His Mafia Bride

I’ll make your life miserable Alina


Right before my very eyes was my own husband, Dante, and a brunette lady having a hot make out session.

They were too deep in their kiss to even notice me or anything else around them.

With quivering lips, erratic heart beat and teary eyes, I watched Dante’s hand explore the lady’s skin as she moaned into the kiss.

He grabbed her behind, squeezing it and hauling her against himself.

The lady tugged at his shirt, drawing him more closer to herself as the deep erotic kiss continued.

With a swift motion, Dante wrapped her legs around his waist, hands kneading all the parts of her body.

My body trembled and I sought to tear my gaze away but I couldn’t.

My eyes couldn’t take it anymore neither could my body. My knees quivered and I had to hold on to the door for support.

“Dante” I called out in a wild whisper which was loud enough for him to hear me.

That single utterance of mine brought to a halt, their make out and Dante reluctantly dropped the brunette.

He ran his hands through his hair, ruffling it. The brunette had her gaze on me in confusion.

“Dante who is she?” She inquired, turning to look at Dante.

“She’s none of your business. Leave” Dante commanded her.

In a flick, her face became doused in anger and I watched her huff at Dante.

“Really? I should leave?” Her voice bitter.

“Don’t make me throw you out myself” Dante savagely warned her.

“Fine” she scoffed at him before grabbing her scarlet red purse which laid on Dante’s table.

She strutted towards me and hissed.

“Bitch” she cursed underneath her breath, flashing me dagger eyes before walking away.

I ignored her remark because it was of no importance to me. What was more important to me was the rubbish Dante just did right before my eyes with that brunette.

“What do you want Alina?” Dante asked with a non challant attitude like I hadn’t just caught him making out with another woman.

“How low can you go Dante?” I asked through gritted teeth with my feet pondorously walking towards Dante on its own accord.

“How low can you go to make my life miserable!?” I yelled, rage completely settling within me.

“As low as I have to go! You have no idea how I hate you Alina” Came his retort.

A pained chuckle escaped my lips and few drops of tears came running down which caused Dante to smile.

“I never accepted this marraige but still…” I paused, pressing my lips into a thin line.

“I.. I never cheated or did anything amorous with any other man because I respect this union called marriage. I have morals and values instilled in me and for the safety of my family, I turned myself into your maid just to please your fucking egotistical self!”

My lips quivered with each breath I took and with each word spoken.

My body felt like it was in inferno and I felt nothing but this burning anger within me for Dante.

“But you? You brought in another lady and was… you were fiercely making out with her. I caught you and you still act like I caught you doing the right thing!” I spat those unforgiving words at him.

“Principessa it is good you respect this marraige but I don’t. Let that sink into that empty skull of yourself” Dante scoffed at me.

“This isn’t about getting revenge on my family any more. This just depicted how loose of a man you are!NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

You lack morals and you can’t treat anybody right but yourself. Your parents failed to raise you well!” I carelessly uttered the last sentence and in a swift motion, Dante eyes darkened.

He quickly crossed the little distance between us and encircled his large hands around my throat.

I gasped for air as I stared into those frigid emerald orbs of his.

“How dare you bring my parents into this!?”

Dante was as red as an angry bull and what I had said tipped him over the edge.

“You are being so barbaric towards me because of the sins of my father so why can’t I bring in your parents?” I spoke up bravely irrespective of the fact that I was being choked.

“I swear on whatever you believe in, this is just the beginning for you. By the time I’m done with you, you would be forced to end your miserable life. I’m fully ready to take on your father and eliminate you all down to the last Fedorov” Dante balefully uttered in exasperation.

I watched his jaw clench and unclench as he spoke, his nostrils flaring with anger with his hand increasing pressure on my throat.

“Do whatever you want to do to me Mr Dante Morelli but I will not be subjugated and bullied by you” I snarled, my eyes dancing in fury.

A crooked smile broke on Dante’s lip and he let go off my throat. I immediately inhaled sharply for air at his sudden release.

Dante quickly grabbed me by the arm and pushed me against his desk.

“Ouch” I winced.

His emerald orbs bored into mine as if he was searching for something.

“You see this ego you have Alina? I’ll shatter it into smithereens and watch you crumble into depression right before my eyes. Your death will please me so well” he mocked me.

I glared at him. “Do your worst” I dared the tyrant.

“I will” he concurred before dragging me by the arm out of his study room, pushing me roughly outside and banged the door at my face.

I was rendered speechless honestly. My pain was crushing and ripping me from within.

My legs ran towards my room without sparing a second glance back.

Once inside, I shut the doors and crumbled on the ground.

The tears that I had once restricted when I was challenging Dante came rushing back like flood waters without restraint.

I buried my face in my hands and cried bitterly.

What sort of marraige was this?

I never imagined my married life to be this chaotic.

Father and Dante forced me into this and I agreed thinking atleast my family would be safe and I hoped for Dante to keep his own side of the peace treaty agreement but Dante was doing the opposite.

I was just one of his pawns. He wanted me dead for revenge. This marraige was just a cover up for his true plans.

I couldn’t even ask for a divorce because he would see that as a reason to kill every one of my family.

I was trapped, caged and left to wither in this mansion of Dante.

Everywhere felt too suffocating for me to breathe in.

How far will Dante go to make my life unbearable?

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