His Exclusive Stripper: You Are Mine, Don

Chapter Sixty-One

Charles struggled futilely against the rope binding his wrists, the coarse fibers digging into his skin with every movement. He could feel the sting of sweat in the abrasions forming on his wrists, but he didn’t let up. His muscles ached from the continuous strain, but the knot was too tight, expertly tied. He took a deep breath, trying to gather his strength for another attempt when the door creaked open.

A stocky man, one of Antonio’s henchmen, stepped in, a scowl on his face as he scanned the room. His eyes widened when he realized Evelyn was no longer there. “What the fuck?” he muttered under his breath, disbelief and panic seeping into his voice. His pulse quickened, and he turned on his heel, dashing out of the room with a sense of urgency that bordered on desperation.

His footsteps echoed through the dimly lit corridor, each step resonating with the fear of what Antonio might do. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he reached Antonio’s office, bursting through the door without knocking. “Boss, we have a problem,” he gasped, his breath coming in fast, shallow pants.

Antonio, seated behind a grand mahogany desk, looked up from a stack of papers, his dark eyes narrowing. “What do you mean, what problem?” he demanded, rising to his feet. His presence was imposing, the aura of authority he carried like a second skin.

“We lost the girl… We lost Evelyn, she is no longer tied,” the henchman stammered, his face paling.

Antonio’s expression shifted from confusion to sheer rage in an instant. “What? How did that fucking happen?” he roared, his face contorting with fury. Without warning, he picked up a heavy pistol from his desk and struck the henchman across the head with it. The man crumpled to the floor, clutching his head in pain, fear etched into every line of his face.

Antonio loomed over him, his voice a deadly whisper. “Find Evelyn. Take some men with you and find her. If you don’t, your head will be delivered to your family. Do you get that?”

“Y-yes, boss,” the henchman stuttered, scrambling to his feet and clutching his bleeding scalp.

Antonio stormed out of the room, his mind racing with violent thoughts. As he strode down the hallway, he encountered Reina. She was dressed provocatively, her outfit leaving little to the imagination. A tight, black leather skirt clung to her hips, barely covering her thighs, and a low-cut, red satin top accentuated her ample cleavage. Her high heels clicked against the floor as she approached him, her eyes gleaming with a mix of curiosity and desire.

“What’s wrong, Antonio? Why do you look so mad?” Reina asked, trying to keep up with his furious pace.

“Shut up, Reina,” Antonio snapped, not even sparing her a glance as he continued towards the room where Charles was held.

Reina’s seductive smile faltered, replaced by a look of annoyance. She followed him, her pace quickening to match his. They reached the room, and Antonio threw the door open with such force it slammed against the wall.

“Holy fuck,” Reina muttered, her eyes widening as she took in the empty space where Evelyn had been tied. The room seemed colder, the absence of Evelyn’s presence palpable. Charles looked up, his eyes locking with Antonio’s, a defiant glint in his gaze despite his predicament.

Antonio’s fury was barely contained, his knuckles white as he gripped the door frame. “Where is she?” he demanded, his voice low and dangerous.

Charles remained silent, a smirk playing on his lips. He knew that every second Evelyn was free was a victory, no matter how small. Antonio’s patience snapped, and he lunged forward, grabbing Charles by the collar and yanking him up. “I said, where is she?” he snarled.

Charles met his gaze without flinching. “I don’t know,” he said simply, his tone infuriatingly calm.

Antonio released him with a shove, sending Charles sprawling back onto the floor. He turned to his henchman, who was now standing hesitantly in the doorway, and barked, “Get everyone on this. I want every corner of this city searched. Now!”

The henchman nodded vigorously, hurrying away to carry out the orders. Antonio’s eyes flicked back to Charles, his mind working furiously. He couldn’t afford to let Evelyn escape, not with everything at stake. He turned on his heel and stormed out of the room, Reina trailing behind him.

Reina tried to speak again, her tone softer, more coaxing. “Antonio, let me help. I can find her.”Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

Antonio stopped abruptly, turning to face her. His expression softened slightly, a dangerous glint still in his eyes. “Fine. You can join in the search. But if you screw this up, Reina, you’ll regret it.”

Reina nodded, a determined look crossing her face. She knew better than to underestimate Antonio’s threats.

And if I find her, what would I have in return?” Reina asked, her voice a low, seductive purr. She stepped closer to Antonio, looking deep into his eyes, her own filled with a mix of desire and ambition. She knew Antonio would do anything to find Evelyn, and she intended to use that to her advantage.

Antonio’s mind raced with thoughts of revenge. Evelyn, whom he once loved, had betrayed him. She had tried to bring him down, aligning herself with Charles in a scheme to ruin him. The pain of her betrayal was a constant, gnawing ache in his chest, but he was determined to let that love die and replace it with a burning desire for vengeance. He would make her suffer, make her regret ever crossing him.

“What do you want, Reina?” Antonio asked, his gaze dropping to her exposed cleavage before moving back to her face. He knew exactly what she wanted. Reina’s mind was a one-track train, always speeding towards the same destination.

“I want you to fuck me anywhere and anytime I want,” she said boldly, pulling her top further down to expose her breasts even more. Her nipples were barely hidden, and the sight of her flesh made Antonio’s pulse quicken despite himself.

Antonio scoffed, a smirk curling his lips. “I knew you were going to say that, you empty skull. Deal,” he said, his voice dripping with disdain. Reina’s face lit up with a twisted sort of happiness. For her, Antonio’s deals were sacred; he never broke a promise once made.

“Deal,” Reina echoed, her excitement palpable. She could already feel her arousal growing, the prospect of Antonio’s rough touch making her body respond eagerly. She was determined to find Evelyn, not just for the reward, but for the thrill of the hunt and the promise of carnal pleasure.

Reina stepped closer, reaching out as if to shake Antonio’s hand, but he pulled back, a look of disgust crossing his face. “Seriously, I don’t do the handshake deal thing,” he said, his voice cold. He turned and walked away, leaving Reina standing there, her resolve hardening. She watched him go, her eyes narrowing with determination.

As they parted ways, the search for Evelyn intensified, the tension within the compound reaching a fever pitch.

“I will be the one to find Evelyn,” she whispered to herself, her fingers trailing over her own skin as she imagined the rewards waiting for her. The compound buzzed with activity, Antonio’s men scouring every inch for any sign of the missing woman.

Reina’s thoughts turned to strategy. She needed to think like Evelyn, anticipate where she might go, how she might try to escape. She decided to start with the storage rooms in the basement, a place often overlooked. She made her way there, her heels clicking sharply on the concrete floor, her mind sharp and focused despite the haze of arousal clouding her senses.

As she descended the stairs, she heard the muffled sounds of Antonio barking orders at his men, his voice a constant reminder of what was at stake. She reached the bottom and began her search, her eyes scanning every shadow, every corner. The air was cool and damp, and the dim lighting cast eerie shadows on the walls.

Reina’s heart pounded with anticipation. She checked each room methodically, her frustration growing with every empty space. She gave up searching the house ’cause she already knew Evelyn wasn’t in the building and she might have ran far Away.

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