His Identity

Chapter 29

Rita was enjoying herself immensely as she danced to the tune of the music playing from the speakers. She fended off a lot of men who wanted to take advantage of her, politely telling them that she wasn’t going to dance with them. Oddly, most of the men left Theresa alone and she had a feeling that they knew who she was.

“Let’s go sit down for a bit, my legs are killing me”, Theresa huffed.

Rita laughed as they made their way to a private booth. They ordered several shots of drink as Rita dowbed them all in quick succession.

“Easy girl”, Theresa chuckled.

“I just want to be free for the night. Can you blame me”, she laughed.

“No. Did you see the faces of the men you fended off. I bet they’ve never been turned down like that before”, Theresa laughed.

“Honestly. I didn’t come here to get laid, I came here because I wanted to forget everything that’s been going on in my life at least just for this night”, she said.

“We should do this once in a while. It takes the stress off from us sometimes. So, tell me about Edmundo. What’s he been up to”, Theresa said, sipping her drink.

“I don’t know and honestly, I don’t care. He never asks about me except when it’s time for me to accompany him to an event as his throphy fiancee. I’m honestly sick and tired of it”, she sighed.

“In due time babe, you’ll get over it. You know, I just have this strong feeling that you wouldn’t get married to him”, Theresa said.

“Me too but I don’t know how long I can wait before that miracle comes”, Rita said.

“Patience my dear, patience. Now, take a look at me. It wasn’t easy before Marco and I got married. There were so many trials and temptations that at a point, I wanted to ditch the whole idea”.

“I know and everytime I remember that incident, I regret not being there for you when you really needed me the most”, Rita said.

“No, don’t best yourself over it. You were in Africa with your father concerning those donations you made. I really can’t tell you how proud I am over what you did. You successfully put school children who were out of school before in school. Imagine the joy on their faces”, Theresa smiled.

“You can’t imagine. I’m glad I did that when i had the chance to. Imagine if I didn’t, I’ll be ridled with guilt”, Rita said.

“Take me with you when next you’re going. I’ll love to do something like that too”.

“Sure”, Rita smiled.

Just then, she watched as a young couple walked into the club, hand in hand. Upon closer look, Rita had a feeling that she had seen the woman before but she couldn’t quite place where she knew her from. She forgot all about it when Theresa stood up.

“I’ll be back, I need to use the restroom”, she said.

Rita nodded as she took a sip from her drink. She looked around, smiling politely at the people who waved even though she didn’t know any of them.

Just then, the loud sound of bullets shattered the glass that stood behind her. Rita screamed, falling to the ground. She shielded her head with her hands for fear of the bullet hitting her. There was stampede everywhere as people rushed towards the door, trying to get away from wherever the bullets were coming from.

Rita had a sick feeling in her stomach as she thought about Theresa. Theresa was out there probably wounded or worse dead. Rita had to find her at all cost, she didn’t want to think about the condition her friend might be in.

Slowly, she crawled towards a back entrance. The bullets still reigned down and for the life of her, she didn’t know where they were coming from. When she got outside, she was horrified to see so many dead bodies on the ground. She searched around for Theresa but there was no sign of her. As she staggered forward, the bullets swished around her but somehow, she wasn’t hit.

Her black dress was torn as a result of her crawling around. Her face was tear streaked as she searched frantically for her friend. Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain at her lower back and she went down with a cry. The world was spinning around her as she tried to determine whether she was really hit or it was only her imagination.

“Sugar girl” was the last thing she heard before the world went black.


Rita groaned, slowly awaking from the sound of several voices. She kept her eyes shut as she tried to make out what the voices were saying.

“How did you find her?”, Lawrence said.

“At an alley close to the club”, Rodrigo said.

“You’re incompetent, you should have followed her when she was going”, Edmundo shouted.

“With all due respect sir, I’m not. Miss Anderson never told me where she was going and so, I had no idea”, Rodrigo said.

He said it as calmly as possible and Rita knew even in her subconsciousness that he was just trying to be polite. If he had his way, he would punch the living daylight out of Edmundo.

“She was looking for me, I just know it”, a voice sobbed.

That voice alone had her opening her eyes instantly which she regretted as the bright lights shined down on her. It was Theresa, her friend was safe and what’s more, she was here.

“She’s awake”, May cried.Content protected by Nôv/el(D)rama.Org.

She rushed towards where her daughter laid, sobbing into her hands. Rita ignored this as her eyes found Theresa’s. She sagged in relief when she found out she was okay and to her surprise, she didn’t find any injuries on her. Her eyes found Rodrigo’s and the look of pain in them had her feeling stupid for what she did.

She couldn’t imagine that she risked her life knowing fully well that there was someone out there who cherished her so much. Asides from the look of pain in his eyes, she also saw anger there. She couldn’t blame him as he had every right to be angry for the stupid risk she took.

“Hi”, she croaked.

“I’m really glad you’re okay” Theresa sobbed, giving her hands a gentle squeeze.

Rita smiled, her eyes still on Rodrigo. She didn’t even pay attention to Edmundo who was watching the scene quietly.

“What you did was a stupid act. You never informed any of us where you were going even your personal guard who should know your every movement. Rita, I’m highly disappointed. I didn’t expect this from you”, Lawrence said.

“Please, don’t blame her. It wasn’t her fault, I dragged her with me. Please, don’t put the blame on her”, she sobbed.

Rita couldn’t believe she was taking the blame for herself knowing fully well that she was behind everything. She smiled as the first drop of tears landed on her cheeks.

“Theresa, I think you should go home. You’ve done enough”, Lawrence said.

Rita was horrified by her father’s words as she stared at him, not quite believing he could speak to her friend in such manner.

Theresa nodded, giving Rita’s hands a gentle squeeze before she left. At that moment, Rita knew that a dent had just landed in her relationship with her. She blamed herself for dragging Theresa into this mess knowing fully well that she was a married woman.

“And you, you’ll remain in Edmundo’s house until I know i can trust you to take the right decisions. Even though you’re an adult, you’re still my child. As soon as you’re well enough, you’ll move into his house. It would also serve as an opportunity to cement your relationship with him”, her father said.

Rita was horrified as she listened to everything he said. She couldn’t believe that they could sell her out to him knowing fully well that she wasn’t in good terms with him.

“What about my work?”, she said.

“There’s no problem about that. You’ll go from Edmundo’s home, everything has been arranged. We need someone who can keep an eye on you”, May said.

Rita was to weak to argue as she listened to her parents make decisions for her. She stared at Edmundo, hating him with every minute that passed. She knew he was behind all of this, knew that this was all his idea. She stopped to wonder what kind of game he intended to play and who would be the loser. Even before the game ended, she knew that it was her.

Senator Brabra and his family had a lot of influence in her family and this was something she hated.

“What about Rodrigo? He’s still allowed to do his duties?”, she croaked.

She was on the verge of tears as she desperately fought to keep the tears at bay. She didn’t know how her life spiraled for the worse in such a few hours.

Rita stared at him, willing him to say anything. She wanted him to speak up, fight for himself and the love they shared. Rodrigo remained quiet, his eyes on the ground as he waited for them to decide his fate.

“Oh, he’s been suspended for a while pending the time your parents allow you to get back home”, Edmundo smiled sadistically.

Rita looked towards her parents, willing them to counter Edmundo’s words but they remained quiet, staring into space.

“I will take my leave now. Thank you for the opportunity, I shall await your call”, Rodrigo said.

He moved towards her, touching her ever so slightly unknown to the the others. Rita stared into his eyes, willing him to speak up, fight.

“I’ll always find you sugar girl”, he whispered before taking his leave.

Rita watched him leave and she had a feeling that he was gone for good. As she thought about it, she knew why he didn’t even try to fight. He was tired, tired of the way she acted stupid at times. She couldn’t blame him though, any man would feel that way.

She sobbed silently, thinking about all the moments they’ve spent together. She was glad that she had already included his mother in the health care system at least, she’ll have the best care there is.

“You’ll be going to Edmundo’s house tomorrow”, Lawrence said.

Soon, he left with his wife. She was left alone with Edmundo who chuckled lightly.

“I told you sweet, you’ll be back to me and now, it’s happening”, he smiled.

“Get out”, she ordered.

“I will but only because you’ll be with me tomorrow”, he said.

“I hate you”, Rita said.

She mustered all the hate she could into those words. She took satisfaction in seeing the slight change in his eyes over those words.

“I love you too. Bye darling”, he laughed as he made his way out of the room.

Rita burst into tears as soon as he left. All the pent-up emotions and sadness she felt ever since the whole incident occurred rose to the surface. She cried her eyes out at the love she lost, at the friendship she had built with Theresa over the years.

She was downcast, her mind not feeling any other thing apart from the pain that seemed to choke and wrap itself at her very existence. Rita desperately wished she could abscond somewhere, away from everything that was happening around her but she knew that was impossible as her father and Edmundo would find her.

She looked around her room, staring at nothing. The memories of the previous night filled her mind and by now, she could tell that she wasn’t it. If she was, she’d be at the hospital and not in her room.

Rita got up gingerly, stretching her legs to get some feelings into them. Above everything, she was grateful that she wasn’t shot. She couldn’t believe what her life would be like confined to a wheelchair together with what was going on around her.

“I’ll get through this somehow, I won’t let them win”, she muttered.

Rita got up fully, making her way towards her window. She stared outside, looking at the birds as they went about their activities. For a moment, she wished she could be free just like them without any fear in her.

They had successfully made her stay with someone she hated but she won’t let them kill the love she had for Rodrigo. That would be the last thing she’ll allow them to do. It was her against them and she’ll make sure she emerges the victor.

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