Jasmine threw her front door open and stepped into her apartment and threw her handbag on the couch. She was tired. She’d been tired a lot lately… She noticed. Tired and frustrated.

Work had been more stressful lately, but at least all that stress had paid off. Her company had gotten the much needed account they had been after for months and she was glad that now she could have more time to rest.

That was a good thing.

. Except for the fact that now that she didn’t have much work to do, she had more time to think… And she had noticed that whenever her mind wandered that way, she ended up thinking about Collins Templeton.

He hadn’t called since their second night together at her apartment. She remembered waking up the following morning… Alone in bed… With nothing but the memory of their time together. She knew they’d agreed that they were only going to have that night together, but a part of her had hoped… Wanted him to be by her side when she woke up. Instead, the other side of the bed had been cold, indicating that it had been a while since he left.

She missed him, and as she headed for her bedroom, she wondered if it would be so bad if she gave him a call. Nothing much, maybe just to say hi. She didn’t even have his number, she thought, but she could get it from Leonard.

Bad idea. She knew that, but she was going to do it anyway. Anything was better than just sitting here thinking about him, and who knew, maybe… Just maybe, he would be delighted to hear from her. She stopped to stare at the fishes swimming around in their tank and smiled, then she pulled her phone out of the purse and called Favour, who picked up at the third ring.

‘Hello’ said Favour cheerfully. ‘Surprised you’re calling at this time’

‘I know. I’m sorry. Are you busy?’ Jasmine asked.

‘No. Just surprised. That’s all. What’s up?’

‘Okay’ Jasmine began, ‘I don’t want you to overthink this or blow it out of proportion, but I need you to help me get Collins number from Leonard’

Favour shrinked excitedly, and Jasmine rolled her eyes. ‘I said not to overthink it, Favour’ she said, but I feel like I should call him, you know… To say hello to him or something’

‘say no more’ Favour said. ‘I’ll send it to you right now. Leonard is here anyways’

‘Thank you. Say hello to Leonard for me’ Jasmine replied and hung up, then she began to undress. A nice soak in the bathtub would definitely do her some good.


Jasmine lay in the tub. Soap bubbles surrounded her. She held a glass of wine in her hand and the water was warm and soothing. She was supposed to be relaxed, but she wasn’t.

She picked up her phone and stared at Favour’s text. She had Collins number, which according to Favour, Leonard had been more than ready to give to her, but she hadn’t been able to bring herself to dail it.

Finally, she emptied her wine glass and set it down. It was now or never. She had to do this. She dialed the number and when it began to ring, her heart began to beat wildly in her chest.  She wondered what his reaction would be.. Especially as they had decided that they weren’t going to keep in touch.

When he finally picked up and she heard him say ‘hello’, she could swear that her heart stopped beating..

‘Hello. Collins speaking’ she heard him say again.

She had to say something. This was her chance, but for some reason, her lips stayed glued together. She sighed, then slowly hung up.


Jasmine saw the sparkling excitement in her sister’s vivid blue eyes and knew what she was going to say even as Favour leaned over the table to deliver her news in a confidential whisper.

‘I’m pregnant.’

So am I, Jasmine thought.

The words almost spilled out, the desire to share welling up in a rush.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

Jasmine only just clamped down on them, realising the revelation would totally goggle her sister’s happy eyes and switch the focus of this get-together onto her, which would be grossly unfair. This was Favour’s moment in the sun and she certainly didn’t deserve to have any uneasy shadows falling over it.

Jasmine stretched her treacherous mouth into a delighted grin.

‘Congratulations! I’m very happy for you and Leonard’ she said.

Favour sat back, clapping her hands in sheer joy as she crowed, ‘And just two months after our wedding!’

They’d be having babies together, Jasmine thought in black irony.

The difference was her sister had done everything right-married the man she loved, a man who wanted children with her-while she… oh God.

‘I thought it might take ages since I’ve been on the pill for so long,’ Favour rushed on.

It took only one night.

Her sister’s eyes twinkled wickedly. ‘I think Leonard must be very potent.

Besides which, we’ve certainly been giving it every chance.’ And she had told Collins it was safe.

‘Well, good for you,’ Jasmine said with as much warmth as she could muster.

‘I couldn’t wait to tell you,’ Favour bubbled. ‘I only found out this morning. So that’s why I called you at work and insisted you meet me for this afternoon tea. You see? It is important family business.

”Very important,’ Jasmine echoed, and she’d worked through her lunch hour to lit in with Favour’s cavalier command to take time off inorder to drive from Botany to Circular Quay and meet her at the Intercontinental Hotel for this private get-together. Her boss wasn’t keen on employees skipping out early and Jasmine needed her boss to be onside when she was finally forced to confess to single motherhood.

‘Leonard will be joining us here for drinks after he’s finished work. He’s just as excited as I am. But I wanted to tell you first.’

‘What about Mum and Dad?’ Jasmine asked.

Who were bound to be disappointed in her for getting herself into this situation. Much less stress to stay silent as long as she could.

‘We’re dropping over to their place tonight, after Leonard and I have a celebratory dinner.’

‘Better not drink too much then.’

‘Only a glass or two of champagne.

‘ Ah…’ Favour said as she smiled up at the waiter who had arrived at their table to serve them. ‘Our cappuccinos. I ordered for you, Jasmine , since you were late arriving.’

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