Her Fae Lovers


“So let me get this straight, you’re a merman,” Lola said, looking at Merrow as he turned his head to the side, brushing his hair away from his high cheekbones. Letting her scattering of scales across the top of his cheeks, framing his eyes. She sat her teacup onto the coffee table and leaned forward to study them intently.

“Aye,” he answered.

“And you’re a leprechaun? I thought you guys were a lot smaller.” Lola asked, turning to face Lu as he finished his wine.

“I can shrink if ye’d like,” he said with a slight slur as he sent a wink Lola’s way. She blushed, looking down before glancing over towards Bodach.

“And you’re, well, a child thief?” Lola frowned, she didn’t really like that.

“I like to think of it as a child rescuer. I rescue children from homes where they are not loved and take them to homes where they will be cherished.” Bodach said as he watched her with his red eyes, studying her in a way she’d never been looked at before. She looked at her hands before glancing back up again.

“Looks like you’re not very good at your job,” Lola said, motioning to his former prison.

“Accidents happen,” he said, shrugging his shoulders as she turned to face Puca.

“And you, you’re a-”

“Bringer of good and bad fortune, yes,” Puca said, smiling down at her from his spot in the oversized red chair that sat in the corner. He steepled his fingers under his chin, resting his elbows on his crossed legs as he watched her interacting with his brethren.

“Okay, well now that that’s cleared up. I’m going to go take care of our cups.” Lola said, standing up from her spot on the floor. She looked around at the men in her apartment and covered her mouth as she fought back a yawn. This day had been long. The adrenaline was finally wearing off. She placed her teacup on the tray and started picking up the empty ones from the coffee table. She picked up the tray. Her shoulders stiff and painful still, she turned ready to take the dishes to her kitchen.

“I’ll take that for you,” Merrow stood up from his spot on the couch and stepped forward. His fingertips grazing her hand as he took the wooden tray from her.

“Thank you,” Lola said, looking up at him with wide eyes. She was used to doing things herself. It was strange to have two men offer to help her in one evening. Merrow turned towards the kitchen and Lola followed him. He gently set the tray down as she moved to the sink.

Lola turned the water on and put the stopper in. She added dish soap and watched the bubbles foam up. She let out a soft sigh, picking up the first cup to carefully wash it.NôvelDrama.Org content.

Merrow leaned against the counter, his arms crossed as he watched her. She could feel his gaze on her and feel the burning in her cheeks. She wasn’t used to so many men paying her so much attention, watching her like they were dying of thirst and she was a glass of water.

“You can go back and sit with your friends if you’d like,” Lola said, looking over her shoulder at the blonde-haired merman.

“The view is better in here,” he chuckled. She reached for one of the bright orange dish towels folded neatly under the sink. Turning, she tossed it towards him.

“You can help me then,” Lola said with a smile as he caught the brightly colored towel. Merrow stepped closer and she could feel the heat of his body radiating against her skin. His smell enveloping her, making her feel almost drunk.

Peeking at him through her dark lashes, she must be more tired than she realized. She studied his sharp features, high angular cheekbones with hooded eyes that were now watching her as well.

She handed a teacup and gave him a nervous smile as they made short work of the dishes. Merrow stacked them on the counter, unsure of what to do with the cups and teapot.

Lola let the water out of the sink before drying off her hands. She reached over, watching as Merrow sucked in a breath at her nearness. “Here, let me.” She said, taking one of the cups and opening the cabinet above the sink. Placing it inside,

After she was done, they made their way back into the living room. Lu was lying on the couch, his arm tossed over his eyes as he snored softly.

Bodach and Puca were talking softly in the corner.

Covering her mouth as she yawned again, Lola made her way to the hallway to get some blankets for her guests. They would have to make do with her living room floor, although they were pretty she wasn’t up for sharing her bed. Trying to hold in a giggle at the thought. She grabbed several quilts and sat them on the chair in the corner before heading back towards the closet to grab them some pillows.

Grabbing one of the handmade quilts and shaking it out, she covered Lu’s sleeping form up. Turning to look at her other guests, a slight frown marring her delicate features.

“I’m sorry I don’t have anywhere else for you guys to sleep. I can help you guys make a pallet.” She said nervously, not feeling like a very good host.

“We could always join you,” Bodach said as he prowled closer. There was a twinkle in his eyes as he spoke. Lola felt her heart beat faster at the promise in his eyes.

“A world of no,” Lola said, thinking about the three men in front of her. They were all handsome, and she had no problems imagining herself with them. What their hands would feel like trailing softly over her pale skin as they undressed her, lips teasing, tasting as they went.

“Are you sure?” Merrow said, moving closer. Lola backed up a step and bumped into the couch, tripping and falling onto Lu. She let out a small yelp.

Strong arms wrapped around her, pulling her closer to his chest as he felt her soft curves pressing against his body. He mumbled in his sleep, tightening his grip as she tried to pull herself away.

“Lu,” Puca said roughly, rousing the other man from his sleep. “Let her go.”

“Soft and warm, she is.” He said sleepily as he brought his hand to her hair, caressing the silky strands.

“Aye, but she wants up.”

“You ruin all me fun, Puca.” He said with a loud yawn, untangling his arms from around Lola and letting her stand up as he rolled over.

“Thank you,” Lola said, as she straightened her shirt.

“You should go to bed, Go halainn.” Puca said softly, his voice barely above a whisper.

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