Her Mafia Lord



Giovanni was beyond pissed! Never had he expected in his entire life that Bianca would do a thing as kissing his brother. So many thoughts ran through his mind; could it be that Amore had forced her to kiss him? But there was no sign of struggle which showed that Bianca had consented to kissing him. He had chosen to come outside the luxurious family penthouse to get some air by the swimming pool. He had ordered Viola get him the hardest gin that was possibly available and also with a smoke. He wasn’t a smoke addict and perhaps this was his first time smoking. He took a sip of the drink and the substance burned his throat.

“Giovanni” Bianca’s voice surfaced in his ear. He didn’t want anything to do with Bianca at that moment. He would prefer to be left alone.

“Giovanni I am sorry. What you saw wasn’t meant to happen, Amore lured me” Bianca explained to Giovanni hoping he could understand.

“Lure you? Lure you? Look Bianca, your presence here irritates me. I don’t want to see you this very minute so get the fuck off” Giovanni warned and took a puff of his smoke, coughing afterwards as he tried to get accustom to it.

“Giovanni don’t be like this, I never liked Amore.”

“Oh! But you like his dick? Hope he grinds your pussy more than I do? He must have probably fucked you so hard that his cum is what you taste every night” Bianca couldn’t believe the words that came out of Giovanni’s mouth.

“Giovanni” He stopped her immediately, taking one sip of his drink which also burned his throat once more.

“Tell me Bianca, does he fuck you so well enough? Does he last longer than I do? Surely you have seen how big his dick look” Giovanni kept taunting her as he approached her like a predator.

“Giovanni” He shush her this time around gulping yet again on another of his drink as he was few inch away from her.Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

“I should have known that all this years, you were nothing but a gold digger! But no, I was so foolish to defend you in front of everyone, in front of my step mother, in front of my late father and now that it is unbelievable the term I can use to describe you; THE Elite’s WHORE” Bianca slapped Giovanni hard on the face causing the latter to look at her with disdain.

“I am sorry” She tried to say but it was too late as Giovanni left the swimming pool and was about heading inside when he stated to her

“If I ever see you or that bastard son of yours, I swear to God I will kill you both” Giovanni warned before entering the house.

Bianca got down to the floor, crying hard with her hands closed to her face. She was feeling every emotion that was there to be felt. Giovanni had spoken so many harsh words to her and above all, he had called Alonso a bastard.

“I told you Giovanni wasn’t meant for you” She heard someone say and she look up to see Amore standing with his arms by his side looking down at her.

“You! You caused this!” She said with a sudden emotion swelling in her; Rage, that feeling of just looking for any near by object and just having to stab it on Amore.

“I did not cause anything Bianca, I only protected you from the monster that you would have married” Amore bent down to her level “You deserve more than that douche bag”

“You are the monster Amore, you are just like your mother, a manipulative person” she said with every tone of anger laced within her speech.

“I may agree with you about being manipulative but my feelings aren’t, infact I will let you know this very minute, Father’s death means that I will become the next mafia boss and also leader of the Elite’s family” Amore boasted.

“I don’t care about your leadership, I don’t care about the mafia business and I certainly do not care about you” Bianca spat words to him.

“Don’t worry sweetheart, you will soon care a lot about all these things. Just you wait and see” He stood up and left to go inside.

Bianca was still crying. She never knew that loving someone would hurt this much, she had always thought that love in context was just a mere thing but now she could feel it, she could feel love but her heart was shattered to a thousand pieces.

She was still crying and looked up to the still water which the sun’s reflection made it beautiful. A thought flew in and immediately, she acted on impulse and ran into the water to drown herself.

Lucifer, one of Giovanni’s men was passing by the swimming pool when he was horrified to see the body of Bianca laying lifeless by the water. He ran into the water and got her out of the water immediately and took his device, phoning his boss who didn’t pick up. He checked her pulse to see if she still had pulse and indeed she had pulse. He took her small frame on his shoulder with one arm and used his device to contact the rest of his colleagues informing them of the incident.


Bianca could hear the sound of an annoying beeping monitor and it caused her to open her eyes which were met with white rays of light. She tried to stand up but something held her to the bed. Where am I? She wondered to herself looking around the room till her eyes landed on the one person which she held dear to her life.


When Giovanni woke up from his long sleep, he checked his device to see that Lucifer had put a call across to him making him wonder why.

He stood up from his bed and stretched himself wide. He checked his phone to see how long he had pass out and he was shocked to discover that he had passed out for close to seven hours. He had a banging head pain and decided to go out to get some aspirin. While he arrived at the hall, he noticed the entire house was a bit quiet and thought to himself, the Eli loved peace and quiet thus would do anything to crave some.

While he went on to the first living room, he noticed only Micheal was around making him wonder where Viola and Lucifer had gone to. When Micheal saw his boss, he immediately went to meet him inside.

“Where is Viola and Lucifer” Giovanni asked as his phone rang that moment and stopped Micheal from speaking any further.

“What do you mean Bianca is in the hospital” Giovanni replied the caller with a shock written in his face as he looked at Micheal who confirmed it.

“And the child?” Giovanni asked and hanged up afterwards.

“Get the car ready, I will be with you in some minutes” he rushed back to his room to put some simple clothes on. He wore a black jean and a matching black polo to accompany it, he took is rolex and wore it on his wrist before heading out to Bianca’s room to check on Viola. Apparently, Viola decided to watch the baby while Lucifer had taken Bianca to the hospital.

“He is still sleeping” Viola mentioned to her boss as she rocked the baby’s bed.

“Make sure you take good care of him, I am headed to the hospital” Giovanni instructed and left after wards.


“You came” Bianca’s voice brought Giovanni back to reality from sleep. He was a light sleeper so, it was understanding that her voice had woken her up.

“Are you crazy?”

Bianca wasn’t expecting to get that reaction from Giovanni but what did she know, the man is literally mad at her.

“You tried to kill yourself Bianca” Giovanni’s voice had a little panic tone to it and it made Bianca’s wondered if he was truly worried for her.

“I am sorry” Bianca said.

“Sorry? Did you consider the baby before you tried to take your life? What would I say If he asked for his beloved mother when he grows up? That she died because of what exactly?” Giovanni asked looking at her.

There was a sudden new found energy that rushed through Bianca’s body as Giovanni said those words.

“I think at this point you are mentally unstable” Bianca remarked causing Giovanni to stare back in surprise at her.

“What did you say”

“You heard me Giovanni; You threw lots of words at me that day, you called me the Elites whore remember? You even called Alonso a bastard, you called your own son a bastard and here you are acting all rightous” Bianca was getting angry as the minute went by.

Giovanni was surprised he had said those hurtful things but he would blame it on the gin he had took that day. He had always learnt to control his temper when he was sober but was undoubtedly uncontrollable when drunk.

“I had enough to drink that day Bianca” Giovanni tried to make her understand.

“The more reason I am right. You were drunk and you poured out your emotions to me and I will say this to your face that there is nobody that here those words you spoke to me on that day that wouldn’t kill themselves” Bianca stated. “It was all my fault that I allow Amore lure me to kiss him but you should know that i had no intention to do it i was only induced by his charms and nothing more” she explained.

Giovanni felt guilty for believing that Bianca could do such a thing; he had known Bianca well enough to be a lady who is loyal and it hurt him that he had said those horrific words to him. Giovanni stood up from his seat and approached her bed and sat on it looking at her intently. He was trying to fight his ego so he could say what he needed to say. He wondered what his late father would make of him if he saw him say these words.

“I am Sorry”

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