Her Mafia Lord


Chapter Ninety Three

There are certain things Giovanni believed that needed to be corrected, the first being the fact that no one, absolutely no one can dethrone him off his seat.

“You have become really soft my son” He turned to see his father standing before him, clothed in all black.

“Father?” Marco smiled, seeing how amazed his son was to see him. Before Giovanni could ran to engulf his father in a hug, the latter stopped him.

“I don’t want you coming close to me. I just need you to pay attention to these things I have to say” Giovanni nodded his head, hands behind his back and was paying close attention.

“I need to admit son, I am highly disappointed, seeing how you have turned my throne into something horrendous. I don’t need to educate you, on the legends that have sat comfortably on that throne. You have been a witness to how your grand father ruled the mafia. He was ruthless and dangerous. I will not blame Amore for calling you weak though, because that is exactly what you are” Giovanni had a big look of sadness on his face, his father talking to him about this, clearly show that indeed, he was weak.

“Father, I was hoping that I would try to make a change with my own rule”

“And see where that has brought you, loosing the throne twice; the first to Amore, and the second to a rif raf called Luke” The look of disdain his father gave to him, saddened him alot.

“Father, that is why I am begging you to please show me the way. I need your guidance. You were very skillfull in your time as the Elite’s leader, I have no skill and that is why things are very sore for me”

“I would have loved to have a perfect chat with you, but there is no time. However, I want you to listen to this instruction strictly and follow them as things should be.” Marco revealed.

“After this conversation, I want you to go back to Mexico and reclaim that throne, I need you to kill every single disloyal bastards that have the nerves to even sit on the same place their father sat down and was respected. I need you to make sure none of them is left out of the equation. Finish them all and let the world know that the Elites are back”

“But Father, these men that you have instructed me to kill, are sons of the family. If they die now, there wouldn’t be a generation of Elites again” Marco sighed for a moment. He knew his son had a point.

“Alright listen attentively, you shall not kill them but have them leave the round table and never to return. The bloodline of the Elites will be created again, but this time I want it to be coming from you my son. A new generation of Elites will rule the table, one that would be feared amongst men” Before Giovanni could say anything further, he heard his alarm blaring on his ear, and he woke up.

“It was all a dream!” He exclaimed in disbelief.


Xavier had informed Giovanni on the phone that the table would be having a meeting today, he immediately made arrangements for the flight that would take him to Mexico.

When he arrived at Mexico, Giovanni was surprised to see that the country had experienced much development within the few months he was here. Suddenly, his phone rang and he checked his caller ID to discover it was none other Bianca.

“And he finally picked” Bianca commented, causing Giovanni to simply smile. “Where on earth have you been keeping your device?”

“With me?”

“This means you have been seeing my calls haven’t you?” Giovanni had not received Bianca’s call in a long time.


“That is weird, I thought you would have seen it”

“No I didn’t” There was no way he would ignore Bianca’s call, he still loves her and that is a big fact.

“Anyways, how are you doing”

“I am on my way to the penthouse” He replied, noticing they were almost close to the designated location.

“What are you going to do?”

“You see Bianca, I had a dream last night” He revealed

“So what was this dream about?”

“Well Marco happened to have been in that dream. He scolded me on paving way for all the chaos that has happened till this very day”

“About that, I don’t really believe it is your fault of you ask me, one thing is certain you have never and would never be like him” For some reason, Giovanni knew that Bianca was right. He needed to act on his own accord and not in line with his father.

When his father considered that he wipe out the entire persons at the table, he knew it would have so much implications and some of these implications include being vulnerability to other mafia gang that wished to over take him..

“Anyways, I am finally heading to school and before I forget, I met Romeo today!” Giovanni had totally forgotten there was someone like that, he was too engrossed with stuffs that he couldn’t make out time for anyone, including Sofia.

“That is good for you, atleast you will have someone to relate with”

“That is not the case, Amore had said a stupid body guard should follow me, wherever I go” Giovanni chuckled

“You can easily ditch him and do what makes you happy”

“Talking about happiness, what are you going to do with the snitches at the round table” Giovanni had a huge smirk in his face.

“Oh! I have alot for them. So many things they would not bare to watch crumble”


Walking down the hallway, Giovanni took a deep breath, knowing that what he was about to do, would alter the face of the family.

He opened the chambers door, to see that all were present and Luke as usual, was sitting on the throne.

“Greetings” Luke commented, a huge grin on his mouth. Giovanni felt like slapping that grin off his face, but contained himself.

“You may have your wonderful seat Giovanni” Giovanni turned to see his uncle was present, the latter giving him an approving nod.

“I will say this again, My father Marco, didn’t sit on mere seats, he was honoured with the highest seats in the world. What makes you think I would also sit down on mere seats also?” Luke’s grin once again, morphed into rage.

“Either you sit down like the bastard you are, or you get out” He roared to Giovanni, who looked calm.

“You know you problem Luke? You think that with so much power, you can victimize me. You see, when Amore told you to try and challange me for this sit, he didn’t tell you that one dog cannot teach the cat, the art of politrics. You were only told to come and overtake me, but you were never told about how to rule the table” Luke stood up to his feet, walked slowly to Giovanni, who was not fazed by his menace look.

“When I sat on the highest sit of power, there was never a time that I regret taking the decision to over throw you” Giovanni held his hands up to interrupt him

“Point of correction, you never overthrew me, you simply out did yourself. I will have you know that when I was away, you took the opportunity that Amore gave to you, sat on the seat and believed yourself to be leader. But you are not a king, you are just a mere servant before the table.

Luke got angry and was about slapping Giovanni, but the latter held his hands from touching his face. The soldiers in the room, aimed their gun at Giovanni as he held Luke’s hands tight, staring him in the eye;

“You have just made the biggest mistake of your life by attempting to slap me”

“And what can you do? These men have their guns aimed at you” Giovanni smiled, seeing all the soldiers who had their guns at him.

“Is that so?” Suddenly, there was rain of bullets as every single member on the tabel were being shot, right before Luke’s eye, with the exception of Xavier.

Giovanni loved the sight of what was before him, blood spilling on the floor, bullets raining heavily and also the shock on Luke’s face.

After minutes of shooting, the soldiers stopped and with drew their weapons and there was a momentarily silence.

“Weren’t you entertained?” Giovanni asked Luke, who still had that look of shock on his face.

“You fool! What have you done? You killed your own blood” Giovanni laughed evily at the disbelief written on Luke’s face”

“You see Luke, the devil lives in me, and I have unleashed him. I don’t care about these scumbags, they were never following the footsteps of their father, they chose theirs and that is why I had them killed” Xavier, who sat on his seat comfortably, while all the shooting was going on, rose up to his feet and approached the duo.

Xaveir stared at Giovanni with no expression on his face. “Uncle Xavier, you just witnessed your own nephew kill his own blood. This thing has never been done before” Luke indicated.

Xaveir stared at Luke, and then his gaze returned back to Giovanni and he approached the latter, tapped him in the back saying;

“You have done well boy, your father would be proud of you”

“I see what is going on here, both of you conspired to end this bloodline? You both really destroyed the bloodline that has been existing for decades?” Luke kept ranting but Giovanni would not listen to him.

“Luke, indeed what I have done is sacrilegious but there is no error, that cannot be corrected” Giovanni clapped his hands and the door opened wide, revealing members of the Skull.

“Impossible!” Luke had been told by Amore in one of their meeting that every member of the skull now worked for him, how he was seeing them again was unexplainable.

“These men lost their leader Tevez, to the cold hands of death. I have decided to compensate them with something much more gracious than having to work with my step brother. Every member of the skull as seen here today, are fully part of the family”

“What have you done Giovanni? You let the gates of hell opened” Luke commented in disbelief once more, staring at them all.

“I told you before Giovanni, I have unleashed the devil, and he has also brought hell with him. These men here are going to be loyal to me than you nor these scumbags I call family have ever been” He closed the last step between them saying;NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

“Here is an interesting part, my beautiful wife, who I will be going to after I am done here, happens to be their godmother” Luke mouth were fully opened.

“Anyways, now that my work here is done, I beg to take my leave” Giovanni turned and was walking out of the room.

“Giovanni!” He stopped on his track and turned

“You have made the biggest mistake of your life” Luke remarked, causing Giovanni to walk up to him with a grin on his face, saying;

“I have made the best decision of my life, the best there is, the best there was, and the best to come” Xavier, who has been staring at both of them, walked up to one of the members of the skull, brought out his gun and shot Luke on the head with it.

“That is for the assault on me”

Giovanni and Xavier head out of the room, after Giovanni had instructed the members of the round table to clean up the mess.

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