Her, his desire


Sadie blushed at the name Nathan called her. ‘ Mrs Rogers ‘ . She love it coming from Nathan’s mouth, it gave her a sense of belonging. That title is huge in this city. ” Sofia, I was speaking with Sofia on the phone ” Sadie said as Nathan dropped the tray on the bed stand. ” Sofia? Why? ” Nathan asked with a frown while Sadie shrugged her shoulders. ” Nothing, she just want us to meet up. Says she has something to tell me ” she replied. ” Something like what? What if she is planning something evil against you? You thought I don’t know about it? What happened to her could have happened to you. She is evil, for her having the thought of hurting my wife, that was why I stripped her off everything ” Sadie blinked her eyes in surprise, how did Nathan find out? She could remember vividly she didn’t tell him about it. ” H.. how did you find out? ” She asked staring at her dearest husband. ” How I got to find out is not important but I am not letting you step out of here to go meet her, what if she hurt you again? ” Nathan said firmly. Sadie sighed taking his hands in hers. ” C’mon Nathan, she already apologized to me and I believe she is sincere. She won’t hurt me anymore, just this once please ” Sadie pleaded with a puppy eyes. ” Still, I won’t let you go alone. You will go with some guards, take it or leave it” Sadie pouted without knowing what to say. What kind of husband is this protective? ” C’mon wifey, let’s dig in. I am damn hungry ” Nathan said ignoring his wife’s pout. He can’t take any risk of loosing her. Never! ” Or did you want me to feed you? Oh, which did you want to eat? The food or me?” Nathan added naughtily. Sadie’s face turned crimson hitting Nathan lightly. ” Pervert ” she yelled and he laughed heartily. ************************************

” Sorry I kept you waiting ” Sadie said sitting down opposite Sofia. She made sure the guards weren’t close to them but they insisted on staying where they can see both she and Sofia as per Nathan’s instruction. ” It’s no problem, I am glad you showed up ” Sofia replied smiling nervously. Before Sadie could say anything, a waitress came to them. ” Good day ma’ams, please please place your orders ” she said handing two menus to them. Sofia shifted the menu shaking her head, she doesn’t have a single money with her. She even trekked a far distance here. How is she gonna pay if she order anything? ” I.. I.. l uhhmn, I don’t feel hungry ” she said embarrassingly avoiding Sadie’s gaze. ” I can’t just order and you won’t eat anything, please order anything. There is no where it is written that you don’t eat if you don’t feel hungry, bills on me. I will pay the bills so do not worry about a thing okay?” Sadie replied Sofia before turning to the waitress. ” Serve us omelette and juice, you will be okay with that right?” She asked Sofia. ” Yeah, thank you ” Sofia replied shyly. She had never thought of this very day. ” It will be ready in ten minutes ” the waitress bowed and left . ” So? ” Sadie asked urging Sofia to speak up. Sofia fidget with the Hem of her dress thinking of where to start from. She had wished to speak with Sadie but here she is, lost of words. ” I want to apologize again for all the troubles I might have cause you, I am sorry from the dept of my heart ” Sadie sighed holding her head. ” Seriously Sofia, I don’t hold anything against you. I have forgiven you, I could have just have pretended to drink the juice that day but I wanted you to learn and I am very glad you learnt from it already so I have forgiven you ” Sadie replied with a genuine smile. Sofia’s heart melted at her words. She wish she can be like this lady sitting in front of her. ” You are such a kindhearted lady, thank you so much ” she appreciated giving her a hug across the table. ” You are welcome please let’s get over it, I am sure there was a reason you requested to see me ” Sadie said changing the topic. ” Yeah, I know this might be hard but I couldn’t think of anyone that can help me ” Sofia replied soberly hoping for a miracle to happen after today. ” Okay, what is it?” Sadie asked. ” I … I I want you to……” ” Your order ma’ams ” the waitress said interrupting them. They both began eating in silence with no one talking until Sadie spoke up. ” You were saying something ” she reminded. ” From that party, I noticed Nathan might have a thing for you with the way he was speaking with you. You know he blacklisted me, I don’t know if you can uhmm… help me ….” ” Speak up Sofia, I don’t bite. I didn’t notice Nathan might have any interest in me, if it is a help I can render then, I will gladly do it so spill ” Sadie cuts in playing along. Nathan did not just have interest in her, he is her husband, what makes her even think Nathan has a thing for Sadie? ” I don’t know if you can plead with him on my behalf, even if it is not modelling, I just want to have a job doing to take care of my sick mother. I promise, I have changed for the best please Sadie, I know he will listen to you ” Sofia said blinking her eyes to hide her tears. This means a lot to her but Sadie? She was thinking of how on Earth she will be able to convince Nathan on this not especially when he doesn’t like Sofia a bit . She breathed out looking at Sofia skeptically. ” I am not sure of the outcome but I will try my best, you will start working again I promise ” Sadie assured her. A little far from them, the guards that accompanied Sadie whispered to themselves. ” See, he is approaching them ” one of them said. ” Should we watch him for a few minutes? ” Another asked. The third one shook his head not buying the idea, if anything happens to Young Mrs, they all will be dead. What will they tell their Young Master? ” No, it is best we follow him ” he said. ” Let’s wait for a while, if he tries anything, we will rush there ” they all agreed nodding their heads. On the long run, Sofia jumped up almost throwing the meals on the table hugging Sadie tightly. This is the best words she have heard in a long time .. ” Aren’t you an angel? Thank you, thank you, thank y……” She paused as the two ladies heard someone cleared his throat behind them. Sofia’s eyes widened in terror. Rich dude is here! ” We finally get to meet again ” Max said hovering over Sofia and Sadie. ” Y . you? H. how did you find me? ” Sofia asked in fright clutching tightly to Sadie while Sadie stood rooted in her place staring at the man in front of them. Who is he and what gave him the audacity to interrupt them? ” How I found you shouldn’t be a thing for you, I wanted to meet you and here we are ” Max replied tentatively. He has been watching both Sofia and Sadie since Sofia entered. He followed her down here. ” A.. are you still mad at me that I bumped into you? I thought I already apologized, I am sorry please it was a mistake. Just let me be please ” Sofia said with a gulp with her body gumming to Sadie. She haven’t been this terrified in a long time, she thought everything has ended after she escaped but he have been keeping taps on her? ” I can’t let you be when I haven’t forgiven you, you must……” ” Must what Mr? Why are you harrassing her for a mistake anyone could have made including you? She bumped into you and has already apologized, what else did you want? ”

” You want her to crawl on the floor and ask for your forgiveness for just bumping into you? Why did you have to interrupt us because of a silly thing you could have just gotten over huh? ” Sadie roared angrily. The old her could have been scared to death seeing this man standing in front of them. Max raised his eyebrows in surprise, he never knew he will meet another interesting character. One is scared and the other is fearless. All his life, Max has never met a woman who can stand and talk rudely to him with all the wealth and power he has. ” Wow! Wow! Such a pretty fierce little girl, I like you al……” ” Is he disturbing you ma’am?” Sadie’s assigned guards asked rushing towards them in rage. ” Sort of but we are fine and back to you Mr, I am not a little your little girl. Do not harrass her ever again for no reason else, I will sue you ” Sadie said dropped a good amount of money on the table for the bill, holding the already shaking Sofia’s hand as they both stormed out of the restaurant with the guards leaving Max shocked.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

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