Her Mafia Lord


Chapter Sixty Four

The ambience of confidence that oozed out of Tina was second to none and Amore couldn’t help but feel intimidated by her presence. She was more tough than Giovanni in numerous ways.

“You are truly insane. Xavier, I blame you for this misfortune you brought here” Priscilla said with a disappointing look.

“She is a member of the Elites and infact, part of the bloodline of the previous leader of this throne, my brother”

“It’s okay uncle, let the bitch rant” Priscilla couldn’t hold it anymore and moved aggressively to challenge Tina but was shoved off immediately by the youngstar.

“How dare you! It is clear you have no respect for the crown of this table” One of the younger generation of the Elites Family, spoke up.

“Enough!” The booming voice of Amore startled everyone.

“Woman! You should know your place at the table. Marco gave me the mantle of leadership before he passed on and not to you. So I advice you know your place” Tina smirked and approached the Amore’s seat.

“My father even though I might not have seen him, would never give a murderer his throne” Everyone gasped at the allegation laid by Tina.

“Tina please, respect the crown” Xavier pleaded.

“No uncle, let me spill the truth out here” She indicated.

“What truth? Clearly you weren’t part of the table when Marco died” Priscilla reminded her.

“You are right step mother, but the truth is, I actually know he was poisoned” Again, there was a loud gasp amongst the table followed by series of murmuring.

“Is that a bold statement” Amore asked.

“Yes and infact, I have proof” She clapped her hands and Brown came into the table. The moment Priscilla laid eyes on Brown, she began to fidget.

“Mr. Brown here happens to be a member of the Elitist and also, the man who has been serving as a father figure for me” Amore’s eyes widened in shock.

“She is saying the truth. Our leader, told you what would happen if you failed to fufill your own terms of the bargain didn’t he?” It was at that moment, Amore realized his mistake. He had failed to pay the Elite for killing Shrevolsky’s group.


“Ladies and gentlemen, as you already know, my name is Anthony Brown and i am here to reveal the truth about late Marco’s death” Priscilla was tossing on her seat. She felt like going down the earth, not to be seen again.

“First things first, there is no connection between Marco and the Elitist and infact, we haven’t met prior” Amore was literally shaking.

“Secondly, there was no document that revealed Amore was the rightful heir to the table” Amore didn’t dare looked at the face of Xavier who was staring in disbelief.

“Thirdly, the allegation made against Giovanni is false and was perpetrated by Amore and his mother. The truth is, Amore has misplaced the Lexicon file; the source of power of your family”

“Impossible!” Xavier stood up to his feet, he had folded his arm in a fist to punch Amore in the face.

“And above all, Marco was poisoned by Priscilla, she was so eager to handover the power of the table to her son that it consumed her to kill the man who raised him from the trenches” Xavier ran over to Priscilla in a feet to slap the daylight out of her.

“You foolish woman! You killed my brother!” The escorts separated the two, while Amore stood there watching. His mother didn’t let him know that she had killed his father and thinking about it, got him irritated.

“And now that is being said, I wish to render my apologies to everyone at the table for acting as an imposter. When I realized that Tina here happens to be the daughter of Marco, I knew I had to set things straight, coupled with the fact that Amore had not paid the Elitist from the contract being set out” Brown explained.

“Now, do I have y’all attention?” Tina stated with a smirk on her face. Amore stood up from the seat and walked up to Tina with a look of resentment.

“You stupid bitch! You have ruined my life but mark my words, I will ruin yours” Tina didn’t budge as he had the intimidating look up his face.

“You know, I would have ordered this men to kill you right now, but I hate to be the one to kill my step brother, Marco’s bloodline” Amore stared at her for a second, before leaving the room with his own escorts.

“Amore! Don’t you dare leave your mother at the hands of this ravaging beasts, I beg you” Priscilla pleaded as she watched her son exit the room. Amore halted for a minute and turned to look at his mother.

“You deserve death a thousand and one times” And with that, he left the penthouse.

Tina approached the seat and sat appropriately on it, feeling a surge of power run through her vein.

“I don’t think you are fit to sit on the throne Tina” She opened her eyes to see one member of the table speaking

“What is your name?” She asked


“Well Alex, you heard the entire tale and oh, before I continue what I intended to tell you,…..” She clapped her hands and there were raining of bullets on the body of Priscilla as she laid lifeless on the floor.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Murderers don’t deserve to live” Tina stated as everyone at the table looked at the lifeless body of Priscilla with horror filled faces.


“So, back to you Alex, what were you saying?” She asked concentrating on the young lad who began fidgeting.

“Cat caught your tongue or something?” She asked looking at him

“I think what he is trying to say is that a woman has never ruled the table before and it will be bad news when other syndicates and Cartels across the world hears about this. They would definitely try to overthrow us” Xavier explained. Tina was expressionless for a moment and erupted into a heap of laughter after a while, causing everyone to look at her in surprise.

“You really think I am going to allow other underground paupers come for this table? Don’t think about it because it won’t happen”.

“But the symbol of authority belongs to Giovanni by the laws of our ancestors” Tina stated at Albert, one of Albert, who introduced himself as the last born of her father’s generation.

“I spit on the laws of our ancestors” Everyone gasped in shock, Xavier was the one with the most shocking reaction.

“I brought you to the table, so you will be sworn in as a member and here you are, causing mayhem?”

“Uncle, I respect you a thousand times. But I need you to understand that all the years I have been in the dark, I wanted to make a difference if given the opportunity to and that is exactly what I would be doing from now on. That is why, I have incorporated an entire new law which has been drafted by Mr. Anthony Brown; my father” Tina urged Brown to bring out the document.

“No Tina, don’t do this, Elites are the most powerful underworld cartel in the world and if our laws are broken and a new one created, it will be detrimental to us” Xavier pleaded. Tina made a gesture and all guns were pointed towards Xavier.

“Listen here uncle, I do not take orders from anyone. And like I said before, all laws have been broken and anyone who objects to my order will face the same fate as Priscilla” The guns were brought down and Xavier kept mute for the rest of the meetings.

“With that being said, everyone here should have this basic principle in their skull and it must be abided by it appropriately. What is that principle, ‘NO PAIN, NO GAIN’ this will be our new guiding rule”


Giovanni had a cut in his arm and headed to the family hospital, with the intention to treat the wounds. When he entered the doctors office, he was busy walking on paper.

“Ah! Mr. Giovanni, it is a great pleasure seeing you here today” They shook hands and Giovanni took his sit.

“I cut my hand while chopping off some garbage last night.” Apparently, Imade had been so tired to cook and he decided to take it upon himself to make dinner.

“I will have the nurse attend to you” He moved out of the office and returned minutes later with a nurse who had a blonde hair.

“Sir, about the patient who delivered a baby days ago, I think she is ready to be discharged” the nurse indicated as she wrapped cotton wool around the cuts.

“And Amore is not here to pick her up? What a man! you know Mr. Giovanni, I wonder why your step brother treats his wife in such manner” Giovanni straightened upon hearing the words of the doctor.

“Where is she?” Giovanni asked as the nurse finished up the treatment

“The nurse will lead you over to her please” He instructed the nurse accordingly and he was ushered into the labour room.

Bianca woke up to the rays of the sun, which reflected across the window; she had been asleep all night after having to feed her baby with breast milk.

She felt a presence and she turned to come face to face with the least person she expected to see.

“Giovanni?” She asked incredulously

“Hello Bianca” He smiled and it somehow still made Bianca had butterflies in her belly.

“What are you doing here though?” She asked

“Can you please not ruin this moment? I know you don’t like me but I can’t help but just stare at you” Giovanni commented “I came here to treat my sounds and the doctor, informed me about Giovanni leaving you here for days and haven’t come to pick you up”

Bianca looked away for a second; she was ashamed seeing Giovanni still able to care and she wished she could turn the hands of time backwards to their first ever encounter.

“So can the child?” Another issue was the fact that, she hadn’t still wrapped her hands around the fact that there might be a connection between Fred and Giovanni.

“Do you by chance know any Fred?” Giovanni stiffened in fear; how did she know of his impersonated name? He asked himself. There was no way he had told anyone about his ‘FRED’ character.

“I don’t know but I am curious to know why you asked” Bianca pondered a bit; would it be appropriate to tell him about the situation? She needed to confide in someone and it turns out that anything she was in situation like this, Giovanni was the one to understand her better.

“This child isn’t Amore’s” Giovanni stared at her in disbelief

“I got pregnant for Fred, some guy I met in a club”

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