Her Forbidden Alpha

Chapter 60

Her Forbidden Alpha By Moonlight Muse Chapter 60

Chapter60 A Confession

It was later that evening and Scarlett was at the restaurant where she worked part-time, although lately, it felt like she had rarely covered many shifts with everything that was going on. It was on pack grounds and being the only restaurant in the area it was always busy. The owners were an old werewolf couple although they didn’t do as much around here anymore, they were always there making sure no one messed around and keeping order.

Today was another busy evening, although it was a weekday and Scarlett was busy waitressing, there was no uniform as it was a casual place. She was dressed in black jeans and a white blouse that she left a few buttons open from the top, paired with some studded heels. She had on a tiny apron that held a notepad and pen, only because her mind link was gone, and she couldn’t link with the cooks in the back.

“Are those ours, sugar?!” David the owner called, from where he sat near the window, talking to some other elder werewolves. she walked over to put their mugs of hot drinks in front of them

“Yes, they are, and Claire wants you at the counter when you’re done,” Scarlett said turning around

“Best hurry,” one of the other men said, “Now that our Alpha Scarlett’s stated,”

Scarlett gave him a small smirk, “Exactly,”

It was common knowledge now that she was an Alpha, and although many of the younger men had ego issues, most of the elderly male wolves took it well and joked about it.

“Excuse me, Scarlett! Can we get some more water?” Keira screeched making Scarlett flinch, her voice was nasally yet at the same time screechy, it reminded her of someone scraping their nails down a chalkboard.

“Right…” Scarlett said walking off to grab a bottle of water. Placing it on their table she was about to walk off when Keira suddenly grabbed her wrist

“We’re not done yet!” Keira said smugly. “Clear this table up!” Scarlett pulled free glaring at the woman,

“Watch it… I don’t like being told what to do and next time make sure you don’t touch me.” She growled her eyes flashing a steely silver. Keira paled feeling her power rolling off her and moved back in her seat nervously, her two friends looked as scared as she did. Scarlett turned to leave, grabbing a few plates from their table, and headed to the kitchen sighing inwardly. She didn’t actually miss working here, she preferred the salon but thanks to the dangers of venturing out she had to stick to pack grounds as much as possible.

Lost in thought she didn’t look where she was walking, missing the slight bump in a floorboard that was yet to be replaced from a fight that took place here a few weeks back, she stumbled almost hitting the ground face first when someone caught her.

“Fuck!” she gasped grabbing onto her saviour’s shirt, popping one of the buttons off his red button- down.

“Wow, you want to fight even when someone’s saving you huh?” Liam said his warm eyes sparkling with mischief.

“Sorry,” Scarlett said quickly letting go and smoothening her own shirt. “I was distracted,”

“I figured as much,” he said looking into her beautiful green eyes, the sadness that washed over him hurt, hell he had always simply hoped that the goddess would bless him with her as his mate….

Seeing Liam staring at her clearly lost in thought made Scarlett a little uncomfortable,

“So, what are you doing here?” she asked, she had heard from Monica that Liam liked her. The woman actually seemed to know all the latest gossip, once you got to know her, she started to spill it all. Although she hadn’t ever paid attention to him in that way being too hung up over Elijah, she had to admit he was a handsome well-mannered man, she just wished he didn’t like her. Him being so decent towards her made her feel guilty although it wasn’t her fault, he liked her.

“Why does a person come to a restaurant?” he asked with a smile. Scarlett smirked

“Well, many reasons actually not just for the food,” she said looking around for something to keep herself busy with.

“You mean there are other reasons aside from eating?” Liam asked following her, she stopped turning suddenly almost knocking into him again, if he didn’t stop quickly looking down at her.

“Yes many, so do you want me to get you a menu or…?” Scarlett said raising an eyebrow, his playful smile vanished, and he looked away

“Can you join me?” he asked quietly, her eyes widened as she took a step back to create a distance between them,

“I’m working-”

“Yes, she can!” David shouted, Scarlett glared at him, the damn old man had his ears everywhere, Liam smiled

“Thanks!” he called, as David gave an obvious wink towards Scarlett.

“Get him!” he whispered loudly making a few others laugh. Scarlett sighed.

“Fine what do you want to eat?” she asked glaring daggers at Liam now.

“Anything is fine,” he said thinking she was scary too, but he loved it… that painful tug at his heart only grew stronger as she pouted before walking off to place their order. He knew there was no hope, but he needed to tell her how he felt, to get it off his chest.

Scarlett came back with two glasses of iced drinks and placed them on the table he had sat down at.

“Alright here I am,” she said looking around the restaurant, had that mood board always been so full of notes and photos? One of the spotlights needed changing…

“Scarlett…” Liam said forcing her to look at him

“Hmm?” she said picking up her glass, she hated confrontations.

“From the way you’re acting I know you kind of know why I’m here,” he said watching her lean back in her seat sighing as she nodded. “I just needed to tell you to get it off my chest.”

“How long?” Scarlett asked curiously

“3 years give or take,” Liam said looking at his hands, Scarlett felt a pang of hurt, sighing she leaned forward

“Let me give you some advice, if you liked a girl for that damn long, you should have tried to make a move,” she said bluntly raising an eyebrow. Liam’s eyes widened

“I tried… I mean I asked you out several times, dropped hints…” he said, Scarlett smirked

“Liam after Elijah you’re probably the strongest fighter in the pack right now you’re acting like a lost pup.” She said, they heard a few snickers and Scarlett turned glaring. “Mind your own damn business.”

The culprits turned and busied themselves with their food. Liam gave her a wry smile,

“You’re definitely an Alpha but Luna material too,” he said softly despite the sadness in his eyes. Scarlett gave a small smile, both being careful not to mention Elijah. “I love you, Scarlett, you’ve always been that fiery girl I admired, heck you were the toughest she-wolf around, you’re different, beautiful, smart and perfect, my only regret is I couldn’t tell you sooner… I just…” he trailed off looking towards the darkness outside the window, taking a shaky breath, “I was just scared that I wasn’t good enough for you.”

His words seared through Scarlett, and she wished he didn’t think like that, he deserved someone who was right for him, she took a sip of her drink placing it on the wooden table again, his words hung between them, words that Scarlett knew she would never forget.

“Thankyou… for thinking of me like that when no one else did,” she said softly “I won’t give you false hopes to say something could have ever been between us. Yes, you are handsome, sweet, strong, and perfect, but I’m not suited for you, because I can be a bitch and I know that. I can say hurtful things when I’m pissed and I can push you away, and you’ve always had a kind heart, Liam…”

“So, he’s the best for you huh?” he said looking at his glass, her subtle rejection was obvious. Just then one of the other waiters bought their food over, giving them both a small smile before he walked off. Scarlett looked at Liam, she didn’t know if she would have ever given him a chance. Maybe he could have won her over if he tried, but the fact he didn’t, was clear they weren’t compatible, she was the type of girl who pushed someone away, and Liam wasn’t the type to pull. Elijah was the one for her, the one who didn’t leave her even when she pushed him away or tried to.

“He is,” she said with conviction, “I’ve never loved anyone as much as I love him, I probably won’t say this to his face because we both know he is cocky, and already big-headed enough, but I pushed him away countless times, accused him when he was nothing but honest, he’s so patient with me, it’s like this entirely different side of him, I love him so much that it scares even me.”NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

Their eyes met and Liam gave a gentle smile, the two were clearly in love, there was no space for him between them but he was glad he had told her. Scarlett looked at her food she had told Liam that she loved Elijah but not the man himself. They both fell silent for a while eating in silence.

“I’m glad he treats you better… I can see it in his eyes, heck I wasn’t sure, but hearing it from you, and I know you don’t sugar coat anything,” Liam said after a moment.

“That’s actually not a hundred percent true, I mean she coats a lot in her sweetness don’t you kitten?” Elijah’s cocky voice came from behind them. Scarlett raised an eyebrow surprised to see him there, she glanced around her heart skipping a beat encase anyone heard his pet name for her. However, it seemed no one was paying attention all too busy laughing at some joke David had just cracked, well she hoped they hadn’t heard anyway. Elijah slipped in next to her taking some fries from her plate, place a quick kiss on her cheek before eating them.

“Fancy seeing you here,” he said to Liam his eyes darkening to a cobalt blue, Scarlett frowned

“Elijah… don’t.” she said firmly, “We were talking, so don’t get all Alpha male on me,”

“Anything for you sweetheart,” he said taking her hand and kissing it softly before she pulled away glancing around.

Elijah was possessive as hell, but it was clear Scarlett kept him grounded. Liam smirked at his friend knowing it was taking a lot from him not to attack him and get all Alpha possessive him, and he was enjoying seeing someone have that power over the arrogant Alpha.

“Someone’s wrapped around their woman’s finger huh,” he said picking up his burger.

“Nope she’s the one who tends to be wrapped around my fingers,” he said smirking, Scarlett glared at him, his innuendo not missed by either Scarlett or Liam.

“Don’t be so shameless,” she scolded

“Yup definitely under her thumb.” Liam mumbled despite a very explicit image of Scarlett crossing his mind. Scarlett smirked

“Of course,” she said moving her plate away from Elijah “if you want food, go get your own!”

“Greedy…” Elijah pouted brushing a strand of her hair back, smiling slightly at how gorgeous she looked. Liam watched them before turning his attention to his plate. His job was to lead their warriors, to protect his Alpha and Luna and that was what he would do.

“You heard the woman Elijah, get your food,” he said pushing his feelings away and giving his friend a cocky smirk. Elijah frowned at him

“I’m the Alpha here,” he growled making Scarlett smirk

“Really? because right now you sound like a spoilt brat,” she said snickering,

“100 percent,” Liam replied holding his hand out for Scarlett to high five. She reciprocated the move as they both laughed at the glare on Elijah’s face. The three friends chatted and talked, the blood moon lingering at the back of each of their minds…

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