Her Dirty Professor Series (21+)


I chance a glance at Chrissy. The curvy brunette is also seated in a chair, staring blankly ahead. Her eyes are red-rimmed and dry, and she seems hardly able to process the tumult that is our lives. We’ll definitely have to work things out, but right now, all eyes are on my dad.

After what feels like an eternity, a nurse calls us to a back room.

“Rick and Ryder Walsh?” she asks. “The doctor would like to see you.”

Giving my brother’s shoulder a calming squeeze, we follow the older woman down the hallway. Chrissy perks up, but doesn’t make a move to join us from her hospital chair and as the door closes, I catch a glimpse of the beautiful woman’s face, full of worry and heartbreak.

About ten minutes later, we emerge from the hospital room, still worried but also relieved.

“Well?” Chrissy asks, sitting up. “How is he?”

“He’s going to be fine,” Rick growls, still standing. “It was a minor heart attack and they say it doesn’t look like there’s any permanent damage to Fred’s heart muscle, but he’s going to stay in the ICU for a few days to make sure. He’s seventy, but he’s tough. Our dad will make it.”

Chrissy nods, her eyes wide.

“I’m sorry this happened,” she says in a quiet tone, looking down at the floor. “I wish I hadn’t brought this down on you guys. It’s my fault.”

That’s when I sit in the plastic orange seat next to her. I want to be delicate and refined, but the days of that are past.

“Why didn’t you tell us you were our stepsister?” I ask bluntly. “Why were you hiding that fact?”

She goes pale, but then composes herself. “I wanted to tell you at so many different times, but just kept putting it off,” she says in a slow but steady tone. “I know that’s no excuse but it got harder and harder to reveal the truth as more time went by. I was going to, I swear, although you don’t have to believe me.”

I nod, refraining from touching her.

“But why not come out and tell us from the beginning? At the reunion even? It makes no sense.”

She nods, pressing her lips together.

“Well, it’s hard to explain but here goes: I’ve had a crush on you guys ever since high school,” she confesses. “It was crazy. You guys were literally living in the same house, and I had the hugest crush on not one, but both of you.”

My eyebrows raise, but I merely shrug.

“That’s not such a big deal,” I say in an even tone. “We’ve had lots of girls have crushes on us. On both of us too, so it’s not like it’s never happened before.”

Chrissy nods, two dots of scarlet on her cheeks.

“Yes, but you see, I was bad,” she whispers. “Even worse than you can imagine.”

Rick and I share a glance as our eyebrows rise.

“How so?” he probes.

“Yes, what do you mean?” I ask.

She blushes crimson again, staring down at her hands.

“Well, I used to spy on you when we were living together,” she whispers. “Not when you were in the shower or anything like that, but even worse,” she admits. “When you … well, when you brought girls home.”

I share a confused look with my brother.

“We brought girls home a lot, from what I remember. Two or three times a week, sometimes, and different girls too. So we dated around. What’s the big deal?”

Chrissy shakes her head furiously, still unable to meet our eyes.

“No, it wasn’t just that. Yes, you were with different girls, but you see, I had the bedroom down the hall from you guys, and sometimes there were noises. And sometimes, I’d tiptoe down the hall to watch, and I’d get really into it. Too into it, if you understand what I mean. I was going to tell you all this eventually,” Chrissy says in a rush. “But it’s embarrassing! You guys didn’t even recognize me at the reunion, and back then, I was nothing but a piece of furniture. So to know that I was touching myself while watching you guys … well, it’s humiliating!” she blurts, her eyes brimming with tears.

Rick and I share another glance, and I can tell we’re on the same wavelength. This revelation isn’t embarrassing, it’s hot. Holy shit, we ensnared Chrissy way back when, and didn’t even know it. When she was nothing but a teen girl, she was already watching us double team women, and getting aroused by the action.

Suddenly, I know that everything we feel for Chrissy is right. Rick and I have met women before who think they’re into threesomes. They think they can handle the attentions of two brothers, but the fact is that not all women are cut out for the job. They get confused, emotionally angsty, and needy. The relationship doesn’t end well, to say the least, and we end up going our separate ways.

But with Chrissy it’s different. She’s known for ten years now that double-teaming is her thing. She’s fantasized about being with two men, and even more, seen how it’s played out in real life. Of course, those were the dreams of a teenager, but in the last few months, our stepsister has shown us that emotionally and physically, she can handle both Rick and me. Chrissy is mature, giving, and so feminine, and she’s exactly what we need.

“So what are you trying to tell us?” I ask in a low voice.

Tears beginning streaming down our stepsister’s cheeks.

“I guess that I’ve been in love with both of you for a long time now,” she says in a broken voice. “It’s been ten years, and I’m so sorry for messing it up. I understand if you never want to see me again, after your dad’s heart attack and my mom’s attempted shakedown. Things just got so out of control, and again, I’m so sorry,” she cries.

At that, Rick and I throw our heads back and laugh because nothing could be further from the truth.

“Chrissy, sweetheart, none of this is your fault,” I say in a gentle voice. “Our dad has been ailing for some time now. He’s an old man, and as hard as that is to admit, we’re lucky we’ve had Fred around this long.”

Chrissy hiccups a bit, still looking miserable. “I would never do anything to hurt you guys, not deliberately. I hope you know that.”

I grin.

“Of course we know that. But sweetheart, it’s not embarrassing to admit that you’ve had a long-simmering crush on us for ages. In fact, I kind of like it. It’s nice to know we’ve been keeping you busy for more than ten years now.”

She blinks at us, confused.

“You’re not angry? I mean, I was spying,” she whispers, looking down. “I saw what you did to those girls, and I just wanted it for myself.”

I shake my head, taking one of her small hands in my own, as my brother takes her other one.

“The truth is, Chrissy,” I say. “It makes you perfect for us. You’re ready for threesomes, and you love and enjoy being in one. So what if we’re technically ex-stepsiblings? Who even cares? Obviously there’s no love lost between Fred and Angela, and I’m not living my life for them, in any case.”

She stares at us, blinking tears back.

“So you’re not angry?”

“No, we’re not,” Rick drawls in a low voice. “We’re in love with you, that’s what we are. We can’t imagine a woman more perfect, more giving, and more gorgeous than you, baby girl.” She merely stares at us, brown eyes big. “Why are you so surprised?” my brother continues with an easy chuckle. “Is that so hard to believe?”

Chrissy swallows heavily, her face still pale. “Well, because after everything, the secrecy, my mom, our pasts, I didn’t think you’d be interested.”

I merely shrug.

“My dad’s going to be fine. Your mom? Well, I can’t say the same of her, but we’ll figure something out. We love you, Chrissy, and all those secrets? They’re nothing. What matters is that we stick together because you mean everything to us.”

With that, Chrissy begins to cry, and this time I can’t resist. Gently, I lean forward and sweep my lips across hers. She immediately leans into my embrace before Rick breaks in, claiming our beautiful girl’s mouth for his own. Suddenly, the heat between us is high, and I lean back to gaze at this incredible woman.Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Always, sweetheart. You have brought light and joy to our lives, and hell, we never thought we’d come back to Sheridan, but here we are,” I say in a rough tone. “Do you love us as well?”

She throws her arms around our broad shoulders, crying once more.

“Yes yes! Of course I do. But Ryder and Rick, I have one more secret,” she says softly with a sweet smile. “I know you’re sick of secrets, but I promise you’ll like this one.”

My brother grins, stroking one velvet cheek.

“What is it sweetheart? What’s the big news?”

She giggles while blushing.

“Well, I think I’m pregnant with your babies, Ryder and Rick. You’re going to be daddies!”

My brother and I stare at each other, stunned.

“Are you serious?” I breathe.

My twin nods. “This is absolutely incredible. I couldn’t be happier!”

Chrissy nods and smiles again with tears in her eyes.

“I’m pretty sure,” she breathes. “I thought it was food poisoning, but then realized that I haven’t gotten my period in a while now. I’m almost one hundred percent sure that you’re going to be daddies by next year.”

With that, Rick and I descend on the curvy girl, covering her with kisses. Who cares if she’s our stepsister? Who cares if she has the mother from hell? All that matters it that we love her, she loves us, and that we understand one another. After all, Chrissy developed her taste for twins early on, and it works perfectly for her filthy twin stepbrothers.

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