Her Mysterious Lover

Chapter 17

Third Person’s POV


“Where were you last night?” I received Dad’s call early in the morning. I knew this. I knew that his informer might have informed him that I was not at my penthouse last night.

Well, what could you expect from me?

To leave the chance to sleep beside my girl, huh?

Hell no!

“I was with Tyler.”, I responded.


“I’m twenty-three, dad. I don’t have to answer each and every question of yours.”, I restored.

“Fine! Don’t answer me but dig a grave before seeing that girl because you might be knowing that you’re playing with fire, and in the end, no matter how great it can be, you always get burned.”, Saying this, he disconnected the call. My grip tightened around my phone, and the next thing I knew, my phone was flying in the air.

“Albert!” I roared.

“Yes, Sir! I have a new phone.”, Saying this, he dashed to collect the sim card from my broken phone so that he could insert it into my new phone.

I raised my hand to break something else that was near me, but I stopped recalling that I had touched Falak with the same hand.


The only person who was keeping me sane!

‘She thinks that I’m that person who can always keep her safe, which is only half true. I can only keep her safe from those problems which are related to her life, not from the problem which is in my life. Nothing can be worst than my situation because the person who is helping her to overcome her previous pain will give the biggest pain of her life.’

Even after knowing this, I couldn’t do a thing to stop myself from doing so.


Falak’s POV


I stirred on the soft bed, still closing my eyes, but my mind was completely awake. I didn’t remember when did I woke up in the morning without a nightmare? I clearly remembered that my nightmare haunted me again, but unlike other times, I could hear the soft and soothing voice of someone who kept telling me that he was there with me and that whatever I was seeing was nothing but a nightmare.

Taking a deep breath, I finally opened my eyes and found no one beside me. I felt disappointed but then what was I expecting from him?

He had a lot of things to do rather than sleeping beside me.

I was about to leave the bed when my eyes landed on the bell on the desk beside the bed, on which it was written with the bold letter ‘PRESS ME.’

I giggled and pressed the bell, and within a minute, Maria appeared in my room.

“Good Morning, Ma’am,”

“Good Morning, Maria. Please help me to walk to the washroom.”

“Yes, sure, Ma’am.” I was about to close the door of the washroom when she spoke again. “Should I take out a fresh dress for you, Ma’am? Sir told me that you have a habit of taking a bath early in the morning.”

‘God! How much he knows about me?’

“Ma’am?” I heard Maria’s voice, indicating that she was waiting for my answer.

“Sorry.” I apologized for making her wait. “Please take a decent and modest dress for me. I… I’m not comfortable with short dresses.”, I replied.

“Don’t worry about that. Not a single dress in your closet is short. Sir had already given me the choice of clothes you like to prefer.”

“Is there anything which your sir don’t know about me?” I asked in suspicion.

“Before answering your question, May I ask you something, Ma’am?”

“Yes, please. Go Ahead.”

“Did something happen between Sir and you last night?”

“What? Of…of course! Not”, I stuttered out of nervousness. I couldn’t imagine the shade of red I was turning right now just by her mere question. I still couldn’t understand what she had to do with this question and why did she ask me such an embarrassing question?

“Okay! Now coming back to your question which you had asked me a moment before, I’m sure that Sir didn’t know how you look without clothes.”


This was literally something that I hadn’t expected to hear from her.

“Ma’am, you’re bright red. And I must say you look so cute with this expression.”, She added, to which I quickly closed the door of the washroom, trying to hide behind this wooden door.

‘Mother earth, please swallow me!’, I muttered under my breath.


After taking a bath, I walked into the room, and I found a pair of matching lingerie and a floral print halter neck dress that was kept on the bed. I opened it to check its length and sighed in relief, finding it an inch or two below my knee. Carefully, I sat on the bed and removed the towel from my body to wear the dress. Once I was done with the dress and hair! I offered prayer to the Lord for another beautiful day.

I carefully walked toward the window of my room, and my eyes widened at the view. I meant I could see the whole city from here, like from one of those skyscrapers.

‘That because you’re indeed in one of those skyscrapers.’, My mind mocked me.

I heard a knocking sound on my door. “Please come in.”

“Ma’am, your breakfast.” I heard Maria speaking, and she slowly made her way into the room. I still had my back to her, staring out of the window into the city. She made her way over to the table in the room, her heels clicking against the floor, making me realize that finally, it was time to have breakfast.

By the time I turned toward her, she had already arranged everything on the table.

“Thank you, Maria.”

“It’s my pleasure, ma’am.”, She responded and pointed her finger toward the envelope. “This is from, Sir.”

Immediately my mood was lighted like a bulb, hearing this. She giggled at my expression before leaving. Once she left, I ignored the breakfast and picked up the envelope to check what was inside it.

‘Pyscytist appointment is at 8:30 AM. Don’t be late. One of my drivers will take you to her clinic.

-Attam’ and a smiling face at the end of his name with I gave him.

I read his message, again and again, especially the name which he had written at the end.

I must say, he was taking all the necessary precious to hide his identity because instead of handwritten notes, he used to send printed notes, so there could be no way I could even match his handwriting with anyone on whom I could doubt to be him.

After breakfast, I applied for one day’s leave in the company’s app installed on the phone under my employee ID. I knew if Jacob would be using his phone right now, then he would surely see the notification and call me instantly to lecture me.

And just like I had expected, I received his call a minute later.

“Are you even interested in working in the company or not, Ms. Srivastava?” I heard him roaring from the other side.

“Sir, I…”

“Save it. We will talk about it on Monday. I will be back by then”, Saying this, he disconnected the call, and the next thing I received was a notification on the app was ‘Your reporting Manager disapproves your request for your sick leave.’

I sighed and ignored that notification.

‘He was being extremely rude.’, I thought, and then I called Ashley to inform her that I was not coming today.

“WHAT? Are you alright now?”, She panicked over the call.

“Yeah! I’m. Don’t worry about me.”

“You’re not lying, are you?’

“I swear, Ash. I’m not.”, I assured her. “But I doubt that I can go to the beach tomorrow.”

“It’s totally fine, babe. We can postpone the plan because nothing is as important as you.”, She replied. “All right, I will see you in the evening after office hour at the orphanage.”

“That’s not required, Ash! After working for 9-10 hours straight and then driving eighteen miles in the opposite direction compared to your home is not required. We can meet tomorrow; after all, tomorrow and the day after today are off.”


“I’m fine, trust me.”

“Okay! But if you need anything then tell me. I will order it for you, okay?”


“Does HE know about this incident?”, She asked. We both knew whom she was referring to by mentioning HE over here!

“Yes! And I will share all the detail as promised.”, I said before she would have started the questionnaire!!

“All right, I will ask Mom to prepare lunch for you tomorrow, and I’m not taking NO as your answer. I will pick you up from the orphanage at around ten in the morning.”


“Bye, and take care!”

“You too! Bye.”

After disconnecting the call, I checked the time and pressed the bell. It was time to leave so that I could reach at psychiatrist’s clinic in time. Maria came into the room after a while, and then she helped me out of the room. Now, for the first time, I was looking at the other areas of the apartment.

It looked…. impressive.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

I would like to have a tour of this apartment if my legs wouldn’t have been injured. I looked at her carefully, even though she was looking fresh and had worn jeans and an off-shoulder top, unlike the uniform she wore inside the apartment or said in her working hour.

“Sir told me to accompany you. I hope you don’t mind that.”, She said, understanding the reason behind my curious look.

“Not at all.”, I responded. For the first time, I was walking along those routes without a blindfold, and trust me; I was so glad for that because the interior of the apartment was worth watching. I came to know that my apartment was on the 75th floor of the skyscraper. And I had a personal lift to my apartment after sharing a common lift till the 74th floor. I couldn’t help but gasp when I realized that it was the second tallest building in Melbourne and Australia’s third tallest building.

I was always brought to the Southbank precinct of Melbourne.

After coming into the parking lot, I looked around to look for the driver but couldn’t find any.

“Sir is not here.”, Maria said, thinking I was looking for HIM. I rolled my eyes and looked at her. ‘Seriously?’

“I thought you were looking for him.”, She reasoned out.

“I was looking for the driver.”, I said.

She chuckled before speaking, “Child is in the armpit, chaos in the city.” I looked at her in confusion.

“You’re driving to me the clinic?” I asked more, as stated.

“Yes, Ma’am.”, She said.

“You know driving?” I asked the most obvious question on the earth on, to which she gave me a ‘Are you kidding me?’ look. “I’m sorry. I mean to offend. It’s just I didn’t expect that.”

“It’s all right. By observing the kind of work I do, you might have thought that I know nothing except doing household work, but that’s not true. I know all the basic skill of life which is required for survival.”, She said before continuing. “You never know when you will need that skill in your life, right?”

“Cool. Can you teach me too?” I asked hopefully. I learned how to drive a two-wheeler because Ash helped me with that. There was nothing wrong with learning how to drive a car.

“Why not! I can start teaching you from today onwards.”

“Thank you, Maria. You are a gem.”


“So, how long have you been working here?” I initiated the conversation while she was driving me to the clinic.

“I have joined recently after getting married to Albert.”

“Albert and you? God! How could I not relate to that?” I mentally slapped myself for not guessing that before. “Tell me more about you two. Whether it is love marriage or arrange?” I said, noticing a slight blush on her cheek.

“It’s love marriage.”, She responded, keeping her eyes on the road. “We got married against our parent’s wish.”, She paused before continuing. “You see, my family wanted me to marry someone with higher class rather than a driver as well as an assistant of Mr. …I mean Sir.”, She quickly covered the name of her boss. “While his parent didn’t want him to marry me because I’m four years old than Albert.”


‘Both the reasons sound absurd to me. I mean, who cares for higher class or lower class if you find the right life partner, and don’t they know that weight, age, and height are just numbers when you’re in love.’

“Right now, our financial situation is really tight. That’s why to help Albert financially; I took all the jobs which Sir gave to me.”

“And you’re fine with all the jobs. I mean…”

“I know what you mean, Ma’am! But I believe no work is small. Moreover, I would have been doing the same thing at my house as well, i. e., cooking, cleaning, laundry, driving, etc., etc., as long as I’m getting a good amount of money in my bank account. I’m happy with my work.”

“So, what’s your future plan?”

“As for now, Albert is handling all the expenses of both of us. While I’m saving mine, after a year or two, we will think of having our own home, and then we might think of having a baby or babies.”

“Awww! That’s so inspiring and cute.”, I said, on which she blushed again. “By the way, how do you know about me?”

“Albert told me about you.”, She kept her answer short on, which I felt like she had to tell a lot more about it, but she couldn’t. She halted the car near a building, and it seemed like I had arrived at my destination.


“All right! Done with our introduction now! Now, if you feel comfortable, then please tell me about your nightmares.”, Dr. White asked, on which I gave her a nervous smile.

“I.. umm..” I felt lost. I couldn’t gather the courage to tell her about my miserable life.

Understanding my situation, she spoke softly. “I know it’s painful for you to talk about it, but you have to speak about it.”, She said and looked at my injured legs. “Just like to heal this wound, you have to clean it out. Again and again and again after getting this bandage wet or for some other reasons. And the cleaning process always stings. The cleaning of the wound hurts but you will keep doing that procedure continuously; then, along with time, you will stop feeling any kind of pain. Yes. that’s the moment when you stop feeling any kind of pain; you know it is healed.”


“Just remember that when we can’t laugh at the same joke again and again, then why to cry again and again for the same pain!”

I nodded my head again.

‘Get yourself together, Falak! You have to be strong for yourself. God is giving this opportunity to you, so instead of crying like a coward, accept your nightmare so that it cannot haunt you.’, My mind said.



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