Her Forbidden Alpha

Chapter 6

Her Forbidden Alpha By Moonlight Muse Chapter 6

Chapter6 Missing Training

The sun was barely up and Elijah was on his way to the training grounds. Even if he had just got back yesterday, it didn’t mean he was going to slack off from his duties. Grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge he saw Indigo standing there, in tracksuit bottoms and a tank top, yawning away.

“Good to see you’re not slacking.” He said tossing her the water bottle and taking another.

“You know mom and dad won’t let me slack.” She said, catching it before she stretched.

Elijah looked at her amused, although she was awake, she was clearly not fully there.

“And where’s Red?” He asked, last night flashing in his mind. His question seemed to wake her up as she shuffled on her feet avoiding his gaze.

“She doesn’t really train with us… Dad’s given her permission to train solo.” She mumbled.

Elijah frowned. “We’re a pack, we train together. Who does she think-” he made to walk past Indigo thinking how he did not expect that from Scarlett. She always loved to train and was one of the best warriors in the pack, well she was when he last saw her two years ago. Indigo grabbed his arm.

“Don’t Elijah… For once I think Scarlett did the right thing.” She said looking up at him. He saw the pain in her eyes.

“What is it…” He asked, his voice almost a growl. The girl flinched and Elijah took a deep breath trying to calm down.

“I-it’s not my place to say… but when the others saw her wolf form… she faced a lot of bullying, especially from our age range. And then one day things got out of hand…” She whispered, her voice barely audible. Elijah listened, anger rising within him.

“What did they do?” He asked, his alpha aura pressing down on her like a blanket. Indigo stepped back fear filling her, although she knew he would never hurt her, her wolf side still knew an alpha and fear settled in. Belonging © NôvelDram/a.Org.

“It isn’t my place to say… I wasn’t even there… but I heard… if you want to know you’re going to have to ask Scarlett. Even mom and dad don’t know.” She said. Elijah nodded curtly.

“Fine, I’ll do that. You head out, I’m not joining today. Is Scarlett upstairs or out?” He asked.

“She’s gone.” Indigo replied, hoping that she did not get in trouble with Scarlett. “Please don’t mention me.”

“I won’t.” Elijah said as he headed to the door, he needed to find her.


After a good fifteen minutes of trying to sniff out her scent, he finally found her just outside pack borders near the river. She was using the nearest tree as a punching bag, splinters of wood breaking away with every punch, the stain of blood on the tree showed him she had not gone easy. Her hands were wrapped but he could see they were now torn at the knuckles. She looked as smoking hot as ever, sweat trickling down her bare stomach, her choppy hair tied in a messy bun on top of her head as a lot of loose strands framed her face.

“Is it wise to be training outside pack borders?” He said, making her pause. She turned and wiped her forehead, dressed in black yoga pants and a patterned sky blue sports bra that she was squeezed into, showing off a lot of cleavage.

‘Damn!’ He thought. What were those made out of? So many women seemed to disappear in sports bras and here she was showing off her delicious twins with a cleavage any girl would kill for… She spoke, bringing his head back to the present.

“Aren’t you supposed to be in the pack training grounds?” She said just as last night’s event returned. She blushed, glad her face was already flushed. Elijah did not miss the sudden tinge that darkened her face.

“I wanted to know why the strongest she-wolf in the pack was missing?” He asked crossing his arms. As much as he wanted to tease her, he did not trust himself. Last night had been a clear eye opener to exactly what he thought of her and out here, secluded… her dripping with sweat… was not going to help him in this matter.

“I prefer to train alone.” She said turning her back on to him. As she bent down picking a fresh bandage to wrap over her hands, his gaze fell to her ass. ‘Fuck.’ He thought looking away.

“Alpha’s orders Red, we’re a pack we train together.” He said. She frowned.

“You’re not alpha yet… dad gave me permission.” She said quietly. He closed the gap between them, grabbing her by the elbow and spinning her around. He pushed her against the tree as he stared into her eyes, his cerulean blue eyes now darkening to a cobalt blue. She knew his wolf was surfacing meaning she had angered him.

“I’m still an Alpha and when I give an order you obey it!” He growled. Her intoxicating scent filled his senses and the urge to bury his nose in her neck almost overtook him.

“I have my reasons Elijah, now let go!” She snapped not scared. “I hate how you males are so egotistical and think we should fucking obey everything you say!”

Her own eyes flashed silver, both wolves stared the other down, it shocked Elijah that she could still hold her own against him. Even when he’d gone for his training he had come across many alphas, and he had been one of the strongest. Seeing a she-wolf hold her ground was intriguing and more so for so long. Even an alpha’s mate did not hold this much power over an alpha.

“I want to know your reasons.” He said lowering his face so he was staring into her eyes. Taking her wrists he pinned them against the tree next to her head, the move only making her core throb and her stomach erupt in butterflies. Both were breathing heavily, their chests now pressed against each other. She pressed her thigh together needing him to move before she got turned on. The heat of the others bodies only making both their heartbeats quicken.

“Fine! Let go of me and I’ll tell you!” She said struggling in his hold. Elijah blinked and stepped back, he had gotten distracted by her… again…

“I’m waiting.” He said crossing his muscular arms.

“On one condition, you will do and say nothing.” She said. He turned glaring at her.

“Don’t push me Red.” He warned.

“Do you want to know or not?”

“Fine.” He snapped, slamming his hand into the tree and splintering a good part of it.

“After I turned, and some of the guys saw that my wolf form was bigger than theirs, they began to tease me. It was fine, I can take a shit load of bullying…” She said walking over to a spot clear of chipped wood splinters and sat on her feet playing with some grass. “They got a little out of hand, starting to throw physical jabs that maybe I was born a male and hence why my wolf’s huge. Even that only pissed me off for the fact they were being fucking homophobic bastards. Our pack is diverse and every member is equal, that’s always been the rule… I did tell dad about that considering it could be hurtful to others, and things did get better… for a bit. Until there was a party. Some had drunk way more than they should have… some of us decided to go for a run. I refused at first until they said I was too scared I’d lose, so I went..”

Elijah listened. He didn’t like where this was going… not at all.

We shifted and ran off into the woods, away from the party… We split into two groups… I did not realise I was the only female with six of the biggest jerks. They had planned it from the start. They pinned my wolf down said they wanted to see what my genitalia was in wolf form. Was I a female or male…” Scarlett stopped, hating the feeling of helplessness that was overcoming her. Hating how weak and scared she felt that night.

Elijah’s jaw was clenched in anger, rage coursing through him. He felt disgusted at the fact he had such vile packmates. The very thought of her being treated like that awakened something tenfold more dangerous within him.

“They looked, laughed and through the mind link they joked they should test if I really felt like a woman should, I was able to fight them off… I wish I had sooner but it was six against one… There you have it, so I’d rather avoid them.” She finished, standing up like she hadn’t just told him such a shocking piece of information. Trying not to let sadness wash over her she did not cry, and she would never give anyone that satisfaction to see her cry.

“Names.” Elijah’s rugged growl came. Her eyes widened, realising he was emanating anger as an oven did heat.

“You agreed to no names-”

“That is not something I can let pass!” He shouted, his canines elongated, and Scarlett’s heart skipped a beat seeing him getting so worked up over her. She walked over to him, bravely cupping his face.

“Elijah calm down, this happened two months ago… I’m ok and I’m fine training alone, don’t stress over it.” She said feeling the stubble on his jaw graze her fingertips. God, he was so handsome…

He looked down at her, his dark cobalt blue eyes flickering to cerulean. He placed his hands on her hips, not missing how good she felt in his hands. She was the right amount of thickness and meat, his chest heaved as he glared down at her. Her soft pink lips void of their usual red looking so appetising…

“Names Red. Now. Or by the moon goddess I’ll kiss you.” He growled looking into her large soft green eyes that seemed to calm him down despite how fucking angry he felt. Shock was clear in her now even larger eyes. She pouted.

“Then you’re going to have to kiss me, because I’m not telling.” She replied stubbornly. Glaring at him she removed her hands from his face and tried to push him away. He did not budge, his eyes darkening as he leaned in closer.

“You asked for it Red.” He said huskily and before she could even comprehend what was happening, his lips crashed against hers.

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