Her, his desire

Flash back

” W.. what do you mean?” She asked with her face brewing in tears. 

” I mean they are dead, definitely dead ” Galen replied icily 

Loretta heard a loud bang in her head as her scream increased. 

” No! No!! No!!! ” She screamed.

Anna and Isa rushed to her, even if they don’t understand what was going on. 

” Mummy are you okay? Why are you crying?” They asked simultaneously.

Galen stood up to them as he struggled with Loretta to take the kids. 

” Leave my daughters, please Galen don’t hurt them also please ” she said. 

Galen signalled his boys and they held Loretta down. 

He took the twins who stared at their mother. Their uncle is not a stranger in their lives.


He has been a good man to them since they were given birth to and that made the twins felt safe with him


” You see, your mummy is a little sick. How about I let someone take you out for  ice cream? Before you come back, your mummy will be fine ” 

Galen convinced them, as kids, both Annabelle and Isabelle jumped up in excitement

” Take them away and lock them in the opposite room, make sure you watch them closely ” he instructed. 

” No, no no don’t go babies. He’s dangerous, come to mummy don’t….” 

A slap landed on her cheeks and the kids were rushed out of the scene. 

Loretta held in the paint struggling to get out of the hold of those strong men to no avail. 

” Leave her and leave us “Galen commanded.

” Yes boss ” they all bowed out leaving him with Loretta. 

She fell helplessly on the ground.

” Please don’t hurt them, they are all I have ” she pleaded. 

” Calm your nerves Loretta, you should be worried about yourself and not your daughters ”  Galen grinned devilishly. 

” Why are you doing this Galen? What has your brother and I done to deserve this? Why did you kill my husband and son?” She asked weakly. 

It came to a point there was no tears coming down again. She had cried a lot in a day and it felt her tears have dried. No single tears left in there anymore. 

” Are you asking me that? Wasn’t it obvious I hate Kelvin so much? I hate him and hate everything that belongs to him including his wife and children ” 

Loretta flinched at Galen’s confession. She was taken aback.  

” H.. he is your brother, why will you hate him? He has lived his life for you Galen. He took good care of you to the extent he neglected himself. You own half of his properties, he gave you everything you’ve ever asked for Galen? What did he do to see death as compensation? He singlehandedly built a company in your name and handed it to you, what else has he not done for you?..”


What fills the eye fills the heart

Galen cut her off with his laughter. 

” Fuck*ng stop listing what he has done for me, does it looks like I care when he already took the limelight? When his star shines more than mine? Are we not both men? Are we not from the same family? Why does he have so much fame and I don’t? He is well known, anywhere he is, I become invisible. And you expect me to be happy with that? Yet, he is the only one with the most beautiful and loving family while my love life is a mess, I don’t even have a girlfriend” 

Gaven rant angrily

Loretta blinked her eyes in utter disbelief. 

” You killed your own brother because of jealousy? You are jealous of him? ” She asked .

” Whatever you call it, like I said before. I hate him with everything in me and I am glad he is dead, gone for good now it’s high time I faced you ” 

Galen said licking his lips lustfully as he rub his hand on Loretta’s body. 

” W… what are you doing?” Loretta stuttered kicking his hand away from her. 

” Having you before destroying your life, your husband is not here to save you. Nothing will, as it is, your body is mine for today ” 

He replied coldly ripping her dress apart. When she tried fighting back, he slapped her real hard. 

Galen punched, slap and kicked her to take control of her body. 

Loretta became weak, all the strength in her was drained. She felt so hurt, pained and weak that she couldn’t do anything to protect herself. 

Galen pinned her both hands to her back and tied them forcefully to her back. 

He spread her legs widely smiling to himself as he positioned himself in between her. 

” P.. please Galen, don’t do this to me. I am your brother’s wife I beg you ”  Loretta pleaded faintly. 

She couldn’t move nor do anything. How is she going to cope with the trauma? 

” Fu*king stop calling him my brother, he is not my brother and besides. He is dead” 

He angrily said penetrating into her in the roughest way to ever think of. 

Loretta screamed in a low voice, her voice was already gone and she was loosing the remaining strength in her. 

She couldn’t keep up, she tried her best to forget whatever Galen was doing to her. 

She thought about her daughters hoping they would be save wherever they are. Those were her thoughts before she passed out. 

When Galen was satisfied, a wide smile spread on his lips standing up from the lifeless body of Loretta. 

He has never felt this happy in a long time. 

” Boys ” he called. Two of his boys showed up bowing their head. 

Galen doesn’t care if Loretta’s dress were torn. 

” Where is the antidote for memory wipe?” He asked. 

” Here boss ” one of them handed it to him. 

He smiled mischievously. She will never remember anything, not even her name. 

Galen smiled to himself as he prepares the injection for Loretta. He slowly injected it into her body. 

Loretta shook in her unconscious state. This changed her life after she woke up, she became a different person entirely. 

” Take her and one of the twins, dump them wherever you feel like ” he instructed coldly. 

” Yes boss ” they bowed and took Loretta’s lifeless body away.

” And inform Come to take the other twin far away from here, wherever he likes ” Galen gave another instruction with a wide smirk still plastered on his face. 

He knew this was going to happen but he never thought his plans will fall into place soon. 

Taking cautious steps out of the room, he turned around laughing at nothing in particular. 

” I don’t care about Kelvin’s assets, all I wanted was to see him six feet beneath me and that has been achieved, it’s time for jubilation  ” 


The nurses and doctor on duty kept running to and fro while the doctor gave instructions.  

” Do whatever you can to save the child and his father doctor, I want them alive ”  a middle-aged man said anxiously. 

He was on his way to a business meeting when he saw that an accident occured on the road. He had to abandon his business to save them. 

” We will try our best Mr Chu but the man lost a lot of blood before he was rushed here, even if he survives it. He might end up in a coma for a long time, it can be a week, weeks, months and even years ” 

Mr Chu’s shoulder slumped in disappoinment, that’s a very long time. How can someone be in coma for years? He couldn’t think of any brighter side as his mind was already focused on the doctor’s last word. 

” How about the little boy?” Mr Chu asked. 

” He’s perfectly fine, I think his father did well and protected him so he doesn’t have any major injury. He will wake up soon” the doctor replied. 

” Thank you doctor ” 


” Mummy wake up, where is everybody?” Annabelle asked shaking her mother vigorously. 

She looked around in fright wondering why those men dropped she and her mummy on the road without her sister. 

She is so little to understand whatever was going on. 

” Mummy? Mummy? ” 

Her little voice rang through the street. Fortunately, he car drove their way. 

Annabelle glanced at the car then at her mummy. Then, she did the only thing that came to her mind .

She ran in front of the car, the man in the car halted very close to her with his eyes wide opened. 

He almost ran over her with his car. The man came out angrily, he wasn’t angry at the tiny girl but her mother who carelessly left her on the road. 

What if his break failed huh? 

” What are you doing on the road baby? Don’t you know it’s dangerous for you? ” The man asked bending to her level. 

Annabelle stood staring at the man without saying anything. Her eyes moved to where her mother was lying then she looked back at the man. 

” My mummy is not waking up, can you help me wake her up? Please uncle ” 

The man followed her gaze and it landed on a fragile woman lying lifeless on the other side of  the road. 

” C’mon let’s go ” he held Annabelle’s hand rushing towards Loretta. This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

The handsome man stared at the pale looking woman and he picked her up in a bridal style. She really needs help. What might have happened to her? 

” Enter into the car, yes the front seat while I lay mummy at the back ” the man said to Annabelle. 

She seems smarter than Isabelle. Annabelle entered into the car as she turned watching the man drop her mummy in the back seat. 

The man drove straight to the hospital in a very high speed. 

★ few minutes later ★

” Who are you to her?” The female doctor on duty asked the man. 

He glanced at Annabelle then at the doctor. 

Knowing fully well that they might not start any treatment on her if any of her family members is not here to sign the paper. The man sighed. 

” Uhmm, I am her…. uhhm….”  

” Please sit ” Doctor Katie asked. She flipped through some files before glancing up. 

The man sat down placing Annabelle on his lap. She was busy playing with the Hem of his shirt. 

” We ran some tests on her and discovered she was injected with a strong antidote, when she wakes up, she will definitely not remember anything from her past including her name ” 

” She is going to suffer from retrograde amnesia, she might never remember anything again and do not force her to remember it forcefully else it will cause more damage to her memory cell ” 

The man nodded in understanding wondering who could have injected her. How is he going to take her back to her people and this little girl in his hand won’t give him a reasonable answer. 

” And one more thing ” Doctor Katie said. 

She stared at the man in front of her and shook her head. 

” What is it doctor? Is she going to be fine?” he asked. 

” She was brutally raped and needs a lot to recover ” 

” Raped? How?” The man asked 

” I don’t know Mr but we will try our best to make sure she is fine, she should be awake already. You can go see her ” 

” Thank you Doctor ” the man said politely. 

” Baby let’s go see mummy ” he said to Annabelle putting her on his shoulder as they walk out of the office to Loretta’s ward. 

Inside the ward, Loretta sat down looking around with a frown. Who is she and what is she doing here? 

Why is she in the hospital’s uniform? Her frown deepened seeing that the door opened revealing a handsome man and a kid? 

” Mummy ” 

Annabelle shrieked fighting out of the man’s arm rushing to her mother. 

She hugged Loretta with a huge smile on her face but little Annabelle got slightly pushed away in return. 

” Mummy? I thought you won’t wake up again ” Annabelle said trying to hug her again but she was still pushed away with the frown not leaving Loretta’s face. 

” I am not your mummy, there must be a mistake somewhere ” Loretta said. She raised her head up to see the man standing right beside her. 

” Who are you and why is she calling me mummy?” 

The man took Annabelle who went pale immediately patting her tenderly, he sat down on the bedside thinking of the lie to tell Loretta. 

” I am your husband ” he blurted out before he could think of what he said. 

” M.. my husband? I am married?” Loretta asked in a confused tone. She doesn’t even know anything about herself. Where has she been all this while? 

” Yes hunny, I am your husband and this is our daughter ” the man said playing along smoothly. 

He knew this might turn sour later if she eventually regains her memory but the doctor said she won’t remember right? 

Loretta looked at little Annabelle then at the man. 

” I also have a child? How? When? I can’t remember anything ” she said.

” Don’t stress your yourself too much, you uhmm met with an accident and doctor said you have amnesia but not to worry, you will recall everything gradually ” 

He lies smoothly. 

Loretta stayed quiet for a while processing everything that he said. It felt like she remembered something, her eyes snapped at him. 

” Then what is my name?” She asked out of a blue moon. 

The man wasn’t expecting her to ask the question. 

” Erhhm… Susan, yes Susan is your name ” 


” Where is my sister mummy ” a little boy asked blocking his parents way. 

They both glanced at each other with the man holding his wife closer making sure he prevents her from letting out a tear. 

They lost their daughter a week ago but they couldn’t tell their son because of how fond he is of his sister. 

It might affect his mental health if he gets to find out that his baby sister is dead. 

” Champ, I thought we told you your sister went to see your Aunt, she will be back okay?”  

His father said to him but the little boy wasn’t buying their lies anymore. 

”  Then take me to her, I want to see her ” he replied adamantly. 

His mother bit her lip suppressing the tears. It has not been easy for her and her little boy is adding to it. 

His father thought of how best to convince him and then…

” You know what? We are going to bring her, we will come with your sister while coming back okay? ” 

His father said and his mother narrowed her eyes. Why is he giving the kid hope when they know their daughter can never come back again? 

The boy’s face lit up, he jumped up in joy hugging his parents. 

” Okay Daddy ” 

” Good now go back to your Nanny, we will be back soon ” 

” Yes daddy ” the boy replied running off. 

They both sighed in relief heading out of the house. 

” You didn’t have to lie to him you know ” his wife said to him 

” That was the only thing that came to my mind ” he replied

” We can’t keep lying to him forever ” she deadpanned

” I know, we will figure a way out ” 

They both entered into the car and drove off. 

About an hour later…………

” Darling wait, stop the car ” 

The man turned to his wife immediately he halted the car. 

” What is it? Why did you ask me to stop?” He asked but earned no reply from his wife except the frown on her face as she stared at one particular place. 

The man followed her gaze , he saw a little girl sitting by the side of the road with her head bowed. 

Why? What happened to her parents? Why will they leave a little child here all by herself? 

Some parents are so irresponsible. Why will they give birth if they can’t take care of their children?

The man fumed angrily.

” Don’t you think we should go see what is wrong with her?” His wife asked. 

He nodded, both hopped out of the car striding towards the little girl. 

The woman squatted in front of her while placing her hand on the little girl’s thigh. 

” Hey baby, what are you doing here? Where is your mummy?” She asked in a friendly tone but the girl remained quiet neither did she look up. 

” Are you okay baby girl ” the man asked. 

The moment the little girl raised up her head. 

The woman stepped away in fright with a scream. Even the man was surprised but didn’t move away.

” No! No! How c… can this be? She… she… she looks so much like our daughter but she is dead right darling? ” 

The woman said shivering. 

 The man was so out of words as he stood motionless without saying anything. 

God really do create people in twos and threes. There is no much difference between this little girl and their dead daughter. 

” Let’s leave here, I… I.. it’s scary ” she said holding her husband’s hand but an idea struck him. 

” Instead of leaving her here, why don’t we take her home? Our son will be happy and won’t pester us anymore about his sister ”

He reasoned. 

His wife also thought about it and nodded in agreement.


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