that she might get scolded later for this, Bella still chose to get her credit card. Her dad will only be mad for a few moment and then that’s all.

She checked the first and second drawer and screamed in frustration after it yielded no result. Whenever he seizes any of her stuff, he always keep them here. Did he change his position knowing that she will come looking for it?

Running her hand through her silky hair, she resumed searching the rest of the drawers on both sides of the bed. She moved to the second side when she found nothing in the first.

The first and second ones on the other side were barely empty, she opened the third one and there were thorns of files in it. Her Dad must’ve hidden it in one of these files or so she thought.

As she search them separately, some were business related while some were just drafts from wherever. She dropped the files and went to the door and locked it, it will be better if any of her parents come to the door without being able to enter than to barge in on her. She wouldn’t know how she will explain this.

She frowned as she got to the last file, opening it, she saw paintings of trees and hills. One of the things Mr Karl is good at is painting but he stopped painting years ago for some unknown reasons.

Forgetting what she initially came for, Bella sat down on the floor beside the bed as she look at the beautiful paintings. She could hang one in her room, if her Dad permits her.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

As she was looking at the paintings, she came across a particular painting of a little wolf and beside it is a little girl smiling widely like a toothpaste advertiser.

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