Her Mafia Lord



Romeo stared at her in disbelief. Doris was fighting the various emotions that were running across her after the intense kiss.

“Did you just kiss me?” She asked still trying to grasp the situation of things.

“I think I will be on my way now” He replied, standing up to his feet and heading out of her room. Romeo knew that if he stayed longer she might possibly hate her considering the reaction he was getting from her.

Doris on the other hand was still trying to fathom the situation; Romeo just kissed her!! She wondered if he had this thought prior to his coming or he acted on impulse. While trying to understand the situation, he thought of another scenario; could it be he had taken advantage of her emotional state?

Doris had just broken up with Jace although they weren’t dating but Romeo kissing her was perhaps more surprising than Jace’s sexual act with her cousin. Her phone suddenly began to ring and it indicated Bianca was the caller and so she picked it.

“Hey girl” Bianca cheered but she didn’t respond “Uhmm.. Doris? Are you there?”

“Did you give Romeo my address?” Doris suddenly asked.

“Look, I don’t know how to say this but he was bugging me for it and I had to give it to him” Bianca explained.

“You gave him my address? Why? I trusted you Bianca, I thought you should be aware by now that I don’t give out my address to nobody. And you willingly gave it to Romeo?” Doris knew she was acting way too insensitive but she could not control her haywired emotions at the moment.

“I do understand that you are pissed about it but what did Romeo do?” Bianca asked.

“He kissed me!”

“He kissed you? That is great!” Bianca cheered taking Doris aback by her reaction.

“Ah! I see what you did; So you wanted this all along? You wanted a relationship situation between Romeo and I but tell you what darling, I will not fall for it and you know why? Because all men are scum!” Bianca cringed as Doris shouted from the phone.

“Uhmm Doris? I know you hate me right now but I think you are making a situation in this”

“This is what you have to say? That I am making situation out of this? And here I was thinking you were my friend” Doris stated.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“No! Doris, don’t say that” Before Bianca could explain, she hanged up. Guess the day isn’t good for me after all, she thought to herself.

Doris on the other hand was in a pool of different emotions; anger, regret, surprise and a strange feeling that she could not place a name to. This was the same feeling she had when she first saw Jace and now, she was experiencing such after Romeo had kissed her. Could it be love? She shook her head in disagreement; she couldn’t possibly be falling for Romeo after that kiss or could she?. She laid down in her bed, groaning in frustration.


Amore was in his office, when he got a call from an unknown contact and hesitated before picking up the call.

“I don’t wish for you to know me but I have to inform you that your family’s warehouse has been totally destroyed here in Russia” the stranger spoke rather too calmly.

“Who is this” Amore asked confused for a moment.

“Don’t need to know but I want you to understand that your family’s warehouse is no more” The caller hanged up. Amore was worried about what he had just said. He was about making a call to one of his Intel in Russia when he got a call from his uncle.

“What have you done Amore?” Xavier spoke and Amore could notice the disappointment in his tone.

“I don’t seem to get you uncle” He said really confused.

“Aren’t you aware that our ware house in Russia is no more” Amore sprang up from his chair as he tried to grasp the understanding of what his uncle had just said

“That is impossible uncle! You were present at the last meeting where Bianca suggested we have some of the bodyguards monitor these werehouse”

“I was there and based on the first hand knowledge I got, the escorts haven’t been in the warehouse for a long time since the first clash with the Shrevolsky Cartel. Amore I need you to know that as the biggest syndicate in the underground, this is a big blow to us. Our investors in China would certainly not want to trade with us again, which means our major revenue has been eroded away from us by your negligence!” Amore was pissed for various reasons, clearly Bianca had him trapped with this situation and also, at his uncle for believing he is the cause.

“You will need to fix this immediately” Before his uncle could continue, he hanged up. He paced around his office thinking of how to get back at Giovanni and a thought came to his mind, he took his phone immediately.

“Hello mother, inform the maids to get the round table ready, we would be having some emergency meeting tomorrow” He hanged up not willing to anything from his mother. Ever since the complaint from Brown, he hadn’t contacted his mother for months.

He heard a knock on his door and he ordered whoever it was in and Maria opened the door and Amore was rather surprised to see her.

“Greetings sir” She bowed humbly.

“I would have answered you but I need to know, after all the time away from the office, I hope you do have an explanation for your absence?” He asked looking at her with a bored look.

“Indeed sir, Mr. Brown needed my help with solving the Lexicon file case and I have been with him since then” Amore suddenly remembered that he had totally forgotten about the case.

“And what is the situation??” He asked.

“I don’t think I am the appropriate person to say it but I believe Mr. Brown would have an answer sir” He dismissed her afterwards and went back to seat, with so much thought in his mind.


When Amore arrived Mexico the following day, he was surprised to see everyone was already seated at the table. Apparently, he had refused bringing Bianca as he thought the situation wouldn’t involve her just yet.

When he approached his seat, everyone stood up as a sign of respect and his gaze fell on Giovanni who had a somewhat gloomy face on. When he sat down, they all sat down accordingly.

“I welcome everyone to this emergency meeting. I know I had informed everyone rather hastily but I need you to know that it is for the pride of our family. We are in dilemma and I believe everyone has gotten the first hand knowledge of the fact that one of our warehouse and infact a major revenue has been cut off by the Shrevolsky Cartel. Now I know every one would want to question my competency but at this time, I would want my dearest brother to explain to the entire table why this had happened owing to the fact that his escorts were the ones who happened to be sent on this mission” He said directing his gaze to Giovanni who looked at him with so much fierceness.

“Greetings everyone” There was murmur at the table once Giovanni greeted the entire table and he was confused for some seconds.

“Giovanni, I hope you do know that Amore is our leader and you didn’t greet him in the appropriate way” Xavier reminded.

“I will rather spit on his reign as Leader than greet him” There were various gasps across the table as Amore looked sternly at Giovanni.

“How dare you? You dare insult the leadership of the Elite? I hope you do know the effect of what you are doing?” Priscilla who had been silent all the while spoke.

“I would have loved to give you a reply but I remember it is rather better to stay silent than answer someone who is an hypocrite” Amore rose up to his feet. Everyone at the table could sense the tension between the two brothers who didn’t say anything for sometime.

“I will choose to ignore your rude comments” Amore stated going back to seat.

“With pleasure” He said mockingly “Now back to the situation at hand, indeed in our last meeting I had made the suggestion that we gather some of our respective escorts to Russia to calm the situation. They had done just that and when my own personal warehouse happened to have been raised by some Arabians, I sent them to on a mission to find this Arabian and get my goods back” Giovanni explained.

“So what you are saying in essence, is the fact that; you sent the escort to go after the Arabians for your own selfish interest?” Giovanni clearly understood the game that Amore was playing but knew he had to stop him before he would get the upper hand.

“It wasn’t for my selfish interest” He replied

“Clearly it was” Priscilla interjected causing Giovanni to gaze at his step mother. He wasn’t surprised she was taking Amore’s side, it was evident that she would support her own blood son.

“Giovanni, you know the rules don’t you?” Xavier finally spoke after observing the situation.

“Uncle, I know the rules but I need you all to understand that it was an emergency situation” He tried to make them understand.

“An emergency situation which you could possibly have your intels deal with but you rather chose to have the bodyguard deal with it. This shows the fact that you live yourself over the family, this is a total disregard to the elites code book ‘Family over interest'” Giovanni knew that he wasn’t getting away with this and he could see the deep smile on Amore face even though he concealed it.

“Giovanni, for breaking the rule of that has bound us for decades, a proper punishment would be given appropriately and that is why, you are hereby disbanded from the table accordingly and would be out for the next five months, as stipulated by our code book” Giovanni looked at Amore in disbelief.

“You can’t possibly do this” Giovanni indicated with a shock written on his face.

“Yes I can Giovanni; as the leader of the round table, I have the ultimate power to melt out appropriate punishment at my discretion” Giovanni could see the pride engulfed in Amore as he spoke.

“It is such a shame really; knowing that you once served as the acting leader of this table. Marco would be turning in his grace right now” Amore commented.

“Don’t you dare call my father’s name” Giovanni took a threatning step towards Amore but the click of several guns which were pointed at him stopped him.

“One thing you should understand at this point Giovanni is that you are not a member of this table which means as an alien, these men here could shoot you and nobody would possibly moan your death” Amore stated with a smirk. Giovanni was really pissed at the situation; he knew he had lost this time.

He withdrew back, and was heading out of the room when he suddenly halted and turned towards Amore with a smile of his own.

“You don’t seem to know me Amore, I am dangerous than you could ever imagine” Amore looked at him confused.

“Nobody cares about your bravery except you. Uncle Xavier here is even disappointed in you” He pointed towards the man who bowed his head in shame.

“Well then, I must commend you, there is no ounce of possibility I could have imagined this coming. But I need to ask real quick before I leave, can you please produce the Lexicon file? I need to check the rules of the table real quick” Amore stared at Giovanni in disbelief.

“Yes Amore, where is the Lexicon file”

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