Her Mafia Lord



“Welcome to the Jeremy Culson show! And I am your host Jeremy Culson” The applause from the Audience filled the room.

“And i have with me today, one of the most Iconic men in all of America and Canada at large” Buddy smiled at the compliment.

“So, can you introduce yourself to the Audience, let them be familiar with you?” Jeremy Culson asked Buddy.

“Okay, my name is Briton Buddy” He replied.

“So, Mr. Buddy, I believe you wanted to say something to everyone seated at the Audience seated, the stage is all yours” He stepped down from the chair and approached everyone seated and with a smile, he announced his intentions

“Greetings to everyone seated and people watching at home, as you may have already know, the presidential elections are around the corner and that alone depicts one thing; the fact everyone is expected to come out and vote for their preferred candidate. Now I need everyone to understand that the purpose of this election is to make America great again. This why I am spreading my tentacles and officially announcing my bid to run for Governor of New York city”

Giovanni stared at his screen in disbelief; Buddy coming out as Governorship candidate in New York city is going to shaken alot of things.

Again his phone began to ring and surprisingly it wasn’t Xavier but his twin sister. It was the first time he would be getting a call from Tina.

“Meet me at the table now” He groaned in frustration. The fact that he had to obey to her orders made him really pissed.

He hanged up and turned off the television set knowing what Buddy had in mind when he had placed the entire social media on frenzy.

When Giovanni arrived at the table, Tina was standing by the window all alone. This was the first time Giovanni would properly take a look at his twin sister and he had to admit they both had the same features even though she was feminine.

“I believe you want hed the Governorship announcement from Buddy” She said without turning back to take a look at him.


“And the fact that our step brother seem to be pulling the strings?” She further added.

“Without a doubt. The only problem is, Amore had broken every single rule out there for the Elites. Revealing himself to the media would raise question on who he is and a further dig into the family history” Tina turned around, arms folded and approached her brother slowly.

“You are still bothered about the rules of the Elites family? I had a reason for breaking them and setting a new one” She moved away from him and went and sat at the throne

“You may be thinking I did it to have a taste of real power, but the truth remains that if I hadn’t done what I did, you would still be living under Amore’s shadow” Giovanni hates to admit but she had a point from her statement.

Giovanni was aware that Amore’s motive while assuming position of leader at the table was to totally scrap him off the bloodline to become leaders again.

“Anyways, I called you here to tell you that I would be stepping down as head of the table” Giovanni looked up at Tina to see any hint of joke but she held a serious face.

“I did all I did to pave the way for you. I never had the intention to rule, I only had the intention to make the policies right. That is why I am begging you, don’t change any of these rules if you truly want the Elites’ to remain at the top”

“What are your reasons for stepping down though?” Giovanni asked quite confused with the entire situation.

“Because I want to run for Presidential elections. Knowing Buddy is in that race, I need to shun him out”

“Judging the way you speak, both of you seem to have some history together” Giovanni pointed out.

“Actually, we do have a common history together. I was his girlfriend before he moved to Canada” Giovanni gawked at her.

“Indeed, we dated and i always thought he was the best for me but it turns out I was wrong. Buddy was abusive as a boyfriend and most of the scars I have gotten today came from him. He made me so traumatized that I hated men. When he left for Canada, he didn’t informed me about it. The sad part of it was that I never stopped loving him back then” Tina cleaned up the tears trying to escape from her eyes.

“And now, he comes back to take control of the seat of power in New York. I already made a promise that I would hunt him in future and i think that you are the future Giovanni, you need to assume leadership role at the table. I will make the official announcement by day break tomorrow. I will be coming out as Governorship candidate with two intention; the first being the idea of control both the underworld and the real world. The second, being to get back at Buddy” Tina finished up.

Giovanni on the other hand, stood there motionless. Listening to her tale spark up a softer side for his sister. It made Giovanni realize that behind that ideal hardcore badass woman was a lady who had suffered in the hands of an abusive boyfriend.

“You really want to do this? Giovanni asked again.

“I have never been certain about anything like I am certain of this idea” Tina replied

“And what of Amore?”

“Amore is the strategist behind his election bid and the truth remains that Buddy might not be aware but I am sure that Amore would be the one at the wheel at the end of the day” Tina explained.


It had been two days since Buddy stepped into New York and he had been extremely busy, trying to get the acquintance he needed for the media to know him.

“Now that we have the media all covered up, what is the next line of action” Buddy asked as they drove across the streets of the express road.

“The next line of action would be rather complicated than you think” Amore explained.

“What do you mean?” He asked

“To cement your position, there certain persons in the underworld you need to know” Amore knew the system better than Buddy as it had been long Buddy was in New York.

“Give me names of these people you are talking about” Buddy asked.

“Aside the Elites, I would have loved us to meet with the other gang, the only problem is that i have bad history with them”

“What did you do?” Buddy asked

“I happened to have entered a deal with them which I failed to meet up with my end of the deal. This cost me my seat at the table” Amore mentioned regrettably.

“Doesn’t change anything to me” Buddy stated with a shrug

“What do you mean?”

“We are still going to meet up with them. This ain’t the underworld shit brother, this is politics where there ain’t no permanent friend not permanent foes”

“These people would not spare us a glance, I understand what I am saying. Once you fail them, they won’t come through for you a second time” Amore tried to make him understand.

“Relax, we are going to meet up with them right now” Buddy instructed his driver at once to turn towards the direction that Amore gave as address for the Elitist.

When they arrived, there was no one available except Brown who seemed to have been anticipating their visit.

“Good to see you Mr. Buddy” He extended his handshake to the man, permanently ignoring Amore in the process.

“I am here to see the leader of the crew” Buddy enquired as they took their respective seats

“Am sorry but the supreme leader has commitments that he cannot avoided” Brown replied, the Aura of confidence coming to surface.

“Well, as you may have already heard across mainstream medias, I will be coming out for Governorship elections for New York city and i am here so we could possibly rub minds together” Buddy explained.

“I admire your courage for coming to contest for the Governorship elections but you see, the gang have their ways of doing things. And most times, to earn our trust is complicated especially if you had betrayed it before” He said, making eye contact with Amore who sat there hiding his face in shame.

“Look Mr. Brown if you are referring to Amore’s mistake in the past, then I am speaking on his behalf when I say we are truly sorry, we need your support in this” Brown stood up, walked up to the window and remained there for some minutes.

“If the supreme leader comes, I will convey your message to him accordingly but for now, I need you to leave” Brown indicated, leaving the two men at the living room and going to his own room.


The table was filled up once again with every member of the Elites who were anticipating the sudden call up meeting, following Buddy’s announcement.

One Tina arrived, she took her seat gracefully on the seat amd stared around to see if everyone was present and indeed they were all present.

She looked at Giovanni who signalled her to commence the meeting

” I greet you all for your patience and time coupled with the way you all responded to the meeting” Everyone at the table had the same reaction on their face; it was shocking to see Tina appreciating their efforts

“These past weeks has been a rough one for everyone of us and I must say that regardless of all that has transpired during the past weeks, we should all know that is for our benefit and hoe it can help the Elites family grow” Tina rose up to her feet before the members and said

“I believe everyone is aware that Buddy is not only in New York but he is also willing to co test for the next Governorship elections of the state. I never imagined that animal, that bloody stupid human would come out and make it to the public his intentions. This why, I am officially announcing my handover of power to Giovanni” Again, there was gasps at the table as everyone talked silently amongst themselves.

“Giovanni is who you all want prior before my arrival and I think it’s time I do the right thi g appropriately by handing over to him. I am sure Marco would be happy staring down at us right now”

“Excuse me? Why do you want to step down” Alex one of the younger generation of the Elites asked.

“A good question there. What is the reason for my stepping down. The answer is simple; I am trying to switch roles with Giovanni. He would become the leader of this table, while I run for Governorship elections in New York City” Tina explained

“And what of the rule that states that the identity of the Elites must be kept hidden?” Xavier asked staring at Giovanni in particular who he was sure was aware of the rule.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Uncle, you and I know that this rule had been broken long time ago; I broke it on numerous occasions when i had to go for various shows with my wife Giovanni and also, the fact that Amore had also broken that rule recently can’t be overlooked” Giovanni explained

“You cannot use a wrong to correct a wrong” Xavier remarked

“I agree with you uncle. But then, we cannot keep living behind the thin walls of Mexico and be claiming lord all over New York city. We need to spread our tentacles across and prove how powerful we are” Giovanni explained.

“But we are already powerful”

“We need more power uncle” Giovanni added.

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