Her Mafia Lord


CHAPTER Seventy Four

When Giovanni got home, he was dejected, he didn’t know how he could possibly explain to Viola about the abduction of Lucifer.

Apparently, after Giovanni’s conversation with Bianca, he had come to realize that perhaps he was being too harsh with both of them. Thus, he had decided that they continue with their job of serving him.

Viola on the other hand, had followed Imade out to the mall and she had to admit that she wasn’t getting the same energy she usually got from Bianca, when she was still with Giovanni.

When they both arrived, Viola noticed the scowl and look of worry on Giovanni’s face when he had gazed on her. She wondered what had happened that made Giovanni gave her that type of look.

“Hey darling, whatsup with the face” Imade asked, sitting beside her husband, who seemed not interested.

“Stuffs happened today” He mumbled

“What happened?” Imade asked, looking ever so worried.

“I was attacked today” Upon hearing he was attacked, Viola suddenly became interested in the conversation.

“Are you hurt? And by who?” Giovanni looked up at Viola, who seemed to be having the same thoughts as he was having.

“Dave” He commented and Viola gasped in shock.

“Impossible! But I literally saw his dead body” Viola suddenly exclaimed.

“That was the same thing Lucifer said before he was catered away” Giovanni had a tone of sadness upon speaking those words.

“What do you mean? Where is Lucifer?” Viola asked two question in succession.

“I am lost here, who is Dave and who the hell is Lucifer” Both Viola and Giovanni shot Imade with a look which made her keep mute.

“I am sorry, Lucifer was abducted by Dave and we couldn’t do anything about it” Viola was trying to resist the tears coming up from her eyes.

“But why?”

“Apparently, he seemed to have gotten pissed over the fact that he wasn’t able to have you as his girlfriend” Giovanni mentioned, causing Viola to fold her hands into a fist.

“If that is his reason, then I believe he is mentally deranged and needs treatment as soon as possible” Viola commented yet again.

“We need to do something or else, we may possibly be seeing the last of Lucifer” Viola also added.

“Young lady, what do you mean by we? Clearly you are not referring to my husband and you?” Imade said with a look of irritation.

“Imade, the lives of my escort are important to me” Giovanni pointed out.

“But they are just mere escort and their duty is to protect our lives. It doesn’t matter if they die on the process”All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

“Well, Lucifer is no ordinary escort to me and regardless of what you say, I am going to find a way to get him out” Viola looked on to Giovanni with an appreciative reaction. She was grateful that he wasn’t following Imade’s suggestion. There was nothing she could do without Lucifer by her side and it would be obvious that she will break down if he dies.


When Lucifer opened his eye, he was surprised to see he was in another place entirely. The last thing he could remember was being injected with a certain object and loosing consciousness in the process.

He tried standing up but was held down by a rope, which seemed to be tied across his wrists. Dave must have tied his hands to not be able walk about.

The door suddenly opened and Lucifer watched as a group of men walked in all armed together. Lucifer had been in the game to recognize who they are. He was particularly surprised to see that these were the same men he had met years ago, while he was still independent.

“Now that he is awake, should we wait for boss or should we just go ahead and beat the crap out of him till he passes out?” One of the men asked, earning a glare from his partner.

“No Rodney, the instructions state that we wait for the boss to arrive before taking any drastic action” The other partner said to Rodney, who shot his friend a disappointing look.

After a while, the door opened again and this time, it was Dave who entered filled with smile. Lucifer knew that those smile were just on the surface as compared to the fury that was buried beneath.

“How are you enjoying your stay thus far” Dave asked, pulling a chair which was at the corner of the room to have his seat.

“Dave, we can talk this out man, just stop with this rubbish” Lucifer tried to make a pact with Dave but It seemed not to be heading his way.

“I would have wasted no time in killing you, right in front of Giovanni but you see, someone who surprisingly sees potential in you have come to get you” The door opened again and Lucifer gazed up to see a familiar face.

“Well, well, well, look who we have here, the one and only Lucifer” Amore stated with a knowing smirk up on his face.

“What do you want from me?” Lucifer asked.

“Easy there young man, I see you are pissed that some badass security force like you, is being held hostage by your one time partner” Amore said, pointing towards Dave.

“Anyways, I have no time for long talks. Why don’t we go straight to business. As you already know, Buddy is coming out for presidency and this means one thing, he would be needing all the support he can get, considering the fact that your boss’s twin sister is his rival on the poll”

“And what does that has to do with me?” Lucifer asked

“Alot brother, alot. Now I know how much you owe your loyalty to Giovanni and how much you are willing to die for him in combat. The only thing is, Loyalty can be bought at a certain price” Amore made a gesture and one of the men brought out briefcase, which had a large sum of money in it.

“Here is a whooping sum of ten million dollars. Hell, that is enough to cater for your financial disabilities alongside that of your girlfriend” Amore noted, staring at Dave who had a disapproving look on his face.

“Oops, guess I hurt someone feelings with the words of my mouth” He chuckled and continued “Anyways, to get this amount of money, you will be needed to perform one specific task and that is; take out Tina for me” The moment he finished speaking, Lucifer erupted into laughter, causing Amore to stare at Dave who had the same look of confusion too.

“You must be really out of your mind to think I would do this task” Lucifer commented “Even if I accept this task, I need you to know one thing; Tina isn’t just an ordinary lady and thr fact that you are an Elites should give you the clue of how fucking smart she is. Her ability to read the moves of her enemy before they plan them is top notch”

Amore was getting enraged by the minute as Lucifer kept on analyzing the bitter truth about Tina which were inevitable.

“Doesn’t change the fact that she would never see her own alley betraying her” Amore said in an obvious tone.

“I will rather die than betray any member of the Elites and this promise, excludes you; you are an epitome of a snake in disguise and I won’t hesitate to chop off your head, if given the chance to accomplish it” Dave couldn’t stand to hear anymore and he rushed to slap Lucifer so hard that he saw blood coming out of his mouth.

“You just made a silly mistake, having to bound me here and believe no one will come for me” Amore approached him and held up his chin.

“You really think Giovanni would come looking for a peasant escort like you? I need you to understand that though, my brother may be a coward on his own, he still have some atom of pride” Lucifer spit blood unto Amore’s face, causing the latter to hold up his eye in pain.

Dave on the other hand, ordered his men to beat him up mercilessly as he ran out to get water for Amore to wash off his face.

After Amore had wash off his face, he walked up to Lucifer once more, and gave him a nerve cracking slap on his jaw.

“You bastard, I was trying to help you make your misrable life, worth living for but how do you repay me? By spitting on my face” Lucifer laughed a sadistic laugh and looked up at Amore after he was almost blinded with the impact of the slap.

“My possible wish at the moment, is spitting hard at your dead body after I run several rounds of bullet on you” Dave was going to attack him once more, when he was stopped by Amore.

“Listen here Lucifer, I see that you are not willing to corporate. Well, I have bad newsdl for you; you will remain here beaten, tortured and left without food for days” When Amore finished up his speech, he left the holding cell pissed at the adamancy of Lucifer.

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