Her Mafia Lord


Chapter Thirty Six

When Bianca and Amore arrived home, there happened to be a brewing tension between them. Bianca felt extremely hurt with the words that Giovanni had poured out to her today. Although she had her own fair share of harsh words, she still felt bringing up the pregnancy factor was the icing on the cake for her.

She couldn’t believe that Giovanni had gotten Imade pregnant; all along, she had kept her body for him and now, he didn’t care about him anymore. Bianca wasn’t sure if all he said we’re in pretense but they felt real.

“Why do you have that gloomy face on sweetheart?” Amore’s voice brought her back from her thoughts.

“It’s nothing, just stressed out,” she lied.

“Did Giovanni words get to you?” Amore enquired .

“No way, I mean, why do I have to bother about someone who clearly has submitted himself to his first wife. I mean he clearly made it clear that what transpired between us was just a fling and my child with him makes me his baby mama” If she was to be true to herself, Bianca knew that she still had feelings for Giovanni. She could not deny the fact that although he was slowly becoming a jerk, she still loved him.

“I told you before Bianca, I will always be here for you no matter the situation. Consider me as your knight in shiny armor” Bianca plastered her signature fake smile up her face once again to show she appreciated his words.

“I love you Bianca” he pecked her on the cheek.

“I love you too Amore” Even though she didn’t mean it, she just had to keep up with her act, hoping that something good will come of it.


Lucifer and Viola entered the gigantic building. He had to admit this was luxury at its peak. Each layer of the house was covered with pure gold and Lucifer was certain that the gold cost a fortune.

“Did he relate to you the names of the men we are meeting up with?” Lucifer whispered as they were carried along by an escort to meet up with the men.

“No he didn’t but however, I feel these men could be Arabians” Viola pointed out, surveying her environment. She had adorned her skin with weapons. She was smart enough to understand that the detector would search through them to know if they had anything in them.

They entered a particular section of the house which seemed like an office. The lighting beautified the environment. Two men dressed in the Arabian gown stood up once they arrived.

“It’s good to see you” One of the men extended his hand for a handshake.

“Apologies sirs but we don’t do handshake” Lucifer indicated to the men who looked at each other confused.

“Very well then, let’s go straight to business” they all settled down.

“I believe Marco Giovanni should have briefed you on the nature of our transaction right?” One of the man enquired looking at Lucifer and Viola

“We were informed indeed”

“Products?” He asked, stretching forth his hands. Viola looked at the man intently before dropping the briefcase she had with her on the table. Once the case was opened, one of the Arabian men had his guard access the starch of cocaine. Having tasted it, he looked at his boss and nodded in affirmative.

“Very good, I know Giovanni to be someone who would keep honesty in his dealings”

“The cash?” Viola asked, still holding on to the briefcase. One of the men signaled to his bodyguard, who dropped his own case on the table. Lucifer felt something fishy going on amongst the two as they looked on to them with a smirk on their face.

“Eight hundred Million dollars” He pronounced “That was our agreement. I gave your boss eight hundred million dollars, he released two truck loads of powder” Suddenly, it clicked in Lucifer’s mind; the money was fake!!

“Is the cash fake?” In swift movement, the room burst open and members of the interpol came through

“A set up?” Lucifer asked gazing at Viola who accessed the number of men in the room.

“We can take them out,” Viola whispered to Lucifer, who looked at her in disbelief.

“We are outnumbered”

“That’s the point! I had mapped out the entire arena before coming here using my GPS” She spoke in Norse code to him.

“Enough of all these stupid talks, you both are under arrest” The leader of the interpol squad announced, holding up handcuffs in her hands.

“Here is how it goes, you do what you usually do in combat, I scale my way through the other exit door” Viola quickly chipped in before they could get to them.

Lucifer sprang up into action, grabbing the handcuff from the agent’s hand and before the other members of the interpol squad could shoot, he grabbed the gun off their leader’s pocket and held it to his head.

“Stay put and he lives,” Lucifer threatened.

“They are gone” Viola announced upon coming back from the exit door.

“Shit!! What do we tell our boss?”

“We will figure that out later, let’s get out of here” Lucifer held the man and walked slowly till he got to the exit door and pushed him forward, closing the door at the men before they could open fire.Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

Both ran hurriedly out of the building, into the parking lot and located their car, entered the car and sped away before the interpol could get to them.


It was Bianca’s second day in school and just like the first, everyone’s eye was on her. While she got her book from her locker, she came face to face with her long time friends.

“O. M. G!! Bianca returns to school!” Thea squealed in excitement and hugged her.

“I missed you both” said Bianca hugging Doris after Thea.

“Girl, we have a lot of catch ups to do” Thea stated.

“Of course, so what do you girls say we will meet at the Exquisite restaurant this evening at six?” She asked.

“We will definitely be there babes. Good to have you back!” Doris hugged her once again before they left. Apparently, they had a class they couldn’t ditch because the teacher was a crazy bitch.

After school, Bianca was headed back to her car, she had informed Amore that she would not be needing Antonia by her side. Surprisingly, he had agreed however, he told her there would be risks involved and she didn’t care about them.

While she was about entering the vehicle, her eyes traveled to a stranger, who she felt was stalking him. It was particularly odd to see that he was dressed in a hoodie on a sunny day. She didn’t care though and entered her car, leaving the school premises.

Evening time came particularly fast and Bianca had given strict instructions to Antonia to watch over Alonso because she was certain she would take a long time before heading back home.

She was surprised to see Thea and Doris were already waiting for her at the restaurant; she felt the same kind of happiness she felt years ago that she met them.

“Girl, I must say that you have really changed a lot” Doris indicated once she had her seat. She wasn’t in the mood for taking anything and so sticked with water.

“What can I say, two years from school has been a hell of a rollercoaster” Bianca pointed out.

“Okay, I don’t know if this is the right moment to ask but what the fuck happened! I mean we saw your husband announce in the media that he was no longer with you!” Bianca has always known Thea to be a girl with a curious mind who would get to the root of the issues.

“It’s a long story to begin with girls but all I have to say is, it’s fine that I am no longer with him” Bianca wasn’t sure if she could confide in them about her secrets. She had shunned the thought when she discovered that it will also make her spill out the Elite’s dirty secrets.

“Okay, tell us how you barely escaped from your abductors” Doris pleaded.

“Well, I was saved by my current husband in a grand style” she had to come up with a lie and though it was not convincing, she was sure that they would not notice.

“And who is the girl, who is the mystery man?” Doris and Thea squealed as they sat upright and leaned even closer to hear his name. Bianca found their action rather humorous

“Well, his name is Amore, Marco Amore” she watched as their eyes grew wide in shock.

“Hold up a minute, isn’t this the same Amore who has taken over our school?” Thea asked.

“Yes he is the one and he also happens to be Giovanni’s step brother” At this point, Thea pretended to have lost consciousness and it made Bianca laugh hard.

“Girl! Giovanni ditched you and then, you dated his brother? That is the sickest storyline I have heard in ages” Bianca kept laughing hard at the way Thea was reacting.

“And here I am thinking Selena Gomez is a legend in this field, clearly you are the boss!” Thea added.

“Alright girls, it’s okay. Enough about me, let’s talk about you two, how have you both been holding up?” Bianca asked inquisitively.

“Well for a start, Thea has a boyfriend!” It was Bianca’s turn to be amazed by the new development.

“His name is Marshal and baby Jesus saved my soul, he is hot! I mean really hot” Without prejudice to anybody Bianca had met in the past, she had to admit that Thea and Doris are the people who could exaggerate a lot and make their fantasies seem like reality.

“And what about you? Doris? Whatsup with you?”

“Well Doris here is still single and I must tell you that she isn’t looking for any guy at the moment” While they were still discussing amongst themselves, Bianca’s phone buzzed forcing her to get it from her purse.

“Hey babe, where are you at?” Bianca asked in her extra sweet voice which had been fabricated by her.

“Still at work, and you?” She could hear the sound of papers flipping.

“Am with my friends!”

“Friends? I never knew about this friends” Bianca could listen to the underlying tone of suspicion in his voice.

“Yea, my friends from while I was in highschool, Thea and Doris. You know what, I will fill you up on the details later, gotta go” Bianca hung up.

“Hubby?” Thea asked, giving her a bizarre wink.

“Yea and please stop with the wink, it looks weird coming from you” Bianca replied.

“Enough talk girls, let’s eat!” Doris announced.

Bianca had to admit that she hadn’t witnessed fun in a while like the one she had witnessed with Doris and Thea. While she was headed towards her car, She noticed someone was stalking her. Bianca reminisced back to the same situation that had occurred earlier in school. Could this be the same stalker? She thought to herself. Her sense organ heightened when she noticed he was approaching her, she hurriedly got into her car and closed the door. She sighed in content and was about to start up her car when she was startled by a familiar voice seated in the car

“Hello Bianca”

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