Her Mafia Lord


CHAPTER Eighty Two

Giovanni was out on a cold Friday evening, purchasing things at the jewelry store, when he came face to face with an unexpected face.

Bianca was surprised to see Giovanni at the Jewelry store but then pretended as she hadn’t seen him.

“Bianca!” Giovanni called out to her, running to go and meet up with her, while she picked up the pace.

Giovanni was surprised that she was definitely trying to avoid him and though he wouldn’t admit it, it hurts him a bit.

After a while, he was able to catch up with her and held her hands, turning her to face him. Within the few minutes, he had noticed something shiny at her ring finger.

Bianca watched as Giovanni stared at the ring Amore had forced her to wear, he had informed her that it was a sign to tell everyone that she was his and his alone.

“What do you want Giovanni”

“What is going on with you? I was certain you had seeing me but then, you were clearly trying to avoid me. Is there anything I need to know?” Giovanni asked, subtly referring to the ring on her finger.

“Look Giovanni, I am sorry to hurt your feelings but there is no way we can be seeing any longer. As you can see, I am married” There was a tiny anger in his eyes but he concealed it and asked

“To who?” Bianca could not bring herself to admit that she was married to Amore. Though she was trying to stay away from Giovanni, it was for their sake.© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“Who I get married to is none of your business” Bianca spat and it took Giovanni aback for a second, realizing, who was behind this.

“It is Amore isn’t it? He is subjecting you to this?” Bianca wished she could just disappear from this world with her kids and Giovanni by her side. It was the greatest wish she could ever hope for.

“I don’t want to talk about it! Just stay away from me”

“How did we get here again Bianca? Please tell me you are acting up, tell me this is all an act to just proof to Amore” Giovanni pleaded.

“I wish I could, but this is real” She admitted.

Bianca was shocked, when she saw Giovanni going down to his knees and instinctively begged him to stand up.

“Don’t do this Giovanni, you are way bigger than this” Bianca begged as she struggled to lift him up.

“No man, is bigger than love. I love you from the depths of my heart” Bianca was absolutely touched by his words and she knew that before she fell into his charms, Bianca needed to get out of there.

Giovanni watched as Bianca left him stranded, dejected and hopeless.


Buddy’s men, where all having a night out at the biggest club in New York city. The club itself was filled with varieties of gangsters but Buddy’s crew, were untouchable.

One of the crew member, happened to be dancing happily and rocking off a girl, when he felt the urge to ease himself.

He begged the girl not to go anywhere and that he would be right back. The young lad was drunk and was acting beyond his control.

He went to the toilet and began emptying the content off his bladder, when he felt a hard solid object, coming in contact with his head.

Meanwhile at the club, the music was blaring and everyone kept on dancing, the entire environment was filled with smell of smoke, the smell of liquor.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, the music stopped and the lights all came back. There was whining and cries as to who had stopped the music.

Every corner of the room suddenly became filled with armed gun men. These men were all masked and before anyone could grab their gun, all of them had their guns pointed towards Buddy crew.

“Listen up everyone, I will be quick to get out of here, all I need is your intensive cooperation and will be done” The leader spoke. He made a gesture and some of his men, made their way into the crowd, fishing every member of Buddy gang and moving them out of the club.

It took a while and once they were certain that not a single member of Buddy’s crew remained, the leader made his way to the podium.

“Once again, I apologize for having to stop your music. You all can go back to having fun” He said and the music, suddenly came back on.

The entire Buddy crew, were in a state of shock, fear and above all confusion, when they were asked to stay in their knees outside the club.

“Are you sure these are all of his crew?” The leader asked.

“The last one has already lost consciousness from the hit of a bottle and so, I left him at the kitchen”

“Who are you guys and how dare you force plus to our knees. You don’t know who we are? Or you seem too retarded to enquire about our status quo” Before he could continue with his ranting, the leader put a bullet on his head, causing the rest member to gasp in shock.

The leader then decided to reveal his face by opening his mask for them to see his face. “Remember me? Oh, I am sure you do, you bastards were with Dave when he tried to end my life. And now, I am back and I swear that tonight, none of you will survive my wrath” Apparently, the face behind the mask was Lucifer.

“We are sorry, have mercy, please we have families” Some of the members pleaded as Lucifer aimed his gun at them, alongside some of the guys he had hired. There began a series of shooting and before a blink of eye, every single member of Buddy’s crew were dead.


It had been three days since the incident with Bianca and Giovanni had been trying to pick himself up and focus on other things.

He had received a message from the king, requesting for his presence to a dinner treat, which Giovanni had gracefully accepted.

When he arrived at the environment, he was marvelled by the beauty of the Elite’s headquarters; he never knew such beautiful place exist and he was glad he was seeing this at the moment.

Entering into the hall, the classical musical songs were playing at a far distance and if Giovanni was being honest, they were simply the best he had ever heard.

The escorts ushered him into the dinning room, where all sort of variety of foods were placed on the long table and the maid left one by one.

Giovanni had heard of the King but hadn’t received a one on one conversation with him before. So it would be perfect opportunity to conversate with him.

“I am glad that you honored my request” Giovanni turned around to face the rather familiar voice and was shock to see Anthony Brown, walking up to the opposite side of the seat with so much grace.

“You are the King?” Giovanni asked, still surprised about what he was seeing.

“In flesh and blood my dear brother” Anthony commented, taking up his seat. “The last King happened to have passed on, due to health issues and the table saw it fit to make me their leader” Brown explained as he pulled up the plate open and was graced to a sumptuous meal of rice and chicken. Brown was not the type to fancy the three course meal, he settled for a main course meal and proceed to eat up the fruits available.

“So, why have you summoned me” Giovanni asked after the silence that had graced the table as the two men ate comfortably.

“Alot of things are happening that I feel we need to talk about” Brown stated casually, scooping in a spoon of rice in his mouth.

“I am glad that you are aware of this” Giovanni said, taking up the juice drink on the table and emptying the content.

“I received a call today from Rondon, he informed me of how Tina was disrespectful to him, and the fact that he was supporting Buddy” Giovanni dropped his spoon and stare at Brown in disbelief.

“So, what is he saying?”

“He wishes to let me know that Buddy is his candidate and the fact that Tina had disrespected him, he would love to punish her by making sure Buddy is the president” Giovanni suddenly got disinterested in the food, he was in deep thoughts. Why would Tina go and meet up with Rondon, without his permission. It irked him to know that Rondon, who was a man that had respected the table for years owing to the fact that Marco had used his influence to help him win election, was suddenly turning his back on Tina.

“And i need to tell you something real quick. Not a word of what I say right now, should be told outside” Brown begged, looking around the room.

“Go on, I am all years” Giovanni said, as he leaned forward to listen.

“The twist to the story is the fact that Tina was my adopted daughter all through the years she was young” Giovanni stared in disbelief, hearing those words from Brown.

“So you were the one who had helped my twin sister grow to the person she is today?” Giovanni asked.

“Yes and to crown it all, being the King, she would definitely want me to be supportive of her in the forthcoming election”


It was a sunny day in New York, Jeffery was out to go to his working place. He had gathered enough fact from Amore and was hoping to commence working on the article soon. Reminiscing back to the price he had to pay, Jeffery dreaded disobeying Amore.

When Jeffery arrived at his news company, he was shocked to see people outside the company and a huge ambulance truck inside. He got out of the car and rushed to know what was going on, but the ambulance team had already crossed the delicate parts, so no one could come through.

“Jeffery? Thank goodness you are here” His manager indicated.

“What happened?” Jeffery asked, seeing a pile of dead bodies, being loaded into the ambulance.

“According to eye witnesses, they revealed that someone had dropped a package for the security man to give out to people. But it turns out that it was a bomb letter” Jeffrey scrunched his nose in disgust at the sight of a dead body being closed up with whote clothes.

“Whose table was the letter directed to?” Jeffery asked.

“Your table!”

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