His Baby Mama



I yawned, slowly opening mine eyes but quickly shut them again since the light was blinding my eyes.

How the hell did I get he- I Cut my thoughts off and my eyes widen as yesterday’s event replayed in my head. Oh yes! How could I forget?

Sighing, I was about to roll over so I could get out of bed and stretch but suddenly felt strong arms around me, preventing me from doing so and I inwardly groan in annoyance before I proceed to try and get out of Damon’s grip. I first tried to squeeze myself out of his hold but that failed, so I went on to trying move his hands off of me but that also failed and right now, I’m currently trying to wake him up so he can move his hands away from me but damn he’s a deep sleeper.

I don’t think he’s sleeping though cause I even hit his hands and saw a little reaction off of him. I just think he’s pretending to be asleep just to irritate me and right now he is. I just want to kick him off this damn bed. “Damon! Let go of me !!” I yelled out in annoyed then whined, hitting his hands, hoping he’ll let go of me but that damn asshole didn’t. He just kept pretending to be asleep but you could’ve seen a small smile making its way unto his lips.

I smirk evilly, knowing what I was about to do next will make him remove his hands for good then position myself so that his arms was in front of my face and I counted to five before I launch fort and bite him hard. And that seems to do the job cause he immediately sprang up after that and let out a wince then cure under his breath as he grabbed unto his arm, that I had just bitten. I burst into laughter, looking at him while he just stared at my bite mark but that laughter was instantly gone when he looked away from his arms and back to me with a clenched jaw. I was scared to death. My body froze for only a second before it react and I got up in now time, dashing for the door, praying in my head that he doesn’t catch me but he did.

I was so damn close to leaving the bedroom when strong arms were suddenly wrapped around me and pulled me back where he carried me bridal style and then threw me unto the bed.

“Damon–” I barely got to say his name before he was on top of me again and I yelp out, trying to escape but he quickly held both of my hands to the top of my head, trapping me with his body. I felt his breath fanning my neck and I looked back to him almost immediately to see his face really, really close to mine and his mouth only inches away from my neck.

“W-what are you doing?” I asked in a nervous voice. Don’t tell me he’s going to give me hickeys again…

“What? Can’t I bite you too?” He asked, his mouth close to my ears and! shivered as he does that.

“B-bite me?” I stammered again then gulp, looking into his eyes and the smirk never died from his lips.

“Yes but don’t worry this bite won’t hurt, I promise” I gulp again, knowing exactly what he meant.

And when his lips was ever so close to my neck, I yelp, trying harder to get out of his grip. “No, don’t do-Ahh.” I cut myself off with a moan when he suddenly began to suck on my neck. I loved how it felt but I really don’t want to embarras myself again but I also don’t want him to stop now. Great! This is another reason why l wanted to stop him earlier cause now I won’t want him to stop, but I’ll still try.. I have to.

“Damon. oh god” I moaned. Strings and strings of moans came rolling out of my mouth and I cried out in pure bliss and estacy, loving what he was doing to my body. My fingers once again found its way to his dark locks and I ran my fingers through it, tugging at it and a groan let his mouth and he pulled away from my neck, making his way to the valley of my breast and began placing hickeys there.

I continued to tug on his hair as moans and whimpers left my mouth while groan and grunts left his, our panting could be heard and I think we were both aroused and wanted each othe.

“Damon” I accidentally moaned his name when his hands began to roam around my body and I squirm in embarrassment almost immediately, praying that he didn’t hear what I just said but he did. He reacted differently though. All I saw was him pulling away from me to meet my eyes and I looked away, feeling even more embarrassed but looked back to his eyes not long after to see him still looking at me but his eyes turning a tad darker. I bit my lips.

“I Camila” He swore under his breath before he wrapped his arms around me and smashed his lips unto mine and I kissed him back almost immediately. The kiss took me by surprise but I like it. Again, it was more like the second time we shared a kiss. It was rough but l freaking loved it, especially when he slid his tongue into my mouth and began to devour me.

He held me closer towards him with one hands, as if not wanting to let go while his other hand roamed around my body again and I loved every part of it. I was moaning against his lips as his hands find its way to the back of my head and held it, his fingers massaging my head as he does so and I sigh against his lips. We continued on kissing each other for about another minute or two before Damon pulled away to let both of us breathe then he lay down again beside me and was about to pull me in his arms but I reacted quickly. I jumped out of his bed just in time and then turned to look at him. He didn’t had that sexy look on his face anymore. Instead, it was replace with a cute one but he had sadness in his eyes. Smirking at him, I turned around and began walking towards his bathroom.

“I’Il be using the bathroom.” Was the last thing I said to him before I entered it and locked the door.


I exit the shower after that and dried myself off so so I won’t be dripping before I walked to the door and opened it to the bedroom.

Looking around the room for the clothes he said he left me and that’s when I spotted something folded on his bed, that was neatly made up, so walking over, I grabbed the clothes to see what was it and rolled my eyes when I saw that it was one of his huge shirts again. Nevertheless, I wore it. After drying my skin, I slipped his shirt over my head but then I saw something under it and picked it up. It was a pair of Victoria secret panties and bra. Taking them in my hands, I slipped both of them on before I put my hair i a bun then hanged the wet towel in the bathroom before leaving his bedroom. I had decided that I’ll make breakfast, since I’m hungry but I don’t think I’ll have to do that anymore cause when I looked straight into the kitchen, I saw a sexy Damon cooking.

He was also dressed in a different shirt and his hair was wet, which told me he had just taken a shower.

“Come have a seat” his voice spoke, bringing me out of my thoughts and I looked up to see him walking over to the kitchen island and pulls out a chair for me. Thanking him, I sat down and watched as he resumed to his cooking. He was making pancakes and a few more stuff that almost every humans eat for their breakfast. I sat there and waited patiently for him to finish, even though I was hungry but he didn’t had much left to cook though so I didn’t had to wait long. Maybe only about six to seven minutes but everything was done now and ready to eat. I watched as he brought a plate of a delicious breakfast over to me then sat next to me with also a plate and I thanked him before I began digging into my food. Moaning at how good it tastes.Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“Mm this taste so good! “I moaned with my eyes clothes then proceed to eat another piece of my pancakes. Opening then again, I almost jump when I saw dark eyes looking at me and I turned to Damon to only see him looking at me, his eyes darker again and I gulped, looking away. I decided not to do that again and we ate in peace after that. well it was peaceful until a high pitch, annoying voice was heard.

“Damon baby, where are-” It was Christina and she was now looking at Damon and I. Well except for the fact that I was dressed in Damon’s shirt again, there was not another reason for her to look at me that way.. I think.

But when I saw her eyes staring at my neck, a frown made its way to my face but then realization hit me. She saw the hickeys Damon put on me! God, how could I forget about that ?! I should have covered it up!

“I thought I told you to never f ** king come here again !!”A voice was suddenly heard, bringing me out from my thoughts and i looked to Damon, who had just spoke. He looked very angry. Christina, on the other hand, didn’t reply to him. Her eyes were still staring at my neck and I felt uncomfortable.

But then she finally spoke. “How.. how could you leave me for this slut? Can’t you see? All she wants is your damn money, nothing more !!”

Me? A slut? I clenched my jaw as anger slowly took over me and Damon was even more angry then me. He glare deadly at her before he opened his mouth to talk.

“The only slut I see around here is you Christina and I don’t f ** king get you! I told you to leave and don’t ever come back so why are you here? Are you this desperate to sleep with me ?!” He raised his voice at her and Ijust sat there quietly without muttering a word .. as yet.

“I’m the one for you Damon! We were meant to be, can’t you see?! I love you ..! love you with all of my-” He chuckled darkly, cutting her off.

“Is it me or my money?” A question was shot at her which made her face turned pale. She just stood there quietly. not saying a thing.

“If I’m to lose every single thing I have, would you still love me?” Another question was shot at her but she didn’t say a thing. Silence.. that was all that filled the air.

“See? Is that what you called love? No it’s f ** king not! When you love someone it’s more than what they have. They can be rich or poor but that doesn’t matter to you. What matters to you is them ! You love that person and accept that person as who they are and those feelings are way past yours cause all you’re digging for is money! So I’d just suggest you leave before I drag you out myself!”

Okay, I have to admit, those things that he just said are so ture though. you love someone for who they are and you’ll always love them even if they have everything or nothing. She just stood there, not saying a thing, not even moving and I think that got Damon even more mad but I quickly held unto his arms before he could’ve done anything and that also seems to calm him down a bit.

“I. Said. F ** king. Leave!” He yelled at her through gritted teeth and she finally made a move but it wasn’t to leave. She folded her arms, and a small smirk made its way to her face.

“I’m not going anywhere Damon.. and guess why?” She asked and I just wanted to shove her out myself. Why is she so stubborn?

“Because your parents are coming” she whispered and my eyes suddenly widen.

What? Damon parents are coming over? His body suddenly stiffened and I looked up to him to saw him swore under his breath. Is it bad that is parents are coming over? The place dropped in dead silence and then all of a sudden the sound of the door was opened and then an unfamiliar voice spoke.

“Damon !! DAMON !!!? Where’s this child !?”


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