Her Forbidden Alpha

Chapter 50

Her Forbidden Alpha By Moonlight Muse Chapter 50

Chapter50 Letting It Go

“Kyle Sanders, Andrew Black, Callum Jones, Derek Adams and Logan Hanston.” She said, each name that came from her mouth made Elijah angrier… Apart from Derek the rest were some of the strongest of his men… Men who were meant to lead and protect their pack…

Liam clenched his jaw in anger from across the room. Scarlett had been through so much and hadn’t even said anything… A few of the men who had been mentioned, their fathers were present and although two looked shocked the others looked rather uneasy. Elijah mind linked the five in question, instantly summoning them to the meeting room.

“Can I also get a knife drenched in wolfsbane?” Scarlett asked suddenly.

“What for?” Elijah asked.

“To show them why I have no mark on me.” She said looking up into his eyes. He shook his head, she didn’t have anything to prove… Why should she hurt herself to prove something to ignorant fools? “Please…” She added giving him a glare.

“Oh, I’ll get that.” Harry Black said. Scarlett didn’t miss the venom in his eyes and knew he would make sure it was coated in wolfsbane, it was what she wanted anyway.

“Liam you go, bring me a vial of wolfsbane and a dagger. I will add the wolfsbane in front of everyone myself ” Elijah said, his eyes flashing dangerously at Harry. Liam nodded before he left the room quickly as the rest waited for the 5 men to enter…


The next 5 minutes felt like a hundred to Scarlett, she looked around glaring back at anyone who looked at her with contempt. She knew the men were warned by their family present from the pale

looks on their faces. Logan was sweating and Kyle looked even paler than usual.

Jackson stepped forward, looking at his son. Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Let me handle this… This happened under my care.” He said, his eyes full of pain and anger. Elijah nodded although he wanted to tear them to pieces, he knew his father needed to do this. He stepped back placing his hands on Scarlett’s shoulders, making her heart race spike.

“Scarlett, can you please share when this took place? With as much detail as your comfortable with?” Jackson asked her gently, not missing how Elijah was rubbing comforting circles along her collarbones.

She nodded, briefing them about the party, the drinks, the run and how they had lured her away from the others. When she was done Derek looked ashamed.

“So now I will ask you five, is this the truth or not?” Jackson said, his voice menacing but he hadn’t commanded them with his Alpha aura.

Derek was the first to bow his head. “It was… I’m sorry-”

“What the fuck?! You can speak for your fucking self!” Callum spat, grabbing Derek by the collar.

“Enough!” Jackson snapped as Nick pulled them apart. “Derek, continue.”

“I was really drunk. It’s not an excuse but Hank said if I helped, he’d help me rise up from my lower rank… So I went with them. I thought we were just going to check if she was a she-wolf and I know that’s wrong… but then it got out of hand…” He whispered looking guiltily at Scarlett. She looked back at him, remembering how he had held her but when she had struggled, he hadn’t fought back. It didn’t make it right nor did it excuse him but at least he knew it was wrong…

“So, in turn starting from you Derek, how far were you willing to go?” Jackson growled, his Alpha aura swirling around him. Derek bowed his head.

“I didn’t want to rape her… I liked someone already.” He whispered his face pale, his eyes on the ground under his Alpha’s wrath. Elijah clenched his jaw, Scarlett could feel his anger and placed her hand over his. She didn’t need him losing control here. He looked down at her, her touch calmed him and knowing she wasn’t totally shutting him out helped but he had to admit she was giving him hot and cold signals.

“Callum.” Jackson hissed. The room was silent now, Hank wasn’t there to defend himself but under the Alpha command, these men were bound to speak only the truth. He clenched his jaw trying to disobey but he couldn’t.

“I was happy to go along with Hank… It was his idea… We all know Scarlett was the one girl who played hard to get… She always acted better, tougher and stronger than us. When she got her wolf… It was a blow to our ego.” He said making his dad’s eyes darken in anger.

“So, you were willing to go through with raping her?” Jackson asked. Jessica felt sick, how much had Scarlett suffered in this pack that Jessica had always thought was safe?

“Yes, to show her who’s fucking stronger.” Callum said through gritted teeth. His dad closed his eyes turning his back with disgust on his son, most of the room were appalled. It went on, each had a similar statement to say. For Scarlett, she had thought it would be easy to hear it, that she would be able to deal with it, but it wasn’t. To know that such predators lived around her made her sick, to hear what they were willing to do to her…

“Throw them all in the cells, I will deal with them later.” Jackson hissed.

“We all know you like to play hard to get Scarlett! You know you would have fucking loved it, 6 fucking dicks!” Kyle shouted as several men were escorting them out. “You’re just a fucking slut!”

Elijah saw red, in a flash he had Kyle on the ground, his head hit the tiled with a resounding crack.

“Elijah!” Scarlett shouted her face pale but it was too late

“No one speaks to her like that!” Elijah hissed before his claws came out and he tore his heart out, making all the women present apart from Scarlett and Amelia gasp.

“I may not be the Alpha yet… but I will never support rapists or any type of abuse in this pack. I don’t care if it’s ruthless but I won’t pardon heinous crimes.” He said, his eyes dark and dangerous, as the other 4 men stood in shock.

“Before you go, apologise to her. Even if you don’t mean it, get on your fucking knee and at least beg for forgiveness. I might make it a little less painful.” He spat. He had made the mistake once of letting a danger to her walk free, never again. Derek was the first to turn and he looked at Scarlett.

“I am sorry… I really am. I know it’s not enough, I promise If I’m ever let free, I will make sure I never make the same mistake again. Sorry won’t make what you experience go away but I’m happy that you got rid of Hank. You’re a badass, your mate will be lucky to have you.” He said smiling sadly. Scarlett gave a small smile. Yes, she couldn’t forget, but she could accept his apology and let it go.

“Thank you, Derek.” She said quietly. The other 3 looked at her but apart from fear and regret for themselves they didn’t really seem to care for their actions.

“Sorry.” They said in unison, Elijah just turned his back on them.

“Get them out of here.” He said. Once the men were gone and the floor was wiped clean two men took Kyle’s body from the floor. His father still looked pale after what had occurred. Jackson turned to Meredith.

“Put her in a cell for attempting to attack an innocent member of this pack and for shooting her future Alpha…” He said looking at Elijah who was wiping his hand on a cloth, he would question him on his

mindless attack too. It was clear his one action had ruffled up many of their members but all were too afraid to speak…

Liam placed a tray containing a knife and a vial of wolfsbane on the table, before Elijah could reach for its Scarlett moved it closer.

“Will you be my volunteer Alpha?” She asked. Her voice did things to him that he couldn’t put into words, it felt good to hear her not simply ignoring him.

“Sure…” Elijah said. Everyone watched confused as to what was happening. She dipped the tip into the wolfsbane before taking Elijah’s wrist and making a 6-inch-long cut. It wasn’t deep, just nicking open the surface, but it enough for it not to close instantly. He frowned watching her now taking the wolfsbane and pouring the rest over the blade.

Everyone watched stunned as she pushed up her own sleeve, gritting her teeth she dragged the knife through her skin, hard and deep making Jackson snatch the blade from her hand as Elijah growled at her for cutting herself so deeply.

“Scarlett!” Jackson said panicked as Jessica ran over. She gave them a small smile as she stood up and held her arm out next to Elijah’s. Those who were sat now moved forward to look. To their utter surprise, Scarlett’s deep bloody gash was already beginning to close….

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