Her Forbidden Alpha

Chapter 54

Her Forbidden Alpha By Moonlight Muse Chapter 54

Chapter54 I’d Always Choose You

“It is not ok.” Jackson growled, hating the man more than ever. No one deserved that and especially not a child, not caring when Elijah pulled Scarlett close burying her head in his chest. “He’s messed up and needs to be held accountable.”

Jessica was silent, how dare he… how dare he abuse her daughter… their daughter. She felt angry at herself for not seeing it. How could Scarlett, a little girl, take it all in and be strong just to protect her and Indigo? When it was her job as her mother to protect Scarlett. Years of remarks she made towards Scarlett telling her to be easy on Indigo, implying she had had it easy when she had had it worse. Feeling disgusted in herself for even saying that, an apology would do nothing, she owed Scarlett so much more than that…

“So can we change the topic.” Scarlett said feeling uncomfortable as she tugged away from Elijah, seeing the anger in his eyes she gave a small comforting smile. “I’m fine.”

He didn’t say anything, simply kissing her forehead, wishing he could have taken all that pain for her.

“Since we’re on the topic of Zidane, let’s finish it. You said you wanted to help that pack… correct?” Jackson said frowning deeply.

“Yeah, there’s so many in that pack who are abused… It’s my job as their Alpha to take charge.” Scarlett said firmly, Jackson nodded.

“Let’s talk to our allies, we have enough to rally with Scarlett.” Elijah said.

“We usually can’t get involved in other packs however… Scarlett is their Alpha, but for our allies to believe that Scarlett will need to prove that she is an Alpha. I can call for a meeting.” Jackson said.

“That sounds good. I’m sure some of his pack members will willingly help Scarlett over Zidane if they knew it was the chance for a better life.” Amelia said. Jackson nodded.

“I’ll start contacting our allies.” Elijah said frowning.

Jackson nodded now looking at the two, there was one more issue that needed to be addressed.

“Your mark Scarlett, it won’t go unless you find your true mate…” He said quietly, making Scarlett look up at him. She knew this conversation would come up…

“Is that another way for you to tell me to break up with Elijah?” Scarlett said, feeling a stab of pain. Jackson looked at her. She had gone through so much, he didn’t want to hurt her anymore but this was wrong.

“No one can love you more than your mate.” he said gently. Elijah growled glaring at his father.

“Really? Just the way Zidane loved Jessica more than you do, right?” He spat. “Don’t ever question my feelings for her!”

“That is completely different, Scarlett nor you have met your mates!” Jackson snapped. “Who is to say after meeting them you won’t want to stop whatever this is?”

“Because I fucking love her! If anyone is to be my mate, it’s her. I don’t need a goddess-given mate! Clearly the woman doesn’t know everything, she isn’t always right. Thanks to her Scarlett’s suffered more than she ever should have. So don’t expect me to abide by her every fucking wish!” Elijah snapped, now standing up – his eyes meeting his fathers, both bubbling with anger.

“Then what do you expect? To stay with Scarlett while another wolf’s mark remains on her? Only a true mates mark can take away a mark of another wolf, not just anyone’s!” Jackson snapped. It was uncommon for a wolf to be marked forcefully, usually it was a mate who may do this, but for anotherNôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

wolf to mark someone it was rare. To top it off, her body was rejecting it, even now the black veins crept up the side of her neck pulsing.

“Fuck, so you expect me to leave her over a fucking mark? She didn’t choose to be marked! And if that is what you think I’m willing to do, you’re sorely mistaken. She will be my Luna, no one else!” Elijah said, his voice cold set with finality.

Jackson raised an eyebrow.

“Luna? How can she be your Luna when you can’t even mark her?” He said. His words cut Scarlett like a knife, feeling as if she had just been slapped. Her eyes stung with tears, tears that she hated so deeply she would not let them see them. She kept her gaze down despite the agonising pain in her chest. She felt like a defective unwanted item right now.

Elijah looked at his father. His canines were out, his claws elongated, as he clenched his fist trying his best to control the rage that blazed within him

“Say that one more time… and I fucking swear I will forget you’re my father.” He hissed. Jessica looked at Jackson.

“I understand you can’t accept them, you raised Scarlett and Indigo like your own, but at the same time we can’t ignore their love.” She said quietly.

“They are siblings Jess! How do you expect me to accept that? What will everyone think? We’ve marked each other already, there’s nothing more to say.”

“If it’s about being siblings, I know England does not allow someone to be adopted past the age of 18 or I would happily adopt Scarlett! However I was already planning to give Scarlett all my inheritance. If you are so worried about others, or their future children, you can say she was mine and Scarlett isn’t a Westwood anyway.” Amelia said, the word ‘future children’ made Scarlett and Elijah stare at each other

before Scarlett looked away, her heart skipping a beat. She looked at Amelia giving her a small appreciative smile as did Jessica.

It was true, due to not wanting Zidane to even be alerted about their survival, Jessica and Jackson hadn’t touched the girls’ names. Jackson shook his head. “It’s not right.”

“Frankly Jackson I’m beginning to like your son a little more and you a lot less! You can’t use petty excuses Jackson, who are we to say it’s not right? We don’t choose who we fall in love with.” Amelia said, making the man frown.

“So, we should behave like cats and dogs? Mate with anyone and have no sense of morale?” Jackson snapped; Amelia snorted.

“Oh please, were close enough to dogs anyway, who cares?!” She said making everyone stare at her at the blatant insult, apart from Scarlett who stifled a snigger.

“I still think it’s just a fling, we all know what Elijah is like.” Jackson said now glaring at his son. Scarlett felt a knot of guilt, she didn’t like Jackson blaming Elijah.

“We are both in this together… Stop blaming him.” She said, speaking directly to him after a good few days, the hurt in her eyes clear.

“He’s set in his ways, who the fuck cares what he thinks anyway? My decision won’t change, she isn’t like the other girls, she’s so much more.” Elijah said quietly, wishing his father understood.

“I have a suggestion.” Amelia said before Jackson could even speak.

“What is it now?” Jackson said coldly.

“Send Scarlett and Elijah to London for the mating ceremony. If they find their mates under the blood moon and want to accept their own love or their mates only that will tell us.” Amelia said. “It is nearing anyway and, in that time, you will prepare to face Zidane’s pack, so they have time. I don’t think you can force them to accept their mates if they don’t want to Jackson and who knows, they may even turn out to be mates.”

Scarlett looked at Elijah, the fear of him refusing her for his mate terrified her, he shook his head.

“I won’t ever let you go.” He said quietly, his eyes looking into hers whilst speaking volumes, wanting her to believe him. She nodded giving him a small smile.

She looked down, pondering over Amelia’s suggestion. It was true though, this was what they needed… If they went and were to face their mates, it was better to do it now rather than having the fear that one day he’d leave her for someone else…

“Fine let’s do it.” Scarlett said looking at Elijah. “At least when we face our mates, we will know if our love is strong enough.” She said softly.

Elijah turned to his father. “And if, by any goddess-given chance, we are mates. Then what will you do? Will you split from Jessica?”

Jackson frowned. “Don’t you dare-”

“No, I’m stating facts. You’re so against us but what about yourself, if we are mates then you’re the one in the wrong relationship.” Elijah said coldly. He couldn’t forgive his father for the stuff he said, knowing even if Scarlett didn’t show it, it had affected her.

“You two are not mates.” Jackson said firmly.

“Even if we’re not she will be the only woman in my life, you can do whatever the fuck you want with that.” Elijah said turning his back on Jackson. The elder Alpha growled.

“Do you want to be Alpha, Elijah? Take this path and you will never see that title.” He said angrily. He just couldn’t accept the incestuous relationship, shocked that Amelia and Jessica were ok with it. The women all stared at Jackson’s obvious blackmail but Elijah simply gave Scarlett his killer smirk, his cerulean eyes filled with love and confidence. He looked over his shoulder at his dad, his eyes hardening.

“If I have to choose between being an Alpha and Scarlett, I’ll choose her, every single fucking time.”

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