His Exclusive Stripper: You Are Mine, Don

Chapter Sixty-Seven

Reina’s POV

I left the mansion and walked briskly to the bus stop, my mind set on finding Evelyn. The morning air was crisp, and the streets were just starting to fill with people beginning their day. As I waited for the bus, I couldn’t shake the lingering arousal from my encounter with Antonio. I needed to focus.

The bus finally arrived, and I climbed aboard, finding a seat near the window. The city was a blur as we moved, each stop bringing me closer to the outskirts. I checked my phone, scanning for any missed calls or messages that might give me a clue about Evelyn’s whereabouts. Nothing.

At the first bus stop, a small market caught my eye. My stomach growled, reminding me that I hadn’t eaten since yesterday. I stepped off the bus and wandered through the market, the scents of fresh produce and street food filling the air. I bought a warm croissant from a vendor and devoured it quickly, washing it down with a bottle of water.

Back on the bus, I watched the cityscape change. High-rise buildings gave way to smaller shops and residential areas. The bus stopped again, this time near a park. I got off, stretching my legs and looking around. The park was peaceful, a stark contrast to the chaos in my mind. I bought an ice cream cone from a nearby stand and sat on a bench, savoring the cold treat as I contemplated my next move.

As the bus continued its journey, I noted the changing scenery. The neighborhoods grew sparser, and soon, we were on the outskirts. The industrial landscape was bleak, with abandoned warehouses and empty lots. I got off the bus again, my eyes scanning the area for any signs of life.

I walked through the desolate streets, the silence only broken by the occasional sound of a distant car. The air was thick with the smell of oil and decay. My stomach rumbled again, and I realized it had been hours since my last meal. I found a small convenience store and bought a sandwich and a soda, eating quickly as I walked.

The bus stops became fewer and farther between as I ventured deeper into the outskirts. At one stop, I noticed a group of people gathered around a food truck. I got off and joined the line, the savory aroma of grilled meat making my mouth water. I ordered a taco and chatted briefly with the vendor.

“Busy day?” he asked, handing me my food.

“You could say that,” I replied, taking a bite of the taco. “Have you seen a woman around here? Dark hair, about my height?”

He shook his head. “Sorry, can’t say I have. This area isn’t exactly bustling with people.”

I thanked him and returned to the bus, feeling a mix of frustration and determination. The search for Evelyn was proving more difficult than I had anticipated, but I couldn’t give up now.

Finally, as the sun began to set, the bus reached the last stop on the outskirts of the city. I stepped off, the air cooler and the streets even more desolate. This was it-the end of the line. I looked around, taking in the rundown buildings and overgrown lots. If Evelyn was hiding anywhere, it would be here.

I took a deep breath, the reality of my mission settling in. This place was a far cry from the bustling city center, and the eerie quiet sent a shiver down my spine. But I was resolute. I would find Evelyn, and I would bring her back. This was my final destination, and I was ready for whatever came next.

I spotted a small, beautiful house, its charm standing out amidst the bleak surroundings. As I got closer, I heard the faint sound of voices-a man and a woman-coming from inside. Intrigued, I moved stealthily closer and peered through a gap in the window. My heart skipped a beat. There she was-Evelyn-laughing with an unknown guy.

Quickly, I took out my phone, snapped a few pictures of them, and sent them to Antonio with the caption, “Found her, I need help here. Send men.”

I hid in a nearby alley, waiting anxiously. Time seemed to drag as I strained to hear their voices. Eventually, the laughter died down, and everything went quiet. It seemed they had gone inside the house.

After what felt like an eternity, I finally saw Antonio’s men arriving. They met me at my hiding spot, their expressions serious and ready for action.

“Are you sure she’s in there?” one of the men asked.

I nodded. “Yes, she’s with some guy. Let’s move quickly before they notice.”

We approached the house quietly, the men flanking me as we moved. One of them signaled for silence before he kicked the door open. We stormed inside, catching Evelyn and the guy off guard. The guy, who was standing protectively in front of Evelyn, looked shocked and scared.

“Emily, what’s going on?” he asked, his voice trembling.

Evelyn looked at him, a mix of fear and resignation on her face. “Don’t worry, Alex. It’s a long story.”

I couldn’t help but smirk. “Emily? Really, Evelyn? Lying about your name now?”

Alex turned to Evelyn, his face a mask of confusion and betrayal. “Evelyn? You told me your name was Emily. What’s going on?”

Ignoring his questions, the men grabbed Evelyn, dragging her towards the door. She didn’t resist, knowing it was futile. Alex stood there, frozen, as everything unfolded around him.

“Poor guy,” I said sarcastically, watching his confused expression.

As we left the house, dragging Evelyn along, Alex called out one last time, “Evelyn, wait!”

But it was too late. The men hustled Evelyn into a waiting car. I gave Alex one final, disdainful look before following them.

“He’ll get over it,” I muttered to myself as we drove away, leaving Alex standing helplessly in the doorway of the small house.


Inside, Evelyn was tied to a chair, her eyes wide with fear and confusion. She looked up to see Charles also tied on his hands, his face and body all weak and bruised, her heart sinking at the sight of him. Some men came in, shoved him to the floor and tied him up next to her, ensuring he couldn’t escape like Evelyn did. .

Antonio stood in the doorway, his eyes cold and unforgiving. “Welcome back home Evelyn ,” he said, his voice dripping with contempt. “You both have a lot to answer for.”

Charles looked up at Antonio, his face pale and sweaty. “Antonio, please-”

“Save it,” Antonio snapped, cutting him off. “You’ve made your bed, and now you’re going to lie in it, I need to end it here now that Evelyn is back.”

Reina stood beside Antonio, her expression smug. She had played her part perfectly, and now she would reap the rewards. As the door slammed shut, Charles and Evelyn were left alone in the room, bound and helpless, with no idea what horrors awaited them next.

The room was dark and suffocating. The only sounds were the occasional drip of water from a distant pipe and the labored breathing of Charles and Evelyn. They were bound and helpless, awaiting the inevitable wrath of Antonio. He stood in front of them, his eyes cold and unforgiving, as if he were a predator savoring the moment before the kill. Beside him, Reina watched with a twisted smile, enjoying every second.

Antonio began with Charles. “You thought you could destroy me?” His voice was a deadly whisper. He raised his hand, and one of his men handed him a thick, leather whip. Without warning, Antonio brought the whip down on Charles’s back, the sound echoing through the room. Charles screamed, the pain excruciating.

“Please, Antonio! I’m sorry!” Charles begged, but Antonio was relentless. The whip came down again and again, each strike harder than the last. Blood began to seep through Charles’s shirt, and his screams grew weaker as he was pushed to the edge of consciousness.

Reina watched with glee, her eyes gleaming. “Antonio, punish him more, how could they fool a boss like you? . They wanted to destroy you!” she said, adding fuel to the fire. Antonio’s eyes narrowed, and he struck Charles even harder, eliciting a fresh scream of agony.Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

“She’s lying!” Evelyn cried out, tears streaming down her face. “I didn’t plan anything!”

“Silence! You have no right to talk, you ran away because you were guilty, it would be your turn next, you idiot” Antonio roared, turning his fury on Evelyn. “And You will speak when I allow you to.”

Reina continued, weaving a web of lies. “Evelyn never loved you, Antonio. She was just using you to get information. She and Charles were going to run away together.”

Antonio’s grip tightened on the whip, his knuckles turning white. He turned back to Charles, his face a mask of rage. “Is this true?” he demanded, striking Charles again.

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